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Assignment Briefs 06-22-2024

XGBSHN5002 Planning, Designing and Evaluating Health Interventions

XGBSHN5002 Planning, designing and evaluating health interventions – Report

Assessment Pack contents:

Short introduction to the task.

Key terms

Key resources

Template to outline structure and content

Rubric to understand marking criteria

Video to explain it

Short introduction to the task:

Select a social problem or health issue that you intend to address through an intervention. Justify your choice of the issue, the target population and the planning model to be used (e.g. Precede-Procede model). Additionally, perform a needs assessment for the chosen target population and create an intervention plan aimed at preventing the health condition or addressing the social issue. Finally, outline the evaluation process for this intervention and address any ethical considerations.

The assessment should be presented in report style, with a formal title page, and contents page. Section headings and subheadings are appropriate for report style. All figures and tables should be numbered and labelled.  The report should conform to academic writing and referencing guidelines and should contain both in-text citations and a reference list. Where appropriate, you may wish to include a glossary to define terms used in your rep

Key terms:

Health campaign/interventi health promotion planning model, health promotion approaches, health behaviour theories /models, Ethics, campaign evaluation

Word count: 4000 words


Core texts

Green, J., Cross, R., Woodall, J., & Tones, K. (2019). Health promotion : planning and strategies. SAGE . (available at some of GBS libraries).

Naidoo, J. and Wills, J. (2016) Foundations for Health promotion (4th edn). London: Elsevier. (LTU online)

Scriven, A., Ewles, L., and Simnett. I., (2017). Ewles & Simnett`s promoting health: A practical guide. Edinburgh. Elsevier.

Tones, K. and Tilford, S. (2002) Health Promotion, Effectiveness, Efficiency and Equity (3rd edn). London: Chapman and Hall.

Public health profiles

Health and social care

Models and theories of health behaviour and clinical interventions in aging: a contemporary, integrative approach

Health promotion theories

Ethical issues in public health promotion

Precede proceed Model (2020). Chapter 2. Other Models for Promoting Community Health and Development | Section 2. PRECEDE/PROCEED | Main Section | Community Tool Box. [online] Available at:


The above are just examples of useful resources, make sure you do more research to add more to your report


Introduction (200 words overall)

  1. Identification of the problem/health issue, you want to focus your intervention on, add some statistics to justify this

Rationale (800 words) (20%)

Why is it important to focus an intervention on health promotion with chosen age group/cohort? In chosen setting? (3/4 sentences)

  • Identify a cohort/group your intervention will target and justify this by indicating data that shows it is an issue/problem
  • Highlight in a national policy/strategy why this is a goal (2/3 sentences)
  • What are the potential benefits of focusing on this topic/problem/health issue – be specific, do not be too ambitious (2/3 sentences)
  • Introduce the planning model you are going to use and explain why it is a good choice for this intervention (recommend precede-proceed model)
  • Compare with another planning model e.g., simpler logic model

The precede stage of the model will set out reasons for doing the intervention:

Phase one (Social assessment)

  • Encourages an identification of ‘quality of life’ and how the intervention supports this concept for chosen age group/cohort,
  • identifies the problem you set out to run your campaign about (and how campaign/intervention will support your cohort)
  • Refer to the world health organization (WHO) definition of health – only refer to parts of it.

Phase Two (Epidemiological assessment)

  • (give the statistic) – think about affecting on life, social as well as health/illness. Diseases long term.
  • Identify the social determinant of health (use the Dahlgren and whitehead, 1991) of the identified problems of the cohort for this upcoming cohort, this would be taught with

Phase Three (Ecological assessment):

  • Behaviors of the group and the environment in which you are carrying it out
  • This is the analysis of the behaviour links to health issues or problems that are identified in the social or epidemiological diagnosis
  • Explore and analyze lifestyle/behavioral and environmental factors that predispose, reinforce and enable behavior/lifestyle
  • Barrier / Facilitators

Phase Four (Administrative and policy diagnosis)

  • Organization – resources – professional, scheduled time, how regular it can be, can all individuals in setting access it
  • Identify policies and administrative factors that influence implementation of intervention that will encourage change

Needs assessments (20%)

  • What is a needs assessment ( or any credible source? How is it carried out ( or from health promotion textbook

Step one:

  • of the needs assessment: how does your intervention idea (goal) fit within the National goals set by PHE? (All our health link). How does you intervention fits into policy/public health England
  • EXAMPLE: A health intervention in a nursery setting with children aged 3-4 years meets the public health England goal to give all children the best start in life (PHE, 2015). Public health England identify the importance of emotional wellbeing in the early years (PHE, 2015).

