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Assignment Briefs 06-22-2024

SHN4013: Psychological Perspectives on Health & Wellbeing


SHN4013: Psychological Perspectives on Health & Wellbeing: Poster Presentation: Deadline 16/02/2024

Word count: 1500

Assessment Pack contents: Short introduction to the task. Key terms

Key resources

Template to outline structure and content. Rubric to understand marking criteria.

Short introduction to the task:

This assessment has the following sections:

  1. Student will need to create a poster using one of the psychological theories linked to one of the following areas listed below:
  • Development: Freud’s Psychodynamic theory, Erickson theory and Piaget theory of development
  • Motivation: Maslow theory of hierarchy of needs, instinct theory, Arousal theory
  • Personality: Skinner Watson Zimbardo theory, Psychodynamic, Social cognitive theory, the Big Five
  • Stress and Coping; Transactional coping, Fight or Flight theory and the General Adaptation Syndrome
  1. Display your poster.
  2. Undertake a question and answer


Key Resources:

A video that explains how to access LTU library: ges%2FViewer.aspx%3Fid%3D4af7d771-05d7-4ae7-9115- ad86008cd512& d2e456095913186755fc587%7C0%7C0%7C637673859304201107%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwM

DAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C1000&sdata=64xTnuIlS8%2BWo7sO6eRUDt3k4yRukdTpIf oRhnox0Hc%3D&reserved=0

Key Terms:


Physiology and psychology theory Psychoanalytic Theory

Hierarchy of Needs

Social and Learning Theories

Key Sources:

Alderson, P. (1998). Theories in health care and research: The importance of theories in health care. BMJ, 317(7164), 1007– 1010.

Lazarus, R. S. (1966). Psychological stress and the coping process. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill

Lazarus, R. S., & Folkman, S. (1987). Transactional theory and research on emotions and coping. European Journal of Personality, 1, 141–169.


Size Limit:

The poster should be no more than A3 size, (equivalent to 1500 words) this may be on Word or PowerPoint

The presentation will be Individual presentation total 15 minutes long (10 minutes presentation plus 5 minutes for questions). This must be recorded on Panopto.


  1. Create a poster on one psychological theory, this must relate to one of the following:
  2. Development: Freud’s Psychodynamic theory, Erickson theory and Piaget theory of development
  3. Motivation: Maslow theory of hierarchy of needs, instinct theory, Arousal theory
  4. Personality: Skinner Watson Zimbardo theory, Psychodynamic, Social cognitive theory
  5. Stress and coping: Transactional coping, Fight or Flight theory and the General Adaptation Syndrome This must be applied to health and social care, there is a choice of case studies to aid the process.
  6. Display your poster in a 10-minute verbal presentation, explaining the sections expanding to demonstrate understanding and application.
  7. Undertake a question-and-answer session (5 minutes) following your presentation, to defend your work providing research and evidence based.

Further Details:

  1. Use the template (Appendix B) for organising your poster prior to starting this assessment.
  2. Select one psychological theory covered in the sessions on development, motivation, personality, stress and coping.

 Do Not Select a Behavior Change Theory

  1. Provide an overview of the theory, how it can influence health behaviours, risk taking and personal decision making. You will need to provide a referenced definition and explain this in your presentation verbally (see Appendix A for script templet).
  2. Provide an awareness of the strengths and weaknesses of the theory.
  3. Application of the theory to the case study: Explain how to apply the chosen theory to the case and how it helps health and social care professionals to understand different perspectives, in relation to health and wellbeing. This should consider some of the failures of the theory.

N.B This is the discussion that will be most important in your presentation and therefore needs to be detailed. Provide references to show the depth and breadth of your research. To help with this use a case study provided (see Appendix C); this can be used to detail the impacts of the following:

  1. Development
  2. Motivation
  3. Personality
  4. Stress and Coping

Recommendations: Recommendations to the services that may be available to support the individual, in your case study or other individuals. This should be based on evidence. Remember you are considering the psychological theory only.

Be prepared to verbally discuss and defend these in depths for 5 minutes ad reference your sources.

How do I produce high quality work that merits a good grade?

