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Assignment Briefs 11-18-2022

Build a digital business solution for a business case, by utilising a content management system.

Assignment Brief

BMGT3300, Digital Business

2022-23, S1

Assignment 1


Part 1: Practical (60%)

Part 2: Report (40%)

Word Limit or equivalent (e.g., time)

Artefact (3,000-word equivalent)

Part 1: 1,800 word equivalent
Part 2: 1,200 words



Learning Outcomes Assessed

  1. Build a digital business solution for a business case, by utilising a content management system.
  2. Critically evaluate and justify technological factors for a digital business solution.
  3. Critically analyse the main reasons for adoption of digital business and barriers that may restrict adoption.
  4. Critically evaluate the ongoing business challenges of managing digital business in an organisation.

Submission date

19 December 2022 @ 3pm

Feedback date

All assignment feedback will be issued on the 20th working day following the submission deadline. Feedback will be released on: 24 January 2023.

Module Leader

Rowena Simmons (r.simmons@worc.ac.uk)

Verified by

Joanne Law (joanne.law@worc.ac.uk)

If anything about this assignment is not clear to you, please contact your module leader.

What do I need to do to make a success of this assignment?

This assessment has two parts for you to complete. Please choose one of the business cases from Blackboard and then complete part 1 and part 2.

List of business cases to choose from (only choose one):

  • Human resource services/consultancy
  • Marketing services/consultancy
  • Health, wellbeing, and sustainability services/consultancy

Part 1: Practical (1,800-word equivalent)

Build a digital business solution for the business case selected, by utilising WordPress. The solution must be fully functional and easy for customers to navigate. Functionality should include:

  1. A fully populated e-learning course, with multiple lessons and quizzes
  2. An integrated membership program, with multiple levels and add-ons
  3. An online events function that is populated with multiple events for both members and non-members
  4. Security and legal integration
  5. Features to improve and optimise the digital business solution

You will need to provide the URL, ID, and password of your website on the submission template provided, along with a blueprint and a screen recording. Please note, you must include the following disclaimer on your website - “This site and all of its contents is for educational purposes only”

Part 2: Report (1,200 words)

Using the business case selected, answer the following three tasks:

  1. Using the table provided in the submission template, critically evaluate, and justify, the technological factors applied to the digital solution in Part 1 (e.g., content, features, plugins, etc.). This should be discussed in relation to the strategic aims of the business (approx. 400 words)
  2. Critically analyse 2-3 factors that may affect adoption of the digital business solution (approx. 400 words)
  3. Critically evaluate the ongoing business challenges that will affect ongoing management of the proposed solution (approx. 400 words)

Note: You must refer to your company and the given business case throughout.

How should I present my work?


For this assessment you need to submit a screen recording of your WordPress website (frontend and backend), in addition to completing the submission template provided on Blackboard, under the ‘Assessment’ tab. Build a digital business solution for a business case, by utilising a content management system.

  1. Your screen recording should be set out as follows:

a) E-learning course

  • Title, image, and description of the e-learning course and how the settings have been configured (frontend and backend)
  • Title of the sections, lessons, and quizzes (backend)
  • The contents of all lessons and quizzes and how the settings have been configured (backend)

b) Membership levels and add-ons

  • Membership sign-up form, showing the title and description of all membership levels and add-ons (frontend)

c) Events

  • The event list or calendar, showing all events (frontend)
  • The title, date/time, image, and description of all events and whether they are assigned to members or non-members (frontend and backend)       


d) Security and legal integration

  • Security and cookie policy plugin (frontend and backend)
  • Privacy policy (frontend)

e) Extra features

  • Any plugins or features added to improve and optimise the solution, including how the settings have been configured (frontend and backend)
  • Any additional elements added to improve user interaction and experience. This could include amendments to your theme, menu, pages, etc. (frontend)
  1. Your completed submission template should be set out as follows:

On the title page, list the following:

