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Assignment Briefs 11-16-2022

LO1 Demonstrate the ability to map a path to purchase in a given category, including the decision making process.

Unit 37: Consumer Behaviour and Insight



HND Business

Academic Year


Unit Number & Unit Title

Unit 37: Consumer Behaviour and Insight

Assignment Author




Assignment Title

Consumer Behaviour and Insight

Date issued


IV Name and Date


Formative Submission Deadline

Summative Submission Deadline





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Good Academic Practice 

DGHE considers an act of academic misconduct when a student attempts to benefit either for themselves or for another person by unfair or improper methods, regardless of it being intentional or unintentional. 

Examples include:

  • Purchasing work and presenting it as your own. 
  • Plagiarism is passing off someone else’s work as your own such as:

o Using quotes without the use of quotation marks. 

o Using images produced by another person without acknowledgement. 

o Using data or ideas without acknowledgement. 

o Copying another person’s work.

o Getting someone to help you write parts of your submission as if it were your own.

• Collusion is when two or more students working together without prior authorisation from the academic member of staff concerned (e.g. programme leader, lecturer etc.) to produce the same or similar piece of work and then attempting to present this entirely as their own individual submission. Demonstrate the ability to map a path to purchase in a given category, including the decision making process.

It is important that you are clear about what you need to do for each assignment and how you can do it. If you are not sure about any rules regarding academic writing and referencing, guidance is available from many DGHE sources including Moodle, our Library and Study Skills Support teams and from your module leaders/personal tutor.  


Purpose of this assessment

The assessment is designed to test students’ knowledge and understanding of the consumer’s decision-making processes, from needs recognition through research, the evaluation of alternatives, and purchase and post-purchase evaluation. Is expected that students will be able to explore the underpinning theories and frameworks, and to relate these to real-world examples. An important part of marketing is to understand the processes behind how a consumer decides to purchase a product and/or service.


You have been appointed as the new marketing associate for a company of your choice. Your line manager, the marketing manager is in the process of compiling an annual marketing report for the London strategic business unit and needs you to provide an informative overview of the trends in consumer behaviour for your target market in the consumer sector.

Task 1 - Unit 37: Consumer Behaviour and Insight

The report will have to be based on one chosen organisation only. The organisation should trade in both the B2C and B2B sectors. The report must have the following:

Cover page

Executive summary

Table of contents


Background to the organisation

Section 1: Map of ‘Path to Purchase’ of the product/service

  1. Evaluate (with a rationale for the selected product/service) the five different stages of the consumer’s decision-making process and analyse the factors that influence that process. Use a B2C context.
  2. Evaluate the black-box model of consumer behaviour. Explain how it influences consumer marketing decisions.
  3. Map out the consumer’s decision-making process for one product or service. Use a B2C context for a chosen organisation.

Section 2: Research and Data in Consumer Behaviour

  1. Compare the similarities and differences of the decision-making process (purchase decision-making) of B2C and B2B, concerning the chosen product/service.
  2. Evaluate the different market research methods that could be applied to a B2C or a B2B context. Use examples relevant to a chosen organisation.
  3. Justify how market research can influence the stages of customer/consumer’s decision- making process, supported by examples. You can use both B2C and B2B contexts. Support your answer with examples relevant to the chosen organisation.

Section 3: Influence on the decision-making process

  1. Evaluate a minimum of 2 factors that influence the decision-making process (you must include two of the following: personality, motivation, learning and perception, cultures, and sub-cultures, using the appropriate theoretical models). Illustrate your evaluation using specific examples of promotional activities of your chosen company. Evaluate (with a rationale for the selected product/service) the five different stages of the consumer’s decision-making process and analyse the factors that influence that process. Use a B2C context.



 Appendix One, two (where required)

This provides evidence for ALL LEARNING OUTCOMES

Word count: 2000-2500 words.

Students will not be penalised for exceeding this count


Submission Format


This should be written in a concise, formal business style using single spacing and font size 12. You are required to make use of headings, paragraphs, subsections, and illustrations as appropriate and all work must be supported with extensive, recent, and current research, using industry trends and data and referenced using the Harvard referencing system. Extensive use of in text citations is expected at this level of study. Please also provide a bibliography using the Harvard referencing system. The recommended word limit is 2,000–2,500 words, although you will not be penalised for exceeding the total word limit


The current Assignment Brief covers the following Learning Outcomes 

Grading Criteria


Learning Outcomes




Task No.




Demonstrate the ability to map a path to purchase in a given category, including the decision making process.


P1 Explain and analyse the stages of the consumer decision making journey for a given product/service.

