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Assignment Briefs
Produce a 2000-word piece of reflective writing that describes, evaluates, and analyses an aspect of your student life so far in UoBM.
BAM3017 Communication Skills
Module Code and Title
BAM3017 Communication Skills
Trimester/Academic Year
Assessment Number
Assessment Type (and weighting)
Report of 2000 words (50%)
Assessment Name
Reflective Practice
Assessment Submission Date
See Assessment tile on VLE for submission date and deadline
Regulations concerning late submissions, extensions, and mitigation are contained in the module guide. This can be found in the Module Information tile on the VLE.
Learning Outcomes Assessed: (from Module Specification)
LO1: Demonstrate appropriate academic and professional communication skills Assessment Brief
Produce a 2000-word piece of reflective writing that describes, evaluates, and analyses an aspect of your student life so far in UoBM.
Choose only one of the following aspects of your UoBM student life for your reflective writing:
Your completion of independent study tasks such as written homework or research
Your participation in group activities such as collaborative tasks or discussions
Involvement and participation in your lessons/lectures
Following Gibbs’ 6-element reflective model (covered in weeks 2 to 4 on the course), students are expected to reflect on the chosen aspect and produce a piece of work that has an Introduction and the six elements namely description, feelings/thoughts, evaluation, analysis, conclusion, and action plan.
Your work will be scored based on the following criteria which are equally weighted (25 marks each).
Task fulfilment (25 marks): Response with relevant, supportive ideas; evidence of reflective practice/elements; evidence of learning and action plan.
Coherence and cohesion (25%): Organisation with clear and logical progression; linking and signposting; paragraph structure and development.
Language (25%): Range and accuracy of vocabulary; range and accuracy of sentence structures; formality.
Academic conventions (25%): Evidence of reading and use of sources; understanding of in- text citations and reference list; mechanics in writing (spelling, formatting, punctuation etc.). Total: 100 Marks
Minimum Secondary Research Source Requirements:
(Delete as appropriate)
Level 3 - It is expected that the Reference List will contain at least five sources. As a MINIMUM the Reference List should include three academic books.
You MUST use at least one from the following list. You should also use other sources relevant to your work.
Bubnys, R. & Zydziunaite, V., (2010). ‘Reflective learning models in the context of higher education: Concept analysis.’ Problems of Education in 21st Century . 20 (1), pp. 58-66.
Schön, D. (1991). The Reflective Practitioner: How Professionals Think in Action . Avebury Publishing: Aldershot.
Williams, K., Woolliams, M., and Spiro, J. (2020) Reflective writing . Bloomsbury Publishing: London.
Specific Assessment Criteria: (Develop specific assessment requirements for each classification, using the terminology in the General Assessment Guidelines for the level in question .)
(Please note that the General Assessment Criteria will also apply. Please see section 16)
First class (70% and above):
Students will provide an excellent/outstanding reflective piece of writing containing ideas that are analytical and evaluative. The student will clearly respond to the reflective writing prompt using the structure as taught in the Communication Skills module. The reflection will be easy to understand and the student will make developed points which are analytical and increasingly insightful in nature. The conclusion/action plan created will be highly reflective, evaluative and well-developed. Sources will be reliable and used extremely effectively as evidence to support the points made in the reflection. Academic writing style, English and referencing will be of an excellent standard.
Upper Second Class 2(1) (60-69%)
Students will provide a good reflective piece of writing which follows the structure taught within the Communication Skills module to a good degree of accuracy. Logical points for improvement will be identified following the evaluation and will be beginning to be analysed in some detail. The student will have identified the most relevant points from the sources selected, the majority of which will be taken from reliable and academic sources. Academic writing style, English and referencing will be of a good standard.
Lower Second Class 2(2) (50-59%):
Students will provide a sound piece of reflective writing which makes a clear attempt to respond to the reflective prompt task. The reflective writing piece will be mostly structured using the structure taught during the Communication Skills module with some variation. The student will have made some logical and reflective points which are descriptive in nature. The student will have selected sound evidence from reliable and academic sources. Students will have identified and explained some relevant points for improvement and included these in the action plan. Academic writing style, English and referencing will be sound.
Third class (40-49%):
Students will provide a satisfactory piece of reflective writing which makes an adequate attempt to respond to the task prompt. The student will have shown some understanding of the reflective writing structure and will have made some satisfactory attempt to describe a relevant situation and respond to it. The student will give some satisfactory points for improvement within their evaluation/action plan and give basic/straightforward explanations. Evidence from sources will be present and used somewhat appropriately. Academic writing style, English and referencing will be satisfactory.
