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Assignment Briefs
Discuss the therapeutic relationship that places people at the centre of their own decision making wherever possible.
This piece of work is a case study of a choice of case scenarios or someone you have worked with previously in practice . If using someone from practice it is paramount that you adhere to their confidentiality and privacy. It is advised that you use a pseudonym and remove any identifying information.
Assignment Guidance 4,000 word case study or equivalent, level 5
Learning outcomes for this module:-
Discuss the therapeutic relationship that places people at the centre of their own decision making wherever possible.
Demonstrate the evidence base required to care for and support people with acute mental health conditions.
Examine a range of mental health assessment strategies and tools in order to apply them in relevant practice settings.
Apply the principles of risk assessment and management that reflect positive risk taking in mental health care.
Consider the relevant legal and ethical issues when delivering and evaluating care for people with mental health difficulties.
If you are confident that your equivalent assessment method addresses all the learning outcomes and is at academic level 5 then please send the module leader a proposal.
Use the American Psychological Association 7th Edition (APA) referencing style APA Link
Protect the identity of the patient/client/placement.
Format for written assignment - Font Arial 11, 1.5 line spacing
Subheadings can be used as they can help structure your work, include an introduction and a conclusion
First or third person?
Although you can write in the first or third person. The recommendation is that you write in the third person because it makes writing sound objective. If you choose to write in the first person make it clear that you are not just expressing an unsupported personal view, that you are concerned about facts and/or reasons rather than being influenced by personal feelings or biases. This is an academic piece of work.
A written assignment/essay case study: STRUCTURE GUIDE MUST, SHOULD, COULD :
Below is an option to consider regarding structure for your case study assignment that follows the journey of a service user through engagement, assessment to evidence based treatment. This will include what you MUST include as this is directly relevant to the learning outcomes. What you SHOULD include relates to what is important to the module content and what you COULD include is relevant to essential mental health.
Introduction - 150 words as a guide
Set the scene for the reader
Explain your intentions
Refer to NMC – re confidentiality (if based on someone from practice)
Summary of your service user – 200 word as a guide (Case scenario or someone from practice)
Provide a brief synopsis of the succinct summary – Paraphrase in your own words
If you must include a larger more detailed summary of the service user than place it in an appendix and refer to it
LO1 Therapeutic Relationship - 500 words as a guide
You MUST discuss the therapeutic relationship including how you would engage with the service user.
You MUST consider person-centred care
You SHOULD discuss communication theory/skills
You COULD consider discussing developing trust, empathy, validation and touch
What, why, how, reference, critique
LO3 Health assessment strategies and tools - 800 words as a guide
You MUST examine a range of assessment strategies in relation to your case scenario/study - observation, history- timeline, records, family/ carers, Mental State Examination (MSE), interviewing, physical health
You MUST examine a range of appropriate assessment tools (at least 2) for your case study (If no tools were done, why not, which tools would have been appropriate, what does the evidence base say, critique tools/strengths vs limitations) - GAD, PSYRATS, PHQ-9, Strengths and Difficulties, HONOS, LUNSERS…….
It isn’t necessary to include the tools.
You SHOULD consider formulation and how this informs care planning and interventions
You COULD consider perspectives of mental health, pathophysiology and alternative perspectives.
What, why, reference, critique
LO4 Principles of risk assessment, risk management and positive risk taking - 600 words as a guide
You MUST include principles of risk assessment - structured professional judgement, actuarial risk assessment…
You MUST include risk management in relation to your case scenario/study
You MUST consider positive risk taking in relation to your case scenario/study
You SHOULD critically discuss what the evidence says about risk and risk assessment
You COULD consider reducing restrictive practices, service user perspectives
What, why, how, reference, critique
LO5 Consider relevant legal and ethical issues when delivering and evaluating care – 800 words as a guide
You MUST consider relevant legislation and/or legal issues related to your case scenario/study – Mental Health Act, Mental Capacity Act, Equality Act 2010, Deprivation of Liberty safeguarding, Safeguarding vulnerable Adults, Safeguarding children, the Children’s Act, Consent, Gillick competency and Fraser guidelines.
You MUST consider what ethical issues are relevant to your case scenario - beneficence, non-maleficence, justice, autonomy.
You SHOULD consider professionalism, accountability, competence – NMC Code 2018
You COULD consider discharge planning, clinical outcomes
LO2 Evidence base required to care for and support people with acute mental health conditions - 800 words as a guide
You MUST consider the evidence base underpinning care planning
You SHOULD consider how you would, or did, engaged the service user in the care planning process. SMART goals.
You SHOULD discuss recovery in relation to your case scenario/study.
You COULD consider including a individualised recovery focused care plan
You MUST critically evaluate the evidence base required to care for and support people with acute mental health conditions – focus on a few interventions/actions (3 max) relevant to your case scenario/study.
You SHOULD showcase skills in critical appraisal of primary literature related to your interventions/actions.
What, why, how, reference, critique
Conclusion - 150 words as a guide
You MUST summarise the key themes that have emerged throughout the case file
You COULD offer what you have learned from this case study assignment
Appendix – specifically relevant to your written assignment – remember your appendix is not marked.
You COULD include your summary of your case scenario/study
You COULD include a formulation you have developed for your case scenario/study
You COULD include an individualised recovery focused case plan you have developed for your case scenario/study.
References -
A guide - 10 references per 1000 words
APA 6 format – See referencing guidelines
Written assignment Submission information:
Written assignments are to be submitted to Turnitin before the deadline in the appropriate portal.
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