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Assignment Briefs 06-20-2024

Create an infographic on a Long-Term Condition (LTC) that has been covered in the module (in the case study below pick one long term condition) i.e. diabetes.

SHN4033– Supporting People with Long-term Conditions

Portfolio (Assignment 2) – Infographic + Essay

Assessment Pack contents:

Short introduction to the task.

Word Counts


Key terms

Key resources

Template to outline structure and content

Rubric to understand marking criteria

Short introduction to the task:

Portfolio: You will choose a long-term condition covered in the module (using the case study below pick one long-term condition) and produce an infographic using health data that can be displayed in a GP waiting room that considers the support and prevention of the condition.  Essay on NHS health check and Personal Care to support individuals (from the case study) with LTC.

Level Learning Outcomes and Employability Outcomes assessed: BSc (Hons) Health and Social Care: K4, K5, I2, P2, E1, E4, E6, E7, E9

Word Counts

The word count for this assessment is 1500 words.  

You are permitted to exceed this by 10%.  The content of the tables and the references list is not included in the word count.


50% of total module mark

Key terms:

Long-term conditions (LTC); stroke, heart disease, kidney disease, type 2 diabetes, dementia and respiratory disease. Physiology systems main conditions, aetiology, pathology, risk factors/lifestyle, treatment, and management.

Key Resources:

Essential Reading

Bogosian, A. (2020) Living well with long-term conditions: an evidence-based guide to managing your symptoms. London: Routledge.

Bonion, S. (2020) Coping with chronic illness: theories, issues and lived experience. London: Routledge.

Mackreth, P. and Walker, B. (2020) A handbook for support workers in health and social care: a person-centred approach. London: Routledge.

Waugh, A. and Grant, A. (2018) Ross and Wilson anatomy and physiology in health and illness. 13th ed. London: Elsevier.

Further Reading

Adams, N. and Grieder, D. (2014) Treatment planning for person-centred care: shared decision making for whole health. 2nd ed. London: Academic Press, Elsevier.

Arris, M. J. (2017) Evaluating public and community health programmes. Hoboken, New Jersey: Jossey-Bass.

Carrier, J. (2015) Managing long-term conditions and chronic Illness in primary care. London: Routledge.

Fertman,C. and Allensworth, D (Eds.) (2017). Health promotion programs: from theory to practice. California: Jossey-Bass.

Kent, M. Van De Graaff, R. Ward, R. Palmer, S. (2013) Schaum’s outlines human anatomy and physiology. 4th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill Education.

McCormack, B. et al. (Eds.) (2021) Fundamentals of person-centred healthcare: a guide for healthcare students. West Sussex: Wiley Blackwell.

Naidoo, J. and Wills, J. (2016) Foundations of health promotion. London: Elsevier.

Rayner, M. et al. (Eds) (2017) An introduction to population-level prevention of non-communicable diseases. England: Oxford University Press

Somerville, M. Kumaran, K. Anderson, R. (2016) Public health and epidemiology at a Glance. Chichester, West Sussex; Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Blackwell.


BMC Physiology

Body & Society

European Journal of Applied Physiology

Human Physiology

Integrative Physiology and Behavioural Science

Journal of Applied Physiology

Annual Review of Public Health

Archives of Public Health

BMC Public Health

Bulletin of the World Health Organisation

Epidemiology & Health

Journal of Public Health



Anatomy tv (available via Library)

Moodle Page: The Moodle page for the module will include resources specifically relating to each topic we cover as we progress through each session. Please made use of these resources as they have been specifically selected to support you with each of the assessments.

Library website and phone number 0113 2837244.


1) Create an infographic on a Long-Term Condition (LTC) that has been covered in the module (in the case study below pick one long term condition) i.e. diabetes. The infographic should include information on the following issues (20 % mark)

  • Overview of the condition 
  • Basic anatomy & physiology 
  • Incidence and prevalence 
  • Signs & Symptoms 
  • Long-term risk factors 
  • Treatment 
  • How to stay healthy 
  1. Ensure you include use of statistics to provide contextual background provided regarding the chosen long-term condition. Information is accurate and provides a good standard of health promotion advice and education to service users.
  2. Ensure you keep your intended audience in mind – the infographic will be on the wall of a GP waiting room and is a health promotion tool for people to read whilst waiting for their GP appointment.  
  3. Please ensure you include that the support and prevention of the condition. 