Fail (39% and below): Students who do not meet the requirements of a third class grade will not successfully complete the assessment activity
General Assessment Criteria for Written Assessments
Learning outcomes
must be met for an overall pass
Knowledge and Understanding
Analysis, Creativity and Problem-Solving
Self-awareness and Reflection
Research/ Referencing
Written English
Presentation and Structure
Class I (Exceptional Quality)
85% - 100%
Work is directly relevant and expertly addresses the requirements of the brief.
Learning outcomes are met.
Demonstrates an exceptional breadth and depth of knowledge and understanding of theory and practice beyond the threshold expectation for the level.
Demonstrates mastery in conceptual understanding of a range of specialised areas.
Presents an exceptional synthesis and critical evaluation of findings from a broad range of relevant sources in order to draw clear, systematic, justified and insightful conclusions.
Provides a sophisticated critical insight and expertly interprets complex matters and ideas.
Demonstrates exceptional creative flair and a high level of originality. Demonstrates exceptional problem- solving skills and
Provides insightful reflection and critical self-awareness in relation to the outcomes of own work and personal responsibility.
An extensive range of contemporary and relevant reference sources selected and drawn upon.
Sources cited accurately in both the body of text and in the Reference List/ Bibliography.
Writing style is clear, succinct and appropriate to the requirements of the assessment. An exceptionally well written answer with competent spelling, grammar and punctuation. For example, paragraphs are well structured and include linking and signposting. Sentences are complete and different types are used. A wide range of appropriate vocabulary is used.
The presentational style and layout are correct for the type of assignment. Evidence of planning and logically structured.
Where relevant, there is effective inclusion of, and reference to, figures, tables and images.
Class I (Excellent Quality)
70% - 84%
Work is relevant and comprehensively addresses the requirements of the brief.
Learning outcomes are met.
Demonstrates an excellent breadth and depth of knowledge and understanding of theory and practice for this level.
Demonstrates an in-depth conceptual understanding of a range of specialised areas.
Presents an excellent synthesis and critical evaluation of findings from a broad range of relevant sources in order to draw clear, systematic, justified and perceptive conclusions.
Provides a critical insight and clearly interprets complex matters and ideas.
Demonstrates creative flair and a high level of originality.
Demonstrates excellent problem-
solving skills and initiative.
Provides excellent reflection and critical self-awareness in relation to the outcomes of own work and personal responsibility.
A wide range of contemporary and relevant reference sources selected and drawn upon.
Sources cited accurately in both the body of text and in the Reference List/ Bibliography.
Writing style is clear, succinct and appropriate to the requirements of the assessment. An excellently well written answer with competent, spelling, grammar and punctuation. For example, paragraphs are well structured and include linking and signposting. Sentences are complete and different types are used. A wide range of appropriate vocabulary is used.
The presentational style and layout are correct for the type of assignment. Evidence of planning and logically structured Where relevant, there is effective inclusion of, and reference to, figures, tables and images.
Class II/i (Very Good Quality)
60% - 69%
Work is relevant and addresses most of the requirements of the brief well.
Learning outcomes are met.
Demonstrates a thorough breadth and depth of knowledge and understanding of theory and practice for this level.
Demonstrates a sophisticated conceptual understanding of a range of specialised areas.
Presents a perceptive synthesis and critical evaluation of findings from a range of relevant sources in order to draw clear, justified and thoughtful conclusions.
Interprets complex matters and ideas well.
Demonstrates a good level of creativity and originality.
Demonstrates strong problem-
solving skills.
Provides very good reflection and critical self-awareness in relation to the outcomes of own work and personal responsibility, as required by the assessment.
A wide range of relevant reference sources selected and drawn upon.
Sources cited accurately in the main in both the body of text and in the Reference List/ Bibliography.
Writing style is clear, succinct and appropriate to the requirements of the assessment. A very well written answer with competent spelling, grammar and punctuation. For example, paragraphs are well structured and include linking and signposting. Sentences are complete and different types are used. A range of appropriate vocabulary is used.
The presentational style and layout are correct for the type of assignment. Evidence of planning and logically structured in the main.
Where relevant, there is effective inclusion of, and reference to, figures, tables and images.
Relevance Learning outcomes must be met for an overall pass
Knowledge and Understanding
Analysis, Creativity and Problem-Solving
Self-awareness and Reflection
Research/ Referencing
Written English
Presentation and Structure
Class II/ii (Good Quality) 50% - 59%
Work addresses key requirements of the brief. Some irrelevant content.
Learning outcomes are met.
Demonstrates a sound breadth and depth of knowledge and understanding of theory and practice for this level.
Demonstrates a sound conceptual understanding of specialised areas.
Presents a logical evaluation of findings from a range of relevant sources in order to draw clear and justified conclusions.
Interprets some complex matters and ideas.
Demonstrates some creativity. Demonstrates effective problem- solving skills and initiative.
Provides good reflection and critical self-awareness in relation to the outcomes of own work and personal responsibility, as required by the assessment.
