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Assignment Briefs
Demonstrate and define the role and parameters of the nursing associate and differentiate between the different fields of healthcare
Assignment Brief- Level 4
TNA4003 Professional Values and Parameters of Practice
TNA4003 Professional Values and Parameters of Practice
Learning Outcomes
Demonstrate and define the role and parameters of the nursing associate and differentiate between the different fields of healthcare.
Describe factors which impact on the delivery of safe, evidence based care including legal and ethical principles and personal wellbeing.
Demonstrate in practice appropriate attitudes and behaviours and use evidence based literature to support clinical decision making within the parameters of your role.
Reflective portfolio – Three 1000 word reflections
Assignment Title
Professional practice
Submission Date
Assignment Brief
How to Structure your assignment
Reflection 1
You need to reflect on your current role and the parameters of practice in which you currently work, linking your reflection to the NMC standards of proficiency for the Nursing Associate. You will need to identify a TNA from within your group who works in a different field to you and discuss how their role differs from yours. (1000 words) LO 1
Choose a reflective model and identify which model you will be using to help you to structure your reflective writing.
Briefly discuss your current role and responsibilities.
Think about the TNA whom you have spoken to and discuss how their role differs to yours. You will need to choose a TNA that works in a different field to you. For e.g. If you work within the Mental Health field, you will need to talk to a TNA from Child, Adult or learning Disability.
Think about a situation that you have been in that challenged the parameters of your role, e.g. when you have been asked to deliver care that you were not confident or competent to deliver.
Using the NMC standards of proficiency for the Nursing Associate as a guide reflect on how you felt in this situation, describe your emotions and how you dealt with the situation.
Discuss how you might approach this situation differently in the future
Reflection 2
Reflect on a critical incident from your practice that presented an ethical or legal dilemma and identify how you ensured the delivery of safe, evidence based care and how you managed your own self-care within the situation. (1000 words) LO 2.
Provide an explanation of what is meant by ethical and legal issues in healthcare.
Describe a situation from your practice that involved an ethical or legal dilemma. For example – consent not obtained correctly, withholding information from a patient or family, cultural needs not considered, patient coerced into treatment.
Reflect on your feelings and describe your own value base and beliefs about this situation.
Explain how you delivered safe and effective care in this situation, did you feel compromised or pressurised in this situation?
How did you manage your self-care – did you have someone to debrief with in a safe environment? Do you have any self-care techniques e.g. meditation.
Would you do anything differently in a similar situation?
Reflection 3
Identify a situation from practice where you were involved in clinical decision making that affected the health outcomes for a service user. Reflect on how you demonstrated appropriate attitudes and behaviours and how you worked within the parameters of your role. Also identify how the care you provided was linked to evidence based literature. (1000 words) LO 3. Your mentor will complete a final feedback sheet which will confirm that you have had a professional discussion related to this reflection.
Describe a situation when you were directly involved in the planning and delivery of care that improved the health outcomes for a patient, this can be an acute situation e.g.
you reported a sudden change in clinical observations or the general health of a patient
any health education and advice that you gave that impacted on the patient’s health outcome, this can be psychological as well as physical health.
Reflect on the skills and knowledge and as well as your attitude and behaviour that supported the delivery of effective care for the patient and their family. Why do you think the care was so effective, what did you do or say that had an impact on the patient and family?
Would you do anything differently in a similar situation?
Link the care you provided to relevant policies, procedures, evidence that guided your knowledge and practice
Discuss this situation with your practice assessor, practice supervisor or manager and ask for feedback. They will need to sign your reflection to confirm that you demonstrated the knowledge, skills and attitudes that you have recorded in your reflection. This must be included in your reflective portfolio in order to achieve learning outcome 3.
Confidentiality must be maintained at all times. Failure to do so will result in a technical fail with a mark of 1% being awarded.
If you refer to a patient/client by name a pseudonym (made up name) must be used and identified as such by including a clear statement to that effect. Please do not include names of organisations. Demonstrate and define the role and parameters of the nursing associate and differentiate between the different fields of healthcare
Structure and Presentation of your assignment:
Please submit your work as one word document, cut and paste the reflections one after the other using a sub heading reflection 1 etc.
Please use double line spacing and Arial font size 12
Please ensure that you include an electronic submission front sheet with your student number, the module code and the module title.
Please state your actual word count rather than the required word count (Your reference list and citations are not included in your word count), on your front sheet.
