Review the Resources and reflect on the various strategies presented throughout the course that may be helpful in disseminating effective and widely cited EBP.
Identify an industry or
Start your marco with Cell A1 of the “Starting Point data” worksheet, as the active cell.
What are the cornerstones of L’Oreal’s marketing?
Please describe your short and long term academic/professional goals. What do you hope to do after you finish your graduate degree (Msc) in Environmental Science
Major universities are currently revisiting their affirmative action policies. Discuss the pros and cons of these policies.
1. How would you plan for a company`s divisional capabilities? How does one plan to address divisional limitations? What methods may be used to fill gaps between capabilities and limitations?
Do you think this group ever worked as a team for the same purpose? Why or why not?
In patients with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), does group therapy compared to individual therapy improve patient outcomes?
Offer a common presumption about a subject, and then offer an alternative view based on economic thinking/logic
Analyze financial and investment decisions that add value to the organization
Barriers towards a systemic change in the clothing industry: How do sustainable fashion enterprises influence their sector?
The focus of your paper will be a marginalized special population that exists within your local community.
1. If Dexter Morgan is a vigilante, does that make him an acceptable or heroic serial killer? Is he completing a community service for the public?
Explain, and contrast deontological ethics, emotivism, and virtue ethics as illustrated by participants 4, 5, and 7 in our readings.
1. The information systems described in these articles don`t really fall neatly into a single IS category such as TPS, MIS, DSS, ESS, ERP, SCM, CRM, KMS, collaboration environments, GIS, GDSS, etc.
1. How a dedicated effort to implement the RDCAR framework and processes could have enabled these two firms to avoid the crises they encountered.
Identify a contemporary management issue of business significance; describe, and explore how this poses challenges for managing individuals and organizations in question.
BUSN310 week 7 forum - Identify and briefly describe this company for the class
1.1 Assess the major contemporary labour market trends in different country contexts
Why did it take 70 years for the women’s rights movement to win women’s suffrage at the national level?
Social Media Essay
Advantages And Disadvantages Of The Internet
Palestine And Israel Conflict
Future Of Artificial Intelligence
Necessary Things Before Starting A Business
Toyota Human Resource Management
Gender Discrimination
What World Will Be Like In 2050?
What Is The Future Of Coding?
How Did China Become The Superpower
Economics Essays
Modern Lifestyle Essay
Essay on Climate Change by Express Assignment UK
Effects Of Globalization
Life of Pi essay
Describe organisational hierarchy and levels of authority for financial transactions
Evaluate the effectiveness of different types of information on an administrative function
Analyze the advantages and limitations of different methods of, and media for, making presentations
Evaluate how the purpose and values of an organization affect the design and delivery of administrative services
Sources of information on professional development trends and their validity
Explain the use of targets and budget to manage workloads
Ethical principles and professional values , and how these might inform the way people approach their work
LO1: Develop a critical understanding on the definitions of sustainability and its impact on creating long term competitive advantages for organizations
Critically evaluate whether the police accountability mechanisms in England and Wales are sufficient to ensure that police officers act to the standard expected of them
LO1: Describe and illustrate basic understanding of economic concepts
Critically analyse, by providing evidence and examples, the extent to which HR patterns around the world are becoming more similar or whether specific HR patterns will be associated with specific countries
Explore the role of various procurement systems in various types of construction projects
Introduce the chosen organisation and then analyse the scope and key concepts of international marketing.
Demonstrate an awareness and understanding of the values and beliefs that underpin professional practice
LO1 Discuss global priorities for health and wellbeing in relation to healthcare priorities of own country
LO1 Compare ways in which change impacts on an organisation’s strategy and operations.
Explain the micro and macro context of why this reviewed topic may be of particular significance / importance to you or others engaged in your professional or academic research area.
To what extent do the concepts of health and well-being used to develop the campaign ‘Know your Numbers!’ influence the health and well-being of the individuals who participate?
Outline the development of strategies and the use of techniques that can be used to enhance employee involvement and engagement.
You need to produce written advice on each issue for your supervisor to consider in the cases of a) Mavis v Wilson and b) Polly v Wilson, using the information provided
Identify and evaluate the characteristics and significance globally of information privacy
LO1 Demonstrate an understanding of the marketing mix. Explain what is meant by Marketing?
Critically analyse TG’s current organisational structure Evaluate its appropriateness for the future.
Review academic literature and discuss the role of digital analytics and website in digital marketing strategy.
5HR03 Reward for Performance and Contribution | Express Assignment UK
Carry out external analysis (business environment and industry) to identify a set of Opportunities and Threats and assess industry attractiveness.
Describe, in detail and in your own words, one or two innovation theories covered in the module. Deep knowledge of one major innovation theory will be enough as a basis for a high mark, and you should not choose more than two innovation theories.
Demonstrate critical understanding and application of relevant strategic management and leadership principles that support organisational values and impact on organisational direction.
Apply the main theories relating to group dynamics, team working and communication to their own workplace examples.
Demonstrate critical understanding of theoretical and methodological perspectives relevant to an investigation of our chosen research topic
Do a critical review of attempts at building wider values into the procurement process. The focus should be on what is meant by value
LO1: Apply assessment, planning and review methods to social work practice in adult and child settings.
Consider all the components of fitness required for their performance in their chosen physical activity in order to justify the three most important components of fitness.
Construct a research proposal which captures and articulates a research design for your chosen area of interest/focus. This task comprises a number of components.
Using MOD3327 module content and the Krugman & Wells textbook, explain how resource scarcity and opportunity cost impact microeconomic decision making for households and individuals in the UK
Using the example of a facilities management team you are familiar with, explain how you could use Maslow’s “Hierarchy of needs” and McGregor’s “Theory X and Theory Y” to understand the personal motivation and job satisfaction of the members of this team.
Construct a model of a byte adder based on the bit adder
1.1 Analyse the verbal and nonverbal skills used in a range of contexts within a given profession.
Explain the role of marketing and how it interrelates with other business units of an organisation.
Evaluate Ian’s leadership style considering the existing literature. What type of leadership style would you adopt if you were in Ian’s position? Justify your position by drawing upon recognised leadership and management theories.
Using the clinical background and the laboratory data provided up to now suggest some possible differential diagnoses for Mr. C and explain your reasoning.
Identify and comment on six separate and significant outcomes or conclusions that can be derived from the rear-view mirror QFD example.
You are to identify, describe, analyse and evaluate a specific security problem related to one of the above broad areas (i-vi) and demonstrate the application of a practical solution (or proof of concept) that mitigates the problem
What is meant by evidence based practice?
Leadership Traits. Describe three leadership traits that could be applied to work best with each group of workers.
Evaluate the concept of evidence-based practice including how it can be applied to decision-making in people practice.
AC1.1 An explanation on how organisations strategically position themselves in competitive labour markets
AC 1.1 Define the term ‘Professional’ and explain the requirements of a People Professional
Critically discuss two recent developments in the international environment appear to have impacted on your chosen company’s recent performance and development. Analyse how these two developments are likely to impact on the company in the near future.
LO1 Understand the importance of a reflective approach to learning within Business and Management discipline;
LO3 Demonstrate an understanding of the cultural and behavioural expectations of studying for a degree in business and management.
With reference to specific team development theories of choice, critically discuss the role and performance of teams in maintaining systems and structures designed to promote rights, responsibilities and diversity of service users in healthcare practice
This module will be assessed through an individual report on a chosen company intending to trade in a foreign country or establish a subsidiary/sales office in a new context abroad.
Analyse and evaluate the major features of national and international employment markets from which organisations source staff and ways in which these markets evolve or change.
LO1 Analyse the impact and influence which the macro environment has on an organisation.
Develop an in depth knowledge of corporate strategy within the context of the organisation’s markets and commercial sustainability
Describe management accounting techniques which support the facilities management process and the financial systems and processes used for the effective management of facilities management budget within your company
An evaluation of the advantages and disadvantages of two different types of organisational structures – BMC’s structure and another of your choice
1.1 What is the business offering (product/service etc.)?
Through continued exploration, experimentation and evaluation of relevant materials , techniques and technologies, expand a personal vocabulary in the chosen specialist area to communicate ideas and realise work.
Assess own organisation’s ability to translate vision, mission and strategic goals into operational objectives with realistic and measurable targets
Conduct a literature review that critically discusses the concepts of Information Governance Information Security and their importance in information management.
Understand the research process and different research approaches.
Using only Porter’s Five Forces model, fully analyse the competitive environment in the U.S. motorcycle industry based only on the case study timeline. List all of the forces and apply reasoning to each to support your argument.
Explain, evaluate and critically analyse the internal and external contextual factors impacting on the design, delivery and assessment of learning plans and interventions in organisations
You are the new manager at the Rotorua branch of Rentals NZ Ltd, a large organization with the head office in Christchurch and branches in Auckland, Wellington, Rotorua, Dunedin and Queenstown
1.1 Speak clearly using language, tone and style appropriately to the purpose, subject, audience and situation.
What are the current top threats to the UK’s long-run economic growth in terms of sustainability and climate change? How are UK businesses responding to environmental sustainability concerns in 2021?
To what extent do the concepts of health and well-being used to develop the campaign ŮKnow your Numbers!’ influence the health and well-being of the individuals who participate? What social determinants may influence the success of the campaign?