A range of relevant reference sources selected and drawn upon.
Most sources accurately cited both the body of text and in the Reference List/Bibliography.
Writing style is mostly appropriate to the requirements of the assessment. Grammar, spelling and punctuation are generally competent and minor lapses do not pose difficulty for the reader. Paragraphs are structured and include some linking and signposting. Sentences are complete. A range of appropriate vocabulary is
The presentational style and layout are correct for the type of assignment. Logically structured in the most part.
Inclusion of figures, tables and images but not all relevant or referred to.
Class III (Satisfactory Quality)
40% - 49%
Work addresses the requirements of the brief, although superficially in places. Some irrelevant content.
Learning outcomes are met.
Demonstrates a sufficient breadth and depth of knowledge and understanding of theory and practice for this level.
Demonstrates a conceptual understanding of some specialised areas.
Presents an evaluation of findings from a range of sources in order to draw some valid conclusions.
Interprets some complex matters and ideas but with descriptive passages evident which lack clear purpose.
Demonstrates creativity in places. Demonstrates sufficient problem- solving skills and initiative.
Provides some reflection and critical self-awareness in relation to the outcomes of own work and personal responsibility, as required by the assessment.
Some relevant reference sources selected and drawn upon.
Some weaknesses in referencing technique.
Writing style is occasionally not appropriate for the assessment. Grammar, spelling and punctuation are generally competent, but may pose minor difficulties for the reader. Some paragraphs may lack structure, and there is limited linking and signposting. Some appropriate vocabulary is used
The presentational style and layout are largely correct for the type of assignment.
Adequately structured. Inclusion of some figures, tables and images but not all clear, relevant and/or referred to.
Borderline Fail
35% - 39%
Work addresses some of the requirements of the brief. Irrelevant and superficial content.
One or more learning outcomes have not been met.
Demonstrates a lack of knowledge and understanding of theory and practice for this level.
Demonstrates Insufficient conceptual understanding of specialised areas.
Presents a limited evaluation of findings from set sources.
Descriptive or narrative passages evident which lack clear purpose. Demonstrates little creativity.
Demonstrates insufficient problem- solving skills and initiative.
Provides limited reflection and critical self-awareness in relation to the outcomes of own work and personal
responsibility, when required.
Sources selected are limited and lack validity/relevance.
Poor referencing technique employed.
Writing style is unclear and does not match the requirements of the assessment. Deficiencies in spelling, grammar and punctuation makes reading difficult and arguments unclear in places. Paragraphs are poorly structured.
For the type of assignment the presentational style, layout and/or structure are lacking.
Inclusion of figures, tables and images but not clear, relevant and/or referred
Work does not address the requirements of the brief. Irrelevant and superficial content.
One or more learning outcomes have not been met.
Demonstrates inadequate knowledge and understanding of theory and practice for this level.
Demonstrates Insufficient conceptual understanding of relevant areas.
Analysis is weak and poorly constructed with inadequate sources drawn upon.
Demonstrates little or no creativity. Demonstrates a lack of problem- solving skills and initiative.
Provides inadequate reflection and self- awareness in relation to the outcomes of own work and personal responsibility, when required.
An absence of relevant sources selected and drawn upon.
Poor referencing technique employed.
Writing style is unclear and does not match the requirements of the assessment in question.
Deficiencies in spelling, grammar and punctuation makes reading difficult and arguments unclear. Unstructured paragraphs.
For the type of assignment the presentational style, layout and/or structure are lacking.
Inclusion of figures, tables and images but not clear, relevant and/or referred
Relevance Learning outcomes must be met for an
overall pass
Knowledge and Understanding
Analysis, Creativity and Problem- Solving
Self-awareness and Reflection
Research/ Referencing
Written English
Presentation and Structure
Class I (Exceptional Quality)
85% - 100%
Work is directly relevant and expertly addresses the requirements of the brief.
Learning outcomes are met.
Demonstrates an exceptional breadth and depth of knowledge and understanding of theory and practice beyond the threshold expectation for the level.
Demonstrates sophisticated conceptual understanding of specialised areas.
Presents a perceptive synthesis and critical evaluation of findings’ drawing on a broad range of relevant sources in order to draw clear, systematic, justified conclusions.
Provides a critical insight and interprets complex matters and ideas comprehensively.
Demonstrates creative flair and a high level of originality.
Demonstrates exceptional problem- solving skills and initiative.
Provides insightful reflection and critical self- awareness in relation to the outcomes of own work and personal responsibility.
A wide range of contemporary and relevant reference sources selected and drawn upon.
Sources cited accurately in both the body of text and in the Reference List/ Bibliography.