Step two:

  • Which impact area does your intervention focus upon – explain why (High Impact areas link) or any previous intervention that has been shown to work

Step three:

  • Identify readily available data that details social, economic, cultural and behavior factors that affect audience/cohort health (child (use your cohort here) health profile link)
  • EXAMPLE: Total population in local area, number in target age group, gender difference, disability levels, deprivation rates, English as second language, number of children in care, maternal mental health, dental extractions, family homelessness, childhood obesity, admission episodes for alcohol-specific conditions (under 18s), hospital admissions for asthma (under 19 years)

Order of priority and relevance to your intervention

Comparison between local and national data, you can use the PHE or any credible or reliable source??

Identify how your intervention is going to meet the needs of the cohort/audience identified in the data.

Step four:

  •  Identify LOCAL resources – for example total number of schools, services relevant to your intervention already available in schools, local services that can support, professional skills needed, facilities required (school and local community) – detail how each resource will support the intervention/limitations compare to other areas to identify deficiencie

Step five:

  • Involving stakeholders – identify who your stakeholders are and the methods you would use to hear their point of view (BEFORE THE INTERVENTION)
  • Detail the methods used with each stakeholder any why they would be a useful tool for a child, parent, staff (questionnaire, focus groups).
  • Give one or two example questions you would ask stakeholder and explain the information you are trying to extract (how the answers would be useful to designing the intervention).

Explain the approach that you are using and why, critique other approaches and why you approach is most suitable (quantitative or qualitative)?

Intervention Design (20%)

  • Identify aims and objectives of intervention and the setting where it will take place
  • Identify and explore the health promotion approach that is best appropriate for your intervention (Medical/preventative, behavioral, educational, empowerment/client centered, social change)
  • Identify and explore the health promotion theory that is best appropriate for your intervention and explain how it helps to explain behavior change

Include a table that reflects on the result of previous interventions (follow the example done in class)

Evaluation (20%)

  • Discuss your evaluation approach (formative, process and outcome evaluation) linking strongly to your aims and objectives. This could be linked to precede proceed model’s (evaluation) or to introduce formative evaluation 
  • It should enable the reader to gain a clear picture of how the intervention will be evaluated, drawing on the evaluation theory you have learned during the module

Ethics (10%)

  • Discuss the ethical values and principles underpinning health promotion/intervention
  • Apply these to your intervention

Academic Writing (10%)

  • This structuring and presentation of the report, the fluency of your writing, and your use and citation/referencing of sources. APA Style.

Rubric used to mark:


78, 75, 72


Excellent rationale for health issue and target group. Evidence is broad and relevant, showing discernment in selection. Planning approach clearly justified, and clear explanations of why alternative approaches were rejected.

A strength of your rationale was..

In future..

Needs Assessment

An excellent needs assessment that draws on evidence well to present a coherent approach to engaging the target audience in the intervention design. Theory of needs assessment clearly integrated and excellent evidence of how evaluation of different approaches to needs assessment might affect the intervention design.

A strength of your needs assessment was…

In future…

Intervention Design

Considers all aspects. The intervention sets challenging but practical, realistic aims and objectives that show consideration of sustainability and breadth of reach. Intervention design theory and evidence is embedded, with good justification for chosen approaches and methods, demonstrating emerging analysis and evaluation of the evidence base   

A strength of your intervention design was…

In future…

Evaluation Strategy

A very strong evaluation strategy, clearly aligned with intervention aims and objectives. Formative and outcome evaluation. Evaluation paradigm is nicely justified, drawing on supporting evidence. The evaluation strategy offers breadth and would provide evidence to inform evaluation of intervention effectiveness.

A strength of your evaluation was…

In future…


Ethics firmly embedded throughout the intervention design e.g., evaluation. Analysis shows how intervention design has been shaped or informed by ethical considerations. Some emerging evaluation of merits and drawbacks of adoption of different ethical positions.