Module code and name

Student number

Submission date

Assignment Number/Title

Grading Matrix (not required)

Executive Summary (not required)

Table of Contents (optional and not counted in word count)

Introduction (not required)

Part 1: Practical (1,800-word equivalent)

  • A working link (URL) to your WordPress website
  • ID and password of WordPress website (not to be confused with your university/server login details)
  • A blueprint of your WordPress website

Part 2: Report (1,200 words)

  • Answer to Task 1 (approx. 400 words)
  • Answer to Task 2 (approx. 400 words)
  • Answer to Task 3 (approx. 400 words)

Conclusion (not required)

References (use the University Harvard referencing system, support is available through the library www.worc.ac.uk/library/guides/study-skills/referencing)


How can I obtain guidance on my assignment?

A submission template is available on Blackboard, which you are required to use to obtain guidance on the structure and contents of the assessment. An assessment briefing session will take place during w/c 19 September 2022.

For formative feedback you can submit an assessment plan of your work in progress or 300 words to enable you to obtain guidance on the overall structure and direction of your assignment. You should submit this by the 18 November 2022 @ 3pm to enable you to review and address feedback provided to develop your work.

In addition to this feedback, there is also an opportunity to receive weekly in-class feedback to enhance your assessment during the practical-based seminars and the assessment support sessions during w/c 7 November 2022 and w/c 12 December 2022.


How and when do I hand my assignment in?

Your work must be word-processed/typed and should clearly show your student number. You should submit your work by the 3pm deadline on 19 December 2022. You should submit your work to Blackboard, which is available via MyDay. You are required to keep a copy of work handed in.

  • For this assessment you need to submit a screen recording of your WordPress website (frontend and backend), in addition to the submission template provided on Blackboard.
  • The submission template must be populated with the URL, ID and password of your WordPress website and include your blueprint, written report, and reference list.
  • Please note, if the marker cannot access your website at the time of marking, you will only receive partial credit based on the screen recording provided. We will not email asking for clarification. The screen recording will only be used for marking if the marker cannot access your website.


  1. Record or upload your screen recording in Panopto. To start creating your video, open your Panopto video library.
  2. Click on ‘Assessment 1 (Portfolio) - Submission Point’ in Blackboard and select Write Submission.
  3. In the text editor, select the three dots to expand the entire toolbar, and then select the icon, which looks like a circle with a plus symbol inside of it, to open the Add Content window. Then select Panopto Student Video Submission.
  4. A window will open to show the videos in your personal folder. If your video is in a different folder, select the correct folder from the drop-down at the top.
  5. Select the video you wish to submit and click Insert. A link to your screen recording will be added to the submission.
  6. To upload your completed submission template, click Browse Local Files. Select the file you wish to submit and click Open.
  7. After all elements of the assignment have been added, click the Submit button to complete the submission process.

See the separate Assignment Support Information document on Blackboard for help on how to submit or what to do if you are having trouble submitting your assignment.


How will my assignment be marked?

Specific marking criteria for your assignment is provided in the Grading Matrix within this document.

You are strongly advised to check your completed work against the Grading Matrix to ensure have completed all areas required before you submit it.

You should also ensure you adhere to the word limit / word count stated in your assessment brief document, details of which can be found in the University’s Assessment Policy http://www.worc.ac.uk/aqu/documents/AssessmentPolicy.pdf

Grading Matrix

This matrix captures the assessment criteria for this part of the coursework.

Student Name/Number:


Assignment No:




Module Code:


Assignment Title:


Module Title:

Digital Business



Learning Outcomes being assessed:

  1. Build a digital business solution for a business case, by utilising a content management system.
  2. Critically evaluate and justify technological factors for a digital business solution.
  3. Critically analyse the main reasons for adoption of digital business and barriers that may restrict adoption.
  4. Critically evaluate the ongoing business challenges of managing digital business in an organisation.