Writing style is clear and appropriate to the requirements of the assessment. An exceptionally well written answer with competent spelling, grammar and punctuation. For example, paragraphs are well structured and include linking and signposting. Sentences are complete and different types are used. A wide range of appropriate vocabulary is used.
The presentational style and layout are correct for the type of assignment. Evidence of planning and logically structured.
Where relevant, effective inclusion of, and reference to, figures, tables and images.
Class I (Excellent Quality)
70% - 84%
Work is relevant and comprehensively addresses the requirements of the brief.
Learning outcomes are met.
Demonstrates an excellent breadth and depth of knowledge and understanding of theory and practice for this level.
Demonstrates in-depth understanding of key areas in different contexts.
Presents an excellent appraisal of findings through the critical analysis of information sources.
Draws clear, systematic, justified and perceptive conclusions.
Demonstrates creative flair, a high level of originality and initiative.
Demonstrates a critical understanding of problem-solving approaches and applies
excellent problem-solving skills.
Provides excellent reflection and self-awareness in relation to the outcomes of own work and personal responsibility.
A wide range of relevant reference sources selected and drawn upon.
Sources cited accurately in both the body of text and in the Reference List/
Writing style is clear and appropriate to the requirements of the assessment. An excellently well written answer with competent, spelling, grammar and punctuation. For example, paragraphs are well structured and include linking and signposting. Sentences are complete and different types are used. A wide range of appropriate vocabulary
is used.
The presentational style and layout are correct for the type of assignment. Evidence of planning and logically structured Where relevant, effective
inclusion of, and reference to, figures, tables and images.
Class II/i (Very Good Quality)
60% - 69%
Work is relevant and addresses most of the requirements of the brief.
Learning outcomes are met.
Demonstrates a thorough breadth and depth of knowledge and understanding of theory and practice for this level. Demonstrates very good understanding of key areas in different contexts.
Presents a perceptive appraisal of findings through the critical analysis of information. Draws clear, justified and thoughtful conclusions.
Demonstrates a very good level of creativity and originality.
Demonstrates a critical understanding of problem-solving approaches and applies strong problem-solving skills.
Provides very good reflection and self- awareness in relation to the outcomes of own work and personal responsibility, as required by the assessment.
A range of appropriate reference sources selected and drawn upon.
Sources cited accurately in the main both the body of text and in the Reference List/Bibliography.
Writing style is clear and appropriate to the requirements of the assessment. A very well written answer with competent spelling, grammar and punctuation. For example, paragraphs are well structured and include linking and signposting. Sentences are complete and different types are used. A range of appropriate vocabulary is used.
The presentational style and layout are correct for the type of assignment. Evidence of planning and logically structured in the main.
Where relevant, effective inclusion of, and reference to, figures, tables and images.
Relevance Learning outcomes must be met for an overall pass
Knowledge and Understanding
Analysis, Creativity and Problem- Solving
Self-awareness and Reflection
Research/ Referencing
Written English
Presentation and Structure
Class II/ii (Good Quality) 50% - 59%
Work addresses key requirements of the brief. Some irrelevant content.
Learning outcomes are met.
Demonstrates a sound breadth and depth of knowledge and understanding of theory and practice for this level. Demonstrates sound understanding of key areas in different contexts.
Presents a logical
appraisal of findings through the critical analysis of information.
Draws clear and justified conclusions. Demonstrates creativity and originality. Demonstrates a critical understanding of problem-solving approaches and applies effective problem-solving skills.
Provides valid reflection and self-awareness in relation to the outcomes of own work and personal responsibility, as required by the
Relevant reference sources selected and drawn upon.
Most sources accurately cited both the body of text and in the Reference List/Bibliography.
Writing style is mostly appropriate to the requirements of the assessment Grammar, spelling and punctuation are generally competent and minor lapses do not pose difficulty for the reader. Paragraphs are structured and include some linking and signposting.
Sentences are complete.
A range of appropriate vocabulary is
The presentational style and layout are correct for the type of assignment. Logically structured in the most part.
Inclusion of figures, tables and images but not all relevant or referred to.
Class III (Satisfactory Quality)
40% - 49%
Work addresses the requirements of the brief, although superficially in places. Some irrelevant content.
Learning outcomes are met.
Demonstrates a sufficient breadth and depth of knowledge and understanding of theory and practice for this level.
Demonstrates understanding of a range of key areas in different contexts.
Presents valid appraisal of findings in parts following a critical appraisal of information. Interprets a number of matters and ideas but with some descriptive passages evident which lack clear purpose.
Demonstrates creativity and originality in places.
Demonstrates a critical understanding of problem-solving approaches and applies
sufficient problem- solving skills.
Provides some reflection and self-awareness in relation to the outcomes of own work and personal responsibility, as required by the
Some relevant reference sources selected and drawn upon.
Some weaknesses in referencing technique.