A strength was…

In future…

Academic Writing

The report is very well structured and writing shows excellent academic fluency and flow. Analysis is consistent throughout and there are good attempts at evaluation. Evidence base is broad and use of evidence shows some discernment. Referencing is excellent – minor errors.

A strength was..

In future….



68, 65, 62


Very good rationale for health issue and target group. Evidence is broad and relevant, showing discernment in selection. Planning approach clearly justified, and some explanations of why alternative approaches were rejected.

A strength of your rationale was..

In future..

Needs Assessment

A robust needs assessment that draws on evidence well to present a coherent approach to engaging the target audience in the intervention design. Theory of needs assessment clearly integrated and some evidence of how evaluation of different approaches to needs assessment might affect the intervention design.

A strength of your needs assessment was…

In future…

Intervention Design

The intervention sets challenging but practical, realistic aims and objectives that show consideration of sustainability and breadth of reach. Intervention design theory and evidence is embedded, with some justification for chosen approaches and methods, demonstrating emerging analysis and evaluation of the evidence base   

A strength of your intervention design was…

In future…

Evaluation Strategy

A strong evaluation strategy, clearly aligned with intervention aims and objectives. Evaluation paradigm is nicely justified, drawing on supporting evidence. The evaluation strategy offers breadth and would provide evidence to inform evaluation of intervention effectiveness.

A strength of your evaluation was…

In future…


Ethics firmly embedded in the intervention design. Analysis shows how intervention design has been shaped or informed by ethical considerations. Some emerging evaluation of merits and drawbacks of adoption of different ethical positions.

A strength was…

In future…

Academic Writing

The report is well structured and writing shows good academic fluency and flow. Analysis is consistent throughout and there are good attempts at evaluation. Evidence base is broad and use of evidence shows some discernment. Referencing is accurate.

A strength was..

In future….


58, 55, 52


Good rationale provided for both health issue and target group. Evidence is up to date and is analysed and applied. Planning approaches clearly explained and chosen approach is justified.

A strength of your rationale was..

In future..

Needs Assessment

Needs assessment shows a good understanding of theory and application to practice. Relevant key stakeholders identified and their influence on intervention design shows analytical thought. Some integration of supporting evidence around effective needs assessment practice.

A strength of your needs assessment was…

In future…

Intervention Design

The intervention has a clear and well thought out set of aims and objectives, clearly aligned to the target group and issue. The design shows strong application of theory, and integrates evidence from existing successful interventions. The intervention shows some originality.

A strength of your intervention design was…

In future…

Evaluation Strategy

A clearly thought out evaluation strategy with clear alignment to intervention aims and objectives. Evaluation paradigms are considered and some justification provided. The strategy provided would provide evidence of intervention effectiveness but may be limited in breadth and scope.

A strength of your evaluation was…

In future…


Ethics considered across each stage of intervention design. Accurate identification of key ethical issues, some analysis and discussion of how consideration of these has shaped the intervention design.

A strength was…

In future…

Academic Writing

The report is clearly structured with appropriate headings and sub-headings. Writing is grammatically correct and sentence construction shows fluency and flow. Writing is broadly analytical, with some description. Reading is relevant and up to date but could be broader. Referencing is mostly accurate and consistent.

A strength was..

In future….


48, 45, 42


Brief rationale provided for both health issue and target group. Evidence is not always up to date. Some analysis. Planning approaches explained and chosen approach is briefly justified.

A strength of your rationale was..

In future..

Needs Assessment

Needs assessment shows some understanding of theory and application to practice. Relevant key stakeholders identified but their influence on intervention design shows basic analytical thought. Some integration of supporting evidence around effective needs assessment practice.

A strength of your needs assessment was…

In future…

Intervention Design

The intervention has some clear and well thought aims and objectives, attempt to align to the target group and issue, though lack in evidence. The design shows some application of theory and integrates evidence from existing successful interventions. The intervention shows some originality.

A strength of your intervention design was…

In future…

Evaluation Strategy

A clearly thought-out evaluation strategy with some alignment to intervention aims and objectives. Evaluation paradigms are limited, with some justification. The strategy provided would provide evidence of intervention effectiveness but may be limited in breadth and scope.

