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Assignment Briefs 12-06-2022

LO1 Acquire concepts and frameworks that are used to analyse organisations.

The price quoted is for the complete assessment which includes the poster presentation as well as the written part.

GMDGBS203 Organisation Behaviour

Module code and title

GMDGBS203 Organisation Behaviour

Module leader


Assignment number and type

Assignment components –

Poster Presentation (Group)

Written Assignment (Individual)

Assessment weighting

Poster Presentation: 20%

Written Assignment: 80% Total Marks: 100 percent

Submission Date and time

Poster – Week 4, in-class presentation

Written assignment – Monday, 19 December 2022, 23:59 hours

Target feedback date and time

3 weeks from submission TBC

Learning Outcomes


Acquire concepts and frameworks that are used to analyse organisations.


Understand and solve some of the problems/crises that tend to arise in organisational context.


Develop independent research and writing skills associated with producing longer assessed essays.


Develop teamwork, problem solving and presentation skills in tutorials.

Assignment Task

This assessment requires students to analyse one specific change that may be experienced by a business organisation, choosing from a selection of change topics listed below. Before selecting a topic, preliminary research needs to be undertaken to gain an understanding of the issues that may occur when an organisation introduce change in any of its processes. Students need to inform their lecturer of their chosen change topic.

Change topics –

  1. Change in the use of technology
  2. Change in leadership or top management
  3. Innovation
  4. Change in work practices
  5. Change in recruitment strategies

Students need to undertake research on the causes that may trigger the change selected, individual and organisational responses to change, and recommend feasible corporate strategies to implement the change successfully.

The group poster presentation will be focused on individual (employee’s) responses to change and the role of HR in the successful implementation of organisational change. Concepts to consider are resistance to change, conflict and stress, and motivation, among others. Discussions must include research-based company practices when dealing with resistance to change.

For the individual written paper, discussions need to focus on the factors that cause/trigger the organisational change chosen, analysing both internal and external factors, and organisational responses to change. Concepts to consider are SWOT/PESTEL to analyse factors that may trigger the specific organisational change, influences of

Assignment Requirements

There are two components to this assessment, a 10-minute group poster presentation, and an individual written assignment of 3000 words. Both components of the assessment will be marked, 20% for poster presentation (group mark) and 80% for the written paper (individual mark).

Poster Presentation (Group)

The poster and its presentation will be completed in small groups of 4 students, with group membership based on the change topic selected. Each small group must complete their presentation in 10 minutes, each member of the group required to speak for 2 minutes, with 2 minutes Q&A after all members of the group have spoken.

Presentation times will be strictly observed, failure to present on date specified will be considered non- submission. Each group presenting must use a 1-slide poster which has been created by the group for purposes of this assessment.

Written Paper (Individual)

The written assignment should include a full discussion of the assignment topic, as described in this brief. The written assessment should include a contents page, executive summary, introduction, discussions and analysis, recommendations and conclusions, and a list of references. Acquire concepts and frameworks that are used to analyse organisations.

Note: Both components of the assignment will assess LO1, LO2, LO3 and LO4.

Submission Requirements

Both components of the assessment must be submitted through Turnitin found in the module site Organisation Behaviour, accessible through Moodle, by the dates and times indicated below. The group poster used in the presentations must be attached (in jpeg format) as an appendix to the individual written paper.

The in-class poster presentation will be completed on Week 4, w/c 12th December 2022. Failure to present on the date/time allocated will be considered a non-submission for this part of the assessment.

The 3000-word individual written assessment must be submitted by Monday, 19th December 2022, by 23.59. Assignment must be written in MS Word, using either 12 font Times New Roman or 11 font Arial.

Turnitin submissions prior to final submission dates will be considered a draft and may still be changed/modified before the final date of submission.

Work submitted up to three working days after the submission date will be accepted and marked, but the mark will be capped at the pass mark of 40% unless student can evidence a valid reason for late submission, see Extenuating Circumstances Policy. Work submitted after three days from submission date with no valid reason for late submission will not be marked.

For late submission policies, refer to the Student Handbook found in this page

Feedback and marks for this assessment will be available three weeks from final submission date (TBC).

Core Textbooks

Buchanan, D.A. and Huczyinski, A.A. (2019) Organizational Behaviour, 10th edition, Harlow: Pearson.

Mullins, L.J. and McLean, J.E. (2019) Organisational Behaviour in the Workplace, 12th edition. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited.

Marking Criteria

The following criteria will be applied when marking this assessment. Carefully consider each criterion to ensure that work submitted achieves the desired mark.

Level 5

In accordance with the FHEQ, at the end of Level 5 students will be expected to have developed sound knowledge and critical understanding of the well-established concepts and principles in their field of study and will have learned to apply those concepts and principles more widely outside the context in which they were first studied. They will have knowledge of the main methods of enquiry in the subject area, and ability to critically evaluate different approaches to problem solving. They will possess an understanding of the limits of their knowledge, and how this influences their analyses and interpretations.

They will be able to effectively communicate information, arguments and analysis in a variety of forms to specialist and non- specialist audiences and deploy key techniques of the discipline effectively. Acquire concepts and frameworks that are used to analyse organisations.


Assessment category

Knowledge and critical understanding of well-established concepts and principles of the subject(s)

Cognitive and intellectual skills

Application of theory to practice (for courses with a professional practice element)

Reading and referencing

Presentation, style and structure

Work that significantly exceeds the specified word limit may be penalised

Pass mark, demonstrating achievement of all associated learning outcomes


Excellent work showing flawless understanding of the established concepts and principles of the subject(s).