MOD005915 Promoting Health and Wellbeing
Contribute to the introduction and effective development of organizational creativity
Define and critically discuss the problem/issues to be addressed and evaluated in a business scenario/case study context
LO2: Critically evaluate roles and responsibilities of sustainable strategic managers and how to apply tools of strategic business management
1.1 Explain how different theories and approaches can be used to influence individual behaviour and motivation
To demonstrate understanding of how international businesses operate within their strategic context
Apply the main theories relating to group dynamics, team working and communication to their own workplace examples.
Using the accounts, and notes, for Trust plc, write a report of 2000 words to management on the performance of the company
LO1: Understand the dynamic of business management issues in the contemporary global business environment
Produce a report that compares, contrasts and evaluates approaches to recruiting and selecting graduates in two organisations (of your choice)
Be able to synthesize and critically examine a range of contemporary issues in management from a variety of theoretical and practical perspectives
Provide a short description of your business and outline the elements of your business canvas relevant for understanding what your business will do.
Demonstrate the ability to research a market and show understanding of the financial side of business planning.
Taiwan has been recently defined the ‘most dangerous place on Earth’ (The Economist, 1 May 2021). Taking into consideration political (China vs US), historical (the origins of RoC Taiwan), strategic (the geographical location of the island)
Do a critical review of attempts at building wider values into the procurement process. The focus should be on what is meant by value.
The owner of HoneyBee Stafford has no experience of database management systems and you need to explain to him the different database management systems that are available and the benefits to him of using this type of system to store his data
You are to produce a written assessment that reflects on the learning during the work placement/Internship including application for the role and description of the organisation
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the psychosocial and political determinants of health on individuals, groups, and society
Critical analysis of how the empowerment of an identified community can influence the health and wellbeing of the individuals.
LO1. Examine the health, care and support services available to an individual requiring multidisciplinary care
Provide a critical examination of the models and tools organisations can use to analyse their internal and external environment. Review a strategic plan for a real organisation of your choice.
Demonstrate knowledge and critical understanding of cognitive and biological psychology as evidential disciplines.
Work, lead and manage within an effective team environment whilst assisting the client with the creation of the business case to support the programme or project.
You have been asked by a national charity to produce an information leaflet for people who suffer from either PTSD or Schizophrenia
Critically evaluate theories and practices in risk management
Develop and present a 3-year budget to support your business plan. This should show how you will spend the 1 .5 million pounds over the 3 years
Identify, determine and justify a disciplinary-relevant project, including its aims, scopes and objectives.
LO1 Explain strategic organisational planning for information security
Select and critically analyse appropriate sources of information and data
LO1 Analyze the opportunities and threats for firms exposed to an increasingly globalized environment.
Prepare the monthly control report showing original budget, flexed budget, and variances
LO1 Work with clients to identify, analyse and evaluate a business or management problems within an organisation in hospitality industry
LO1 Explain the methods and techniques used in civil engineering for earthworks and substructures
LO1 Identify and select relevant sources of data and information for decision making
LO1 Review the role of research in health and wellbeing improvement strategies
Define what is meant by evidence-based practice and how it is applied within organisations, providing three examples of different types of evidence-based practice that can be used to inform principle-led judgements and outcomes for an organisation
Explain what is meant by ‘ethical principles’ and ‘professional values’, and how these might inform the way people approach their work
An assessment of each of the different stages of the employee lifecycle, illustrated where appropriate by your role as an outsourced people practice professional within the lifecycle
Application of an analysis tool (such as PESTLE) to examine the key external forces impacting or likely to impact an organisation’s activities.
LO1 Present and agree to a project proposal with the client.
Describe a problem, its nature, scope and impact.
Prepare a report for the Quality Managers of British Airways. In your report you are expected to identify and describe the concept of quality management.
Collect, select and use of information from a range of source using different methods, appropriate to the academic discipline and context.
Your report should critically analyse and evaluate an aspect of clinical practice and how it has impacted the quality of care provision.
For each stage of a selected project, consider a main approach and possible alternatives, discussing any repercussions of each.
With reference to organisational examples and empirical research, evaluate the challenges and solutions for managing diversity in contemporary work organisations.
LO1: Understand the key trends and advantages of digital technology and implications for managing virtual business in the global environment
A reflective blog. This is an opportunity to demonstrate your ability to apply theory to your own lived experience to enhance your experience and learn from it.
A suggested risk register containing at least 10 fully documented risks, including owner, mitigation and contingency actions, pre-and post- action weighting and scores and a (referenced) paragraph to the sponsor explaining why such a register is important
Unit 35: Alternative Methods of Construction by Express Assignment UK
Prepare a report for a large store-based or online fashion clothing retailer, trading in the UK that: a) Identifies key relevant changes in the UK fashion clothing market
Unit 38 Personal Professional Development by Express Assignment UK
Understand critically intercultural communication theories
MOD004062 Leadership and Change Management Assignment (Solved)
MOD003463 Undergraduate Major Project – Integrated Case Study
Undertake a virtual research tour of your local health, social services, and health services to identify one key public health concern. Discuss what the data suggests about public health needs and implications for healthcare locally.
You are required to: Using a reflective model, write an individual reflective essay that evaluates the process, performance and outcomes of the implementation of your live project.
Discuss and evaluate the context in which Ruskin Vale plans to invest in building and redesigning its technological and digital infrastructure to promote health and well-being through digital inclusion
A descriptive method statement of how the project will be built safely. Pictorials of all the construction method, major temporary works (including the site set-up) and any formwork fabrication are also required.
Prepare a 2,000-word essay critically evaluating the impact of a financial technology on an area of the financial industry.
Develop a set of project goals that will serve as metrics for demonstrating project success.
Apply and critically evaluate the relevant theoretical framework and models of international financial management
Identify and apply techniques for summarising and analysing data.
In your role as HR manager at BUNI Travel, you have been asked to recruit a new Business travel consultant to work at the organisation. To start the process, you have been asked to produce a portfolio of documentation
1.1 Explain the concept of safeguarding children, young people and vulnerable adults.
Unit 4: Construction Practice & Management by Express Assignment UK
Draft the consolidated statement of financial position for Seven Stars Plc and its subsidiary undertaking as at 31 March 2021
Explore the importance of effective communication in relation to providing holistic person-centred care.
Analyse the role of mass media, education and communication theories and models in crafting mass health promotion messages.
Drawing on your expertise gained from the HRP module advise Heston Blumenthal how he can best attract [employer branding], recruit, and select great talent to work as chefs at Dinner by Heston restaurant
LO1: Demonstrate knowledge, comprehension and application of the taught theory through active and consistent contribution to organisations.
Are contemporary organisations receptive to professional guidance from the HR specialist or is the role simply lacking impact. Discuss. Make use of appropriate and creditable references to support your answer.
Identifying suitable brownfield sites in Lisburn city that could be regenerated to provide affordable homes
Unit 704 Information Management and Strategic Decision Taking
LO1 Put in context globalisation’s impact on business
LO1 Locate and evaluate resources relating to business codes of doing business in a moral and ethical way
With reference to any ongoing renowned violent conflict of your choice, discuss some themes of peace education as a means to peacebuilding
Using relevant theories from the module, analyse your chosen company’s practices and processes from a responsible business perspective and present your findings.
Using a range of appropriate marketing models and theories, explain how Nike adopts a marketing orientation in developing
Develop a personal development plan against own work role competencies identifying academic and professional learning needs
LO1: Evaluate international business practices and discuss how they are being shaped by economic theories, financial, socio-cultural and political forces; with particular emphasis on the business practices of UK’s major trading partners
You are expected to carry out an organisational analysis on a multinational company of your choice
which analyses and evaluates how effective experiences and innovation are in the tourism and cruise environments.
Integration of Technology into private learning institutions in developing countries. Exploring current trends and the future implications
Understand the processes and stages of Business planning including market research, micro/ macro analysis, marketing, risk and financial management.
LO1 - Critically appraise the strategic analysis tools for assessing the characteristics of the external and internal environment and its application in influencing business performance
Select an international organisation (of your choice – company A) and identify its closest competitor (company B). Present the two organisations and the criteria used for the identification of the competitor
LO1 Formulate a project that will provide a solution to an identified problem.
Critically explore and appraise the leadership (Session 4) and change management strategies (Session 2) that will be used to implement the change
You will produce an individual, business case report justifying your approach to organising the resourcing and finances of a celebratory event
2008 Chinese milk scandal - On company’s response, (pros & cons)
distinguish between an offer and an invitation to treat AC 1.1
apply and critically evaluate the relevant theoretical framework and models of international financial management;
L03 - Critically analyse the importance of Human Resource Management Practices
Unit: 423 Teaching in a Specialist Area
You should write five blog commentaries, each blog being around 400 words, one for each of five of the first six weeks of the module.
1.1 analyse own role and responsibilities in education and training
Unit 506: Developing, Using and Organising Resources in a Specialist Area
“The Miller (No.1) (2017) case underscores the centrality of Parliamentary Sovereignty in the UK constitutional order and dispels any notions about its decline.” Discuss
Roberta is being asked to pay £1,000 for the advert and £2,000 for first place in the lecture programme; Fatima is claiming an extra £5,000. Advise Roberta.