Assessment Criteria



Part 1 – Practical (60%)

Part 2 Report (40%)


E-learning course

Membership program and events

Legal compliance and optimisation

Critical evaluation and justification of factors

Critical analysis of 2-3 factors affecting adoption

Critical evaluation of

business challenges

Communication, Harvard referencing and sources


Exceptional demonstration of application of relevant technical/ practical/creative/ transferable skills in new contexts, as well as managing learning using personal initiative and ability to critically reflect independently on own work.


Exceptional consideration for the title, image, and description of the e-learning course.


The training program has 2 sections. Each section has 3 lessons and 1 quiz, which are completely populated with relevant information.


All sections, lessons and quizzes have been appropriately titled.



Exceptional demonstration of application of relevant technical/ practical/creative/ transferable skills in new contexts, as well as managing learning using personal initiative and ability to critically reflect independently on own work.


The solution has at least 4 membership levels and 4 membership add-ons, which are relevant to the business case selected.


There is a membership sign-up form, that has an exceptional description of each level and add-on.


At least 6 events have been created, with a minimum of 1 event per membership level and 1 event for non-members. All events have been completely populated with relevant information.

Exceptional demonstration of application of relevant technical/ practical/creative/ transferable skills in new contexts, as well as managing learning using personal initiative and ability to critically reflect independently on own work.


Exceptional demonstration of legal compliance (e.g., security plugin, cookie policy plugin, privacy policy, etc.).


6 extra features (not security, or legal based) that improve or optimise the digital business solution. All features work properly.


Site shows exceptional design consideration for user interaction and experience (theme, menu, pages, features, etc.). A blueprint has been provided.

Well-developed understanding of established disciplinary methods/skills, and well-developed accomplished problem-solving ability based on justified selection and very effective application of a range of methods, to make reasoned decisions in complex and unpredictable circumstance with a high degree of autonomy.


Exceptional critical evaluation and justification of the technological factors applied to the digital solution (e.g., content, features, plugins, etc.). Exceptional consideration of the strategic aims, as set out in the case.




Exceptionally constructed and substantiated argument, clearly explaining and synthesising complex ideas/ viewpoints/ information/ evidence to put together an outstanding analysis with well-developed reasoned judgement.


Exceptional critical analysis of 2-3 factors and how these may affect adoption of the digital business solution. Exceptional consideration for the business requirements, as set out in the case.

Exceptionally constructed and substantiated argument, clearly explaining and synthesising complex ideas/ viewpoints/ information/ evidence to put together an outstanding analysis with well-developed reasoned judgement.


Exceptional critical evaluation of the ongoing business challenges and how these will affect ongoing management of the proposed solution. Exceptional consideration for the business requirements, as set out in the case.



Accomplished communication style and expression of ideas. Evidence of extensive critical appraisal of independent research and analysis of range of sources to develop outstanding critical evaluation and insight in response to task.


Accurate spelling, punctuation, and grammar.


Evidence of extensive critical appraisal of independent research and analysis of range of sources to develop outstanding critical evaluation and insight in response to the tasks.


Correct Harvard referencing/citing is followed in all cases.



Very good demonstration of application of relevant technical/ practical/ creative/ transferable skills outside of areas in which first studied, and strong ability to systematically manage, initiate and critically reflect on own work.


Very good consideration for the title, image, and description of the e-learning course.


The training program has 2 sections. Each section has 2 lessons and 1 quiz, which have mostly been populated with relevant information.


Most sections, lessons and quizzes have been appropriately titled.


Very good demonstration of application of relevant technical/ practical/ creative/ transferable skills outside of areas in which first studied, and strong ability to systematically manage, initiate and critically reflect on own work.


The solution has at least 3 membership levels and 3 membership add-ons, which are mostly relevant to the business case selected.


There is a membership sign-up form, that has a very good description of each level and add-on.


At least 5 events have been created, with a minimum of 1 event per membership level and 1 event for non-members. The events have mostly been populated with relevant information.