  1. Attendance to the weekly sessions is essential to obtain all the knowledge that is needed
  2. Participate in the Pre and Post session learning that is provided for you
  3. Take note of the reading suggestions in the module handbook and investigate these for your research starting points
  4. Use the LTU library to search both eBooks and journal articles for up-to-date research
  5. Always consider your learning outcomes in your assessment and ensure that your work meets them
  6. Ensure that you cover the knowledge needed in your work, thoroughly explaining, applying and analysing it
  7. Explain the theory you are using, ensuring that is it a psychological theory
  8. Apply your knowledge to demonstrate understanding, using the example in the casestudies if required.
  9. Make recommendations based on your research to future provisions, in the health and social care arena.Demonstrate your computer and digital skills in your work; consider images, tables and graphics to help demonstrate your application of knowledge.
  10. Create a strong structure in your work, ensuring that your written communication is clear and direct
  11. Remember to correctly reference your work, refer tot the LTU library pages on APA referencing.
  12. In your presentation, remember to stand up and have a professional composure (e.g., do not lean on the wall or avoid eye contact).
  13. Be consistent and have a good tone and pace in your verbal delivery
  14. If you need cue cards for prompts, please have some prepared, do not read from the poster presentation.
  15. Engage with your audience, fully answer their questions and ensure that you have researched your topic area to ensure you accurately answer with any detail
  • Remember to follow Poster templet which is provided
  • Remember to Proof-read your work to avoid SPAG errors (Spelling, punctuation and Grammar)
  • Remember to Align your work, space it with 1.5 spacing.
  • Remember to reference your work using APA 7th Referencing style
  • Remember to use the same font size at least 12 Arial or Times Roman.


Rubric used to mark:






Exceptional 1st Distinction 100, 95, 92

Outstanding 1st Distinction

88, 85, 82

1st Distinction 78, 75, 72



Merit 68, 65, 62



Pass 58, 55, 52


3rd Pass

48, 45, 42


Fail 38, 35, 32

Abject Fail

Clear Fail 25, 20, 10, 0



Discuss a psychological theory/conc e pt and explain how this could influence health behaviours, risk taking and personal decision making, considering health and wellbeing.



Exceptional and creative discussion of a psychological theory/conce pt and explain how this could influence health behaviours, risk taking and personal decision making, considering health and wellbeing.

A full definition of the chosen psychological theory,

Outstanding and insightful discussion of a psychological theory/conce pt and explain how this could influence health behaviours, risk taking and personal decision making, considering health and wellbeing.

A full definition of the chosen psychological theory,

Excellent and detailed discussion of a psychological theory/concept and explain how this could influence health behaviours, risk taking and personal decision making, considering health and wellbeing.

A definition of the chosen psychological theory, demonstrating a degree of academic research e.g.,

Very good discussion of a psychological theory/conce pt and explain how this could influence health behaviours, risk taking and personal decision making, considering health and wellbeing.


A definition of the chosen psychological theory, demonstrating a degree of


Good discussion of a psychological theory/conce pt and explain how this could influence health behaviours, risk taking and personal decision making, considering health and wellbeing.


A definition of the chosen psychological theory.

Some discussion of a psychological theory/conce pt and explain how this could influence health behaviours, risk taking and personal decision making, considering health and wellbeing.

A definition of psychological theory. A limited awareness of the theory

Brief discussion of a psychological theory/conce pt and explain how this could influence health behaviours, risk taking and personal decision making, considering health and wellbeing.


Lack of definition concerning psychological theory. Some referrals to

inadequate discussion of a psychological theory/concept and explain how this could influence health behaviours, risk taking and personal decision making, considering health and wellbeing.

No definition concerning psychological theory.

References to psychological theory are





demonstratin g clear recent research. A detailed, referenced demonstratio n of the strengths and weaknesses of the theory. Application to contemporary health and social care topics or the case study provided, showing understandin g of critical theory. This should demonstrate the failures of the theory to consider some matters and the implications to society.

Recommenda tio ns to be made based

demonstratin g research. A detailed, referenced with awareness of the strengths and weaknesses of the theory. Application to health and social care topics or elements of the case study provided. This should demonstrate the failures of the theory.

Recommenda tio ns to be made based on analysis.

This should be based on academic evidence and be applied health and social care topics.

reference from an academic website. A detailed awareness of the strengths and weaknesses of the theory.

Application to some health and social care topics or elements of the case study provided. This should consider some of the failures of the theory.

