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Assignment Briefs 06-22-2024

Explain one ethical principle and one professional value that you consider to be important, and which underpin your behaviour at work

Assessment ID/CIPD_3CO03_23_01

Core behaviours for people professionals



The assessment has been developed to enable you to evidence achievement of the learning outcomes and assessment criteria for 3CO03 Core behaviours for people professionals.

Each of the learning outcomes (LO) and assessment criteria (AC) for the assessment must gain a pass outcome for you to successfully achieve the unit.

Preparation for the assessment

Before you begin the assessment, please access and complete the topic essentials videos, activities, and the assessment guide video available via your virtual learning environment (VLE).

Completing the assessment

  • The assessment contains a series of tasks/questions which are clearly referenced to the relevant assessment criteria.
  • Refer to the generic grade descriptor grid at the end of the assessment which outlines the requirements.
  • Evidence must be provided in the main body of the assessment document. If appendices are included, these will not be marked or moderated; however, they may be reviewed by your assessor.
  • The assessment must be completed in a professional manner (eg applying business conventions for writing formal reports) and by using Microsoft Word.
  • The assessment must be saved as a Word document (.doc or .docx) and not in a PDF format, unless another format is requested within the brief, eg PowerPoint.
  • Harvard referencing system should be used to ensure the original source(s) of quotations or models used within your assessment can be verified.
  • You must sign the Learner Authenticity statement (a photo or scan of your signature is acceptable).


WORD COUNT and expectations

  • Your word count allowance is specified against each task. There is a +/-10% allowance on this word count and you must not exceed this. If you exceed the overall word count your work will be returned to you unmarked.  
  • Please note everything within the main body of your assessment is included within the word count unless otherwise stipulated. This includes any headings or sub-headings used. We will be unable to mark your work if it is unclear where one assessment criteria ends and the next one begins.
  • The bibliography or list of references is not included in the total word count.
  • You must title your answers using the relevant Assessment Criteria number.
  • Expectations are set out in the marking descriptor grid which you will find at the end of this document, you must pass all assessment criteria / learning outcomes to successfully achieve this unit.



  • You must update the version of your assessment which includes the tutor feedback.
  • Please ensure you do not change any of the assessment criteria where you have received a mark of a 2 or above. Only amend sections of your assessment where you have been awarded a mark of a 1 (Refer), taking into account your tutor feedback whilst remaining within the allocated word count.
  • When updating any AC which has received a mark of a 1, please strike through all of the original text using the strikethrough key so the text to be ‘removed’ appears like this. You will need to rewrite your full answer below the original text using a different colour to the original submission, so the new text appears like this. This clearly shows what was in the original submission and what has been added.
  • Please do not use track changes as these are not accepted by the Awarding Organisation.
  • Before you resubmit your assessment, please ensure you refer back to the Topic Essentials, Assessment briefing webinar or the Assessment guide video, and the learner resource zone, as these will support you with any changes needed to achieve a pass grade.
  • Please ensure you have fully addressed all parts of the assessor feedback before you upload your resubmission to the VLE.

You can contact your Support Tutor via the VLE for further assessment guidance if needed or email the team at cipdsupport@mollearn.com, who will be able to respond to any administrative questions.

If you receive a Refer grade for your assessment you will have three weeks to resubmit from the date your feedback is released.

  • »

learner information

Centre name and number

MOL - 531

Learner CIPD membership number


Learner surname


Learner other names



Unit code and title

3CO03 Core behaviours for people professionals

Assessment ID



Assessment start date

To be completed by the centre

Assessment submission date

To be completed by the centre

First Assessment re-submission date for centre marking (if applicable)

To be completed by the centre

Second Assessment re-submission date for centre marking (if applicable)

To be completed by the centre

Declared word count


Declared learning difficulty


Please stipulate your learning difficulty if applicable.