Very good demonstration of application of relevant technical/ practical/ creative/ transferable skills outside of areas in which first studied, and strong ability to systematically manage, initiate and critically reflect on own work.


Very good demonstration of legal compliance (e.g., security plugin, cookie policy plugin, privacy policy, etc.).


5 extra features (not security, or legal based) that improve or optimise the digital business solution. All features work properly.


Site shows very good design consideration for user interaction and experience (theme, menu, pages, features, etc.). A blueprint has been provided.

Strong understanding of established disciplinary methods/skills, and able to solve complex problems selecting and justifying effective application of a range of appropriate methods, to make reasoned decisions in complex and unpredictable circumstance, with some autonomy.


Very good critical evaluation and justification of the technological factors applied to the digital solution (e.g., content, features, plugins, etc.). Very good consideration of the strategic aims, as set out in the case.



Ability to relate facts/disciplinary concepts together and apply good disciplinary analysis to issues and problems.


Very good critical analysis of 2-3 factors and how these may affect adoption of the digital business solution. Very good consideration for the business requirements, as set out in the case.

Sophisticated effective and logical argument with supporting evidence and strong reasoning, to clearly explain complex matters/ ideas and reach a convincing judgement.


Very good critical evaluation of the ongoing business challenges and how these will affect ongoing management of the proposed solution. Very good consideration for the business requirements, as set out in the case.


Very proficient communication of ideas. Evidence of breadth and depth in critically appraised independent reading and research to inform thorough analysis and insight in response to task.


Accurate spelling, punctuation, and grammar.


Evidence of breadth and depth in critically appraised independent reading and research to inform thorough analysis and insight in response to the tasks.


Correct Harvard referencing/citing is followed in most cases, but there may be some minor errors in formatting.





Sound demonstration of application of relevant technical/ practical/creative/ transferable skills outside of areas in which first studied, together with good ability to systematically manage, take responsibility for, and reflect on own work.


Good consideration for the title, image, and description of the e-learning course.


The training program has 2 sections. Each section has 1 lesson and 1 quiz, which have been somewhat populated with relevant information.


Many sections, lessons and quizzes have been appropriately titled, but further consideration is required.


Sound demonstration of application of relevant technical/ practical/creative/ transferable skills outside of areas in which first studied, together with good ability to systematically manage, take responsibility for, and reflect on own work.


The solution has at least 2 membership levels and 3 membership add-ons, which are somewhat relevant to the business case selected.


There is a membership sign-up form, that has a good description of each level and add-on.


At least 4 events have been created, with a minimum of 1 event per membership level and 1 event for non-members. The events have been somewhat populated with relevant information.

Sound demonstration of application of relevant technical/ practical/creative/ transferable skills outside of areas in which first studied, together with good ability to systematically manage, take responsibility for, and reflect on own work.


Good demonstration of legal compliance (e.g., security plugin, cookie policy plugin, privacy policy, etc.).


4 extra features (not security, or legal based) that improve or optimise the digital business solution. All features work properly.


Site shows good design consideration for user interaction and experience (theme, menu, pages, features, etc.). A blueprint has been provided.

Good understanding of established disciplinary methods/skills and able to solve complex problems, selecting and applying a range of appropriate methods to make sound decisions in complex and unpredictable circumstance.


Good critical evaluation and justification of the technological factors applied to the digital solution (e.g., content, features, plugins, etc.). Good consideration of the strategic aims, as set out in the case.


Responses are relevant to subject matter and show evidence of disciplinary analysis albeit with some limitations.


Good critical analysis of 2-3 factors and how these may affect adoption of the digital business solution. Good consideration for the business requirements, as set out in the case.

Effectively devised and logically sustained argument with supporting evidence, to clearly explain complex ideas/viewpoints to reach a reasoned judgement.


Good critical evaluation of the ongoing business challenges and how these will affect ongoing management of the proposed solution. Good consideration for the business requirements, as set out in the case.