Recommendati ons to be made based on analysis. This should be based on evidence.

research e.g., reference from a website. An awareness of the strengths and weaknesses of the theory but this may not be fully explained.

Reference to some health and social care topics or elements of the case study provided.

Recommenda tio ns to be made based on research findings and evidenced.

A limited awareness of the strengths and weaknesses of the theory. Health and social care topics or elements of the case study referred to in discussion.

Recommenda tio ns to be made based on research findings.

demonstrated in the discussion.

Health and social care topics or elements of the case study are evident in the application of the theory.

Recommenda tio ns are made to improve but, these may not be well thought out or coherent.

theory demonstrate d in the discussion, however understandin g may be lacking.

Health and social care topics or elements of the case study are limited in the application of the theory.

Illogical recommenda tio ns made to improve.

irrational or not demonstratedi n the discussion. No logical application of the theory.

Inconsistent or no recommendati ons made.





on critical analysis, and full evaluation of the possible positive and negative outcomes.

This should be based on recent academic evidence and be applied to contemporary health and social care topics.










Presentation Style and communicati on


Exceptionally creative and innovative presentation using relevant IT and digital skills.

Exceptional verbal communicatio n throughout the presentation.

Extensive evidence of

Highly creative and innovative presentation using relevant IT and digital skills. Very good verbal communicatio n throughout the presentation. Very good evidence of


Very creative and innovative presentation using relevant IT and digital skills. Good verbal communication throughout the presentation. Good evidence of effective preparation and related research. Good

Creative and innovative presentation using relevant IT and digital skills.

Satisfactory verbal communicatio n throughout the presentation. Generally good evidence of

Somewhat creative and innovative presentation using IT and digital skills. Somewhat satisfactory verbal communicatio n throughout the presentation. Some evidence of

Basic use of IT and digital skills. Basic verbal communicatio n throughout the presentation. Limited evidence of effective preparation and related research.


Limited use of IT and digital skills. Poor verbal communicati on throughout the presentation. Little evidence of effective preparation. Limited

Very limited use of IT and digital skills. Very poor verbal communication throughout the presentation. Very little evidence of effective preparation.

Very limited response to questions.




effective preparation and related research.

Excellent response to questions.

preparation and related research.

Very good response to questions.

response to questions.

effective preparation and related research.

Generally good response to


effective preparation and related research.

Satisfactory response to questions.

response to questions.

response to questions.




Use of academic literature and accurate referencing style



A wide range of high- quality supporting literature used with a reference list provided with extensive background reading.



referencing style used with no errors.

High quality supporting literature used with a reference list provided with background reading.



referencing style used but with mainly few errors.

Academic writing is excellent.

Supporting literature used with a reference list provided with background reading.


APA referencing style used but with mainly minor errors.

Some supporting literature. A reference list is provided with some background reading.



referencing style used but with mainly minor errors.

Little supporting literature. Lack of reference list. Lack of background reading.



referencing style used but with major errors.

Little if any referencing. Lack of/or incomplete reference list. Lack of background reading.



referencing style not used.

No referencing. Lack of/or incomplete reference list. Lack of background reading.



referencing style not used.

No refence list provided. APA referencing style not used.


No evidence of supporting literature or background reading



Appendix A

Presentation script 1.

1.Partnership, module number and title, title of work, full name, and student number.



  1. Overview of theory chosen
  2. application of theory.
  3. Recommendation

Question 2 – overview of theory chosen can be presented in a table format like below


Important Information

e.g. Maslow (2013) A Theory of Human Motivation. Start Publishing LLC           The operational definitions of Maslow`s motivational hierarchy

(physiological, safety-security, belongingness, esteem, and self- actualization) were created using his theory of motivation. Growth requirements do not result from a deficiency but, rather from the desire to advance personally. One might be able to attain the greatest degree known as self-actualization once these growth demands have been at least somewhat satisfied.


Module Number:                        Module Title:

Student Number:                       Name:





Theory Application: Only Chose One



  • Provide an overview of the theory. You will need to provide a referenced definition and explain this in your presentation.
  • Explanation of the link from theory to development
  • Case Study: Identify the problems in the case study.
  • Discuss how to apply the theory in the case study to solve the problem.