Critically evaluate the use of motivation theories in contemporary business to determine their effectiveness in improving employee task performance.
Discuss the criminal liability of Ron in relation to the deaths of Charles, Martin and Paul.
Critically evaluate the impact of different HRM models on organisational performance, illustrating how they can add value for HR managers
Does gender/class/race (pick one) make a difference in achievement in education?
Present quantitative information in a clear simple and informative format in order to facilitate forecasting.
The aim of this assignment is to add a class to the project that you developed for the first part of the coursework to make a graphical user interface (GUI) for a system that stores details of gadgets in a shop
LO1 Describe the legal and regulatory aspects of reporting and record-keeping in a care setting.
Unit 27: Teaching in a Specialist Area by Express Assignment
You will create a PowerPoint using many slides to explain what is conception, and the key stages that happen during pregnancy.
Critically discuss the project scope and drivers, project life cycle and project methodologies that are suitable to introduce the care pathway.
Why a couple needs to be healthy before conceiving, in particular discuss the health of the mother, and what type of diet and lifestyle is necessary to have a baby
Write a short report with headings, sub headings and an ICS Declaration sheet on ‘What is HR professionalism, and how do you ensure that you are effective and efficient within HR?
FM4.14 Understanding quality management in facilities management
AC 1.1 An examination of the contextual factors of an international organisation
Reflective Journal - What do you think is the current level of engagement in your organisation?
Unit 9 Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management
Briefly outline the situation in which you either work or intend to work, as a Coach or Mentor
Unit 1: Communicating in Health and Social Care Organisations
1.1 Summarise the historical development of computer systems.
1.1 Explain the importance of each stage in traditional software lifecycle approaches.
Explain modern web development technologies such as SOL, Java, JavaScript, C#, C++, Python, PHP, Ruby on Rails and then evaluate how these technologies and frameworks have transformed traditional website design, functionality and management
Explain various components of systems analysis and further explain how systems analysis and design fits into the software development life-cycle
First part of the handbook covers the fundamentals of the computer. In the introduction, provide a summary of the historical development of computer systems since 1980s
Explain the concept of an algorithm and describe common lgorithmic techniques and solutions
A description of software deployment techniques and an explanation of the importance of each stage in traditional software lifecycle approaches.
Critically evaluate the roles and responsibilities of Christoph Gebald and Jan Wurzbacher as sustainable strategic managers.
Review emerging developments to inform approaches to employee voice and engagement.
Unit 36: End of Life Care Planning and Support
Face App - Software development plan
Review the timeline of the development of public health from historical antecedents through to contemporary practice
Identify a product, service or category of spend and outline its importance and impact to your organisation’s stakeholders
Unit 23 Human Resources Development
1.1 Identify an area for a research topic approved by your line manager/academic supervisor/mentor.
1.1 Apply the four rules of numeracy.
1.1 Identify the functions of a computer system.
1.1 Explain the terms ‘culture’ and ‘subculture’.
1.1 Explain the difference between an organisation and a business.
1.1 Describe the differences between an accountant and an economist.
Unit 2: Marketing Processes and Planning
Analyse an organization’s current and future external and internal environment
You should critically evaluate a situation in practice where the importance of teamwork, leadership and effective communication is central to delivering patient care and your role as a Nursing Associate in inter professional practice
1.1 Identify the main types of: state schools independent schools colleges
Explore types of business finance available at different stages in the growth of a business
Examine the application of management techniques, and cultural and leadership aspects to engineering organisations
Briefly describe the term ‘mission statement’? Suggest an appropriate mission statement for GLS
Choose a destination (other than Australia or Australian State or Territory) and discuss the significance of air transport for tourism using relevant survey data andtourism satellite account (TSA) data
Produce a briefing report that apply theories of project management to management systems and practices in own work setting.
Produce a report, which explains the use of construction information in the context of a construction project and describes the different types of construction information and their uses.
To try to reduce absenteeism, some companies have focused on developing employee engagement programmes. To what extent do you think this is a good idea or not?
With reference to the Blake and Mouton Managerial Grid, construct a critical evaluation of Grosvenor Hotel Torquay General Manager Mark Jenkins in terms of your identification of his preferred style of management
You are part of a team of Financial Analysts for ARUL Consulting who have been asked to review BAE Systems plc’s working capital management policies.
Explain the types of accommodation services available within the hospitality industry
Critically evaluate sources of finance for modern healthcare and apply financial management techniques
Explain the different stages of the employee lifecycle and the role of the people professionals in the lifecycle
An explanation of how “SAP” strategically positions itself in the competitive market place. Focus on the characteristics of employer of choice, employer branding and organisational image, and how these can be applied to OcMara
Develop a critical awareness of key classical and contemporary theories in strategy and assess their application within non-globalised/globalised private an/or public sector (non-governmental and governmental/ multigovernmental) organisations
Discuss the different stages of Sophie`s life cycle
Complete the Care Act 2014, Section 42, safeguarding enquiry form on Sarah. Do so as fully as possible, supporting your analysis with evidence the information provided
Critically analyse and discuss the impact of human factors on interprofessional collaboration and service user safety
How to conduct a sustained piece of individual research which, encompasses a critical understanding and appreciation of the processes required to ensure social research is conducted within an ethically appropriate framework
Evaluate internal and external factors to consider as part of preparation for learning and development activities
A comparison of the marketing methods of two multinational hotel brands.
Explain 3 models of practice that underpin equality, diversity, and inclusion in adult care.
After due consideration of your process model and report, the key stakeholders of the bank would now like to move ahead and automate the loan application process and have decided to deploy the open-source BPMS YAWL to do so
Assess the impact of significant life events on individuals and social networks.
LO1: Appraise the role of creativity, innovation and enterprise in organisations
Knowledge of principles of construction management and understand effective management techniques.
Analyse an organization’s current and future external and internal environment
LO1 Analyse a firm’s business environment
CRKC7020 Strategic Management Assessment
1.1 Explain the following models of communication. Transactional, Linear and Interactive
BUS6003 International Management Assignment Help
Unit 3: Theories, Principles and Models in Education and Training
1.1 Describe the expected pattern of children and young people`s development from birth to 19 years
Vincenzo and Louisa opened a tiny Italian restaurant in London in 1999 and the restaurant has been very popular since it opened.
Critically appraise the information requirements for marketing planning and management at both operational and strategic levels.
Summarise policies and procedures relevant to promoting children and young people’s positive behaviour
Effectively utilise core study skills as an integral part of their learning experience
LO1: Discuss the processes involved in the recruitment of staff relevant to own setting
Collect and critically analyse research data and to use appropriate engineering analysis tools in tackling unfamiliar problems, by the appropriate innovation, use or adaptation of engineering analytical methods.
Understand the basic methods of research and statistical analysis in business
Data sets vary from domain to another. In this coursework, you will select a dataset related to a real-world problem that best suits your area of interest.
Demonstrate the ability to work in culturally diverse groups and teams and make appropriate and personal contributions to team effectiveness
Demonstrate broad knowledge and understanding of key areas of business law.
Choose just one of the following subject areas to be the focus for your four pieces of evidence: Continuity of Carer Nutrition and pregnancy Alcohol and pregnancy
LO1 Examine the influence of theoretical models and methods of assessment and planning in practice in the workplace.
1.1 Explain how risk-taking contributes to the achievement of positive outcomes for individuals
What is the problem, in terms of the rule of law, with the UK Parliament passing legislation that breaches international law? Can the UK Parliament even pass such legislation?
You are required to calculate the PP, ARR, NPV, IRR and Discounted PP of each project.
Transferable skill and the importance/relevance of Teamworking & collaboration. Communication & interpersonal skills. Leadership & management.
Using legal principles, outline the elements that must be present to form a legally binding contract
You have been asked to advise on the cost management of the project. In providing this advice, your manager has asked you to prepare a briefing note to explain the processes involved in preparing early cost advice
Analyse an organization’s current and future external and internal environment
There is a point in time when constitutional conventions should be codified into statutes and become legally binding. Critically assess the above statement in the light of the purpose of constitutional conventions within the UK’s constitutional framework
Calculate the book value and market value cost of capital (WACC) for Faith PLC PLC
LO1 Understand the context of business decision making and characteristics of decision-making problems
You are required to undertake research on two innovative organisations in the same sector (for example, BMW and Toyota) who have headquarters in different countries.
1.1 After the introduction, the students must adopt an appropriate decision-making model and evaluate the key problems within the business, such as entering a new market (UK) or competing with FDI
Perform target information gathering reconnaissance.
G7 VS E7 economies (power shift to Asia and emerging economies by 2050)
Drawing on human resource management theory and culture change management concepts, critically evaluate the relevance of Armstrong’s statement in the context of contemporary business organisations.
Critically discuss the main theories / concepts / frameworks AND you are also required to apply them by discussing real examples from your selected organisation.
What are the issues? Do you believe their study findings are valid? What concerns do you have, or what alternative explanations do you have for the results that they found?
Outline and describe physiological principles of how the body achieves balance and imbalance with specific reference to physical, psychological and behavioural stress response.