Confident effective communication of ideas. Evidence of breadth and depth in independent reading and research in development of relevant critical insight in response to task.


Accurate spelling, punctuation, and grammar.


Evidence of breadth and depth in independent reading and research in development of relevant critical insight in response to the tasks.


Good attention to formatting of references/citations, but there may be some errors in formatting.




Adequate demonstration of application of relevant technical/ practical/ creative/ transferable skills outside of areas in which first studied, together with appropriate ability to manage, take responsibility for, and reflect on own work.


Adequate consideration for the title, image, and description of the e-learning course.


The training program has 1 section. The section has 2 lessons and 1 quiz, which have been populated to an adequate standard.


Some sections, lessons and quizzes have been appropriately titled.

Adequate demonstration of application of relevant technical/ practical/ creative/ transferable skills outside of areas in which first studied, together with appropriate ability to manage, take responsibility for, and reflect on own work.


The solution has at least 2 membership levels and 2 membership add-ons, which are somewhat relevant to the business case selected.


There is a membership sign-up form, that has an adequate description of each level and add-on.


At least 3 events have been created, with a minimum of 1 event per membership level and 1 event for non-members. The events have been populated to an adequate standard.

Adequate demonstration of application of relevant technical/ practical/ creative/ transferable skills outside of areas in which first studied, together with appropriate ability to manage, take responsibility for, and reflect on own work.


Adequate demonstration of legal compliance (e.g., security plugin, cookie policy plugin, privacy policy, etc.).


3 extra features (not security, or legal based) that improve or optimise the digital business solution. All features work properly.


Site shows adequate design consideration for user interaction and experience (theme, menu, pages, features, etc.). A blueprint has been provided.

Sound understanding of established disciplinary methods/skills and able to solve problems, selecting appropriate methods to make sound decisions in complex and unpredictable circumstance.


Adequate critical evaluation and justification of the technological factors applied to the digital solution (e.g., content, features, plugins, etc.). Adequate consideration of the strategic aims, as set out in the case.


Responses are relevant to subject matter but balanced to descriptive and derivative rather than disciplinary analysis.


Adequate critical analysis of 2-3 factors and how these may affect adoption of the digital business solution. Adequate consideration for the business requirements, as set out in the case.

Competently devised and sustained argument to explain complex matters perhaps with some minor weaknesses, e.g., in structure, coherence or currency, but generally sound if standard judgement.


Adequate critical evaluation of the ongoing business challenges and how these will affect ongoing management of the proposed solution. Adequate consideration for the business requirements, as set out in the case.

Communicates ideas effectively and conveys meaning with clarity. Evidence of some independent reading and research to inform development of a relevant response to task.


Mostly accurate spelling, punctuation, and grammar.


Evidence of some independent reading and research to inform development of a relevant response to the tasks.


Adequate attention to formatting of references/citations. Harvard format may not always be correctly applied.



Inadequate demonstration of application of relevant technical/ practical/ creative/ transferable skills outside of areas in which first studied, together with appropriate ability to manage, take responsibility for, and reflect on own work.


Inadequate consideration for the title, image, and description of the e-learning course.


The training program has 1 section. The section has 1 lesson and 1 quiz, which have been populated to an inadequate standard and may not have relevant content.


The section, lesson and quiz may not be appropriately titled.

Inadequate demonstration of application of relevant technical/ practical/ creative/ transferable skills outside of areas in which first studied, together with appropriate ability to manage, take responsibility for, and reflect on own work.


The solution has at least 2 membership levels and 1 membership add-on, which may not be relevant to the business case.


There is a membership sign-up form, that has an inadequate description of each level and add-on.


At least 2 events have been created, which may be populated to an inadequate standard and may not have relevant content.


Inadequate demonstration of application of relevant technical/ practical/ creative/ transferable skills outside of areas in which first studied, together with appropriate ability to manage, take responsibility for, and reflect on own work.


