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Assignment Briefs 06-25-2024

According to Fleming (2017: p. 698), “The politics of work is now closely interwoven with other social justice concerns related to ‘life’ more generally”.

Component 2: Individual Assignment (Final Assessment)

As part of your assessment in this module you will complete an Individual Assignment.



Word Limit


Submission Deadline

Individual Assignment

75% of your final mark

3000 words

Part 1a: Critical analysis – Critique (approx. 1200 words)

Part 1b: Critical analysis – Case Example (approx. 1200 words)

Part 2: Personal Reflection (approx. 600 words)

Appendix: Personal Reflection Log (does not contribute to word limit)

Tuesday 16th January 2024 at 16:00 (GMT)

(during assessment period)

Instructions on Assessment:

Part 1a: Critical Analysis - Critique (c. 1200 words)

According to Fleming (2017: p. 698), “The politics of work is now closely interwoven with other social justice concerns related to ‘life’ more generally”.

Drawing on Fleming (2017) and theories and concepts you have learned in this module, critically analyse this statement. Your analysis should draw attention to how transformations in management and organisation have altered the meaning and experience of work within organisations, and relate these changes to broader societal concerns such as wellbeing, economic and social inequality, and/or sustainability. Your analysis should demonstrate your ability to make critical connections across topics in the module in order to evaluate contemporary organisational practices and their consequences. You should use examples presented in lectures, seminars and/or reading list resources to support your points.

Additional Guidelines for Part 1a:

  • Your critical analysis must advance an argument which is supported by theories, concepts and examples. Support for how to develop an academic argument is available on Blackboard.
  • Your academic sources should primarily be drawn from the module reading list.
  • Part 1a of your assignment should be approximately 1200 words in length. The word count is necessarily restrictive. Focus on refining your argument and make sure your writing is concise.

Part 1b: Critical Analysis – Case Example (c. 1200 words)

Fleming (2017: p. 705) goes on to suggest that, “the advocates of Uberization claim it is the future, no matter what. How employees, organizations and scholars respond to this proclamation will shape the politics of work to come”.  

Identify a case organisation that HAS NOT been discussed in lectures or seminars that you feel represents and embodies a more positive alternative vision of management, work and organisation than those indicated in Part 1a. Drawing on theories and concepts from the module, and examples specific to your chosen case, critically analyse their approach to management and organisation. Obtain in-depth knowledge of past and contemporary developments in Organisation Theory. You should explain why you think this approach indicates a more positive, ethical, and responsible alternative for employees and/or society, but also acknowledge potential limits or challenges.

Additional Guidelines for Part 1b:

  • You may choose an organisation you are familiar with or may wish to eventually work for, or identify a suitable case from (high-quality) news or media, the reading list, or library databases. Your chosen organisation may operate in the private, public or plural-sector.
  • You should name the case organisation, explain what they do (1-2 sentences max.), and include a link to their webpage and/or the primary reference for your case study source before continuing with your analysis. These may be excluded from your word count.
  • Your critical analysis must advance an argument which is supported by theories, concepts and examples. Support for how to develop an academic argument is available on Blackboard.
  • You may draw on the organisation’s own website and other high-quality journalistic reporting to substantiate your analysis. Your academic sources should primarily be drawn from the module reading list. All sources need to be appropriately referenced using correct formatting.
  • Part 1b of your assignment should be approximately 1200 words in length. The word count is necessarily restrictive. Focus on the most demonstrative issues and make sure your writing is concise.

Part 2: Personal Reflection (c. 600 words)

The final part of your assignment should be a personal reflection on what you have learned in the module and in particular, what you have learned about yourself. Drawing on your Personal Reflection Log, which must be attached as an appendix, you should analyse specific knowledge, skills and qualities that you have developed through the module, and how this inner development will support your ability to manage responsibly and/or bring about positive social change. Your reflection should make explicit reference to the Inner Development Goals (IDGs). You should focus on evaluating a few key dimensions, highlight those areas you feel need most improvement, and suggest how you may support your ongoing process of inner development.