2). Discuss how the NHS Health Check and Personalised Care can support the prevention and management of long-term health conditions (20%) 1500 words.

a) This is a concise discussion of the NHS Health Check and Personalised Care. Your discussion needs to explain what both approaches are, their aims, what they include i.e., services, approaches to delivery etc. Remember you can use images to demonstrate this, alongside concise text.

b) Why are they beneficial to supporting people with LTC, what impact have they had i.e., do they work? Ensure you support your discussion with up-to-date information, cited academically using APA.

3). Justify and apply person centred care interventions to people with a LTC to support them to self-manage their condition to improve their health and wellbeing (20%)

For your chosen a long-term condition, give some background to the LTC.  Next apply principles of person-centred care i.e., collaborative care planning, shared decision making, self-care management, health literacy in working with the people with the condition and justify how these interventions could help an individual manage their condition better and achieve better health outcomes.

4). Use of academic literature, written communication, and accurate referencing style (20%)

  1. You will need to engage with reading a range of academic and practice literature.
  2. You must reference your case study throughout and provide a final reference list at the end of the case study.
  3. Please use APA referencing style throughout and ensure you have paraphrased and made intext citation of the sources used.
  4. Ensure your work is well structured and uses academic and professional language.

Case Study

The aim of the case study is to enable you to develop a holistic understanding of the biopsychosocial model/theories and elements of professional practice as applied to an individual and family, whom you might work with in a health and social care setting.  

Hasan is 48 years old; he lives with his wife Salima and their 4 children Fahemma 5 years old; Nadir 7 years old; Amira 10 years old and Hussain 13 years old. The family live in a terraced house, close to the city centre of Bradford.  The area has high levels of deprivation, including unemployment, crime, poverty and poor educational attainment. There is little access to green urban space and the local high street has many take-aways and limited shops suppling fresh fruit and vegetables. Hasan was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes 4 years ago; he also has high blood pressure, and his BMI is 32 putting him in the obese weight range.

Hasan has struggled to manage his diabetes and frequently has high blood glucose levels due to his poor diet, which is high in fat and carbohydrates. Hasan says he doesn’t really understand his medication regime, how to monitor his blood glucose or his dietary requirements. His GP has recently told him that he needs to lose weight or there is a serious risk he will have to start injecting insulin and might develop cardiovascular or renal disease in the future. Hasan is also a smoker, he smokes approximately 25 cigarettes per day, he does very little physical activity, because he gets breathless easily and the GP is arranging tests for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Hasan does not drink alcohol

Hasan works as a taxi driver, mainly shift work 9pm till 5am in the morning, he does manage to use a vape when at work as he can’t smoke in his taxi. The family are classed as a low-income family and Hasan often finds himself in debt and must work overtime to manage the household bills. Hasan has told his GP that he feels stressed a lot of the time and not able to take control of his own health due to all the external family problems, which often results in him missing his diabetic hospital appointments. He is the main carer for his wife who was diagnosed with post-natal depression and psychosis after the birth of their son Nadir.

Salima was sectioned under the MHA when Nadir was 3 months old and spent 6 months as an inpatient at a local psychiatric unit which limited early bonding with Nadir, who has developed behavioural difficulties and has a diagnosis of Attention Deficit Disorder. Salima’s mental health problems have persisted, she frequently feels tired, withdraws to her bedroom and does not like leaving the house due to her anxiety. Salima has regular visits from a Community Mental Health Nurse, who is working with her to try and encourage Salima to access a local Asian Women’s Support Centre, however both Hasan and Salima are very reluctant to this suggestion as they believe that the family should deal with and support each other with health problems. Hasan does the majority of shopping and cooking for the family and takes and picks the children up from school. Hussain tries to help his Dad around the house and with caring for his younger siblings, however he has started to fall behind with his schoolwork and has been increasingly getting into trouble at school for not doing his homework and playing truant.