Writing style is occasionally not appropriate for the assessment. Grammar, spelling and punctuation are generally competent, but may pose minor difficulties for the reader. Some paragraphs may lack structure, and there is limited linking and signposting. Some appropriate vocabulary is used
The presentational style and layout are largely correct for the type of assignment.
Adequately structured. Inclusion of some figures, tables and images but not all clear, relevant and/or referred to.
Borderline Fail
35% - 39%
Work addresses some of the requirements of the brief. Irrelevant and superficial content.
One or more learning outcomes have not
been met.
Demonstrates a lack of knowledge and understanding of theory and practice for this level. Demonstrates insufficient understanding of a range of areas in different contexts.
Presents a descriptive overview of findings following some analysis of information.
Some passages lack clear purpose. Demonstrates scant creativity or originality. Demonstrates a lack of critical understanding of problem-solving approaches and insufficient problem- solving skills.
Provides limited reflection and self-awareness in relation to the outcomes of own work and personal
responsibility, when required.
Sources selected are limited and/or lack relevance.
Poor referencing technique employed.
Writing style is unclear and does not match the requirements of the assessment in question.
Deficiencies in spelling, grammar and punctuation makes reading difficult and arguments unclear in places.
Paragraphs are poorly structured.
For the type of assignment the presentational style, layout and/or structure are lacking.
Inclusion of figures, tables and images but not clear, relevant and/or referred to.
Work does not address the requirements of the brief. Irrelevant and superficial content.
One or more learning outcomes have not been met.
Demonstrates inadequate knowledge and understanding of theory and practice for this level.
Demonstrates insufficient understanding of relevant areas.
Presents a descriptive overview of findings with little consideration of the quality of information drawn upon.
Demonstrates little or no creativity. Demonstrates a lack of understanding of problem-solving approaches and limited problem- solving skills.
Provides inadequate reflection and self-awareness in relation to the outcomes of own work and personal
responsibility, when required.
An absence of academic and relevant sources selected and drawn upon.
Poor referencing technique employed.
Writing style is unclear and does not match the requirements of the assessment in question.
Deficiencies in spelling, grammar and punctuation makes reading difficult and arguments unclear. Unstructured paragraphs.
For the type of assignment the presentational style, layout and/or structure are lacking.
Inclusion of figures, tables and images but not clear, relevant and/or referred to.
Relevance Learning outcomes must be met for an
overall pass
Knowledge and Understanding
Analysis, Creativity and Problem-Solving
Self-awareness and Reflection
Research/ Referencing
Written English
Presentation and Structure
Class I (Exceptional Quality)
85% - 100%
Work is directly relevant and expertly addresses the requirements of the brief.
Learning outcomes are met.
Demonstrates breadth of knowledge and understanding of theory and practice beyond the threshold expectation for the level.
Demonstrates excellent understanding of key concepts in different contexts.
Presents an excellent and cohesive appraisal of findings through the critical analysis of information.
Draws clear, justified and thoughtful conclusions. Demonstrates creative flair, originality and initiative.
Demonstrates a critical understanding of problem-solving approaches and applies strong problem-solving skills.
Provides insightful reflection and self- awareness in relation to the outcomes of own work and personal responsibility.
A wide range of contemporary and relevant reference sources selected and drawn upon.
Sources cited accurately in both the body of text and in the Reference List/ Bibliography.
Writing style is clear and appropriate to the requirements of the assessment. An exceptionally well written answer with competent spelling, grammar and punctuation. For example, paragraphs are well structured and include linking and signposting. Sentences are complete and different types are used.
A wide range of appropriate vocabulary is used.
The presentational style and layout are correct for the type of assignment. Evidence of planning and logically structured.
Where relevant, there is effective placement of, and reference to, figures, tables and images.
Class I (Excellent Quality)
70% - 84%
Work is relevant and comprehensively addresses the requirements of the brief.
Learning outcomes are met.
Demonstrates an excellent breadth of knowledge and understanding of theory and practice for this level.
Demonstrates in-depth understanding of key concepts.
Presents an excellent and cohesive discussion of findings through the interpretation and evaluation of information sources.
Draws clear, justified and thoughtful conclusions. Demonstrates clearly creativity and initiative.
Applies excellent problem-solving skills.
Provides excellent reflection and self- awareness in relation to the outcomes of own work and personal responsibility.
A range of contemporary and relevant reference sources selected and drawn upon.
Sources cited accurately in both the body of text and in the Reference List/Bibliography.
Writing style is clear and appropriate to the requirements of the assessment. An excellently well written answer with competent, spelling, grammar and punctuation. For example, paragraphs are well structured and include linking and signposting. Sentences are complete and different types are used.
A wide range of appropriate
vocabulary is used.
The presentational style and layout are correct for the type of assignment. Evidence of planning and logically structured.