Additional Guidance for Part 2

  • Where appropriate, your reflection should be supported by academic references that demonstrate the theoretical basis or philosophical importance of the skills you have developed.
  • The personal reflection should be written in the first person. However, it is still a formal, academic piece of work and therefore should follow other conventions regarding style and referencing.
  • Part 2 of your assignment should be approximately 600 words in length. The word count is necessarily restrictive. Focus on highlighting a few key areas that have been most significant for your learning and development in this module.

Mapping to Programme Goals and Objectives

  • Online Quizzes (MLO1; MLO2)
  • Individual Assignment (MLO1-5)

Module Learning Outcomes

Knowledge & Understanding


Obtain in-depth knowledge of past and contemporary developments in Organisation Theory


Understand and critically analyse contemporary organisations and professional practices

Intellectual / Professional Skills & Abilities


Challenge your knowledge of organisation theory and critically reflect on your beliefs and attitudes towards managing people

Personal Values Attributes


Develop critical enquiry of organisations in order to identify key issues related to responsible management


Conduct an original research investigation that analyses an organisation from a critical perspective

Mapping to Level 6 Programme Learning Outcomes

Knowledge & Understanding (K&U)

6.1.1 Appraise knowledge of contemporary professional practice in business and management informed by theory and research. 

6.1.2 Appraise knowledge of business and management to complex problems in or related to professional practice in order to identify justifiable, sustainable and responsible solutions.  

Intellectual / Professional Skills & Abilities (IPSA):  

6.2.1 Evaluate effective interpersonal communication skills and the ability to work in multi-cultural teams.

6.3.2  Critique their personal skills and attitudes for progression to post-graduate contexts including professional work, entrepreneurship and higher level study. 

Personal Values Attributes (Global / Cultural Awareness, Ethics, Curiosity) (PVA):  

6.1.3 Appraise an awareness of the cultural and ethical contexts in which international business operates. 

6.1.4 Conduct and critique innovative and/or entrepreneurial project work and research. 

6.2.2 Critique creative and critical thinking skills that involve independence, understanding, justification and the ability to challenge the thinking of self and others.


HR9637: Individual Assignment (worth 75% of final grade)



Does not meet standards

Meets standards

Exceeds Standards

Completely Insufficient





Very Good












Part 1a: Critical Analysis (Critique)


(1200 words)


Does not explain or contextualise the statement.


No evidence of analysis and no discernible argument.


No evidence of evaluation of management practices and their consequences.


No evidence of engagement with theories and concepts from the module. No use of examples. Critical connections across module topics are not identified.


Contains major omissions: i.e. Identification of key transformations is missing or incorrect, link to changes in meaning and experience of work is not developed, and/or societal consequences not elaborated.


No use of relevant academic literature.


Lacks clear structure. Referencing is incorrect or absent. May not utilise full word limit. Writing is unclear or difficult to follow.

Insufficient explanation of the statement in relation to module learning.


Minimal evidence of analysis; Argument is unclear or poorly developed. Claims may be erroneous, disconnected, or lack support.


Insufficient evaluation of changes in management practices and their consequences.  Theories and concepts are mentioned but may be poorly explained or contain major errors. Examples are missing or lack connection to analysis. Lacks critical connections across module topics. Evidence of engagement with critical perspectives is insufficient.


May contain substantive omissions: i.e. Identification of key transformations is limited or incorrect, link to changes in meaning and experience of work is under developed, and/or societal consequences not sufficiently elaborated.

Minimal use of relevant academic literature to support analysis, or use of low-quality resources that are not drawn from the module.


Poor structure. Significant errors in referencing. Writing may require significant improvement.

Adequate explanation of statement in relation to module learning.


Some evidence of analysis. An argument is stated but may need further development. Claims are mostly acceptable but may lack coherence or require greater support.