Hasan has extended family that live close by, both his parents live with his brother and sister-in-law and their 3 children. Hasan’s mother Aziz is 74 years old and has dementia, she has limited English language and her family act as interpreter when she needs to attend the hospital. Hasan doesn’t want to talk to his brother about his own problems because he knows the family are struggling to cope with caring for Aziz. Hasan visits his local Mosque regularly and ensures his children attend Madrasa, he says he finds great spiritual comfort in his beliefs and the community support at the Mosque.  

The GP refers Hasan to you, the social prescribing link worker for support with his current physical and mental health and social problems. Hasan says he has tried to lose weight, stop smoking and take up more physical activity but just can’t seem to change his lifestyle with all that is going on. He is willing to attend the appointments with you and says he understands his health is a risk and he is very worried about this because if somethings happened to him then the family would really struggle to cope, however he can’t seem to find the motivation to change his lifestyle behaviours. 


Rubric used to mark:

Exceptional First

100, 95, 92

Grade subject to moderation

Contextual background and underlying factors to the chosen LTC (20%)

Exceptional use of statistics and contextual background provided regarding the chosen long-term condition. Information is accurate and provides a very high standard of health promotion advice and education to service users.

For example,

Presentation of infographic (20%)

Professionally formatted infographic. Highly creative and innovative use of text and diagrams.

Extensive evidence of effective preparation and related research. The infographic is highly relevant for the intended audience of a GP waiting room.

For example,

Discuss how the NHS Health Check and Personalised Care can support the prevention and management of long-term health conditions (20%)

Exceptional and creative discussion of how the NHS Health Check and House of Care can support the prevention and management of long-term health conditions.  

For example,

Justify and apply person centred care interventions to  people with a LTC to support them to self-manage their condition to improve their health and wellbeing (20%)

Exceptional justification for the person-centred care approach with outstanding application of how its key elements can be used to support an individual with a LTC improve their health and wellbeing.

For example,

Use of academic literature, written communication, and accurate referencing style (20%)

A wide range of high-quality supporting literature used with a reference list provided with extensive background reading. Academic writing is outstanding, the portfolio is easy to follow and well structured. APA referencing style used with no errors.

In future

Outstanding First

88, 85, 82

Grade subject to moderation

Contextual background and underlying factors to the chosen LTC (20%)  

Comprehensive statistics and contextual background provided regarding the chosen long-term condition. Information is accurate and provides a high standard of health promotion advice and education to service users.

For example,

Presentation of infographic (20%) 

Professionally formatted infographic. Creative and innovative use of text and diagrams. Clear evidence of effective preparation and related research. The infographic is highly relevant for the intended audience of a GP waiting room.

For example,

Discuss how the NHS Health Check and Personalised Care can support the prevention and management of long-term health conditions (20%) 

Outstanding and insightful discussion of how the NHS Health Check and House of Care can support the prevention and management of long-term health conditions. Discuss how the NHS Health Check and Personalised Care can support the prevention and management of long-term health conditions

For example,

Justify and apply person centred care interventions to  people with a LTC to support them to self-manage their condition to improve their health and wellbeing (20%) 

Outstanding justification for the person-centred care approach with excellent application of how its key elements can be used to support an individual with a LTC improve their health and wellbeing.

For example,

Use of academic literature, written communication, and accurate referencing style (20%)  

High quality supporting literature used with a reference list provided with background reading. Academic writing is excellent. The portfolio is easy to follow and well structured. APA referencing style used but with mainly few errors. Academic writing is excellent. 

In future


78, 75, 72

Grade subject to moderation

Contextual background and underlying factors to the chosen LTC (20%)  

Very good use of statistics and contextual background provided regarding the chosen long-term condition. Information is accurate and provides a good standard of health promotion advice and education to service users.