Introduce the area of research and provide a brief summary of the main points and conclusions of your proposal
Derive insights into data sources a company can use and how to store that data and understand trading dynamics to risk management systems
Critically discuss a public health intervention you would recommend for addressing a public health problem in your country
Demonstrate and define the role and parameters of the nursing associate and differentiate between the different fields of healthcare
Advise your client on the process involved in selecting a suitable contractor for the above construction project
How can effective communication promote excellent fundamental nursing care?
LO1 Demonstrate the ability to map a path to purchase in a given category, including the decision making process.
1.1 Critically assess structural inequality within an organisational and societal context
1.1 Summarise the main purpose and principles of relevant legislation and codes of practice relating to mental capacity and how these principles interact
When did you first read about or practice referencing?
LO1 Evaluate business and economic data/information obtained from published sources
Critically evaluate systems, models and principles for working collaboratively and effectively with other professions and agencies
Traditionally supply chain management was considered as a back-office function. In the future it will be more about delivering a great customer experience.
Create two visualisations in Tableau, one for the single-measurement pattern (analysis 1), the other for the multi-measurement pattern
You are to write a consultancy report using the service blueprint tool in order to highlight the weak areas from this experience.
You are expected to submit an Individual portfolio which includes, evidence of completing five LinkedIn Learning modules and provide 1200 – 1500 words summary of the 5 modules.
Identify a job role, job advert and job descriptio
LO1 Explore deflection due to wind loadings, on fixed structures, and strategies to resist wind loading
1.1 Explain qualitative and quantitative approaches to supply chain operations.
Discuss your chosen entrepreneurial innovation, idea or opportunity using the Kipling format (Where and What and When-and Why and How and Who) detailing application of Lean Startup Principles, BMC, Value Capture and a Development Plan with a critical evaluation
You have been asked to write a 3000-word report about Sustainable Italian Tourism for use by its stakeholders.
Understand, analyse and critically evaluate the historical and theoretical basis of organisation design and development and their context in terms of value and contribution to organisational life
Apply the written and IT skills necessary to fulfil all that will be required in the hotel industry.
You are required to design and present a 15-minute presentation showcasing your personal development plan (PDP) as a researcher.
LO1 Identify pre-design information required for a non-domestic heating system LO2 Analyse heating loads for non-domestic buildings
LO1 Review health & safety regulations and legislation associated with the storage, handling and use of materials on a construction site
Build a digital business solution for a business case, by utilising a content management system.
What were the key conditions that, at the time, led to Circuit City`s success in consumer electronics?
What is the equation for demand? What is the equation for supply?
How social and digital media can be used to reach a wider customer base.
Select a company you are familiar with and one that is relevant to your degree in which you feel you have employability aspirations.
Describe the nursing process as a framework that nurses use to meet peoples fundamental care needs.
Gender Pay Gap Report - Definition & Key Terms
1.1 Identify current legislation and guidelines for safeguarding the welfare of children and young people, within UK Home Nation.
LO1 Comprehensively evaluate the influence and impact of the broader political and social environment on organisations, using appropriate tools.
You are required to identify a dataset(s) (at least 1,000 rows) publicly available (e.g. Kaggle) relevant to your research gaps/questions.
Examine and critique the literature related to Healthcare Management and explore the relationship between current issues.
FM4.19: Understanding Sustainability and Environmental Issues and Their Impact on Facilities Management
Unit 10: Developing Operational Management Skills for Healthcare Practice
FM4.05: Managing Health and Safety in Own Area of Facilities Management
FM4.20: Understanding Energy and Utilities Management and the Impact on Facilities Management
FM4.21: Understanding Procurement and Contract Management in Facilities Management
Differentiate between Rosemary’s personal rights and legal rights in this case
Define and assess the development of hotel marketing.
You are required to independently investigate the market for Stand-Up Paddle Boards. Your market research should incorporate appropriate methods
Conduct a literature review that critically discusses the concepts of a. Information Governance b. Information Security and their importance in information management.
Identify and analyse causes of the gender pay gap. Based on your findings, make recommendations about how the gender pay gap can be reduced.
FM4.25 Building Information Modelling for Facilities Management
Know how to apply the key elements of the marketing system known as the marketing mix to products, services, public sectors
To coherently and critically analyse the relationship between structure, culture, people and organisational performance
Demonstrate a critical understanding of the term “sustainability” and apply it within the context of tourism and hospitality
The areas of the airline industry you should focus on include: Projected size and growth of the market in the next 5-10 years
Elucidate contemporary issues relating to the Healthcare Industry
Critically analyse the literature, contextualising the rationale behind the work-based practice project proposal, demonstrating initiative and decision making.
Conduct a Personal SWOT Analysis concluding with an action plan of how you plan to play to one of your strengths and address one weakness
Explain the balance of power within the UK constitution
Formulate the initial plan for introducing some simple changes with a short payback period. Clearly label each suggestion, provide reasons and use examples for justification.
K1. Understanding of the complexity of organisation’s current and future internal and external environments
UseBank of England, Yahoo! Finance and any other websites that offer historical spot foreign exchange data to extract the daily closing currency values from 1 May 2019 to 2 May 2020.
Demonstrate an understanding of the cultural and behavioural expectations of studying for a degree in business and management.
What is the relevance of using performance management techniques for analysing historic and present performance of a business?
Original Creations FBM Case Study
LO1 Judge how theories and models of policy development, implementation and evaluation can explain and inform the policy process.
Reflect on your experience of the BSG; as well as how various relevant theoretical frameworks aided your activities in the internal, external and competitive environments of your BSG organisation
Understand the research process and different research approaches.
Discuss the legality of HappyLife’s conduct in relation to the data breach, pointing out their legal obligations under data protection law, and the possible penalty that they face.
Estimate the impact of the projez on the local economy during the construzion phase. This should focus on the direct, indirez and induced effects of the works on: Gross Domestic Product, Employment, Income, and Impops
Recognise, understand and discuss the interaction between functional elements and understand the key drivers of operational management and understand the use of analysis, data and information in operational performance of organisations
7HR01 Strategic Employment Relations
LO2: Develop and justify a project plan for a given scenario
LO3: Develop and justify a plan for a business opportunity
Using the four building blocks of strategy, critically evaluate the role and impact of Artificial Intelligence on the development and implementation of business strategy within a global environment
AC 1.1 Distinguish between primary, secondary and delegated legislations
Unit 20: Principles of Structural Design Assignment Help
LO1 Acquire concepts and frameworks that are used to analyse organisations.
Evaluate concepts associated with career development strategies.
Unit 32: Team and Individual Leadership: Mentoring and Coaching Others
AC 1.1 Explain the concepts of, and connections between self-directed and social learning
5OS01: Specialist Employment Law
Analyse the business environment (both micro and macro) of the UK using appropriate models (Porters Five Forces for Micro and PESTLE for Macro)
Select a strategic company and conduct an audit/analysis of an existing company’s digital marketing strategy and develop a digital marketing plan via SOSTAC model.
LO1 Understand the context of business decision making and characteristics of decision-making problems
Q1. The company has kept at one of its plants 24 months records of the total number of failures occurring each month, as shown in Table Q1
FM4.16: Understanding Property and Asset Management for Facilities Managers
FM4.18: Understanding Space Management for Facilities Managers
Demonstrate the knowledge and understanding of differing social groups’ experiences of health and/or healthcare in the United Kingdom
Select, explain and reflect upon core lean principles and techniques.
L7 critical literature analysis - Cell Biology 66-706916
Critically analyse the business case, design, delivery, monitoring and evaluation of public health interventions and make recommendations for improvement
Undertake an exhaustive literature search of the subject area/topic, identifying the key contributions made in finance with ML techniques
Critical understanding of health needs of a diverse population and a consideration of how wider socio-political and economic issues influence how health services are planned
Personal reflection on the role play and career development planning, demonstrating an understanding of the skills and knowledge which contribute toward working effectively
Write a report of 2,000 words, in which you apply recognised problem-solving tools and techniques to identify and propose solutions to a work-based problem, to include an evaluation of possible solutions.
You are required to write a brief report for senior managers at the case of your choosing. This report is written from the perspective of a manager tasked to outline the ethical nature of the case.
LO1 Review rock types, their formation and civil engineering
Demonstrate a critical understanding of data management, manipulation, and modelling methods and techniques applied in an organisational context.
Panama Canal expansion - Refer real information and project data to analyze the project issues.
LO2 Reflect on your own capabilities in an organisational context and start to define your motivational goals in relation to work.
You are expected to explore the entrepreneurial behaviours and attributes that have driven the success or failure of the given social enterprise, together with evaluating the applicability of different models of entrepreneurship
You are required to complete a structured reflection regarding your leadership journey to date and your particular characteristics roles and style.
Unit 227 Employee Rights and Responsibilities by Express Assignment UK
FM4.22: Managing Accessibility and Inclusion and its Impact on Facilities Management
Identify the transfer price if marginal costing is used and explain why the manager of division Alpha may consider it unfair and suggest any amendments that may be required to make the transfer price a fair price for division Alpha
Review the role of the nurse as an accountable practitioner within relevant ethical and legal frameworks
FM4.23 Supporting Change Initiatives in an Organisation and Managing the Impact on Facilities Management
FM4.24: Innovation in Facilities Management by Express Assignment UK
Unit 6: Supporting Dementia Care
Critically analyse and evaluate an aspect of clinical practice and how it has impacted the quality of care provision
Demonstrate an understanding of marketing theories and methods used to promote a new piece of Aesthetic Equipment or Product range discussed in CW1 which is to be launched at an UK Aesthetic Business in Birmingham.