Evaluation of management practices and their consequences is supported by theories and concepts from the module, but may contain some errors or lack some depth.  Some examples are utilised to support individual points but may lack coherence. Evidence that critical connections from across topics are used to support claims is somewhat limited. Some engagement with critical perspectives is evident but requires further development. 


There is an attempt to answer all aspects of the task, but quality of analysis is variable.


Academic literature used to support  analysis may be of mixed quality but does prioritise use of module resources.


Structure and/or referencing need further development. Written expression is acceptable but requires improvement.


Good explanation of statement in relation to module learning and Fleming (2017).


Good evidence of critical analysis. An argument is clearly stated and claims are mostly coherent and well-supported, but there may be some gaps.


Evaluation of management practices and their consequences is supported by theories and concepts from the module. Examples are appropriately chosen to support key claims. Some reasonable connections are drawn from across topics to support the analysis. Clear effort to engage with critical perspectives.


All aspects of the task are addressed to a good degree.


Academic literature used to support analysis is of good quality and prioritises use of module resources.


Structure is generally good. May contain some errors in referencing. Written expression is mostly clear and effective.

Very good explanation of the statement in relation to module learning and clear critical engagement with Fleming (2017).


Very good evidence of critical analysis. A clear argument is developed and defended with high levels of coherence and support.


Evaluation of management practices and their consequences is well-supported by theories and concepts from the module. Examples are appropriately utilised to support the overall analysis. Insightful connections are drawn from across topics to support the analysis. Critical perspectives are clearly grasped.


All aspects of the task are addressed to a very good degree.


Academic literature used to support critical analysis is mostly of high-quality and uses a selection of module resources to very good effect.


Structure and prose are effective but efficiency of written expression could be enhanced. Referencing is mostly correct throughout.


Excellent explanation of the statement in relation to module learning and critical engagement with Fleming (2017) which clearly informs the analysis.


Excellent evidence of  critical analysis. A clear argument is developed and defended throughout. Claims are persuasive and well-supported, with some limitations or qualifications acknowledged.


Evaluation of management practices and their consequences demonstrates excellent understanding of theories and concepts from the module. Examples are effectively utilised to support and enhance the overall analysis. Critical connections drawn across topics clearly inform the analysis. Critical perspectives are thoroughly grasped and appropriately applied.


All aspects of the task are addressed to an excellent degree.


Academic literature used to support critical analysis is of high-quality and demonstrates meaningful engagement with a wide range of module resources.


Structure and writing are effective and fairly efficient. Referencing is correct throughout.


Sophisticated interpretation of the statement which is appropriately contextualised in module learning and demonstrates high-level understanding of Fleming (2017).


Outstanding evidence of critical analysis. A nuanced argument is developed and defended throughout. Claims are persuasive and well-supported, with anticipation of counter-arguments. Limitations and appropriate qualifications are acknowledged.


Evaluation of management practices and their consequences demonstrates sophisticated understanding of a range of theories and concepts from the module. Critical connections drawn across topics are insightful and comprehensive. Examples support and enhance the overall analysis and suggest a nuanced understanding of the subject. Critical perspectives are integral to the analysis.


All aspects of the task are addressed to an outstanding degree.


Academic literature used to support critical analysis is of high-quality and demonstrates meaningful engagement with a wide range of module resources and additional research.


Structure and writing are effective and make highly efficient use of the word limit. Referencing is correct throughout.

Sophisticated and nuanced interpretation of the statement which demonstrates a highly advanced grasp of module learning and of Fleming (2017).


Exemplary critical analysis. A nuanced and highly original argument is developed and defended throughout. Claims are persuasive and well-supported, with anticipation of counter-arguments. Limitations and appropriate qualifications are acknowledged.


Evaluation of management practices and their consequences demonstrates highly advanced understanding of a range of theories and concepts from the module. Critical connections drawn across topics furnish a critique of the highest standard. Examples support and enhance the overall analysis and suggest a highly advanced understanding of the subject. Critical perspectives are deployed in service of a highly original analysis.


All aspects of the task are addressed to an advanced degree.