Where relevant, there is effective placement of and reference to, figures, tables and images.
Class II/i (Very Good Quality)
60% - 69%
Work is relevant and addresses most of the requirements of the brief well.
Learning outcomes are met.
Demonstrates a thorough breadth of knowledge and understanding of theory and practice for this level.
Demonstrates very good understanding of key concepts.
Presents a perceptive and cohesive discussion of findings through the interpretation and evaluation of information sources.
Draws clear and justified conclusions.
Demonstrates creativity and initiative.
Applies strong problem-solving skills.
Provides justified reflection and self- awareness in relation to the outcomes of own work and personal responsibility, as required by the assessment.
A range of appropriate reference sources selected and drawn upon.
Sources cited accurately in the main in the text and in the Reference List/ Bibliography.
Writing style is clear and appropriate to the requirements of the assessment. A very well written answer with competent spelling, grammar and punctuation. For example, paragraphs are well structured and include linking and signposting. Sentences are complete and different types are used.
A range of appropriate vocabulary is
The presentational style and layout are correct for the type of assignment. Evidence of planning and logically structured in the main.
Where relevant, there is effective placement of figures, tables and images.
Relevance Learning outcomes must be met for an overall pass
Knowledge and Understanding
Analysis, Creativity and Problem-Solving
Self-awareness and Reflection
Research/ Referencing
Written English
Presentation and Structure
Class II/ii (Good Quality) 50% - 59%
Work addresses key requirements of the brief. Some irrelevant content.
Learning outcomes are met.
Demonstrates a sound breadth of knowledge and understanding of theory and practice for this level.
Demonstrates sound understanding of key concepts.
Presents a logical discussion of findings through the interpretation and evaluation of information sources.
Draws clear and justified conclusions.
Demonstrates some creativity and initiative.
Applies sound problem-solving skills.
Provides valid reflection and self- awareness in relation to the outcomes of own work and personal responsibility, as required by the assessment.
Relevant reference sources selected and drawn upon.
Some sources accurately cited in both the body of text and in the Reference List/Bibliography.
Writing style is mostly appropriate to the requirements of the assessment Grammar, spelling and punctuation are generally competent and minor lapses do not pose difficulty for the reader. Paragraphs are structured and include some linking and signposting. Sentences are complete. A range of appropriate vocabulary is used.
The presentational style and layout are largely correct for the type of assignment.
Logically structured in the most part.
Where relevant, effective placement of some figures, tables and images.
Class III (Satisfactory Quality)
40% - 49%
Work addresses the requirements of the brief, although superficially in places. Some irrelevant content.
Learning outcomes are met.
Demonstrates a sufficient breadth of knowledge and understanding of theory and practice for this level.
Demonstrates a sufficient understanding of key concepts.
Presents a valid discussion of findings through the interpretation and evaluation of information sources.
Draws justified conclusions. Demonstrates creativity and initiative in places.
Applies sufficient problem-solving skills.
Provides some reflection and self- awareness in relation to the outcomes of own work and personal responsibility, as required by the assessment.
Some relevant reference sources selected and drawn upon.
Some weaknesses in referencing technique.
Writing style is occasionally not appropriate for the assessment. Grammar, spelling and punctuation are generally competent, but may pose minor difficulties for the reader. Some paragraphs may lack structure, and there is limited linking and signposting.
Some appropriate vocabulary is used
The presentational style and layout are largely correct for the type of assignment.
Adequately structured.
Inclusion of some figures, tables and images but not always relevant and/or clear.
Borderline Fail
35% - 39%
Work addresses only some of the requirements of the brief. Irrelevant and superficial content.
One or more learning outcomes have not
been met.
Demonstrates limited knowledge and understanding of theory and practice for this level.
Demonstrates a lack of understanding of key concepts.
Presents a limited discussion of findings through the interpretation of information sources.
Draws some irrelevant conclusions. Creativity and initiative are lacking. Problem-solving skills are lacking.
Provides limited reflection and self- awareness in relation to the outcomes of own work and personal responsibility, when required.
Sources selected are limited and lack relevance.
Poor referencing technique employed.
Writing style is unclear and does not match the requirements of the assessment in question.
Deficiencies in spelling, grammar and punctuation makes reading difficult and arguments unclear in places.
Paragraphs are poorly structured.
For the type of assignment the presentational style, layout and/or structure are lacking.
Figures, tables and images included when required but these lack clarity and relevance.
Work does not address the requirements of the brief. Irrelevant and superficial content.
One or more learning outcomes have not
been met.
Demonstrates inadequate knowledge and understanding of theory and practice for this level.
Demonstrates insufficient understanding of key
Presents a limited discussion of findings with little consideration of the quality of information drawn upon.
Draws irrelevant conclusions. Creativity, initiative and problem-
solving skills are absent.