Assessor name


Assessor signature



IQA name
(if applicable)


IQA signature
(if applicable)





Declaration by the learner (this box must be signed—not typed—or your assessment will not be accepted)

Learner name


Learner statement of authenticity

I can confirm that this assessment is all my own work and, where I have used materials from other sources, they have been properly acknowledged.


I am aware my assessment may be chosen for standardisation purposes on the understanding that the content will be anonymised.






Declaration by the centre

Centre statement of authenticity

On behalf of the centre, I confirm that the above mentioned learner is registered at the centre on a CIPD programme of study.

I confirm that

  • the learner’s work was conducted under the conditions laid out by the assessment brief
  • I am satisfied that, to the best of my knowledge, the work produced is solely that of the learner












This unit introduces the core behaviours for people professionals, focusing on ethical practice to create value. It considers how certain ways of thinking and acting should be universally consistent, even in new and challenging situations, to promote a sense of wellbeing and inclusivity in the organisation.


task 1

Ethical practice paper

A key responsibility for all ‘professionals’ is to regularly review and develop our performance at work.  This includes reviewing our work and interpersonal behaviours – a particularly important activity for people professionals.

In this task, you as a people professional (working or student), are asked to answer four review questions about your work behaviours, with a particular focus on ethics, inclusivity and how you interact with others.

To complete the task, please respond to all four questions below. Your responses should reflect a sound understanding of ethical and inclusive people practice and include a mix of explanation (description/discussion) along with examples, as required by the question.

  1. Explain one ethical principle and one professional value that you consider to be important, and which underpin your behaviour at work (or in your studies). For each of these, provide a real example of HOW they inform your approach to work. (AC 1.1)
  2. Describe, with examples, two ways in which you as a people professional conform (or, in future employment, would conform) with ethics related legislation. (AC 1.2)
  3. For each of the three contexts (a, b, c) below, describe one example of how you have behaved in a way that was inclusive and respectful to others, and one way in which you could further enhance your behaviour. (AC 2.1)

a) contributing your views and opinions

b) clarifying problems or issues

c) working effectively as part of a team

4. Explain why it is important for a people practice professional to stay up to date with developments in the world of work and people practice and recommend two methods you have found most effective for this purpose. (AC 2.2)

Your evidence must consist of


  • a written response, clearly responding to the four questions above (1,250 words +/- 10%)



(Please provide your word count at the end of your task.)


task 2

Professional Development

This task continues your professional review by requiring you to consider the impact of your chosen CPD activities on your performance and behaviours.

To complete the task, you are asked to provide a record of how you have proactively maintained and upgraded your knowledge and skills over the last 12 months, along with a review of the impact of these activities. Explain one ethical principle and one professional value that you consider to be important, and which underpin your behaviour at work 

Your record should be presented as an attachment to your assignment, either in the form of a formal/structured CPD Record or as pages from the CIPD ‘My CPD Reflections’ tool. (AC 2.3)

Your record(s) must include the following:

  • A description of three CPD activities, undertaken within the last 12 months, that you consider having impacted on your work performance or behaviours

The three ‘activities’ may be anything that supported your development, for example: planned/formal development activities such as learning events or programmes; unplanned/informal activities such as researching online, watching a video, or reading a book; or work-based activities such as participating in a particular work project or simply putting yourself in a work role or position that you knew would stretch and develop you.

  • And for each of these three activities, a reflection on how they have impacted your work performance or behaviours

For example: did you gain a greater understanding of, or more knowledge about, something and if so, how has that impacted your behaviour? How are you, or is your performance, different because of the learning undertaken? Was the activity worth doing in terms of its impact on your behaviour or performance? Did the activity make you aware of, or perhaps generate, other development needs? What conclusions did you draw from this for further activities? 

Your evidence must consist of one of the following:

  • A formal/structured CPD Record, edited to include just the three selected activities OR  
  • A report (or reports) from the CIPD ‘My CPD Reflections’ tool, covering the three selected activities (please note: CIPD pre-populated question text is excluded from word count) (750 words +/- 10%)


(Please provide your word count at the end of your task.)


referencE List

Use the space below to cite any external sources used in your assessment.