Insightful application of excellent critical, analytical and evaluative skills to demonstrate exceptional ability to express arguments fully supported relevant evidence. Shows outstanding independent thinking through its original expression, and evidences both self- awareness and a deep and comprehensive understanding of the subjects’ key stances and knowledge boundaries.

Sophisticated application of theory to practice, demonstrating insightful selection of theory and flawless application to practice

Insightful and effective use of a carefully selected range of relevant reading, including research- informed literature where relevant.

Consistently accurate application of referencing.

Exemplary presentation of work that is fluent and flawless throughout.


High quality work showing fluent understanding of the established concepts and principles of the subject(s).

Use of excellent critical, analytical and evaluative skills in order to develop highly logical and coherent judgements

/ arguments,

supported by a range

Excellent application of theory to practice, with all links fully appropriate and meaningfully applied.

Consistent and balanced engagement with a refined range of relevant reading, including research- informed literature where relevant.

Highly effective presentation of work that is coherently structured and clearly expressed throughout.





of relevant evidence. Evidence of independent thinking and creativity.

Critiques a variety of stances meaningfully, and effectively expresses the limits

of their knowledge.


Consistently accurate application of referencing.


70% – 79%

Commendable work showing detailed understanding of the established concepts and principles of the subject(s).

Use of effective critical, analytical and evaluative skills in order to develop logical and coherent judgements / arguments, supported by a range of relevant evidence. Clear evidence of originality. Explicit discussion of other stances and a strong awareness of the limits of their knowledge.

Effective application of theory to practice, with the student making highly appropriate and carefully expressed links between the two.

Consistent engagement with a wide range of relevant reading, including research- informed literature where relevant.

Consistently accurate application of referencing.

Well-formed presentation of work that is coherently structured and clearly expressed throughout.


Level 5

Knowledge and critical understanding

Cognitive and intellectual skills

Application of theory to practice

Reading and referencing

Presentation, style and structure

Pass mark, demonstrating achievement of all associated learning outcomes

60% – 69%

Work of solid quality showing competent and consistent understanding of the established concepts and principles of the subject(s).

Use of sound critical, analytical and evaluative skills in order to develop logical and coherent

Sound application of theory to practice, with the student making appropriate, well- developed and articulated links between the two.

Engagement with a wide range of relevant reading. Sound application of referencing, with no inaccuracies or inconsistencies.

Competent presentation of work in terms of structure and clarity of expression.

50% – 59%

Adequate work showing understanding of the established concepts and principles of the subject(s), but lacking depth and breadth.

Evidence of use of evaluation and critical analysis to support the development of logical and coherent judgements / arguments, supported by relevant evidence. An awareness of other stances and of the limits of their knowledge.

Consistent and accurate application of theory to practice, with the student making appropriate links between the two. Acquire concepts and frameworks that are used to analyse organisations.

Engagement with an appropriate range of reading beyond essential texts.

Referencing may show minor inaccuracies or inconsistencies.

Work is structured in a largely coherent manner and is for the most part clearly expressed.

40% – 49%

Simple factual approach showing limited understanding of the established concepts and principles of the subject(s). Narrow or misguided selection of material, with elements missing or inaccurate.

Limited and inconsistent use of evaluation and critical analysis to support emerging judgements or arguments, although not always logical or coherent and with inaccuracies. Limited awareness of other stances and the limits of their knowledge.

Relevant theoretical knowledge and understanding applied in practice, but with students not always making logical links between the two.

Evidence of reading, largely confined to essential texts, but mainly reliant on taught elements. Referencing may show inaccuracies and/or inconsistencies.

Ordered presentation in which relevant ideas / concepts are reasonably expressed.


Level 5

Knowledge and

critical understanding

Cognitive and intellectual skills

Application of theory to practice

Reading and referencing

Presentation, style and structure

Marginal fail

35% - 39%

Weak work showing limited but fragmentary understanding of the established concepts and principles of the subject(s), for example through inaccuracies, inclusion of irrelevant material and/or absence of appropriate information.

Largely descriptive work, with very little effort made to use evaluation and critical analysis to develop judgements or arguments.

Information accepted uncritically, with unsubstantiated opinions evident.

Limited understanding of the application of theory to practice, with the student often not making appropriate links between the two.

Poor engagement with essential texts and no evidence of wider reading. Heavily reliant on taught elements.

Inconsistent and weak use of referencing.

Work is loosely, and at times incoherently, structured, with information and ideas often poorly expressed.


20% – 34%

Unsatisfactory work showing weak and flawed understanding of the established concepts and principles of the subject(s), for example through serious inaccuracies, inclusion of a significant amount of irrelevant material and/or absence of appropriate information.

Descriptive work with no effort made to use evaluation or critical analysis to develop judgements or arguments. Views expressed are often illogical, invalid or irrelevant. Minimal or no use of evidence to back up views.

Weak understanding of the application of theory to practice, with only occasional evidence of the student making appropriate links between the two.

Limited evidence of reading and/or reliance on inappropriate sources. Limited engagement with taught elements. Very poor use of referencing.

Work is poorly presented in a disjointed and incoherent manner. Information and ideas are very poorly expressed, with weak English and/or inappropriate style.

< 20%

Highly unsatisfactory work showing major gaps in understanding of the established concepts and principles of the subject(s). Inclusion of largely irrelevant material, absence of appropriate information and significant inaccuracies.

Work is largely irrelevant or inaccurate, characterised by descriptive text and unsubstantiated generalisations.

Minimal or no use of evidence to back up views.

Very weak theoretical knowledge and understanding, with no evidence of appropriate application in practice.

No evidence of reading or engagement with taught elements.

Absent or incoherent referencing.

Work is extremely disorganised, with much of the content confusingly expressed. Very poor English and/or very inappropriate style.


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