For example,

Presentation of infographic (20%) 

Very clearly formatted infographic. Creative and innovative use of text and diagrams. Very good evidence of effective preparation and related research. The infographic is appropriate for the intended audience of a GP waiting room.

For example,

Discuss how the NHS Health Check and Personalised Care can support the prevention and management of long-term health conditions (20%) 

Excellent and detailed discussion of how the NHS Health Check and House of Care can support the prevention and management of long-term health conditions.  

For example,

Justify and apply person centred care interventions to  people with a LTC to support them to self-manage their condition to improve their health and wellbeing (20%) 

Excellent justification for the person-centred care approach with very good application of how its key elements can be used to support an individual with a LTC improve their health and wellbeing.

For example,

Use of academic literature, written communication, and accurate referencing style (20%)  

Supporting literature used with a reference list provided with background reading. Academic writing is good with some structure. The portfolio is easy to follow. APA referencing style used but with mainly minor errors.

In future

2 (i)

68. 65. 62

Grade subject to moderation

Contextual background and underlying factors to the chosen LTC (20%)  

Good use of statistics and contextual background provided regarding the chosen long-term condition. Information is accurate and provides a satisfactory standard of health promotion advice and education to service users.

For example,

Presentation of infographic (20%) 

Clearly formatted infographic. Creative use of text and diagrams. Good evidence of effective preparation and related research. The infographic is somewhat appropriate for the intended audience of a GP waiting room.

For example,

Discuss how the NHS Health Check and Personalised Care can support the prevention and management of long-term health conditions (20%) 

Very good discussion of how the NHS Health Check and House of Care can support the prevention and management of long-term health conditions.

For example,

Justify and apply person centred care interventions to  people with a LTC to support them to self-manage their condition to improve their health and wellbeing (20%) 

Very good justification for the person-centred care approach with good application of how its key elements can be used to support an individual with a LTC improve their health and wellbeing.

For example,

Use of academic literature, written communication, and accurate referencing style (20%)  

Some supporting literature. A reference list is provided with some background reading. Academic writing is satisfactory with some structure. The portfolio is easy to follow. APA referencing style used but with mainly minor errors.

In future

2 (ii)

58. 55. 52

Grade subject to moderation

Contextual background and underlying factors to the chosen LTC (20%)  

Some worthwhile statistics and/or contextual background provided regarding the chosen long-term condition. Information is mainly accurate and provides a basic standard of health promotion advice and education to service users.

For example,

Presentation of infographic (20%) 

Well formatted infographic. Satisfactory use of text and diagrams. Some evidence of effective preparation and related research. The infographic is somewhat appropriate for the intended audience of a GP waiting room.

For example,

Discuss how the NHS Health Check and Personalised Care can support the prevention and management of long-term health conditions (20%) 

Good discussion of how the NHS Health Check and House of Care can support the prevention and management of long-term health conditions.

For example,

Justify and apply person centred care interventions to people with a LTC to support them to self-manage their condition to improve their health and wellbeing (20%) 

Good justification for the person-centred care approach with satisfactory application of how its key elements can be used to support an individual with a LTC improve their health and wellbeing.

For example,

Use of academic literature, written communication, and accurate referencing style (20%)  

Little supporting literature. Lack of reference list.  Lack of background reading. Academic writing is poor with little structure and the portfolio may be hard to follow. APA referencing style used but with major errors

In future


48. 45. 42

Grade subject to moderation

Contextual background and underlying factors to the chosen LTC (20%)  

Basic statistics and/or contextual background provided regarding the chosen long-term condition. Information may contain some errors and provides a limited standard of health promotion advice and education to service users.

For example,

Presentation of infographic (20%) 

Basic formatted infographic. Limited use of text and diagrams. Little evidence of effective preparation and related research. The infographic would have limited appropriateness for the intended audience of a GP waiting room.