Use the space below to include any sources referred to but not directly cited (eg books, articles, websites) within your assessment.

Assessment Marksheet

  1. LO1 Understand insightful approaches to supporting and maintaining ethics and professional practice.
  2. LO2 Be able to promote respect and inclusive working underpinned by professional courage and a passion for learning.

Assessment criteria and Assessor feedback

(Please ensure you provide rationale for judgements against each assessment criterion and identify areas for development)

Mark (1-4)


Explain ethical principles and professional values including how these can inform approaches to work.







Enter mark


Specify ways in which you conform consistently with relevant regulation and law within the context of ethics and professional practice.






Enter mark


Summarise ways of demonstrating respectful and inclusive working in relation to

·         contributing your views and opinions

·         clarifying problems or issues

·         working effectively as part of a team






Enter mark


Recommend ways in which you can show inquisitiveness about issues and developments in the people profession and the wider world of work.






Enter mark

Assessment criteria and Assessor feedback

(Please ensure you provide rationale for judgements against each assessment criterion and identify areas for development)

Mark (1-4)


Demonstrate proactive approaches to developing, recording and reflecting on your professional knowledge, skills and experiences.






Enter mark

Total marks for unit (your grade is provisional until moderated and confirmed by the CIPD)






Total marks for first resubmission (your grade is provisional until moderated and confirmed by the CIPD)




Total marks for second resubmission (your grade is provisional until moderated and confirmed by the CIPD)






Overall summary

Areas of strength

Areas for development



Assessor signature




Marking Guidelines

You will receive a Low Pass/Pass/High Pass or Refer/Fail result at unit level. Assessors will provide a mark from 1 to 4 for each of the assessment criteria in the unit. The marking descriptor grid is provided here as guidance. This will provide you with feedback that is developmental. To pass the unit assessment you must achieve a 2 (Low Pass) or above for each of the learning outcomes/assessment criteria.






Insufficient demonstration of knowledge, understanding or skills (as appropriate) required to meet the AC.

Insufficient examples included, where required, to support answers.

Presentation and structure of assignment are not appropriate and do not meet the assessment brief.


Low Pass

Demonstrates an acceptable level of knowledge, understanding or skills (as appropriate) required to meet the AC.

Sufficient and acceptable examples included, where required, to support answers.

Required format adopted but some improvement required to the structure and presentation of the assignment.

Answers are acceptable but could be clearer in responding to the task and presented in a more coherent way.



Demonstrates good knowledge, understanding or skills (as appropriate) required to meet the AC.

Includes confident use of examples, where required, to support each answer.

Presentation and structure of assignment are appropriate for the assessment brief.

Answers are clear and well expressed.


High Pass

Demonstrates a wide range and confident level of knowledge, understanding or skill (as appropriate).

Includes strong examples that illustrate the point being made, that link and support the answer well.

Answers are applied to the case organisation or an alternative organisation.

Answers are clear, concise and well-argued, directly respond to what has been asked.

The presentation of the assignment is well structured, coherent and focusses on the need of the questions.

Includes clear evidence of the use of references to wider reading to help inform answer.

The overall mark achieved will dictate the grade you receive for the unit, provided NONE of the assessment criteria have been referred.

Overall mark

Unit result

0 to 9


10 to 12

Low Pass

13 to 16


17 to 20

High Pass


Summarise ways of demonstrating respectful and inclusive working in relation to

·         contributing your views and opinions

·         clarifying problems or issues

·         working effectively as part of a team







Enter mark



Recommend ways in which you can show inquisitiveness about issues and developments in the people profession and the wider world of work.







Enter mark

Assessment criteria and Assessor feedback

(Please ensure you provide rationale for judgements against each assessment criterion and identify areas for development)

Mark (1-4)


Demonstrate proactive approaches to developing, recording and reflecting on your professional knowledge, skills and experiences.






Enter mark

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