Provides inadequate reflection and self- awareness in relation to the outcomes of own work and personal responsibility, when
There is an absence of relevant sources.
Poor referencing technique employed.
Writing style is unclear and does not match the requirements of the assessment in question.
Deficiencies in spelling, grammar and punctuation makes reading difficult and arguments unclear. Unstructured paragraphs.
For the type of assignment the presentational style, layout and/or structure are lacking.
Figures, tables and images are absent when required or lack relevance/clarity.
Relevance Learning outcomes must be met for an
overall pass
Knowledge and Understanding
Analysis, Creativity and Problem-Solving
Self-awareness and Reflection
Research/ Referencing
Written English
Presentation and Structure
Class I (Exceptional Quality)
85% - 100%
Work is directly relevant and expertly addresses the requirements of the brief.
Learning outcomes are met.
Demonstrates breadth of knowledge and understanding of theory and practice beyond the threshold expectation for the level.
Demonstrates excellent understanding of key concepts in different contexts.
Presents an excellent discussion of findings through the analysis of information sources.
Draws justified, relevant and thoughtful conclusions.
Demonstrates creative fair and initiative.
Applies excellent problem-solving skills.
Provides insightful reflection and self- awareness in relation to the outcomes of own work and personal responsibility.
A range of contemporary and relevant reference sources selected and drawn upon.
Sources cited accurately l in both the body of text and in the Reference List/ Bibliography.
Writing style is clear and appropriate to the requirements of the assessment. An exceptionally well written answer with competent spelling, grammar and punctuation. For example, paragraphs are well structured, include linking and signposting, and bullet points are used appropriately. Sentences are complete and different types are used. A wide range of appropriate vocabulary is used.
The presentational style and layout are correct for the type of assignment. Evidence of planning and logically structured.
Where relevant, there is effective use of, and reference to, figures, tables and images.
Class I (Excellent Quality)
70% - 84%
Work is relevant and comprehensively addresses the requirements of the brief.
Learning outcomes are met.
Demonstrates an excellent breadth of knowledge and understanding of theory and practice for this level.
Demonstrates excellent understanding of concepts.
Presents an excellent overview of findings through the interpretation of relevant information sources. Draws justified, relevant and thoughtful conclusions.
Clear evidence of initiative. Applies excellent problem-solving skills.
Provides excellent reflection and self- awareness in relation to the outcomes of own work and personal responsibility.
A range of relevant reference sources selected and drawn upon.
Sources cited well in both the body of text and in the Reference List/Bibliography.
Writing style is clear and appropriate for the type of assignment.
Paragraphs are well-structured with linking and signposting and bullet points are used appropriately. There are a few minor grammar, punctuation and spelling mistakes that do not pose difficulties for the reader. A very good range of vocabulary is demonstrated.
Sentences are complete and a few
different types are used.
The presentational style and layout are correct for the type of assignment. Evidence of planning and logically structured.
Where relevant, there is effective use of and reference to, figures, tables and images.
Class II/i (Very Good Quality)
60% - 69%
Work is relevant and addresses most of the requirements of the brief well.
Learning outcomes are met.
Demonstrates a thorough breadth of knowledge and understanding of theory and practice for this level.
Demonstrates very good understanding of concepts.
Presents a perceptive overview of findings through the interpretation of relevant information sources. Draws justified and relevant conclusions.
Demonstrates initiative. Applies strong problem-solving skills.
Provides justified reflection in relation to the outcomes of own work and personal responsibility, as required by the assessment.
A range of appropriate reference sources drawn upon.
Sources cited well in the main in the text and in the Reference List/ Bibliography.
Writing style is mainly clear and appropriate for the type of assignment. Paragraphs are mostly well-structured with linking and signposting, and bullet points are used appropriately. Grammar, punctuation or spelling mistakes may be frequent, but do not pose difficulty for the reader. A good range of vocabulary is demonstrated.
Sentences are complete with some attempt at different types.
The presentational style and layout are correct for the type of assignment. Evidence of planning and logically structured in the main.
Where relevant, there is use of figures, tables and images.
Relevance Learning outcomes must be met for an overall pass
Knowledge and Understanding
Analysis, Creativity and Problem-Solving
Self-awareness and Reflection
Research/ Referencing
Written English
Presentation and Structure
Class II/ii (Good Quality) 50% - 59%
Work addresses key requirements of the brief. Some irrelevant content.
Learning outcomes are met.
Demonstrates a sound breadth of knowledge and understanding of theory and practice for this level.
Demonstrates sound understanding of key concepts.
Presents a clear overview of findings through the interpretation of some relevant information sources.
Draws relevant conclusions. Demonstrates some initiative. Applies sound problem-solving skills.