Accurately analyse key concepts/principles/theories or issues (to do this you need to examine the component parts of those concepts etc).
5OS06 Leadership and Management Development
Review the role of the nurse as an accountable practitioner within relevant ethical and legal frameworks
Help with Unit 22: Supporting Individuals through Significant Life Events
The different procurement strategies that might be considered for the project where the control of programme and continued access to the blocks are a top priority
AC 11.1: Explain the relationship between resilience and mental wellbeing.
Demonstrate a critical understanding of data management, manipulation, and modelling methods and techniques applied in an organisational context.
Evaluate how marketing tactics should be adjusted depending on context of the organisation, factors in the environment, segmentation, customer personas and consumer behaviour.
It is being suggested that long-term growth is hampered by countries being heavily dependent on natural resources, for instance extractive industries or agriculture. Why might such dependence on natural resources be a problem?
LO1 Demonstrate sound knowledge and understanding of a variety of business types and their functions
Demonstrate understanding and critical reflection of the social, historical and cultural differences in responses to psychoactive substance use and misuse
Ethical issue or issues – you need to identify the ethical issue and explain, using relevant sources.
LO1 Understand the legal framework, regulations, policies and procedures that support the safeguarding and protection of vulnerable individuals.
1.1 Critically appraise how the Finance function supports organisational success
Estimate the impact of the project on the local economy during the construction phase. This should focus on the direct, indirect and induced effects of the works on: Gross Domestic Product, Employment, Income, and Imports
The current international pandemic has brought the relevance of maintaining meaningful marketing relationships with customers/stakeholders to the forefront.
Making links to relevant theories, critically analyse why crimes of genocide occur.
Report on HR professionals and line managers, outlining how their organisation can meet its strategic goals
Simulate a consolidated drained (CD) triaxial test using the values provided in Table Q1 with ABAQUS.
Critically analyse the different types of innovation and innovation processes in SMEs
AC 1.1 Analyse the aims of tortious liability
HRM4002 People in Organisations
Discuss your chosen entrepreneurial innovation, idea or opportunity using the Kipling format (Where and What and When-and Why and How and Who)
Understand current and future issues affecting global travel and tourism
Critically apply knowledge of biopsychosocial approaches and human development to inform accurate person-centred nursing assessments for people with complex nursing and social care needs
Unit 701 Strategic Leadership Practice by Express Assignment
Unit 3: Human Resource Management
Your work for a tour operator and your department has been commissioned to create heritage trails for new tours to your home country for incoming tourists.
Include an introduction outlining the nature versus nurture debate in relation to human development.
The company want to do a marketing campaign to new shoppers and all female shoppers.
LO1 Explain the key stages of the project lifecycle that should be considered when project managing.
Peter Nyakulenga approaches you a student of Banking law and Practice to advise him on his entitlements as a customer
Identify some of the reasons it is difficult to maintain a work-life balance at university.
LO1 Understanding of Development of Contemporary tourism
K1. A critical understanding of the key strategic financial statements of an organisation
Relate your skills, behaviour and knowledge to regulatory, professional and organisational standards and competencies.
Select a category of spend from your organisation. Develop and discuss a plan using the knowledge gained from this programme which could form the basis of a formal commercial negotiation
1.1 Critically assess the scope and value of collaboration and partnerships to support the achievement of strategic objectives
Analyses of a company of your own choosing, using ratios generated based on the financial statements of the firm, as well as reports on the chosen company’s recent business performance, strategic decisions, and financing decisions.
Critically apply ONE of the core IB theories introduced in Week Three of the module to a comparative analysis of CMR Surgical’s prospects for internationalisation into TWO countries* of your choice.
Use the PARC Framework to evaluate your organization. In your evaluation, include an explanation of how each element (P, A, R, and C) is or is not aligned with your company`s strategy
Critically analyse and evaluate a journal article of your choice of one paper from four (4) provided journal papers.
Analyse Ryanair business environment within the United Kingdom and globally using the case study provided, the UK Government tourism recovery plan, Ryanair annual reports and other relevant sources
AC 11.1: Discuss selected characteristics of living cells.
LO1 Demonstrate a sound understanding of accounting and financial management in organisations in the context of reporting and decision making
LO3 Understand and demonstrate basic organisational accounting techniques for use in planning, control and decision making
Write a literature review for one of the following organisations: BD Network Spaghetti House ALLOCATE SOFTWARE LIMITED Wilderness Scotland Atom ICP Nurseries Samaritans
AC1.1 Explain key historical events leading to the development of Equity
Prepare a report that critically outlines the strategic planning and delivery considerations for that event
Show the effects on profitability, liquidity and performance of the company, through the ratio calculations both before and after the sale of Property Plant and Equipment.
Recognize and describe a range of different academic and practitioner research methods for international business and management.
LO1 Evaluate a business idea and prepare a business strategy and competitive analysis for your business
You should critically justify the feasibility and strategic pre-planning research for the chosen real or potential event.
Demonstrate knowledge and critical understanding of technological developments in the aviation industry
A.C. 1.1 - Analyse the needs, goals and aspirations of organisations and people involved in inter-organisational strategies
Critically appraise the strategic position of an organisation.
LO1 Analyse the key factors which drive globalisation.
Critique global, national and local public health strategies and policies.
Write about the Segmentation bases the company uses, the parts of the segment they are Targeting and their probable Positioning.
Analyse the effective operation of a team environment.
Examine whether there is significant difference in health literacy at baseline between participants in campus A compared to participants in campus B.
Evaluate two key ‘wellbeing’ theories, including how they can be applied to current issues of wellbeing in the workplace
Suggest some possible explanations for the symptoms and laboratory results observed here. Explain your reasoning and how you might rule out possible causes
Consider the clinical decisions made and the processes involved getting to that decision. By doing this you may uncover elements that you will explore within your clinical care scenario
How would you categorise the route in terms of the passenger mix? (e.g. leisure, business, VFR or a combination). How does this impact the potential revenue for the route?
5CO03 Professional Behaviours and Valuing People
5LD01 Supporting Self-Directed and Social Learning Assignment Help
How would you categorise the route in terms of the passenger mix? (e.g. leisure, business, VFR or a combination). How does this impact the potential revenue for the route?
Suggest some possible explanations for the symptoms and laboratory results observed here. Explain your reasoning and how you might rule out possible causes.
Briefly describe the infectious disease and long term condition, and in both cases summarise the prevalence and causes of this condition/issue in your chosen country context.
LO1 Plan a design solution and prepare an engineering design specification in response to a stakeholder’s design brief and requirements
7CO01 Work and Working Lives in a Changing Business Environment
Unit 6: Construction Information by Express Assignment UK
Critical analysis of factors involved in strategic position and the micro-environment. Knowledge and Understanding of theories and concepts
LO3: Demonstrate the use of some complex penetration testing and active defence tools
LO1 Evaluate construction information to determine quality requirements
Unit 23: Computer Aided Design and Manufacture (CAD/CAM)
5CO02 Evidence-based Practice Assignment Help
LO1: Identify and use appropriate improvement tools in order to map and analyse a healthcare process, making recommendations for improvement
Unit 3 Science & Materials Assignment Help
Unit 2 Construction Technology Assignment Help
Unit 14 Building Information Modelling Assignment Help
7HR03 Strategic Reward Management
7OS03 Technology Enhanced Learning Assignment Help
Identify a nursing intervention and formulate a question based on this– you may choose your personal synopsis you produce in your FSCN module
Unit 34 Research Project Help and Writing Service
7CO04 Business Research in People Practice Assignment
Unit 39: Further Mathematics Assignment Help
LO1: Demonstrate advanced knowledge and understanding of the process for framing research questions.
Unit 7OS06 Well-being at Work Assignment Help
Evaluate current priorities in public health, the management of challenges and solutions, and the major stakeholders and partnerships involved
LO1: Apply a knowledge and understanding of the fundamental principles of pharmacology in nursing practice and the impact of polypharmacy.
A.C. 1.1 Explain the role of international competition policy for environmental regulations and strategic environmental protection for any organisation doing trade globally
A.C. 1.1 – Explain the mechanics of creating express trust including rights of beneficiaries
A.C. 1.1. Interpret the term ‘intellectual property’ and explain how the subject matter protected by intellectual property rights.
A.C. 1.1. Explain civil offence according to the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 and identify sources of law on insider dealing.
A.C. 1.1. Analyse the characteristic of the sole trader, partnership, public and private companies.
1.1 Explain why induction is important for practitioners, individuals and organisations
7HR02 Resourcing and Talent Management to Sustain Success
Explain the nature of costs in small businesses and employ a range of costing techniques in order to account for materials, labour and overheads
Unit 12: Resource Management in Adult Care Assignment Help
Unit 37: Facilitate Coaching and Mentoring of Practitioners in Care Settings
You are requested to compile a report regarding the macroeconomic environment in two countries where the firm operates and explain how it might affect the company’s economic activity.
