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Assignment Briefs 10-24-2022

Effectively utilise core study skills as an integral part of their learning experience

Assessment Brief

Module Title: Academic and Professional Skills Academic Year: 2022-23

Assessment Period: Trimester 1

Module Code


Credit Value

Module Leader




Ben Reid

Assessment Code and Title:

AS1 – Written Submission: Report

Assessed Learning Outcomes:

A: Effectively utilise core study skills as an integral part of their learning experience

B: Demonstrate adequate writing and communication abilities through use of grammar, referencing, spelling, and punctuation and understand and avoid plagiarism

E: Integration their newly acquired skills with one another and transfer them to areas of their studies and their lives





Word Limit:

2500 words

Where the submission exceeds the stipulated word limit by more than 10%, the submission will only be marked up to and including the additional 10%.

Anything over this will not be included in the final grade for the assessment item. Abstracts, bibliographies, reference lists, appendices and footnotes are excluded from any word limit requirements.

Submission deadline:



Please read the assessment brief in its entirety before starting work on the Assessment Task.

The Assignment

Write a 2,500-word report responding to the 2-part task in the box below

Essential Guidance:

1) The report should analyse impacts in general. It should not be about a specific sporting event, although you may use specific examples and comparisons to events such as the Olympics or Football World Cup.

You should analyse the impacts from three perspectives:







Ideally, each perspective should cover 2 to 3 different issues. See below for suggestions.

2) The Report must use research and evidence from references. You should undertake this yourself and find your own sources. However, the Introduction of the report must use the specified texts and only the specified texts. These can be found on the VLE in the APS Assessment Tile.

Impacts Suggestions:

For students studying a degree related to Health with Social Care; Psychology or Mental Health and Wellbeing the first perspective should be The Health Impacts.

Relevant ideas might include:

  • Issues relating to Health and Safety (this could include problems relating to crowds; building construction and safety)
  • Issues relating to disease (this could include issues relating to pandemics such as COVID-19)
  • Effects that hosting such an event would have on national attitudes to health and exercise or the mental health impacts which follow the hosting of this type of national event (this could include awareness of exercise as well as community and school exercise programmes; the effects on mood and national community cohesion)

For students studying a degree related to Business the first perspective should be The Economic Impacts.

Relevant issues might include:

  • Impacts relating to the costs of holding such an event (this could include the cost of making a bid to hold such an event; planning costs; infrastructure and construction costs; costs related to staging the event)
  • Impacts related to short and long-term business impacts (effects on local businesses such as restaurants and hotels; effects on employment; results of a raised global profile for the country)
  • Issues connected with funding (opportunities for partnerships and marketing; effects on government spending and burden on taxpayers)

ALL students will also need to analyse two other perspectives. Effectively utilise core study skills as an integral part of their learning experience. These perspectives are:

The impacts from an environmental perspective.

Relevant issues might include:

  • Impacts to the local environment (this could be due to the construction involved; effects relating to increases in local and international travel could be considered)
  • Opportunities for the use of sustainable building techniques and carbon- neutrality
  • Effects on landscape and biodiversity

The impacts from a social perspective.

Relevant issues might include:

  • Issues related to physical and mental health outcomes (this could be at both national and international levels and relate to issues such as awareness of health and fitness as well as the positive effects of national events and celebrations)
  • Issues relating to crime and security (crowd control and safety; increased risk of terrorism)
  • Legacies of such events (changes to local infrastructure such as public transport; creation of sporting venues for public use; development of training programmes for children and youths)

Your report should follow the structure and suggested word counts below: Cover Page

  • Title of the report
  • Title of the module
  • Student Number (1xxxxxx)
  • Date of submission
  • Word count (excluding Executive Summary, citations, contents page and Reference List)

Executive Summary (not included in the word count)

  • Summary of each section of the report and its key points
  • Contents Page (not included in the word count)
  • Main section headings with page numbers

Introduction (suggested: 300 words)

  • Definition of a major sporting event
  • Definition of ‘stakeholder’
  • A discussion (with examples) of the various stakeholders involved in hosting a major sporting event
  • A sentence summarising the main aims of the report

Analysis (suggested: 1500 words in total)

  • One subsection for each of the 3 perspectives.
  • Each subsection should have a subheading.
  • All key ideas should be supported with reliable and relevant source evidence.

Conclusion (suggested: 200 words)

  • Summary of key points from the Analysis section.

Recommendations (suggested: 500 words)

  • Three recommendations presented as bullet points, with subheadings.
  • Each recommendation must suggest a way to maximise a benefit or minimise a challenge which has been discussed in your Analysis section.
  • These recommendations should be supported by research.