For example,

Discuss how the NHS Health Check and Personalised Care can support the prevention and management of long-term health conditions (20%) 

Brief discussion of how the NHS Health Check and House of Care can support the prevention and management of long-term health conditions.

For example,

Justify and apply person centred care interventions to people with a LTC to support them to self-manage their condition to improve their health and wellbeing (20%)  

Fair justification for the person-centred care approach with basic application of how its key elements can be used to support an individual with a LTC improve their health and wellbeing.

For example,

Use of academic literature, written communication, and accurate referencing style (20%)  

Little if any referencing. Lack of/or incomplete reference list.  Lack of background reading. Academic writing is poor with little, or no structure and the portfolio may be hard to follow. APA referencing style not used.

In future


38. 35. 32

Grade subject to moderation

Contextual background and underlying factors to the chosen LTC (20%)

Limited statistics and/or contextual background for the chosen long-term condition. Information may contain several errors and provides a very limited standard of health promotion advice and education to service users.

For example,

Presentation of infographic (20%) 

Poorly formatted Infographic with very limited use of text and diagrams. Little evidence of effective preparation and research. The infographic would have limited appropriateness for the intended audience of a GP waiting room.

Discuss how the NHS Health Check and Personalised Care can support the prevention and management of long-term health conditions (20%) 

Inadequate discussion of how the NHS Health Check and House of Care can support the prevention and management of long-term health conditions.

For example,

Justify and apply person centred care interventions to  people with a LTC to support them to self-manage their condition to improve their health and wellbeing (20%) 

Brief justification for the person-centred care approach with limited application of how its key elements can be used to support an individual with a LTC improve their health and wellbeing

Use of academic literature, written communication, and accurate referencing style (20%)  

No referencing. Lack of/or incomplete reference list.  Lack of background reading. Academic writing is poor with no structure and at times the portfolio may be hard to follow. APA referencing style not used.

About this assignment

Long-term conditions (LTCs) encompass a wide range of chronic illnesses that significantly impact individuals` lives. These conditions, such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and chronic respiratory disorders, require ongoing management rather than curative treatment. The defining feature of LTCs is their persistence over time, necessitating comprehensive strategies for both medical care and emotional support. Individuals grappling with LTCs often face not only physical symptoms but also profound emotional and social challenges. Managing pain, adjusting to lifestyle modifications, and coping with the uncertainty of their condition can contribute to increased stress levels and reduced quality of life (QoL). Therefore, understanding the holistic impact of LTCs on individuals is crucial in designing effective support systems.

Support systems play a pivotal role in enhancing the quality of life and overall well-being of individuals with LTCs. Healthcare professionals, including doctors, nurses, and specialists, form the frontline of support by providing medical expertise and personalized care plans. Beyond medical interventions, community-based support groups and online forums offer invaluable peer support and shared experiences, fostering a sense of belonging and reducing feelings of isolation. Family caregivers also play a critical role, offering emotional support and practical assistance in managing daily routines. These support networks not only complement clinical care but also empower individuals with LTCs to actively participate in their treatment decisions and self-management strategies.

Despite the availability of support systems, challenges persist within healthcare services designed for LTC management. Access to specialized care, continuity of treatment, and patient education are critical factors influencing the effectiveness of healthcare interventions. Interdisciplinary care teams, comprising professionals from various fields, collaborate to provide holistic care tailored to the complex needs of LTC patients. However, disparities in healthcare access and resources can hinder optimal outcomes for individuals with LTCs. Addressing these systemic issues through policy reforms and advocacy efforts is essential to ensuring equitable healthcare delivery and enhancing the resilience of individuals managing LTCs.

In conclusion, supporting people with long-term conditions demands a multifaceted approach that integrates medical care, community support, and policy advocacy. By understanding the profound impact of LTCs on individuals` lives, strengthening support systems, and advocating for inclusive healthcare policies, we can empower individuals with LTCs to lead fulfilling lives despite their chronic health challenges. Through continuous improvement and innovation in care delivery, we can strive towards a future where every individual with an LTC receives the support and resources necessary to live life to the fullest extent possible

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