Academic literature used to support critical analysis is of the highest quality and demonstrates meaningful engagement with a wide range of resources which extend beyond the module reading list.


Structure and writing are of the very highest standard. Referencing is correct throughout.

40% of Marks

0 - 11

12 - 15

16 - 19

20 - 23

24 - 27

28 - 32

32 - 35

36 - 40

Part 1b: Critical Analysis (Case Example)


(1200 words)


Has not identified an appropriate case, or has chosen a case already discussed in class. Case is not referenced and/or what they do is unclear.


No position is taken and/or no discernible argument.


No evidence of analysis or evaluation of approaches to management and organisation.


No evidence of engagement with theories and concepts from the module.


Implications for employees and/or society are not considered.


No use of case examples to support points.


Limits/challenges not acknowledged.


No use of relevant academic literature.


Lacks clear structure. Referencing is incorrect or absent. May not utilise full word limit. Writing is unclear or difficult to follow.



Has identified a case organisation but reference to the source may be missing. What the organisation does is unclear or vague.


Rationale is not easily decipherable. Argument is unclear or poorly developed. Claims may be erroneous, disconnected, or lack support.


Minimal evidence of analysis and/or evaluation of approaches to management and organisation.


Insufficient engagement with theories and concepts from the module.


Implications for employees and/or society are unclear.


Case examples are included but may lack coherence or provide insufficient support for the analysis.


Minimal acknowledgement of limits or challenges.


Minimal use of relevant academic literature to support analysis, or use of low-quality resources that are not drawn from the module.


Poor structure. Significant errors in referencing. Writing may require significant improvement.


Has identified an appropriate case organisation and included a link or primary reference (as appropriate). Brief description of what the organisation does is sufficient for evaluation.


Rationale is questionable. An argument is stated but may need further development. Claims are plausible but may lack justification or require greater support.


Some evidence of analysis and evaluation of approaches to management and organisation using theories and concepts from the module; Practices are appropriately identified but analysis may be overly descriptive or artificially narrow.


Implications for employees and/or society are stated but may require further support.


Case examples are utilised to support individual points but may lack detail or overall coherence.


Limits/challenges are identified but may require further consideration.


Academic literature used to support  analysis may be of mixed quality but does prioritise use of module resources.


Structure and/or referencing need further development. Written expression is acceptable but requires improvement.






Has identified an appropriate case organisation and included a link or primary reference (as appropriate). Brief description of what the organisation does is clear and succinct.


Rationale is good. An argument is clearly stated and claims are mostly justified and well-supported, but there may be some oversights.


Good evidence of  analysis and evaluation of approaches to management and organisation using theories and concepts from the module; The analysis indicates a good ability to draw connections between different practices.


Implications for employees and/or society are clear and well-supported.


Case examples are detailed and appropriately chosen to support key claims.


Limits/challenges are appropriately considered in the context of the case.


Academic literature used to support analysis is of good quality and prioritises use of module resources.


Structure is generally good. May contain some errors in referencing. Written expression is mostly clear and effective.

Has identified an appropriate case organisation and included a link or primary reference (as appropriate). Brief description of what the organisation does is clear and succinct.


Rationale is very good. A clear argument is developed and justified with high levels of coherence and support.


Very good evidence of critical analysis and evaluation of approaches to management and organisation using theories and concepts from the module; The analysis is perceptive and indicates a very good ability to draw connections between practices.


Implications for employees and/or society are thoughtful and convincing.


Case examples are detailed and effectively support the overall analysis.


Limits/challenges are thoughtfully considered in the context of the case. There is some link to the broader task of implementing alternative approaches.


Academic literature used to support critical analysis is mostly of high-quality and uses a selection of module resources to very good effect.


Structure and writing are effective but efficiency of written expression could be enhanced. Referencing is mostly correct throughout.


Has identified an exemplary case organisation and included a link or primary reference (as appropriate). Brief description of what the organisation does is clear and succinct.


Rationale is excellent. A clear argument is developed and justified throughout. Claims are persuasive and well-supported.