Reference List (not included in word count)

  • This should follow the conventions of Harvard referencing.

Purpose of the Assessment

This assessment has been designed to help you practice and demonstrate a number of key skills covered in the module. It will help you become familiar with the form and function of different sections of a formal report as you will encounter reports throughout your time at university and during your professional career. This assignment also asks you to analyse the impacts of a specific plan from several different perspectives – one related to your degree, as well as impacts related to society and to the environment. Doing so will help you develop your ability to apply critical thinking as well as to look at how issues can affect a range of different stakeholders. Producing the report will require you to undertake academic research as well to use this research, through referencing, to provide evidence and to avoid the risk of plagiarism. In writing the report you will need to plan carefully, present logical and well-structured paragraphs, and write in a way which is both clear and suitable for an academic audience. Finally, the report asks you to provide three recommendations – ways in which challenges identified in your analysis can be minimised or potential benefits can be maximised. Doing so will require you to use your critical and creative skills.

Module and Assignment Theme

The purpose of this module is to help you develop your employability skills as well as the skills you will need to progress and succeed at university. It is designed to familiarise you with various methods of assessment and to develop your self- confidence, enabling you to become increasingly independent learner and critical thinker.

Use of Study Skills

Core study skills include the demonstration of analytical abilities. These involve a depth of complexity of analysis, moving away from descriptive content and towards various connections between ideas. A depth of analysis would include an awareness of the existence of exceptions to general observations and include, amongst other things, an awareness of long and short-term impacts.

Work as this level should demonstrate the ability to understand an assignment and to plan effectively, showing a critical awareness in relation to the organisation of information and ideas. These should be presented in a logical way, avoiding digression or repetition. There will be an awareness of the form and function of each section of the report. The report should analyse impacts in general. It should not be about a specific sporting event, although you may use specific examples and comparisons to events such as the Olympics or Football World Cup

Writing and Communication

Students will demonstrate the accurate use of a range of both vocabulary and grammar in order to communicate their ideas in a clear and effective manner. Higher level students will also show an awareness of and facility with nuance in their use of language including the conventions of academic English. Effectively utilise core study skills as an integral part of their learning experience

Students should be able to use paragraphing to present their ideas in a clear and logical manner. Paragraphs should have a clear central focus and demonstrate a logical flow between ideas. This could be achieved through techniques such as the use of topic sentences and cohesive language as well an awareness of paragraph unity.

Work at this level will demonstrate an awareness of the conventions of Harvard Referencing as evidenced in the use of direct and indirect in-text citations and presentation of Harvard Reference lists. Students will produce clear and logical paraphrasing and summarising and show an awareness that this should support but not replace their own thinking and writing. At higher levels, students will demonstrate the ability to synthesise multiple sources.

Integration of Skills to Study and Life

Students at this level will begin to show an effective use of appropriate sources in order to support their ideas. There should be evidence of critical and logical thought behind the choice of evidence and a facility in its use to support and enhance the

student’s own writing. An effective use of sources will also show an awareness of the importance of academic sources.

Students will show knowledge of a variety stakeholder perspectives. This should include an awareness and understanding of differing values and priorities as well as the possible influences on these perspectives.

Students should be able to apply creativity in order to provide logical solutions to problems.

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this assessment, you will be able to:

Effectively use core study skills as an integral part of your learning experience.

b) Demonstrate adequate writing and communication abilities through the use of correct grammar, referencing, spelling, punctuation and understand and avoid plagiarism.

Integrate your newly acquired skills with one another and transfer them to areas of your studies and life.

Academic Integrity and Misconduct

Unless this is a group assessment, the work you produce must be your own, with work taken from any other source properly referenced and attributed. For the avoidance of doubt this means that it is an infringement of academic integrity and, therefore, academic misconduct to ask someone else to carry out all or some of the work for you, whether paid or unpaid, or to use the work of another student whether current or previously submitted.

For further guidance on what constitutes plagiarism, contract cheating or collusion, or any other infringement of academic integrity, please read the University’s Academic Integrity and Misconduct Policy. You will also find useful resources on the VLE: Referencing and Academic Integrity page.

N.B. The penalties for academic misconduct are severe and can include failing the assessment, failing the module and expulsion from the university.

Assessment Submission

To submit your work, please go to the Assessments tile on the module page – and submit to Turnitin. Please note that essays and text-based reports should be submitted as Word documents and not PDFs or Mac files.

