0 - 29:
No evidence of Knowledge. No evidence of
Academic/Expressive/ Professional skills.
30 - 39:
Little evidence of knowledge.
Little evidence of use of scholarly conventions.
40 - 49:
Knowledge. Use of scholarly conventions inconsistent. Basic Academic/ Expressive/ Professional skills.
50 -59
Satisfactory knowledge base. Acceptable structure and accuracy of expression going beyond the descriptive at times.
60 - 69:
Good analysis- consistent use of scholarly Conventions.
Good Academic/ Expressive/
Professional skills.
70 - 79:
Excellent analysis-high level of intellectual rigour and consistency.
Excellent Academic/ Expressive/
Professional skills.
80 - 89:
Outstanding analysis; work.
Outstanding Academic/ Expressive/ professional skills and creativity
90 - 100:
Exceptional analysis; work.
Exceptional Academic/ Expressive/ professional skills and creativity
Knowledge and application of concepts of health and well-being. (40 marks)
Little or inadequate knowledge on the concepts of health and wellbeing. There may be an absence of theories or theories used may not be relevant. There will be no discussion of the concepts with regards to the intervention.
Little or inadequate use of supporting evidence. Sources used may be missing or not academic quality. MOD005915 Promoting Health and Wellbeing
The concepts used are described briefly; there is limited discussion with regards to application of concepts to the intervention.
There is limited evidence provided to support the discussion.
Lacking explanation or examples.
Limited use of relevant quality academic sources.
The essay/ briefing paper will identify the main issues and demonstrate knowledge of concepts of health and wellbeing.
However, the theories are mainly described with limited application.
Basic use of supporting evidence; some explanations or examples are missing. Sources are mixed in quality; some are relevant academic but others more general.
Concepts are described and there is some relevant application to the intervention, although this could be more detailed. The relationship between health and well-being is established although this may lack detail and examples
Discussion is generally supported by evidence from relevant explanations and examples.
Sources are mostly academic but the number of sources used may be limited
Concepts are described clearly with good discussion of concepts relevant to the intervention; there is a good balance between description and application.
Supporting evidence is provided throughout the discussions from a range of sources.
Good quality academic sources have been used.
Excellent application of the concepts to the intervention. The focus is clearly placed on those concepts relevant to the intervention.
Excellent use of varied types of supporting evidence obtained from a wide range of academic sources. To what extent do the concepts of health and well-being used to develop the campaign ŮKnow your Numbers!’ influence the health and well-being of the individuals who participate? What social determinants may influence the success of the campaign?
Outstanding application of the concepts to the intervention. The focus is clearly placed on those concepts relevant to the intervention.
Originality in application to then intervention.
Outstanding originality demonstrated through the use of supporting evidence and academix sources.
Exceptional application of the concepts to the intervention. The focus is clearly placed on those concepts relevant to the intervention.
Originality in application to the intervention.
Exceptional originality demonstrated through the use of supporting evidence and academic sources.
Analysis of the intervention in terms of concepts health and well-being.
(50 marks).
This should include a discussion on the importance of the holistic concepts and impact of social/environmental factors on the intervention.
To what extent do the concepts of health and well-being used to develop the campaign ŮKnow your Numbers!’ influence the health and well-being of the individuals who participate? What social determinants may influence the success of the campaign?
Little or inadequate analysis of the concepts of health used by the intervention, no critical discussion of the impact of these concepts.
Discussion on the holistic approach may be missing or limited. Factors that influence the intervention are missing or irrelevant.
Major content omission.
Little or inadequate use of supporting evidence. Sources used may be missing or not academic quality.
Limited analysis of the concepts of health used by the intervention, no critical discussion of the impact of these concepts.
Discussion on the holistic approach may be missing or limited. Factors that influence the intervention are missing or irrelevant. Significant content omission.b There is limited evidence provided to support the discussion.
Lacking explanation or examples.
Limited use of relevant quality academic sources
Basic analysis of the concepts of health used by the intervention including some critical discussion of the impact of these concepts.
Discussion on the holistic approach is basic. Factors that influence the intervention are identified but little discussion provided.
There may be some omissions.
Basic use of supporting evidence; some explanations or examples are missing.
Sources are mixed in quality; some are relevant academic but others more general
The essay may still be descriptive although there will be some examples of critical discussion relevant to the intervention.
A holistic approach is recognised as important; there may be a lack of depth in the discussion.
Factors that influence the intervention are identified with some discussion of the impact.
There may be some minor omissions in content.
Discussion is generally supported by evidence from relevant explanations and examples.
Sources are mostly academic, but the number of ources used may be limited
A good analysis: arguments will be supported with evidence, explanation or examples. There will be evidence of some independent research and original thinking.
There will be some critique of the health and well-being concepts in terms of the intervention. The importance of a holistic approach to health and well-being will be discussed.
Focused discussion on the factors that may influence the success of the intervention.
Supporting evidence is provided throughout the discussions from a range of sources.
Good quality academic sources have been used.
Excellent analysis of the concepts; the discussion is fully supported with evidence, explanation or examples relevant to the intervention. The sources demonstrate excellent management of resources. The discussion demonstrates some examples of originality and autonomy.
An excellent analysis of the intervention in terms of health and well-being.
Excellent use of varied supporting evidence obtained from a wide range of academic sources.
Outstanding analysis of the concepts; the discussion is fully supported with evidence, explanation or examples. The sources demonstrate outstanding management of resources and a high degree of autonomy.
A high degree of intellectual originality.
An outstanding analysis of the intervention in terms of health and well-being. Outstanding originality demonstrated through the use of supporting evidence and academic sources.
Exceptional analysis of the concepts; the discussion is fully supported with evidence, explanation or examples. The sources demonstrate exceptional management of resources and a high degree of autonomy.
A high degree of intellectual originality.
An exceptional analysis of the intervention in terms of health and well-being.
Exceptional originality demonstrated through the use of supporting evidence and academic sources.