Excellent evidence of critical analysis and evaluation of approaches to management and organisation using theories and concepts form the module; The analysis is highly developed and indicates an excellent ability to draw connections between practices and link them to critical perspectives.


Implications for employees and/or society reflect an ability to link complex ideas.


Case examples are detailed and effectively utilised to support and enhance the overall analysis.


Limits/challenges are thoughtfully considered in the context of the case and serve to qualify the argument. There is clear consideration of consequences for the broader task of implementing alternative approaches.


Academic literature used to support critical analysis is of high-quality and demonstrates meaningful engagement with a wide range of module resources.


Structure and writing are effective and fairly efficient. Referencing is correct throughout.


Has identified an exemplary case organisation and included a link or primary reference (as appropriate). Brief description of what the organisation does is clear and succinct.


Rationale is outstanding. A nuanced argument is developed and justified throughout. Claims are persuasive and well-supported, with anticipation of questions or counter-arguments.


Outstanding evidence of critical analysis and evaluation of approaches to management and organisation using theories and concepts from the module; The analysis is sophisticated and indicates an outstanding ability to integrate practice-based and critical perspectives.


Implications for employees and/or society are nuanced and reflect an outstanding ability to link complex ideas.


Case examples support and enhance the overall analysis and suggest a nuanced understanding of the subject. Critical perspectives are integral to the analysis.


Limits/challenges are thoughtfully considered in the context of the case and serve to quality the argument. There is a thoughtful consideration of consequences for the broader task of implementing alternative approaches.


Academic literature used to support critical analysis is of high-quality and demonstrates meaningful engagement with a wide range of module resources and additional research.


Structure and prose are effective and make highly efficient use of the word limit. Referencing is correct throughout.


Has identified an exemplary case organisation and included a link or primary reference (as appropriate). Brief description of what the organisation does is clear and succinct.


Rationale is extremely convincing. A nuanced and highly original argument is developed and justified throughout. Claims are persuasive and well-supported, with anticipation of questions or counter-arguments.


Exemplary critical analysis and evaluation of approaches to management and organisation using theories and concepts from the module; The analysis is of the highest standard and indicates a highly advanced ability to deploy critical perspectives in service of positive alternatives.


Implications for employees and/or society are highly nuanced and reflect a highly advanced ability to link complex ideas.


Case examples support and enhance the overall analysis and suggest a highly nuanced understanding of the subject. Critical perspectives are deployed to support a highly original analysis.


Limits/challenges are thoughtfully considered in the context of the case and serve to quality the argument. There is a highly nuanced and realistic consideration of consequences for the broader task of implementing alternative approaches.


Academic literature used to support critical analysis is of the highest quality and demonstrates meaningful engagement with a wide range of resources which extend beyond the module reading list.


Structure and writing are of the very highest standard. Referencing is correct throughout.


40% of Marks

0 - 11

12 - 15

16 - 19

20 - 23

24 - 27

28 - 32

32 - 35

36 - 40

Part 2: Personal Reflection


(600 words)

No evidence of personal reflection on learning.


Essay is largely descriptive with little connection to personal values, skills or qualities, and insufficient links to the module.


No consideration of implications of learning for ability to enact responsible management or social change.


Link to Inner Development Goals (IDGs) is missing or framework is misunderstood. No effort to identify areas for future improvement.


Personal Reflection Log is not attached or contains major gaps.


No use of relevant academic literature to support reflective analysis.


Lacks clear structure. Referencing is incorrect or absent. May not utilise full word limit. Writing is unclear or difficult to follow.

Evidence of self-reflection on learning is insufficient.


Reflections may be overly descriptive with insufficient connection to development of personal values, skills or qualities, or may lack sufficient grounding in the module.


Minimal consideration of implications of learning for ability to enact responsible management or social change.


Inner Development Goals (IDGs) are mentioned but not supported with reflective analysis. Areas of improvement insufficiently identified with no suggestions of future development.