Please ensure that you adhere to the Harvard-style referencing system. Guidance on this is available to download from the library website.
You will need to submit an practice assessor sign off sheet to support reflection 3. This is available in the assessment section on the Moodle site & can be pasted into your document.
The marking for your written account is based upon the standard faculty criteria for Level 4 which can be found in your module guide. You need to reflect on your current role and the parameters of practice in which you currently work, linking your reflection to the NMC standards of proficiency for the Nursing Associate.
The submission date of your written account via electronic submission, will be on: 12/08/2022 by 12 midday.
Assessments submitted up to 1 hour after the published deadline will receive no penalty. This will ensure that students will not be unfairly penalised for any slowing of systems around deadlines. Please note you should still aim to upload by the published deadline.
At the first assessment attempt, the full range of marks is available.
At the re-assessment attempt the mark is capped. The maximum mark that can be achieved is 40%
Date of publication of provisional mark with feedback: 09/09/2022
NB: You will be permitted two attempts at this assignment (under SUAR 5 assessment regulations).
In Year Retrieval date for the assignment is: 07/10/2022
Following a failure grade your module tutor will offer to meet with you to discuss the retrieval of your fail grade. On-going one to one support will be offered to enable you to achieve the assessment criteria for this module.
Late submission
First attempt :
Assessments submitted between 1 and 24 hours after the published deadline will be reduced by 5% of actual mark. For example, an original mark of 60% will be reduced to a mark of 57%.
Assessments submitted between 24 hours and 1 week (5 working days) after the published deadline will be reduced by 10% of actual mark. For example, an original mark of 60% will be reduced to a mark of 54%.
Late submission – IYR attempt & Second Submission
Where a learner submits a re-assessment attempt more than 1 hour after the published
deadline the learner will be deemed to have failed the re-assessment and the assessment will
be returned to the learner unmarked. Work needs to be submitted by midday on the submission date.
Exceptional circumstance
You must submit the Request for Consideration of Exceptional Circumstances form to the Complaints and Appeals department AT LEAST SEVEN WORKING DAYS BEFORE THE DATE OF THE ASSESSMENT / DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION. If you have exceptional issues or problems in the seven working days before your coursework is due, or on the day that your coursework or examination is due, you may still make a request up to the assessment deadline. However, you MUST provide a satisfactory explanation; for example a sudden illness, for why you did not claim within the timescale required. Failure to have understood the process and timescales involved WILL NOT be accepted as a reason why you have not adhered to the deadline given above. Demonstrate and define the role and parameters of the nursing associate and differentiate between the different fields of healthcare
Marking Criteria
Undergraduate bands
A+ (85% +)
A (70-84%)
B (60-69%)
C (50-59%)
D (40-49%)
E (30-39%)
F (0-29%)
Knowledge & Understanding
Evidence of use of learning resources
Shows excellent use and evaluation of wider texts and resources
Shows good use of wider texts and resources
Good use of set texts and resources, and some use of wider resources
Clear use of set texts and resources
Limited use of set texts and resources
Some use of inappropriate sources
Inadequate use of set texts and resources
Frequent use of inappropriate sources
No use of set texts and resources
Excessive use of inappropriate sources
Evidence of understanding of the area of study
Grasps the wider contexts far beyond expectations
Clear grasp of the wider contexts
Shows good understanding of all the main concepts
Shows understanding of most of the main concepts
Shows understanding of some of the main concepts
Shows very limited understanding of the main concepts
Shows no understanding of the main concepts
Practical Skills
Application of relevant
Knowledge in the appropriate context
Excellent application of knowledge
Very good application of knowledge
Good and comprehensive application of knowledge
Clear application of knowledge
Limited application of knowledge
Inadequate application of knowledge
No application of knowledge
Intellectual Skills
Evaluation of key concepts
Excellent evaluation of the material
Evaluates the material very well
Evaluates the material well
Clearly evaluates the material
Adequate evaluation of the material
Inadequate evaluation of the material
No evaluation of the material
Transferable Skills
Structure and
Excellent structure and organisation
Very good structure and organisation
Good and effective structure and organisation
Clear structure and organisation
Limited structure and organisation
Inadequate structure and organisation
No structure and organisation
Communication of ideas
Impressive presentation of ideas
Presents ideas very confidently
Effectively written and presented
Presents ideas with some confidence
Adequately written and presented
Difficult to read or follow
Very difficult to read or follow
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