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Recent Papers 04-04-2022

Critical analysis of how the empowerment of an identified community can influence the health and wellbeing of the individuals.

Extended assignment guidance

Working with Communities to Improve Health

the price quoted is for 5000 words complete plagiarism free assessment

The assignment for the 30 credit module is a 5000 word assignment:

Critical analysis of how the empowerment of an identified community can influence the health and wellbeing of the individuals.

General essay points – this is only a suggested plan to follow:

Introduction: – this lets the reader know what will be in the document. I suggest this is written after you have completed the main body of the assignment. It should only contain a brief discussion to set the scene and direct the reader – approx 300 words maximum.

Main body

This assignment is assessing your critical understanding of the principles and ideologies of communities and empowerment. It is NOT assessing your knowledge of your chosen topic. It needs to be underpinned with fully referenced theory and critical discussion.

Address the following:

O What is community? – many different definitions – define why you have chosen a particular one. Remember to address Gemeinschaft and Gesselschaft  i.e. Tonnes, Durkheim etc

O What is the rational behind the community chosen – stats, research to back up this choice.

O What is empowerment – there will be many different definitions

O What is health?

O What is wellbeing?

O What factors influence the above? i.e. social determinants, inequalities etc

O How can these factors be brought together to affect the health and wellbeing of an individual? Working together, health promotion, participatory approaches etc

O Empowerment is all about power on both a macro and micro level.

O Consider how power and inequalities influences people’s choices, decision making, opportunities, education, experience etc – include models to support this

O Consider where the power base is and who benefits from this.

O Are the people with the power the only ones who can effect change? Who will the change benefit?

O Are communities influenced by the people with power? Is this a positive or negative issue? How and why?

O Are communities supportive or oppressive?

O Refer to the ppt on Foucault and power and expand your knowledge.

O Address how to engage hard to reach individuals

O Follow the directed study suggestions for appropriate reading.

Conclusion: approx 300 words. It is to provide an overall conclusion to your discussion, it must be referenced where appropriate and should not contain any new information. Critically appraise the concept of community and its development with reference to the social, political, cultural and economic context.


Avoid too much description; you are being assessed on your knowledge of community, empowerment, health and wellbeing. Therefore, do not place too much emphasis on your chosen topic.

To critique is to ask the question why? This involves setting the scene and explaining the issue. Why is it important? What is supposed to work? Does it work? If not what is the alternative? Alternatives are the other arguments presented by authors of books and journals – theorists and any relevant statistical data which supports your argument.

Apply referenced models and theories to your discussion/critique.

Ensure your work is theoretically underpinned and referenced throughout. Ask yourself ‘where did this information come from?’ If it is not your own opinion it must have a reference. If it is your own opinion make this clear using a caveat such as ‘it could be argued that…’

Ensure only the references included in your assignment are included on the bibliography.

Write your assignment as an essay not a report. It should contain fully punctuated sentences and paragraphs; do not use bullet points and lists. If you are struggling with this contact the Language centre https://unibradfordac.sharepoint.com/sites/language-centre-intranet

Do not exceed 5000 words  - References, tables, models do not count. A penalty will be incurred if you do.

Always assume the reader knows nothing about the subject of  this assignment

Ensure you address the LOs:

1. Critically appraise the concept of community and its development with reference to the social, political, cultural and economic context.

2. Critically analyse the concepts of empowerment and community engagement.

3. Critically explore the principal methods for involving the public in decision making about health and health care, and the development, implementation and evaluation of participatory approaches to health promotion and public health.

4. To develop an in-depth critical awareness of the principles of community development and social justice.

5. To synthesise theoretical frameworks that foster sustainability of communities, maintenance of independence and empowerment, to enable effective partnerships in delivering public health interventions.

Word count

The University imposes penalties for work that exceeds a specified maximum permitted length. Work is subject to a penalty deduction of marks equivalent to the percentage of additional words over the limit. For example, where the maximum permitted length of an essay is 2400 words, a 3000 word essay (25% over the limit) will be marked, and then have 25% of the mark deducted i.e. if the essay had a mark of 70% then 25% of the mark would be calculated = 17.5% thus the adjusted new mark would be 52.5% to give the mark for consideration by the Assessment Committee. Critical analysis of how the empowerment of an identified community can influence the health and wellbeing of the individuals.

There is no penalty for writing less than the word limit. However, it is unlikely that you will be able to meet the assessment criteria in substantially fewer words than the limit allowed.

Your assignment should be submitted by noon on the 3RD MAY 2022. You can submit as many times as you like anytime before that date; the assignment which is marked will be the final submission by noon via canvas online. Feedback and marks will be available 20 working days after submission.  You will be informed by email and the marks awarded will be available via canvas on line.

Assessment criteria

Please see Canvas for the assessment criteria electronic rubric which details how the marks are allocated throughout your work. There is a draft submission box for your written work; this can be used as many times as you choose, it will detail all matched referenced work which you have citied in your assignment. This is the Turnitin plagiarism software. Critically appraise the concept of community and its development with reference to the social, political, cultural and economic context.

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