Personal Reflection Log is attached but may have gaps and/or is completed only to a basic level. Little integration with IDGs.


Minimal use of relevant academic literature to support reflective analysis, or use of low-quality resources that are not drawn from the module.


Poor structure. Significant errors in referencing. Writing may require significant improvement.


Adequate evidence of self-reflection on learning.


Reflective analysis demonstrates some insight focused on personal self-development but may have a tendency towards description. There is acceptable evidence of links to the module.


Some indication that implications of learning for future ability to enact responsible management and social change have been considered, but may need further development.


Inner Development Goals (IDGs) are identified but focus is on signposting rather than skills-development. Areas of improvement are mentioned but links to reflection and means of support need further development.


Personal Reflection Log is completed but notes may be overly brief, mostly descriptive or lack full consideration of learning. Links to IDGs may be sporadic or need further development.


Academic literature used to support  reflection may be of mixed quality but does prioritise use of module resources.


Structure and/or referencing need further development. Written expression is acceptable but requires improvement.


Good evidence of self-reflection on learning.


Reflective analysis demonstrates sound insights focused on personal self-development which clearly links to the module.


Implications of learning for future ability to enact responsible management and social change are identified, but may need additional support.


Inner Development Goals (IDGs) are identified and linked to self-reflection, but may be lacking some depth. No effort to link goals as part of an integrated framework. Areas of improvement are identified but means of support remain very general.


Personal Reflection Log is complete and evidences a good level of reflection on learning with some effort to link to IDGs.


Academic literature used to support reflection is of good quality and prioritises use of module resources.


Structure is generally good. May contain some errors in referencing. Written expression is mostly clear and effective.

Very good evidence of critical self-reflection on learning.


Reflective analysis demonstrates meaningful insights focused on personal self-development with clear influence from the module’s topics and activities.


Implications of learning for future ability to enact responsible management and social change are identified and supported.


Inner Development Goals (IDGs) are utilised to support self-reflection, but the integrative nature of the framework may not be appreciated. Areas of improvement are identified and means of support are sound but would benefit from greater detail.


Personal Reflection Log is well-elaborated and evidences a very good level of critical reflection on learning with clear effort to link to IDGs throughout.


Academic literature used to support critical reflection is mostly of high-quality and uses a selection of module resources to very good effect.


Structure and prose are effective but efficiency of written expression could be enhanced. Referencing is mostly correct throughout.


Excellent evidence of critical self-reflection on learning


Reflective analysis demonstrates deep insights focused on personal self-development with clear grounding in the module’s critical perspectives.


Implications of learning for future ability to enact responsible management and social change are clear and well-supported.


Inner Development Goals (IDGs) are competently utilised to support self-reflection. The integrative nature of the framework is appreciated. Areas of improvement are meaningfully identified and suggestions to support this are specific.


Personal Reflection Log is comprehensive and evidences an excellent level of critical reflection on learning with clear effort to link to IDGs throughout.


Academic literature used to support critical reflection is of high-quality and demonstrates meaningful engagement with a wide range of module resources.


Structure and writing are effective and fairly efficient. Referencing is correct throughout.


Outstanding evidence of critical self-reflection on learning


Reflective analysis demonstrates deep insights focused on personal self-development with clear evidence that critical connections drawn from across the module have been linked to personal learning.


Implications of learning for future ability to enact responsible management and social change well-supported and appropriately qualified.


Inner Development Goals (IDGs) are competently utilised to enhance reflexivity. The integrative nature of the framework is clearly grasped. Areas of improvement are meaningfully identified and a practical plan for ongoing inner development is presented.


Personal Reflection Log is comprehensive and evidences an outstanding level of critical reflection on learning with proactive links to IDGs throughout.


Academic literature used to support critical reflection is of high-quality and demonstrates meaningful engagement with a wide range of module resources and additional research.


Structure and writing are effective and make highly efficient use of the word limit. Referencing is correct throughout.

Exemplary evidence of critical self-reflection on learning.