3CO02 Principles of Analytics | Example Assignment and More
1.1 Explain the process of communication within organisations
Unit 35: Project Management for Healthcare Assignment Help
Unit 711 Entrepreneurial Practice Assignment
Unit 712 Strategic Management Project
Analyse the performance of your chosen company using relevant financial and non-financial ratios (5 years). Your analysis should include profit ratios, efficiency, liquidity and other ratios that you consider relevant.
Unit 714 Personal and Professional Development for Strategic Leaders
1.1. Critically appraise the forms and contexts of entrepreneurship with reference to theoretical concepts and contemporary thinking
1.1 Develop the business case for a strategic management project
5LD02 Learning and Development Design to Create Value
1.1: Differentiate client side and server side web programming with their uses and technologies used
Unit 501 Leadership and Management in Adult Care
Create a project schedule, cost, allocate resources. Ensure that the dependencies are established, make sure a Start to Start relationship is used in this project. Decompose the activities if necessary. State all assumptions made.
Evaluate the concept of evidence-based practice and assess how approaches to evidence-based practice can be used to provide insight that supports sound decision making across a range of people practices and organisational issues
Help With FM4.07 Understanding Financial Management in Facilities Management
Unit 520 - Pathways to Management and Leadership
5HR01 Employment Relationship Management
LO1 Explore the legal framework within which health and social care practitioners operate
Demonstrate a systematic and critical understanding of the integration of research into health and social care practice.
Demonstrate a critical understanding of a range of theories, models and approaches that aim to address the diverse needs of service users within Health and Social care.
Critically evaluate service users’ expectations of provision and delivery of Health and Social Care, and the impact this has on practice.
Understand risk and issue management in the context of project management.
NS4101 Ethics And Law (Mental Wealth) Assignment Help
LO1 Discuss the fundamentals of electricity, magnetism, transformers and circuits
Identify and apply relevant safeguarding legislation, policies, and guidelines to action safeguarding concerns within health and social care contexts
Identify and describe the typical life stages throughout the lifespan
Explain the motivation and required tools for the chosen vulnerability.
LO1 Examine scientific data using both quantitative and qualitative methods
Your client is very aware of their charitable reputation locally and is understanding of the objectives of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) from an organisational perspective
Personal and Professional Development Plan
Unit 5 Legal and Statutory Responsibilities in Construction
Unit 4 Reservoirs of Infection and Standard Precautions
COM4008 Introduction to Databases Assignment
Critically appraise the principles and practices of infection prevention and control in health care and/or social care settings appraise findings of audit(s) relevant to infection prevention and control
How sustainability issues present both opportunities and threats to business management
Well-being Action Plan Writing Help & Service | Example of Wellbeing Plan
MG412 Principles of Marketing Assignment
Plan, script and produce a 5 or 10 minute video on a topic relevant to this module such as an outline of the Projects in Practice approach or why project management is a useful degree or what makes the UWS MSc PM is valuable or some aspect of the course
Describe and apply Quality Improvement methodology to analyse and interpret data
Critically analyse and evaluate theoretical frameworks and principles in relation to a range of public health issues
Critically evaluate the main differences between quantitative (inductive) and qualitative (deductive) approaches.
Thinking about yourself, how well do you think are your experience, values and principles consistent with professional requirements of health and social care contemporary practices?
Discuss ONE global trend and its effect on a client’s personal identity.
1.1 Analyse the functions of external quality assurance of assessment in learning and development
Interpret the information provided in the case study, the UK Government tourism recovery plan, and British Airways’ annual reports by explaining how the chosen information will impact British Airways’ internal, micro, and macro environments
Write a literature review (1000 words) based on one of the following topics. Income inequality Health Inequality Mental Health Obesity Education Crime and Punishment
How would the stakeholders of a company, listed on the London Stock Exchange, make use of the published annual report and account?
SIM336 Strategic Management
How could the business optimise aspects of its digital marketing and operations to take advantage of this new situation, through incorporating values of responsibility and sustainability in business?
Start the letter by telling your MP who you are and why you are writing to them – make sure you have a specific and focused purpose
Critically analyse and evaluate the application of the principles of epidemiology in the context of public health and social action
The Five Stages of DEI Maturity: How to move from promises to results
A critical analysis of the key challenges which may impact the management of internal and external resources, when considering the reduction of the construction programme
Week 3 Assignment: Elasticity of Demand
Final Exam – NTST 567 Love, Marriage and Divorce
Ends–means is one type of decision. The others are: Programmable–nonprogrammable and administrative–operational.
Fundamentals of Oral Implantology (DEN847)
LO1: Critically appraise the nature, importance and challenges of integrated digital marketing strategies.
LO1: Improve abilities of strategic problem identification, analysis, and solution.
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of key features of the English Legal System, and the sources of law relevant to the construction process
You feel you can contribute and offer advice in relation to different stages of the employee lifecycle. You decide to explain the stages of the employee lifecycle and how a people practitioner could contribute to each stage.
Unit 5.17 Facilitating Change in Health and Social Care Assignment
The construction and application for unitary and modular type of PLC selected for the steel company above (2 PLCs)
QHO431 Web Technologies - Event Website
Demonstrate understanding of the concepts, theories, and principles underpinning modern public health practice
Critically evaluate how the Supreme Court arrived at its decision in this case.
LO1 Define what constitutes a tender and the information required for this process
7OS02 Learning and Development Practice
‘Fostering employee wellbeing is good for people and the organisation’. CIPD (2022)
Present a design solution through a range of communication techniques appropriate to the target audience
Derive at least four concept designs to satisfy the given specification. Use short written descriptions and simple sketches to illustrate your ideas.
MG408 The Graduate Challenge
Identify trends and developments that influence the need for professional development
Evaluate how psychosocial, economic and physical environments shape vulnerability
LO3 Illustrate the wide-ranging uses of calculus within different construction disciplines by solving problems of differential and integral calculus
LO1 Use analytical and computational methods to solve construction related problems
A pre-tender method statement complete with approximate quantities, outline method, plant selection and resources required for three building activities
You have been asked to write an announcement to faculty about an upcoming faculty development session. The information you receive from your supervisor about the session is: The session is titled ‘Principles of Student Assessment’
LO1 Demonstrate understanding of the application of theories, concepts and tools that contribute to understanding of management
Explore theoretical approaches to the effective management of the employee lifecycle to inform practice in a range of contexts
AC 1.1 How can organisations strategically position themselves in competitive labour markets?
Define the terms ‘normal’ and ‘abnormal’. What are the difficulties in defining these terms.
1.1 Examine the impact of legal status on the governance of an organisation
LO2 Use the Practice Themes as a framework for reflection
Judge how regulatory bodies work to ensure quality in Health and Social Care practice.
LO1: Critically evaluate the role of present and future technologies in the business environment
Demonstrate a systematic understanding of a range of project management tools and techniques.
LO3: Critically reflect on your potential as a coach drawing on theoretical models and feedback.
LD6063 Contemporary Business Enquiry
E1: Thoroughly understand the contemporary and historical frame of global management and organisation
MN5618 Advanced Measurement Systems and Data Analysis
LO 2: Define and contextualise employability for graduates in relation to their own career.
LO3: Identify the key macroeconomic variables, comprehend how they are measured and be aware of their possible impacts on business activity
LO1: Assess the ways in which resources are allocated and individual households and firms operate within market based and other types of economic system
Critically evaluate how organisational and HR strategies are shaped and developed in response to internal and external environmental (STEEPLED/global and competitive) factors
Construct a research question or focus for a project relevant to Health and Social Care
Present a reflective account to evaluate your performance when working in the aesthetic clinic. The reflective essay should contain FOUR specific dates of reflection between the assignment launch date and submission date recommended to be 3-4 weeks apart.
Despite legal and policy developments on domestic violence, criminal justice responses including policing, continue to be inadequate. Critically evaluate
Using the case scenario, you are to produce a word process information booklet that supports the training of new recruits and work placement students on the concept of person centred care
Produce an estimate of the cost for the works up to the completion of the substructure works (demolition, foundations, ground floor construction works)
1.1 Explain roles and responsibilities in health and social care settings.
1.1 Explain the duties and responsibilities of own work role.
1.1 Identify reasons why people communicate.
1.1 Identify legislation relating to health and safety in a health and social care work setting.
1.1 Define person-centred values
1.1 Identify legislation and codes of practice that relate to handling of information in health and social care.
Recognise and critically appraise the role of Building Information Modelling (BIM) in the collaborative digital built environment
With reference to the project described in the mini case study, critically assess the risks that emanate from the internal and external environment. Discuss the strategy and extent to which it is possible for the project team to mitigate the downside risks identified
Critically appraise the foundational concepts underlying traditional and Lean managerial methods.
Briefly Introduce your selected project. The project should be named, and a brief background should be provided to describe the chosen project and to justify its iconic nature.
AC 1.1 Assess globalisation and its long-term significance for work and employment.
Explain the concepts of values and business ethics in business.
1.1 In table form, compare red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets and plasma
LO1: Critically discuss policy approaches to managing the development and regeneration of tourism destinations.
LO1 Critically analyse the concepts associated with sustainability and corporate responsibility.
