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Assignment Briefs 07-04-2024

Analyse the nature of higher education study and, using a range of sources, provide information about the entry requirements for your chosen higher education course


Assignments must be all your own work and must not have been copied partly or entirely from any other source, such as books, the internet or from other students’ work. If you wish to use another author’s exact words in a short quotation this must be clearly marked up in inverted commas with the exact source given, including page number, so that your assessor can clearly see which words have been copied and are not your own. Just quoting references used at the end is not sufficient.

Please refer to your Learner Handbook to read the centres plagiarism policy

Learner Name:  




Learner Declaration:  I declare that all the work submitted for this unit is my own, and that where I have drawn on the work of others, I have referenced this in accordance with the College Policy.

Learner Signature:


Please attach the entire assignment brief to work submitted for assessment.  Your work cannot be assessed unless you have signed and submitted this form. Electronic signature will suffice.


Assignment Brief - Ungraded

Access to HE Diploma Title

Access to HE Diploma (Nursing)

Unit Code(s)

Unit Title


Credit Value


Preparation for Higher Education



Assignment Title

Higher Education Preparation Portfolio


This assignment will be divided into 4 tasks. The word count should be 1,500 words (+/- 10%) in total and all tasks presented as one portfolio of evidence.

Task 1: Analyse the nature of higher education study and, using a range of sources, provide information about the entry requirements for your chosen higher education course.

Guidance: Do not simply rely upon the websites for your chosen higher education establishment. Consider what other say about each of these courses, e.g. Quality Assurance Agency (QAA). Compare and contrast these establishments.

AC 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 3.1, 4.3

Task 2: Produce a detailed UCAS statement.

Guidance: This statement should meet the UCAS requirements and outline your strengths and areas for development. State clearly why you have chosen the particular course and what qualities, skills and attributes you could bring to it.

AC 2.1, 2.2

Task 3: Preparing for interview questions

Guidance: For this task you should consider the types of questions you may be asked at interview. Develop a minimum of 10 questions with appropriate answers.

AC 3.2

Task 4: Chart

Guidance: Produce a chart that details your strengths and weaknesses in relation to academic qualities. Link this to any barriers and practical problems that you can foresee and outline how these could be overcome.

AC 4.1, 4.2

There will be one final submission deadline that will encompass all tasks.

Date Handed Out:

Submission Deadline:

Actual Date Submitted:





Extension Request

Formal Extension Request:

Yes ☐     No ☐

Extension Deadline:


Tutor/Assessor Signature to Agree Extension: 


Actual Date Submitted:


Resubmission Deadline

Resubmission Deadline:


Date Resubmission Submitted:


Date Returned to Student:


Referral Request? 

Yes ☐     No ☐

Assessment Information

Access to HE Diploma Title

Access to HE Diploma (Nursing)

Assignment Title

Higher Education Preparation Portfolio

Assessment Criteria


Use information sources to research Higher Education courses.


Analyse processes and procedures necessary to gain entry to Higher Education.


Analyse information on Higher Education courses and make appropriate realistic choices.


Complete an application form with excellent attention to detail, meeting a given deadline.


Summarise and evaluate personal experiences, achievement and goals and communicate these clearly in a personal statement.


Conduct further personal research into courses at relevant institutions.


Prepare provisional answers to anticipated questions, making excellent use of previous experience and recent study.


Analyse the personal and academic qualities needed for successful study in Higher Education.


Explain likely practical problems and barriers in moving to higher education and seek strategies for overcoming these.


Analyse the nature of study in Higher Education.


Assignment Feedback

Access to HE Diploma Title

Access to HE Diploma (Nursing)

Assignment Title

Higher Education Preparation Portfolio

Unit Code(s)

Unit Title


Credit Value


Preparation for Higher Education



Date Handed Out:

Submission Deadline:






Internally Moderated:

Yes ☐     No ☐

Moderation Date:


Submission Feedback (referring to Assessment Criteria achievement):

Where all ACs are NOT met: 
In this situation, provide only feedback which identifies which ACs are incomplete and what the student must produce in order to address the missing AC evidence.  Do not make any summative comment, suggest any corrections or provide developmental feedback at this stage

Where all ACs are met: 
Ensure that annotation appears on the student`s work to show IV/EV where this evidence is found
. Confirm achievement of all ACs in the boxes below.

Assessment Criteria Achieved


ACs Covered





AC 1.1





AC 1.2





AC 1.3





AC 2.1





AC 2.2





AC 3.1





AC 3.2





AC 4.1





AC 4.2





AC 4.3







Resubmission Feedback (where appropriate)

Complete this section to evidence that the ACs which were missing from above have now been completed.  Ensure that BOTH original and resubmission work is included on the portfolio as evidence. Analyse the nature of higher education study and, using a range of sources, provide information about the entry requirements for your chosen higher education course

Resubmission Comments


Referral Feedback (where appropriate)

Follow the formal referral process with the approval of the Centre Moderator.  Complete this section to evidence that the ACs which were incomplete, as detailed above, have now been completed.  Ensure that all original, resubmission & referral work is included on the portfolio as evidence.  IV this assignment to confirm that the student has met all the ACs. 

Referral Comments


Assignment (1 of 1)





Unit Title:


Unit Number:








For Assessor To Complete


Feedback #1



Feedback #



Learner Feedback

Reflect on your academic progress. Critical reflection is a well-established means by which all students, at all levels of study, are encouraged to think about their own progress and development, acknowledging where progress has been made and identifying areas for further improvement and development.

1. What did you know about this topic before you started the assignment and what are the new things you have learnt after completing this assignment?


2. What have you learnt about yourself regarding time management and how do you feel about your performance?


3. What part(s)of this assignment did you find most challenging and what would you do differently?


Learner Signature:  




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