Inadequate demonstration of legal compliance (e.g., security plugin, cookie policy plugin, privacy policy, etc.).


2 extra features (not security, or legal based) that improve or optimise the digital business solution. All features work properly.


Site shows inadequate design consideration for user interaction and experience (theme, menu, pages, features, etc.). A blueprint may not have been provided.

Inadequate understanding of established disciplinary methods/skills and an inadequate ability to solve problems, selecting appropriate methods to make sound decisions in complex and unpredictable circumstance.


Inadequate critical evaluation and justification of the technological factors applied to the digital solution (e.g., content, features, plugins, etc.). Inadequate consideration of the strategic aims, as set out in the case.


Responses are somewhat relevant to subject matter but are descriptive and derivative rather than disciplinary analysis. Build a digital business solution for a business case, by utilising a content management system.


Inadequate critical analysis of 2-3 factors and how these may affect adoption of the digital business solution. Inadequate consideration for the business requirements, as set out in the case.

Incompetently devised and sustained argument to explain complex matters. There may be some major weaknesses, e.g., in structure, coherence or currency.


Inadequate critical evaluation of the ongoing business challenges and how these will affect ongoing management of the proposed solution. Inadequate consideration for the business requirements, as set out in the case.

Communication is inaccurate, incomplete, or otherwise problematic in conveying understanding. Limited evidence of use of set materials/relevant academic sources and references.


Errors in spelling, punctuation, and grammar, which impedes understanding of content.


Limited evidence of use of set materials/relevant academic sources and references.


Inadequate attention to formatting of references/citations. Harvard format may not be correctly applied.


Weak evidence of application of relevant skills and/or limited ability to take responsibility for and reflect on own work.


Poor consideration for the title, image, and description of the e-learning course.


The training program has 1 section. The section has 1 lesson and 1 quiz, which has been populated to a poor standard and may not have relevant content.


The section, lesson and quiz may not be appropriately titled.

Weak evidence of application of relevant skills and/or limited ability to take responsibility for and reflect on own work.


The solution has at least 1 membership level and 1 membership add-on, which may not be relevant to the business case.


There is a membership sign-up form, that has a poor description of each level and add-on.


At least 2 events have been created, which may be populated to a poor standard and may not have relevant content.


Weak evidence of application of relevant skills and/or limited ability to take responsibility for and reflect on own work.


Poor demonstration of legal compliance (e.g., security plugin, cookie policy plugin, privacy policy, etc.).


2 extra features (not security, or legal based) that improve or optimise the digital business solution. These may not work properly.


Site shows poor design consideration for user interaction and experience (theme, menu, pages, features, etc.). A blueprint may not have been provided.

Evidence of ability to apply disciplinary conceptual understanding is lacking or confused.


Poor critical evaluation and justification of the technological factors applied to the digital solution (e.g., content, features, plugins, etc.). Poor consideration of the strategic aims, as set out in the case.


Little evidence of ability to apply disciplinary conceptual understanding.


Poor critical analysis of 2-3 factors and how these may affect adoption of the digital business solution. Poor consideration for the business requirements, as set out in the case.

Argument is confused/simplistic and poorly constructed, with limited supporting analysis.


Poor critical evaluation of the ongoing business challenges and how these will affect ongoing management of the proposed solution. Poor consideration for the business requirements, as set out in the case.

Communication is inaccurate, incomplete, or otherwise problematic in conveying understanding. Limited evidence of use of set materials/relevant academic sources and references.


Errors in spelling, punctuation, and grammar, which impedes understanding of content.


Limited evidence of use of set materials/relevant academic sources and references.


Poor attention to formatting of references/citations. Harvard format may not be correctly applied.


Seriously lacking in ability to apply relevant skills and/or little evidence of ability to manage own learning.


Very poor consideration for the title, image, and description of the e-learning course.