Provides some reflection in relation to the outcomes of own work and personal responsibility, as required by the assessment.
Relevant reference sources drawn upon.
Some sources cited well in both the body of text and in the Reference List/Bibliography.
Writing style is broadly appropriate for the type of assignment.
Paragraphs are used and most contain some linking and signposting. Bullet points are not overused.
Grammar, punctuation or spelling mistakes may be frequent, but do not cause significant difficulty for the reader. A range of vocabulary is demonstrated. Sentences are
The presentational style and layout are largely correct for the type of assignment.
Logically structured in the most part.
Where relevant, effective placement of some figures, tables and images.
Class III (Satisfactory Quality)
40% - 49%
Work addresses the requirements of the brief, although superficially in places. Some irrelevant content.
Learning outcomes are met.
Demonstrates a sufficient breadth of knowledge and understanding of theory and practice for this level.
Demonstrates a sufficient understanding of key concepts.
Presents an overview of findings through the interpretation of a limited number of relevant information sources.
Draws some relevant conclusions. Demonstrates limited initiative. Applies some problem-solving skills.
Provides limited reflection in relation to the outcomes of own work and personal responsibility, as required by the assessment.
Some relevant reference sources selected and drawn upon.
Some weaknesses in referencing technique.
Writing style is not appropriate in places for the type of assignment. There may be some over-reliance on bullet points, but attempts at paragraphs, signposting and linking are also evident. Grammar, punctuation or spelling mistakes may be frequent and a few may pose minor difficulties for the reader.
Vocabulary may be limited.
Sentences are mostly complete.
The presentational style and layout are largely correct for the type of assignment.
Adequately structured.
Inclusion of some figures, tables and images but not always relevant and/or clear.
Borderline Fail
35% - 39%
Work addresses only some of the requirements of the brief. Irrelevant and superficial content.
One or more learning outcomes have not
been met.
Demonstrates limited knowledge and understanding of theory and practice for this level.
Demonstrates a lack of understanding of key concepts.
Presents a limited overview of findings with little consideration of the quality of information drawn upon.
Draws some irrelevant conclusions. Demonstrates little initiative.
Problem-solving skills are lacking.
Provides scant reflection in relation to the outcomes of own work and personal responsibility, when required.
Sources selected are limited and lack relevance.
Poor referencing technique employed.
Writing style is unclear and does not match the requirements of the assessment in question.
Deficiencies in spelling, grammar and punctuation makes reading difficult and arguments unclear in places.
Paragraphs are poorly structured.
For the type of assignment the presentational style, layout and/or structure are lacking.
Figures, tables and images included when required but these lack clarity and relevance.
Work does not address the requirements of the brief. Irrelevant and superficial content.
One or more learning outcomes have not been met.
Demonstrates inadequate knowledge and understanding of theory and practice for this level.
Demonstrates insufficient understanding of key concepts.
Presents a poor overview of findings with no consideration of the quality of information drawn upon.
Draws irrelevant conclusions. Initiative and problem-solving skills are absent.
Provides no reflection in relation to the outcomes of own work and personal responsibility, when required.
There is an absence of relevant sources.
Poor referencing technique employed.
Writing style is unclear and does not match the requirements of the assessment in question.
Deficiencies in spelling, grammar and punctuation makes reading difficult and arguments unclear. Unstructured paragraphs.
For the type of assignment the presentational style, layout and/or structure are lacking.
Figures, tables and images are absent when required or lack relevance/clarity.
The Importance and Complexities of BAM3017 Communication Skills Assignment
The BAM3017 Communication Skills assignment is crucial for developing foundational skills essential in both personal and professional contexts. Effective communication is at the heart of successful interactions, enabling individuals to convey ideas clearly, build relationships, and resolve conflicts. This assignment offers students the opportunity to practice and refine these skills, which are vital for their future careers. Mastering communication skills not only enhances students` academic performance but also prepares them for the demands of the workplace, where clear and effective communication is often the key to success.
However, the BAM3017 assignment is not without its complexities. Students are required to understand and apply various communication theories, analyze different communication scenarios, and demonstrate proficiency in both written and verbal communication. This involves a deep understanding of context, audience, and purpose, as well as the ability to use language effectively and appropriately. Additionally, students must be able to critically evaluate their own communication practices and those of others, which requires a high level of self-awareness and analytical thinking.
Given these complexities, seeking help with the BAM3017 assignment from a quality writing service can be highly beneficial. Professional assistance can provide students with expert insights into communication theories and practices, helping them to develop a more nuanced understanding of the subject. Moreover, quality writing help can guide students in structuring their assignments effectively, ensuring that they meet academic standards and convey their ideas clearly and coherently. By leveraging the expertise of skilled writers, students can enhance the quality of their work, deepen their understanding of communication skills, and achieve better academic outcomes.
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