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Recent Papers 04-04-2022

LO1. Examine the health, care and support services available to an individual requiring multidisciplinary care

Assignment Brief (RQF)

Higher National Certificate in Healthcare Practice (Integrated Health and Social Care and Nursing and Healthcare Practice):

Unit 3: Supporting the Individual Journey through Integrated Health and Social Care

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Unit Number and Title:

Unit 3: Supporting the Individual Journey through Integrated Health and Social Care

Academic Year:


Unit Assessor:


Assignment Title:

Enabling Integrated Person-Centred Care

Issue Date:


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Internal Verifier Name:




Submission Format:

Powerpoint and Professional Discussion

Unit Learning Outcomes:

LO1. Examine the health, care and support services available to an individual requiring multidisciplinary care

LO2. Assess an individual’s capacity to identify their own needs

LO3. Describe the impact of own relationship with the individual and multidisciplinary team members in delivering the care pathway

LO4. Demonstrate the need for person-centred communication in implementing person-centred plan

Assignment Brief

Unit number and title

3: Supporting the Individual Journey through Integrated Care


HNC in Healthcare Practice (Integrated Health and Social Care)

Start date







Assignment title

Enabling Integrated Person-Centred Care

Purpose of this assignment Unit 3: Supporting the Individual Journey through Integrated Health and Social Care

Purpose of this  assignment  is to address learning outcomes 1, 2, 3 and 4


As an aspiring health and social care practitioner, you are required to be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of integrated, person-centred care that delivers the best possible support and outcomes for individuals. Specifically, you will demonstrate a working knowledge of the range of services available to support individuals, person-centred assessment and care planning tools and processes, multidisciplinary team working, operating within the parameters of your own role and finally effective communication strategies.

You will plan, prepare and deliver a presentation (which includes appropriate citing and referencing) which will form the basis of a professional discussion with your tutor in which you:

LO1. Examine the health, care and support services available to an individual requiring multidisciplinary care

LO2. Assess an individual’s capacity to identify their own needs

LO3. Describe the impact of own relationship with the individual and multidisciplinary team members in delivering the care pathway

LO4. Demonstrate the need for person-centred communication in implementing person-centred plans

In your presentation/professional discussion, you must demonstrate an ability to reflect thoughtfully and constructively  on your own professional development and practice; making tangible links to other modules as you do so.

Failure to submit and late submissions

In instances when no extension has been granted, or there is not sufficiently good cause for work being submitted late, or non-attendance at an examination, (such as when mitigating circumstances have been granted), then the following penalties will be applied:

  • Late coursework submitted within 5 working days of the submission deadline will be capped at a pass.  This applies to coursework only and applies to the first submission only (which includes a submission following a successful deferral of assessment claim).
  • Refusal to accept submitted work, after 5 working days of the submission deadline, and fail grade awarded (unless there is an approved mitigating circumstances claim for an extension)
  • Failure to submit or complete coursework by the published deadline (or within 5 working days of the submission date) or not meeting the terms of any extensions granted will result in a Fail grade being awarded.

Mitigating Circumstances

Students can make a claim for mitigating circumstances, which must be submitted with supporting evidence, if they feel that factors have affected the submission of assessments or attendance at examinations.  Students can request an extension or request to repeat an assessment attempt. Claims will be considered by the Academic Services Panel.  The UCEN Manchester Pearson Mitigating Circumstances Procedure provides further information and claims should be submitted to


Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria: Unit 3: Supporting the Individual Journey through Integrated Health and Social Care

Learning Outcome




LO1. Examine the health, care and support services available to an individual requiring multidisciplinary care

P1. Outline local resources and provision that supports integrated care working

P2. Describe current local unmet need related to health, care and support service provision in own locale

M1. Explain the difference between healthcare and social care providers and types of interagency care provision in relation to meeting the needs of the individual requiring care

D1. Evaluate local resources and provision in terms of meeting the needs of an identified individual requiring multidisciplinary care

LO2. Assess an individual’s capacity to identify their own needs

P3. Provide support to an individual in a health, care or support service setting towards the identification of their own care needs

P4. Describe the role of the health, care or support support service practitioner in supporting person-centred care

M2. Explain own involvement in the different person-centred assessments used to define an individual’s care pathway

D2. Evaluate the differences in care assessments across the integrated care pathway

LO3. Describe the impact of own relationship with the individual and multidisciplinary team members in delivering the care pathway

P5. Provide appropriate leadership within the remit of own role in a health, care or support service to promote effective interprofessional and multidisciplinary team working

P6. Describe the responsibilities of information sharing between multidisciplinary teams

M3. Provide competent and autonomous leadership in information sharing within a multidisciplinary team in own setting towards meeting different individual’s care needs

D3. Provide a detailed analysis of own personal growth and development in supporting an individual to access the quality integrated care they require to meet their needs, within parameters of own practice

LO4. Demonstrate the need for person-centred communication in implementing person-centred plans

P7. Describe different communication methods used to provide appropriate support to different individuals to meet and review their care needs

P8. Apply appropriate communication strategies in identifying and responding to the needs of different service users in a health, care or support service

M4. Demonstrate safe and clinically effective practice within own professional boundaries when communicating with different service users and staff in health, care or support services

M5. Analyse own capacity for positive and person-centred risk-taking when supporting an individual to maintain their own identity to meet their ongoing care needs

D4. Evaluate own role and practice in facilitating and empowering an individual to communicate their changing needs in health, care and support services LO1. Examine the health, care and support services available to an individual requiring multidisciplinary care

Unit 3: Supporting the Individual Journey through Integrated Health and Social Care

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