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Recent Papers 05-14-2022

Analyse the role of mass media, education and communication theories and models in crafting mass health promotion messages.

Mass Media Health Communication Summative Assessment Guide

  1. Analyse the role of mass media, education and communication theories and models in crafting mass health promotion messages.
  2. Evaluate the role of different mass media in disseminating and communicating health promotion information and advice.
  3. Demonstrate the ability to use multimedia to communicate specific health promotion messages to a range of audiences.

Create three different multimedia artefacts for a community of a specific heath topic and discuss the theories and models you have used and the strengths and weaknesses of each media approach you have used. The three suggested artefacts and reflection are (a blog post 500-word count, a videocast – 5 mins, and a visual infographic, and write 750 words reflection on the video feedback of your experience for the first time, how you have use the feedback given to improve and progress into completing your last video for your assessment work).

  • Summative Submission artefact content:
    • 1) Blogpost (Write 500 words blogpost on chosen topic)
    • 2) Videocast (Record a video speaking about the chosen topic for 5 mins).
  • 3) Infographic (Try to use more photos and less text)
  • 4) Reflection – write 750 words reflection on the video feedback from course lead (plus reference list)
  • Weighting: 25%+25%+25%+25% = 100%

Evaluating Effective Health Communication

Accuracy: Is the content valid? Are there any errors of fact? The content is valid and without errors of fact, interpretation, or judgment.

Availability: Is the content delivery or placement accessible? The content (whether targeted message or other information) is delivered or placed where the audience can access it. 

Balance: Does the content present the benefits and risks (or both sides of the issue)? Where appropriate, the content presents the benefits and risks of potential actions or recognizes different and valid perspectives on the issue. Analyse the role of mass media, education and communication theories and models in crafting mass health promotion messages.

Consistency: Is the content consistent over time? The content remains internally consistent over time and also is consistent with information from other sources.

Cultural competence: Does the whole design process account for variables such as ethnicity, race and language? The design, implementation, and evaluation process that accounts for special issues for select population groups and also educational levels and disability.

Evidence base: Has the relevant evidence undergone analysis and review to formulate practice guidelines? Relevant scientific evidence that has undergone comprehensive review and rigorous analysis to formulate practice guidelines, performance measure, review criteria, and technology assessments.

Reach: Does the information reach the whole target population? The content gets to or is available to the largest possible number of people in the target population.

Reliability: Are sources of content credible and up to date? Is delivery or access to information continued or repeated to reinforce impact? The source of the content is credible, and the content itself is kept up to date.

Repetition: Is delivery or access to information continued or repeated to reinforce impact? The delivery of/access to the content is continued or repeated over time, both to reinforce the impact with a given audience and to reach
new generations.

Timeliness: Is content available or provided when the audience is most in need of it or most receptive to it? The content is provided or available when the audience is most receptive to, or in need of, the specific information.

Understandability: Is the reading language or format appropriate? The reading or language level and format (including multimedia) are appropriate for the specific audience. Source: European Centre for disease control and prevention (2019) Available at:

Writing a reflection

Gibbs’ reflective cycle

  • Graham Gibbs (1988) adapted the experiential learning cycle to acknowledge the importance of feelings and emotion in learning:
  • It is from the feelings and thoughts emerging from this reflection that generalisations or concepts can be generated. And it is generalisations or concepts that allow new situations to be tackled effectively. (Gibbs 1988 p. 9)

Gibbs’ reflective cycle

Some key points about the Gibbs’ framework:

  • Acknowledging FEELINGS: If you are explicitly invited to write about feelings, you are more likely to do so. In many situations, acknowledging your feelings is key to being able to move on, especially after a setback.
  • The EVALUATION phase: It is so easy to overlook the positive when you are disappointed that things didn’t work out as you hoped. Being prompted to add a reflection on ‘evaluation’ ensures you include the positives as well as the negatives.
  • The importance of ANALYSIS: Where you draw in all the additional sources of ideas and information in seeking solutions or strategies for your problem.


Reflection before, during and after action (Schön 1983)

When should we reflect on an action or activity?

How does reflection change perspectives before, during and after an experience?

Reflective writing

Tips for writing Format and style

  1. You should write in active voice.
  2. Avoid informal words, colloquial language in writing.
  3. Avoid contractions (Can’t/don’t is wrong, use cannot, do not).
  4. Explain your abbreviations first before using them. For example- World Health Organisation (WHO)
  1. Use British English.
  2. Do not write in first person. (I think, I read, I believe etc.)
  3. Please be careful with your spellings and punctuation marks. Poor grammar is poor writing and results in poor understanding and misleading.
  4. The writing should be formal and should create a flow through linking sentences clearly.
  5. Use clear and concise academic language in writing.
  6. No anecdotal stories.
  7. Try not to be too descriptive. You need to do a ‘critical analysis’. Analyse the role of mass media, education and communication theories and models in crafting mass health promotion messages.
  8. Make sure the format of your essay is Arial font, 12, The margins for each page are 2.54 cm (the default in MS Word) and the line spacing is double, and justified (right and left side of paragraphs is straight, like in a book or published report). 


  1. You MUST use Harvard Referencing system in your assignment
  2. This should be for both in the body of the essay (citation) and references. Please signpost your references clearly and accurately in the body of the essay.
  3. Use only academic peer-reviewed published articles, academic books, government websites or reliable international data sets from UN or other international agencies.
  4. Avoid grey literature, non-academic articles. For example- google, blogs, newspapers, online opinions, non-validated data etc.
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