Written work will be subject to anti-plagiarism detection software. Turnitin checks student work for possible textual matches against internet available resources and its own proprietary database.

N.B Work emailed directly to your tutor will not be marked.

Late submission of work

For first sits, if an item of assessment is submitted late and an extension has not been granted, the following will apply:

  • Submission within one week of the original deadline – work will be marked and returned with full feedback, and awarded a maximum bare pass grade (D-).
  • Submission more than one week from original deadline – fail grade (LG, L indicating late).

For resits there are no allowances for late submissions


The University of Northampton’s general policy with regard to extensions is to be supportive of students who have genuine difficulties, but not against pressures of work that could have reasonably been anticipated.

For full details please refer to the Extensions Policy. Extensions are only available for first sits – they are not available for resits.

Mitigating Circumstances

For guidance on mitigating circumstances please go to Mitigating Circumstances VLE area where you will find detailed guidance on the policy as well as guidance and the form for making an application.

Please note, however, that an application to defer an assessment on the grounds of mitigating circumstances should normally be made in advance of the submission deadline or examination date.

Marking rubric


LOa) Effectively utilise core study skills as an integral part of their learning experience


LOb) Demonstrate adequate writing and communication abilities through use of grammar, referencing, spelling, and punctuation and understand and avoid plagiarism


LOe) Integration their newly acquired skills with one another and transfer them to areas of their studies and their lives




This work shows an extremely high level of complexity, demonstrating an excellent awareness of a range of perspectives and impacts in order to provide an outstanding depth of analysis. The presentation of the report shows you have an excellent understanding of the task and ability to plan a complex academic assignment and this is also reflected in your paragraphing.

Your written content is extremely clear and expresses your ideas with a high level of nuance and precision. Your use of referencing is excellent and demonstrates consistent control of all of the relevant conventions.

You have included a large range of sources and these are of a consistently strong academic standard. You have made excellent use of the set texts.

Your recommendations demonstrate an excellent ability to apply your logical and creative abilities to find solutions to practical problems.











This work shows a high level of complexity, demonstrating an impressive awareness of a range of perspectives and impacts in order to provide a very good depth of analysis. The presentation of the report shows you have understood the task completely and planned very well and this is also reflected in your paragraphing.

Your written content is very clear and successfully expresses your ideas with an awareness of nuance and precision. Your use of referencing demonstrates very good awareness of the relevant conventions.

You have included a medium range of sources and these are of an appropriate academic standard. You have made very good use of the set texts.

Your recommendations demonstrate a strong ability to apply your logical and creative abilities to find solutions to practical problems.








This work shows a good ability to analyse, demonstrating awareness of a variety of perspectives and impacts and goes into some depth. The presentation of the report shows you have understood the task and planned appropriately, although this would benefit from further development.

Your paragraphs display a good level of organisation.

Your written content is clear and successfully expresses your ideas with some evidence of nuance. Your use of referencing shows a good awareness of the relevant conventions with a few errors.


You have included a small-medium range of sources and most of these are of an appropriate academic standard. You have made good use of the set texts. Your recommendations show that you are able to apply creativity and logic in order to provide solutions to problems.









Your work shows the ability to analyse, demonstrating some awareness of various perspectives and impacts, although there may be too much descriptive content. Planning of the report as well as organisation at paragraph level is evident but would benefit from further work.

You have attempted to write in a clear and accurate manner but at times your work would benefit from further precision and editing. Your use of referencing shows some awareness of the relevant conventions but there are frequent errors in the way you present in-text citations and/or your Harvard Reference List.

You are displaying the skill of using a few, mainly appropriate sources to support your ideas, and these are sometimes academic in nature. You have made limited use of the set texts. Your recommendations show some ability to apply creativity and logic in order to provide solutions to problems.










The analysis is not of a sufficient level, with an overreliance on descriptive content. The report would benefit from far more planning as your report is not logically organised. Your paragraphs lack clarity and would benefit from further work on the use of topic sentences and cohesive language.

Your written work lacks clarity and is not suitable for an academic audience. The work shows an insufficient awareness of the conventions of referencing and may demonstrate poor academic practice. The report should analyse impacts in general. It should not be about a specific sporting event, although you may use specific examples and comparisons to events such as the Olympics or Football World Cup

This work shows an insufficient use of sources which are not academic in nature. The recommendations lack a sufficient logical link to your analysis and evidence of creative abilities is very limited.


No Evidence

Work submitted is of no academic value

Work submitted is of no academic value

Work submitted is of no academic value

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