Identify the relevant facts and the relevant parties: you are expected to address international law issues so do not address anything that is a purely domestic issue
States A, B, C, D, and E negotiated a treaty on climate change action. The treaty provides, inter alia, for a maximum annual carbon emissions quota, minimum carbon pricing standards
Your manager has asked you to prepare an information sheet about the organisation and its environment to support the onboarding of a new member of the People Team
Help with 3CO01 Business, Culture, and Change in Context Assignment
Define and critically analyse the legal framework including Codes of Practice that shape Best Interests Assessments and judgements within the context of the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards.
Recognise and describe significant life events that may impact on individuals and their social networks
Unit 8 Professionalism and Multidisciplinary Team
Provide a background to your chosen organisation, including: organisation name organisation information – to include type of organisation, size of organisation, range of products and services, customer base and main competitors
Understand the conceptual and theoretical underpinnings of Leadership and their application to the modern workplace
Critically apply conceptual strategic management models and frameworks to analyse a given organisational context.
LO3: Demonstrate understanding of the way in which data needs to be used in both academic and professional environments.
You feel you can contribute and offer advice in relation to different stages of the employee lifecycle. You decide to explain the stages of the employee lifecycle and how a people practitioner could contribute to each stage.
Identify design, usability and accessibility issues involved in delivering websites
LO1 Conduct the preliminary stages involved in the creation of an engineering research project.
LO1: Effectively communicate a structured and evidenced argument that explores effective leadership in integrated health and social care.
Produce an Information Security Risk Assessment for the organisation described in the case study. A good answer will use a methodical approach to identify threats, vulnerabilities, and impacts.
Explain the application of 1 principle and value of practice using a case study, and how this supports the delivery of high quality, safe, and compassionate care.
Identify the key provisions of each of the below regarding mental capacity and explain how they relate to your service a) Legislation b) Codes of practice c) Policies
Demonstrate the following knowledge and understanding of entrepreneurship and leadership approaches, and the operation and leadership of a business organization and be able to discern those approaches and styles
AC 1.1 Assess the value of diversity and inclusion in organisations for employees, customers and wider stakeholders.
Identify four sourcing approaches, and for each one, identify and explain how you apply them to a category of spend within your organisation
Critically evaluate the use of motivation theories in contemporary business to determine their effectiveness in improving employee task performance
Critically evaluate and implement principles of systems approach and analysis.
Evaluate how far the use of strategies and monitoring the health status of the population helps public health policy to meet its aims in reducing the factors that influence public health
LO1: Demonstrate an awareness of historic and contemporary concepts of mental health.
LO1: Critically analyse the concept of safeguarding vulnerable adults.
Examine the importance of early years and childhood experiences and the possible impact on behaviour and decision making.
Best Help With Unit 1 - Individual Project Construction and the Built Environment)
Unit 23: Managing Quality in Care Environments
Demonstrate an understanding of the academic theory relevant to the project (COI)
Choose one organization (suggestions list on moodle, list of organizations you CANNOT look at also on moodle, seminar tutor must approve)
Unit 20 Human Disease and Prevention
Unit 15: Healthcare Technology
You are required to write a report which discusses the findings of your research and observations and provides an investment or development strategy in your selected city and country
Identify positive and negative impacts of tourism on the environment and critically evaluate the range of techniques available to promote sustainability.
BUS4010 Contemporary Business Environment
Accurately describe and apply the key characteristics of a shopping centre as an investment. Prepare a comprehensive tenancy schedule
7LD02 Leadership and Management Development in Context
Evaluate conceptual frameworks related to management decisions on globalisation and international market selection.
Critically evaluate the extent to which Parliament is able, and should be able, to enact laws which violate the European Convention on Human Rights.
AC 1.1 An evaluation of two principles of reward and an evaluation of why reward is important to culture and performance management
1.1 Develop a risk management policy setting out clear responsibilities for risk management at different levels.
LO3 Produce project plans based on research of the chosen theme for an identified organisation
How do different family structures and dynamics (e.g., single-parent households, blended families) influence child welfare outcomes, including academic achievement, social-emotional development, and overall well-being?
Unit 38: Concepts and Innovation in Hospitality
Explore evidence-based practice’s influence on healthcare system development.
Demonstrate understanding of issues in international business law and evaluate the scope and the ways in which business is regulated in a global economy, understand, and analyse contract and tort law.
HCM5005 Digital Health Leadership Digital Initiative Proposal Pitch
Provide detailed description of one new product or service that one of the companies can add to its product line to enhance its business competitiveness using Hemingway’s Iceberg Theory
LO1 Prepare a professional report as the result of a research activity
What are the Impacts of health literacy on the quality of lives of male patients between the ages of 40 - 65 diagnosed with heart failure?
CMI Unit 709 Strategic Management of Data and Information
1.1 Explain the term Special Educational Needs and Disability in relation to statutory guidance
MG414 Organisational Behaviour
4.1 Develop a skills gap analysis against the Early Years SENCo job description
3.1 Explore services available for children and their families through the Local Offer
4.1 Use examples to describe each of the areas of need identified below: communication and interaction cognition and learning social, emotional and mental health difficulties sensory and/or physical needs
3.1 Describe the principles underpinning Education, Health and Care plans
2.1 Explain the needs of children with EAL in an early years setting
1.1 Describe each stage in the graduated approach cycle: Assess, Plan, Do, Review
BMG920 Business Development & Innovation
1.1 Critically appraise strategic risk within an organisational context
MSc Project in Computer Science
LO1 Produce a comparative analysis of the different types and drivers of change in business.
LO1 Appraise the use of high-performance working (HPW) and culture in supporting sustainable business performance.
Unit 1 Construction Design Project
Create an infographic on a Long-Term Condition (LTC) that has been covered in the module (in the case study below pick one long term condition) i.e. diabetes.
Discuss the therapeutic relationship that places people at the centre of their own decision making wherever possible.
Explain one ethical principle and one professional value that you consider to be important, and which underpin your behaviour at work
Define the concept of professionalism and how this is demonstrated within nursing
XGBSHN5002 Planning, Designing and Evaluating Health Interventions
SHN4013: Psychological Perspectives on Health & Wellbeing
An evaluation of either the Kolb or Brookfield reflective model
Demonstrate effective preparation for an academic assignment.
Create a pandas dataframe with the following columns: text, title, author, year
BUS5013 Sales Management Sales and Negotiation Proposal
Apply the fundamental planning concepts when developing digital and social media marketing campaigns.
Suppose you are part of the Accounting and Finance team at Central Asia Metals (CAML) plc. You are required to write a report to the senior management team of CAML plc., discussing the importance of accounting and finance functions
LO1 Examine what it takes to be an entrepreneur and the scope of entrepreneurial ventures
PGBM135 Global Strategy and Foresight London
Unit 301: Business and the Business Environment
HR9637 Transforming Self and Organisations
According to Fleming (2017: p. 698), “The politics of work is now closely interwoven with other social justice concerns related to ‘life’ more generally”.
PGBM127: Marketing and Markets in a Digital World
Produce a 2000-word piece of reflective writing that describes, evaluates, and analyses an aspect of your student life so far in UoBM.
FM3.03 Customer and Stakeholder Relations in Facilities Management
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LO1: Critically appraise the impact of culture on managerial decision making in relation to international human resource management.
A state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.
Analyse the nature of higher education study and, using a range of sources, provide information about the entry requirements for your chosen higher education course
Undertake and manage a small business analytics project.
Analyse different communication skills, methods and models, and the circumstances they may be most appropriately used in
Explain legal requirements, policies, and codes of practice for information management in care settings
Level 5 CMI Unit 526: Principles of Leadership Practice
BMP6003 International HRM | Critical evaluation of HRM and cultural issues
LO1: Evaluate the importance of organisational Learning and Development.
LO1: Identify an appropriate research topic and formulate appropriate objectives.
With reference to the scenario, discuss the evidence related to the nurse’s role in gathering information to inform a person-centred assessment
Example 5CO01 Organisational Performance and Culture in Practice
Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of both a divisional structure and a matrix structure. Within the evaluation, you should include the reasons underpinning each structure.
AC1.1 Differentiate between employee involvement and employee participation and how they build relationships.
New entrants to the parcel delivery market and other labour market competitors have adversely affected ParcelCare’s ability to compete in labour markets. Explain how ParcelCare can strategically position themselves in competitive labour markets
LO1: Evaluate a range of inclusive leadership styles and models.
You are required to identify an external issue or problem within their chosen organisation, that has been intensified by social or other media
Summarise the problem the company is asking you to solve. Demonstrate that you can connect it to the data by explicitly mentioning and explaining the variables that are most likely to be relevant to the problem.
1.1 Critically evaluate and apply underlying threshold concepts to inform the context of midwifery practice. Make evidence-based judgements in accordance with theories and concepts relevant to midwifery practice.
MLO1: Appreciate and critically evaluate strategic opportunities and challenges within a complex global business context
CMI Unit 711: Entrepreneurial Practice
Coursework 1: Site Finding
A commercial lobster diver says he escaped relatively unscathed after nearly being swallowed by a humpback whale, in a biblical-sounding encounter that whale experts describe as rare but plausible.
Rate approaches to change management in Health and Social Care.
1.1 Critically evaluate different perspectives on employment relations.
Analyse one external and one internal factor that is shaping the organisation’s resourcing and talent strategy. Recommend how this strategy could be improved to respond to these factors.