The training program has 1 section. The section has 1 lesson or 1 quiz, which has been populated to a very poor standard and may not have relevant content.


The section, lessons and quizzes may not be appropriately titled.

Seriously lacking in ability to apply relevant skills and/or little evidence of ability to manage own learning.


The solution has at least 1 membership level or 1 membership add-on, which may not be relevant to the business case.


There is a membership sign-up form, that has a very poor/no description of the membership level or add-on.


At least 1 event has been created, which may be populated to a very poor standard and may not have relevant content.

Seriously lacking in ability to apply relevant skills and/or little evidence of ability to manage own learning.


Very poor demonstration of legal compliance (e.g., security plugin, cookie policy plugin, privacy policy, etc.).


1 extra feature (not security, or legal based) that improves or optimises the digital business solution. This may not work properly.


Site shows very poor design consideration for user interaction and experience (theme, menu, pages, features, etc.). A blueprint may not have been provided.

Seriously limited disciplinary or conceptual understanding evidenced.


Very poor critical evaluation and justification of the technological factors applied to the digital solution (e.g., content, features, plugins, etc.). Very poor consideration of the strategic aims, as set out in the case.


Very limited disciplinary conceptual understanding evidenced.


Very poor critical analysis of 2-3 factors and how these may affect adoption of the digital business solution. Very poor consideration for the business requirements, as set out in the case.

Very poor argument, lacking in logic and/or unsubstantiated.


Very poor critical evaluation of the ongoing business challenges and how these will affect ongoing management of the proposed solution. Very poor consideration for the business requirements, as set out in the case.

Very poor communication indicating incoherence and/or seriously incomplete understanding. Very little evidence of use of set materials/relevant academic sources and references.


Many errors in spelling, punctuation, and grammar, which impedes understanding of content.


Very little evidence of use of set materials/relevant academic sources and references.


Very poor attention to formatting of references/citations. Harvard format has not been correctly applied.

H / NS

No evidence in ability to apply relevant skills and/or no evidence of ability to manage own learning.


No e-learning course has been created or the training program has not been populated with any sections, lessons, or quizzes.


No evidence in ability to apply relevant skills and/or no evidence of ability to manage own learning.


No membership levels and add-ons have been created. There is no membership sign-up form. No events have been created.


No evidence in ability to apply relevant skills and/or no evidence of ability to manage own learning.


No demonstration of legal compliance, no extra features and no consideration for user interaction and experience. A blueprint has not been provided.

No disciplinary or conceptual understanding evidenced.


No critical evaluation and justification of the technological factors applied to the digital solution. No consideration for the business requirements, as set out in the case.

No disciplinary conceptual understanding evidenced.


No critical analysis of 2-3 factors and how these may affect adoption of the digital business solution. No consideration for the business requirements, as set out in the case.


No argument.


No business challenges identified. No consideration for the business requirements, as set out in the case.

Seriously inadequate communication. No evidence of set materials/ relevant academic sources and references.


The report has not been submitted or spelling, punctuation, and grammar is seriously inadequate.


No evidence of set materials/ relevant academic sources and references.


No Harvard citing/referencing.

Feedback on your assignment.

Please review this feedback and use it to develop your work in your next assignment in this and your other modules. If anything is unclear, please ask the marker.


Aspects done well and why:


Aspects for improvement for future assignments and why:


How successful completion of this assignment helps your employability and achievement of graduate attributes:

The successful completion of this assessment enables you to develop your digital citizenship, by acquiring the IT skills required to produce a user-friendly and accessible digital business solution. You will also develop problem solving skills, by employing analytical, creative, and evaluative skills to identify which technologies should be applied in the content management system to enhance service delivery. Build a digital business solution for a business case, by utilising a content management system.

Grade awarded:



Rowena Simmons


Joanne Law


* This person is responsible for moderating a sample of student work for this module. Your work may, or may not, have been included in this sample.


□ I do not want my work to be used anonymously to help future students

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