  • Provide an overview of the theory. You will need to provide a referenced definition and explain this in your presentation.
  • Explanation of the link from theory to development
  • Case Study: Identify the problems in the case study.
  • Discuss how to apply the theory in the case study to solve the problem.



  • Provide an overview of the theory. You will need to provide a referenced definition and explain this in your presentation.
  • Explanation of the link from theory to development
  • Case Study: Identify the problems in the case study.
  • Discuss how to apply the theory in the case study to solve the problem.


Stress and Coping:

  • Provide an overview of the theory. You will need to provide a referenced definition and explain this in your presentation.
  • Explanation of the link from theory to development
  • Case Study: Identify the problems in the case study.
  • Discuss how to apply the theory in the case study to solve the problem.


How can the services provided in health and social care respond to your findings?







Appendix C

Please choose One of the case studies:


Case study A - Aliyah

  • Cultural Background: Pakistani • Mental Health Issue: Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
  • Class Structure: Lower socioeconomic class with limited access to resources due to social deprivation.
  • Bio: Aliyah is a 34-year-old Pakistani woman. She lives in Manchester, England, in the neighbourhood of Moss Side. She works as a cashier in a local grocery store, earning a minimum wage. Her financial situation is challenging, as she supports her two children as a single parent. Aliyah lives in a small apartment in a low-income area of Moss Side. She recently divorced and experiences high levels of stress and anxiety due to her financial constraints and limited access to resources in the community. She also has health issues to include asthma and Diabetes Type 2.


Case study B - Carlos

  • Cultural Background: Mexican
  • Mental Health Issue: Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)
  • Class Structure: Middle-class background but currently experiencing financial strain due to unemployment.
  • Bio: Carlos is a 40-year-old Mexican man who lives in London, England, in the borough of Hackney. He previously worked as a construction worker but lost his job due to the economic downturn. Carlos has been unemployed for the past six months, struggling to find stable employment. His financial situation has deteriorated, leading to social deprivation. Carlos lives in a rented flat in a lower-income area of Hackney. He is married and has two children. The stress of unemployment and financial instability has contributed to his persistent feelings of sadness and hopelessness. As an added concern Carlos also suffers with hypertension and is under primary and secondary care for this.


Case study C – Mei Ling

  • Cultural Background: Chinese
  • Mental Health Issue: Eating Disorders (Bulimia Nervosa)
  • Class Structure: Upper-class background but experiencing social isolation and neglect due to parental neglect.
  • Bio: Mei Ling is a 25-year-old Chinese woman who lives in Birmingham, England, in the neighbourhood of Edgbaston. She comes from an affluent family, but her parents have been neglectful and emotionally distant. Mei Ling attended prestigious private schools but experienced social isolation and neglect from her parents. She lives in a luxury apartment in Edgbaston. Mei Ling struggles with bulimia nervosa, using bingeing and


purging behaviours as coping mechanisms for her emotional pain and lack of family support. There is a family history of Rheumatoid arthritis, which is a concern for Mei, due to her struggles with bulimia.


Case study D - Tariq

  • Cultural Background: Somali
  • Mental Health Issue: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • Class Structure: Lower-middle-class background with limited access to mental health services due to social deprivation and language barriers.
  • Bio: Tariq is a 29-year-old Somali man who lives in Bristol, England, in the neighbourhood of Easton. He belongs to a lower-middle-class background and works as a delivery driver. Tariq immigrated to the UK as a refugee, fleeing war and violence in his home country. He faced significant trauma during his journey and has been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Tariq lives in a small, rented flat in Easton, where he faces language barriers and limited access to mental health services, exacerbating his symptoms. Due to his deprived background and genetic heritage he is at risk of muscoskeletal disorders.

Case study E - Natasha

  • Cultural Background: Russian
  • Mental Health Issue: Substance Use Disorder (Alcohol)
  • Class Structure: Lower-middle-class background, facing social exclusion and stigma due to her condition.
  • Bio: Natasha is a 37-year-old Russian woman who lives in Glasgow, Scotland, in the neighbourhood of Govanhill. She grew up in a working-class family and works as a waitress in a local restaurant. Natasha`s financial status is modest, and she lives in a small, rented apartment in Govanhill. She struggles with alcohol addiction and has developed a substance use disorder. Natasha`s condition has led to social exclusion, strained relationships, and stigma from her community, worsening her mental health.
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