P2 Explain why it is important for marketers to map a path to purchase and understand consumer decision-making.

M1 Evaluate how marketers are responding to the decision-making process. applying relevant concepts and models.

LO1, 2 & 3

D1 Critically evaluate the application of appropriate theories, concepts and models that influence and impact upon the decision-making process, supported by specific examples and contexts.


Report with cover page, table of contents, adequate sections on each topic, reference list


LO2 Evaluate appropriate forms of research to understand influences on the decision-making process

(B2C and B2B)

P3 Compare and contrast the key differences of the decision-making process in the context of B2C and B2B, providing specific examples.

P4 Evaluate the different approaches to market research and methods of research used for understanding the decision-making process in both B2C and B2B contexts.


M2 Provide a coherent and justified evaluation of how different factors influence decision-making and buying behaviour, supported by specific examples.



Report with cover page, table of contents, adequate sections on each topic, reference list and appendices (if necessary)


LO3 Evaluate how marketers influence the different stages of the decision-making process (B2C and B2B)

P5 Evaluate how marketers can influence the different stages of the decision-making process of B2C and B2B, giving specific examples.

M3 Critically evaluate how marketers influence each stage of the decision-making process with reference to relevant methods and models applied.



Report with cover page, table of contents, adequate sections on each topic, reference list and appendices (if necessary)

Student Achievements and Assessor Feedback


Student achievement and Assessor feedback for both formative and summative submissions will be recorded within Grademark Turnitin via Moodle and will be available for students to view as notified on Turnitin. Please use exclusively the grade classification below.  

Assessment Grading Scale

Grade Classification

Numeric Value (on Grademark)

Grade Listed As










Unclassified/ Referred



Alleged Academic Misconduct









Student submission and declaration

The following declaration will be inserted in the Turnitin link for both formative and summative submissions:

‘I certify that by submitting the work for this assessment on Moodle (and via Turnitin) it is my own work and all research sources are fully acknowledged using the Harvard system of references. I certify that there are no personal or mitigating circumstances that have affected my work.’

By submitting such document, you acknowledge that your work is your own, and abides by the DGHE code of conduct, and Pearson regulations.

Please note that in case of academic malpractice DGHE reserves the right to decline to accept the work for assessment purposes, and/or conduct an investigation, which might result in an oral presentation, oral or written exam, or any other appropriate form of examination. Further information can be found in the academic integrity and misconduct policy, the assessment policy, and the student handbook.

Understanding what a command verb is

Your assignment will always have a series of questions or points that you will need to address. The first step in successfully addressing your assignment questions is by understanding what your lecturer wants from you, and this means understanding the command verb of the question.

What is a command verb?

This is constituted by an imperative verb that gives you a specific instruction.

What are the common command verbs your assignment has and what they mean?

The following is not a complete list however, it can help you to understand what is expected of you.

Explain = to describe a situation in detail or present relevant facts. E.g. To say it’s a chair, it’s descriptive but not explanatory, to say it’s a wooden chair, made of mango woods, that has four legs, and an arm rest, is to explain.

Assess = to evaluate the relevance of something. E.g. To say Brexit is an important event in the UK, is factual but not evaluative. To say that the impact of Brexit on the automotive industry is yet to be determined, but a likely estimate situates a loss of manufacturing plants, and consequently jobs in the UK, is evaluative. Demonstrate the ability to map a path to purchase in a given category, including the decision making process.

Compare = to measure how similar or different something is. E.g. To say that surrealism is different from cubism, is to state a fact. However, to state that while both movements are considered modern art, cubism popularised by Picasso, breaks down the subject matter and reassembles it in an abstract form, while surrealism, popularised by Salvador Dali, focuses on the subconscious mind and portrays everyday objects in a unfamiliar setting.

Analyse = to examine something in detail. E.g. To say that the UK judicial system is complex is too simple however, to say that the UK judicial system is complex due to historical reasons, and that has led to separate jurisdictions with one system for England and Wales, another for Scotland, and another for Northern Ireland. In England Wales at the lower instance you have the magistrate courts and tribunals, followed by the crown court, and the county court, high court and court of appeal (detailing what are the key functions for each of these and how the interrelate with one another, and for the other judiciary systems, and finalising with the UK Supreme Court is to analyse a subject). Evaluate (with a rationale for the selected product/service) the five different stages of the consumer’s decision-making process and analyse the factors that influence that process. Use a B2C context.

Don’t forget you can always refer to your lecturer for other verbs not included here or your study skills tutor.

Unit 37: Consumer Behaviour and Insight

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