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Assignment Briefs
Critically evaluate the roles and responsibilities of Christoph Gebald and Jan Wurzbacher as sustainable strategic managers.
Individual case study analysis Study the two Harvard/IMD case studies on Sustainability and complete both tasks below: Climeworks (A): A Visionary Business to Help Stop Climate Change Climeworks (B): Business Modeling - Creating New Market Opportunities Task 1 Critically evaluate the roles and responsibilities of Christoph Gebald and Jan Wurzbacher as sustainable strategic managers. Discuss the concepts and tools of strategic business management that are applicable to problems of sustainability. Task 2 Discuss the economic and ethical dilemmas that strategic leaders face in the process of balancing long and short-term goals. These are some notes attached: Harvard style. 2000 words 30 references & in-cite linked Structure of the assignment Title Page Table of Contents Introduction (150 words) Body Task 1 – (1200 words) Task 2 – (500 words) Conclusion (150 words) List of References Possible themes of discussion A. Demonstrate an understanding of the modes of responses to sustainability B. Specifically, what are the strategic options available to firms Blended in one coherent discussion a general discussion on Strategy: (include Porter, Blue Ocean, Value Chain) Which of this will apply to Climeworks? Question 2: Profit-maximisation model Charity principle Stewardship principle CSR Ethics and morality Responses: Strategic responses are: Denial( forget about the past), eliminate the data Crisis Strategy will be PR, engage with stakeholders , will transform or renew? Which ones will apply in climeworks? Rosenberg sustainability strategy (Have a debate about the sustainability case study… it is a power fact, climate work applied to strategy is a renewable approach because of A,B,C (your findings) What are the strategic options? What the firm do? How do they’ve seen the mission? This strategic option will add mission to the cause. What are the strategic options available ? Can do one of the follow: 1.Sensibility & Compliance High to Low sensitivity (are you in tune with this changes?, what are you doing about climate change? Some organisation are more sensitive, like polluting nature must change, but not others as an pizza chain, they dont need major changes), some organisation must comply also with law regulations. Shareholders are becoming about environmental concern- GO GREEN, global warming, floods, organic products, etc. Government regulation Shareholders Customers Employees Partners Communities Civil society Critically evaluate the roles and responsibilities of Christoph Gebald and Jan Wurzbacher as sustainable strategic managers. Discuss the concepts and tools of strategic business management that are applicable to problems of sustainability. 2. Take the Low Road & Break the Law (HOW DO YOU RESPOND TO CHANGE? ARE YOU PROACTIVE?) eg 1.Richard Branson-CO2 reduction to be compliant with the regulations, eg 2.UNILEVER 3. Wait and See (do nothing, but potentially might be too catastrophic, we might take too many risks and loose the licence to operate, if we do nothing) 4. Show and Tell 5. Pay for Principle (certain values that you are prepared to pay for) Level of compliance: Resource efficiency Water pollution UK Modern SlaveryACT 2015 Strategic options: “The Law is a Floor”- meaning we are doing the minimum to avoid breaking the law. But with climate change, we are proactive, we are doing more than “the floor”. Think ahead of the Law. Because certain regulations are moving towards a certain direction.
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