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Assignment Briefs 11-02-2023

Evaluate how marketing tactics should be adjusted depending on context of the organisation, factors in the environment, segmentation, customer personas and consumer behaviour.

Module Title:

Strategic Marketing Entrepreneurship

Module Code:


Assignment Format & Maximum Word count (consider assignment load)


Assignment 2- Individual Launch Plan Discussion (1200 words)




Coursework Submission:

Time: 11.30 pm

Date: 27th December, 2022 (Wednesday)
Method: Canvas

Coursework return Date returned to students:

4 weeks from the date of submission.

Module leader 


First marker  


Internal Moderator


Module Board name

Semester A Module Board

External Examiner


Module Board date


Module eligible for an extension on submission date (subject to UPRs)





Assignment Criteria

Learning Outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding tested in this assignment:


  • evaluate how marketing tactics should be adjusted depending on context of the organisation, factors in the environment, segmentation, customer personas and consumer behaviour.


Learning Outcomes: Skills and Attributes tested in this assignment:

  • propose strategic marketing plans backed by secondary research and application of academic concepts and literature.
  • recommend financially viable business models, launch plans and roadmaps that will deliver sustained growth in response to clearly identified market opportunities.
  • critically evaluate key issues using academic concepts and literature.

Feedback /Marking criteria for this Assignment

  • Performance will be assessed using HBS Grading Criteria (Rubric)
  • Feedback for improvement will be given in writing via your Canvas module site within 4 weeks of submission
  • Lateness Penalty: For each day or part day up to five days after the published deadline, coursework relating to modules submitted late will have the numeric grade reduced by 10 grade points until or unless the numeric grade reaches the minimum pass mark (UG 40/PG 50).  Where the numeric grade awarded for the assignment is less than the minimum pass mark no lateness penalty will be applied.  If the coursework is submitted more than 5 days after the published deadline, it will not be marked and a grade of zero will be awarded. Please note: Referred coursework submitted after the published deadline will be awarded a grade of zero (0).”
  • Extensions: Students do not have an automatic right to an extension.  If you require an extension, this must be requested in advance of the submission deadline.  Please give your reason(s) for needing an extension.

Detailed Brief for Assignment 2- Individual Launch Plan Discussion

This is part two (2) of the Assignment worth 65%.

Sections of the assignment breakdown


Delivery = 20pts


Presentation and Structure

A professional report with a cover page, table of contents, executive summary, and the appropriate headings.

Good use of diagrams, graphics, tables and charts

Cohesive and clear writing style

Follows report structure and keeps to word limit of 1200 words

Succinct Report format


Intellectual Curiosity

Uses appropriate sources.

Follows accurate Harvard style for in-text citation and Reference list.

Use a minimum of 10 academic sources

Good use of the recommended sources

Appropriate use of other relevant and credible sources


Content = 80 pts


Content and findings

Content included - specify requirements as in module site and coursework guidance Uses appropriate tools to develop launch plan

The plan covers all of the headings


Business Application

Integration and application of information from coursework guidance or module site

Uses appropriate tools to develop launch plan

The plan is suitable for the business, its capabilities and resources


Discussion and Analysis

Line of argument, development of discussion and instructional verbs to suit the task and level

Plan is evidenced and justified






























Assignment Title:

Based on the work produced in your group, you are required individually to produce a short strategic marketing launch plan (maximum of 1200 words) to present to the directors of the client company to explain how you will support them in bringing the new product/service or innovation to market.  Where appropriate, you should use diagrams, graphics, tables, charts, and graphs to present information visually and accessibly.

The outline headings for your report are:

  • Executive Summary (500-word count maximum) not included in the 1200-word count
  • Product/service recommendation (select one of the ideas from your ideation); design and features
  • Business Model (Business Model Canvas)
  • Form of ownership (if any)
  • Stakeholders
  • Launch Plan

- Date and form of an announcement

- Brand and positioning

- Business and marketing objectives (SMART)

- Marketing Mix with a time-scaled plan, budget, measures and controls (Gantt Chart)

- Investment Pitch

Specific instructions:

Add your Student ID and the word count to your cover page.

Mark scheme

The individual plan is worth 65% of your module grade.

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Academic Integrity, Plagiarism and Essay Mills

  • You are NOT allowed to copy any information into your assignment without using quotation marks and a reference – this is ‘plagiarism’ (a type of academic misconduct). 
  • You are NOT allowed to copy from other students (or allow other students to copy from you) – this is ‘collusion’. 
  • You are NOT allowed to copy from your own assignments on other modules – this is ‘self-plagiarism’. 
  • You must NEVER buy assignments from websites (essay mills) – this is called ‘contract cheating’ and it is now illegal in the UK. 
  • If you commit academic misconduct, your mark will be reduced, and you will face disciplinary action for repeat offences.
  • evaluate how marketing tactics should be adjusted depending on context of the organisation, factors in the environment, segmentation, customer personas and consumer behaviour. 

Contact academic-skills@herts.ac.uk if you are unsure of the rules or how to avoid academic misconduct, and you will receive help.

Student Support and Guidance

  • For further help on module content and assignment details, contact your Module Leader in his or her  drop-in / office hours or by email.
  • Use the Learning Outcomes and HBS Grading Criteria (Rubric) to help inform you of the expectations of the assignment.
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