A strength of your evaluation was…

In future…


Ethics considered, but not always at each stage of intervention design. Some identification of key ethical issues, some analysis and discussion of how consideration of these has shaped the intervention design.

A strength was…

In future…

Academic Writing

The report is clearly structured with appropriate headings and sub-headings. Writing is mostly grammatically correct and sentence construction shows fluency and flow. Writing is somewhat description. Reading is relevant and up to date but could be broader. Referencing is mostly accurate, but with some inconsistency.

A strength was..

In future….


38, 35, 32


Some attempt at providing a justification for the focus and the target group but lacking in supporting evidence. Planning approaches mentioned but little understanding shown.

A strength of your rationale was..

In future..

Needs Assessment

Needs assessment shows basic understanding of theory but limited if any application to the needs assessment process. Limited or basic identification of key stakeholders and engagement strategies, with gaps that would constitute a serious flaw in the subsequent intervention design.

A strength of your needs assessment was…

In future…

Intervention Design

The intervention aims and objectives are brief, and somewhat confused. The link to the target group and issue may be tenuous and lacking in evidence. Some existing campaigns and interventions drawn on but it would be difficult to see this plan working in practice.

A strength of your intervention design was…

In future…


The evaluation strategy is overly simplistic and loosely aligned to the aims and objectives of the intervention. It would be difficult to see how the evaluation methods chosen would generate evidence of intervention effectiveness.

A strength of your evaluation was…

In future…


Limited consideration of ethics within the intervention plan. Mainly descriptive and little application to the specific intervention plan

A strength was…

In future…

Academic Writing

The report is structured with headings and sub-headings but may lack organisation. Spelling, sentence construction and grammatical errors may be common. Writing is predominantly descriptive with only occasional analysis. Referencing is present but with errors and very limited evidence used to support the report.

A strength was…

In future….


Video link that explains the task:



About XGBSHN5002 Planning, Designing and Evaluating Health Interventions From Our Experts

Assignment Overview

The assignment for the course XGBSHN5002 focuses on the intricate process of planning, designing, and evaluating health interventions. This task requires students to integrate theoretical knowledge with practical skills to develop comprehensive health intervention strategies. The objective is to address specific health issues within a target population, using evidence-based approaches to ensure the interventions are effective, sustainable, and culturally appropriate.

Planning Health Interventions

Planning is the foundational stage of any successful health intervention. In this assignment, students must conduct a thorough needs assessment to identify the primary health concerns within the target population. This involves collecting and analyzing data on health indicators, risk factors, and social determinants of health. Students are expected to engage with community stakeholders, healthcare professionals, and policymakers to ensure a holistic understanding of the health issue. The planning phase also includes setting clear, measurable objectives and goals that align with broader public health frameworks and policies.

Designing Health Interventions

Designing health interventions involves creating detailed plans that outline the specific activities, resources, and timelines necessary to achieve the set objectives. Students will learn to apply theoretical models and frameworks, such as the PRECEDE-PROCEED model or the Social Ecological Model, to structure their intervention strategies. This part of the assignment emphasizes the importance of cultural competence, ensuring that the interventions are tailored to the unique needs and preferences of the target population. Students must also consider the logistical aspects, such as budget constraints, staffing, and potential barriers to implementation.

Evaluating Health Interventions

Evaluation is a critical component of health interventions, as it determines the effectiveness and impact of the implemented strategies. In this assignment, students will design evaluation plans that include both process and outcome evaluations. They will learn to develop appropriate indicators and benchmarks to measure the success of the intervention. Methods for data collection and analysis, such as surveys, focus groups, and statistical analysis, will be explored to ensure rigorous evaluation. The evaluation phase also involves interpreting the results to make informed decisions about the continuation, modification, or termination of the intervention, with the aim of achieving continuous improvement in health outcomes.

Practical Application and Critical Thinking

Throughout the assignment, students are encouraged to apply critical thinking and problem-solving skills. They must navigate complex health issues, considering ethical implications, resource limitations, and diverse stakeholder perspectives. The assignment fosters the development of practical skills that are essential for future public health professionals, including project management, communication, and interdisciplinary collaboration. By the end of the assignment, students will have a comprehensive understanding of the lifecycle of health interventions, from conception to evaluation, preparing them to contribute effectively to the field of public health

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