Reflective analysis demonstrates deep insights focused on personal self-development with clear evidence that critical connections drawn from across the module have enhanced personal reflexivity.


Implications of learning for future ability to enact responsible management and social change are persuasive and appropriately qualified.


Inner Development Goals (IDGs) are competently utilised to enhance reflexivity. The integrative nature of the framework is clearly grasped, but some limitations may be acknowledged. Areas of improvement are meaningfully identified and a practicable plan for ongoing inner development is presented.


Personal Reflection Log is comprehensive and evidences an highly-advanced level of critical reflection on learning with proactive links to IDGs throughout.


Academic literature used to support critical analysis is of the highest quality and demonstrates meaningful engagement with a wide range of resources which extend beyond the module reading list.


Structure and writing are of the very highest standard. Referencing is correct throughout.


20% of Marks

0 - 5

6 - 7

8 - 9

10 - 11

12 - 13

14 - 15

16 - 17

18 - 20


You are advised to read the guidance for students regarding assessment policies. They are available online here.

Academic Misconduct

The Assessment Regulations for Taught Awards (ARTA) contain the Regulations and procedures applying to cheating, plagiarism, the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Systems, and other forms of academic misconduct.               

The full policy is available here

You are reminded that plagiarism, collusion, the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Systems, and other forms of academic misconduct, as referred to in the Academic Misconduct procedure of the assessment regulations, are taken very seriously. Assignments in which evidence of plagiarism or other forms of academic misconduct is found may receive a mark of zero.

Late submission of work

Quizzes which have not been started prior to the submission deadline will not be eligible for late submission.

Where coursework is submitted without approval, after the published hand-in deadline, the following penalties will apply. For coursework submitted up to 1 working day (24 hours) after the published hand-in deadline without approval, 10% of the total marks available for the assessment (i.e.100%) shall be deducted from the assessment mark.

For clarity: a late piece of work that would have scored 65%, 55% or 45% had it been handed in on time will be awarded 55%, 45% or 35% respectively as 10% of the total available marks will have been deducted.

Coursework submitted more than 1 day (24 hours) after the published hand-in deadline without approval will be marked as zero but will be eligible for referral. The reassessment should where appropriate, and as determined by the Module Leader, be the same method (e.g. essay) but maybe with a different task (e.g. different essay title) or with the same task (e.g. the same essay title) as indicated in the Module handbook.

In modules where there is more than one assessment component, Students are not required to complete all assessment components if an overall Pass Mark (40% UG, 50% PGT) has been achieved.

The only permitted exception will be in cases where the University is prevented from doing so by a PSRB requirement. In the case of PSRB requirements, a variation order will be required from the regulations.

In modules, where there is more than one assessment component and an overall pass mark has not been achieved, Students will be eligible for a referral* in the individual failed module and/or not attempted component(s) of assessment.

These provisions apply to all assessments, including those assessed on a Pass/Fail basis

The full policy can be found here

Word limits

The word count is to be declared on the front page of your assignment and the assignment cover sheet.  The word count does not include:

  • Header material for Part 1b (i.e. organisation name, 1-2 sentence description, and source)
  • Appendix for Part 2 (i.e. Personal Reflection Log)
  • Reference list

Please note, in text citations [e.g. (Smith, 2011)] and direct secondary quotations [e.g. “dib-dab nonsense analysis” (Smith, 2011 p.123)] are INCLUDED in the word count.

If this word count is falsified, students are reminded that under ARTA this will be regarded as academic misconduct.

For those assessments where students are required to keep to the word limit, it is proposed that they should be informed that the marker will stop reading at the point when they judge that the word limit exceeds the recommended word count by more than 10%.  The marker will indicate the point at which they stop reading on the text. 

Students must retain an electronic copy of this assignment (including ALL appendices) and it must be made available within 24hours of them requesting it be submitted.

You are also advised to keep copies of developmental and draft work so that you can show your incremental work process. In the case of suspected academic misconduct you may be asked to show your draft notes.

The full Word Limit Policy is available here

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