1.1 Explain the fundamental principles of accounting.
1.1 Examine leadership practices within organisations
AC 1.1 Make responsible decisions by considering different ethical perspectives.
7CO03 Personal Effectiveness, Ethics and Business Acumen
You are asked to make a presentation to the senior management team in your organisation which examines `resource-based approaches to the development of people management strategy`
AC1.1 outline current and relevant legislation, principles, national policies, frameworks, and local systems that relate to safeguarding and protection from abuse and improper treatment.
1.1 Develop the aim, objectives and scope of the proposed management project
Create and deliver a presentation to Messrs Eaton & Thomas explaining to them the benefits and drawbacks of each of the following corporate structures, by reference to their proposed business venture
1.1 Assess the relationship between an organisation’s strategic objectives and operational planning
A list of personality types and an explanation on how each type affects the ability of an individual to engage in creative thinking.
1.1 Analyse the environmental factors which influence change in organisations
1.1 Analyse the importance of continuous personal and professional development in achieving organisational objectives
Discuss the business issues from an HR perspective in the organization.
LO1: Understand the legal framework for employment regulation in the UK
1.1 Discuss the scope, context and drivers for organisational change
To what extent do you agree with the view that it is the responsibility of the Head of the People Function to ensure that employment policies and practices always support the achievement of an organisation`s current strategic objectives?
Drawing on the conflict between Ukraine and Russia, this short essay will argue that drones have revolutionized modern warfare, altering the very essence of trench warfare.
Development Project Portfolio Coursework 2
Identify one journal article within the field of business & management. Conduct a critical evaluation of the journal article which will be presented in the form of an academic presentation.
LO1 Understand the role of communication in effective Health and Social care practice
Explain the process of technological and skills gap analysis in relation to emerging digital trends.
PGBM135 Global Strategy and Foresight London
AC 1.1: Compare and contrast person-centred care with one other model of care delivery.
Critically review literature to establish extant positions to frame and guide business research.
Unit 213 Support Independence in the Tasks of Daily Living
Unit 228 Support Individuals to Eat and Drink
Unit 380 Understand Advance Care Planning
Critically evaluate Innocent Drinks non-traditional ways of doing business. Choose one traditional economics’ theory to assess Innocent Drink’s product price setting
Unit 7: Supervising Others
OnlienUniPortal is a Java and JSP-based website, allowing users to search for module by name or code, “favourite”, and “feedback” on module
QH0543 Object Oriented Design and Development
For this Interim Assessment, write an essay, using one of the four tools discussed under unit 2.1 (7-S framework).
List the risk factors that would have to be discussed and the forecasts that would have been made by the management team
Demonstrate and utilise a range of theoretical tools and techniques in order to aid decision-making in complex and unpredictable contexts across a range of business sectors
1.1 Describe the link between strategic decision-making and business goals.
Demonstrate a systematic understanding and critical appreciation of theories and models of creativity, innovation, entrepreneurship and change management in the context of contemporary organisations.
Demonstrate a systematic understanding and critical appreciation of theories and models of creativity, innovation, entrepreneurship and change management in the context of contemporary organisations.
1.1 Explain the meaning of duty of care in your own work role
Design a structured plan which supports the introduction of an environmental strategy organizational aim within in a team, departmental, functional or overall context
Produce and implement a detailed, documented network diagram in response to the information provided in the ITT.
Evaluate the impact of current strategic issues for an organisation in the global business environment related to the tourism industry.
Unit 13 Web Design & Development
A brief overview of the Gibbs model/framework of reflection which underpins the assessment and the benefits of using it.
You have been asked to present a report on the business rationale for Coaching and Mentoring, within either your organisation or one that you are proposing to work in, to the Senior Management Team (SMT)
Critically evaluate Innocent Drinks non-traditional ways of doing business. Choose one traditional economics’ theory to assess Innocent Drink’s product price setting
Compare and contrast the structure of eukaryotic and prokaryotic cell types.
Your research proposal is a critical discussion and description of how you would undertake a literature review relating to an area of adult nursing / field specific practice
Critically appraise and evaluate the evidence in relation to the project topic to draw relevant conclusions.
Next year, our MNE plans to distribute markets to appropriate distribution hubs, such as Magna. The main goal is to minimize the total cost
BUS805: Strategic Direction in Cross Border and Global Organisations
Select a category of spend from your organisation. Develop and discuss a plan using the knowledge gained from this programme which could form the basis of a formal commercial negotiation
You have been approached by the International Journal of Innovation Management. to design a podcast for a special edition on ‘Innovation and Technology Transfer in Complex and Highly Competitive World’.
AC 1.1 Distinguish between an offer and an invitation to treat
AC 1.1 Compare and contrast legal and equitable interests in land
AC 1.1 Evaluate the aims of criminalisation of specific acts and the function of criminal punishment.
Fully discuss the technique that will be used to analyse the text provided. Explain the process in a step-by-step approach
Critically analyse the key approaches to developing sustainable international business strategies and building competitive advantage within international business operations.
Choose a MNC and one of its subsidiary countries to illustrate the challenges an ‘expatriate’ manager will face in the chosen host country in comparison to the parent country
AC 1.1 Examine the historical events of the 20th century, leading to the creation of the European Union
Explore and evaluate the financial environment under which health and social care services are provided.
Describe and compare different types of microprocessor system applications, microprocessor architecture and principles of operation.
LO1: Demonstrate how the principles of creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship convert into new processes, products or services.
1.1: Explain the different approaches to analysing customer behaviour and identifying patterns.
LO1 Explain the financial contribution that room’s revenue producing area make to the business unit
HM605 Strategic Hospitality Management
Develop the mindset and tools to successfully adapt and perform in fast-moving hybrid environments.
MRCK7032 Applied Leadership Assignment
Discuss the ways that FinTech and Blockchain technology are disrupting financial and business environments.
Evaluate the relevance of module concepts to specific organisational contexts.
The role of diversity and intercultural communication in creating a sustainable business environment
Critically examine the complex challenges faced in the development, implementation and evaluation of strategic choices
Reducing human errors through management and leadership styles (Theory X and Y)
The implications of human and organisational attitudes towards risks and dangers have impacted the project
CMI Unit 502 Principles of Developing, Managing and Leading Individuals and Teams to Achieve Success
LO1: Critically reflect on key opportunities and challenges leaders face in leading complex organisations through digital disruption.
Develop a digital marketing plan for a company of your choice, as a group
A personal analysis of communication skills, to help identify communicative strengths and opportunities
1.1 Evaluate how management and leadership styles impact on customer service.
Identify and describe three social care values central to person centred care
The importance of compassion within health and social care sector.
LO1: Demonstrate knowledge around a specific area of health and social care.
You are required to produce a journal article that demonstrates your understanding of mental health and ill health. Your article should focus on individuals with Schizophrenia
Analyse the range of factors that may influence an individual’s health and wellbeing (see below guidance)
Produce and present a poster that demonstrates your understanding of holistic and individualised approaches to care
Poster Presentation | Poster Making Assignment Help
LO1 Analyse the key factors that SMEs should consider when evaluating growth opportunities
You have been requested to submit a report to the board of directors outlining your strategy for raising an additional £50 million to fund the next development stage of an international project
Critically evaluate the role and purpose of applied research for strategic management, selecting and deploying action research methods within a specific work context.
Research Methods in Business Practice BSS057-3
How organisational and people strategies are shaped by and developed in response to internal and external local, national and international environmental factors
Illustrate the differences between strategy and a plan.
Define and justify an appropriate business-related research issue to investigate empirically.
Critically evaluate the Leadership and management styles at the company using relevant academic models.
This business project assessment will require a 5000-word consultancy report on your chosen company. Your chosen company is your client who has asked you to provide the consultancy report.
Unit 1: Defining Counselling and Psychotherapy: The Necessity of Clinical Supervision
Unit 2: Core Counselling Skills
1.1 Distinguish between counselling and psychotherapy.
Reno Ltd invests £150,000 at 2.5% compound interest for three years. What will be the value of the investment after three years?
Identify and critically analyse the external and internal environment for Tesla using relevant models.
Critical knowledge of key theories and activities of international financial markets and understand their implications.
LO1 Demonstrate ability of following professional processes during the phases of an investigation
Understand the principles behind environmental management systems
Briefly introduce early ideas of how disease spreads and why these ideas came about. Include a short discussion of the ways that people attempted to prevent the spread of disease.
Understand underpinning principles of corporate social responsibility
Identify key concepts and models of Therapeutic Relationships for mental health nurses, and how these impact person centred care and service user outcomes
1.1 Explain the purpose of action research
1.1: Review the impact of personal, social, and cultural factors of learning
1.1: Describe behaviours that can occur in a learning environment
1.1: Analyse the principles of evaluating learning explain how the principles of evaluating learning can be applied to evaluation of learning programmes.
1.1: Explain the functions of internal quality assurance in learning and development.
Determine from the NEC contract the requirements for valuation of the works in the event of termination and provide a narrative on the process that is to be followed referring to the P procedures and R clauses
LO1: Analyse organisational and management processes.
LO4: Examine critical and current issues in construction project management as informed by research and practice and their application to new situations
1.1. Explain the sequence and rate of all aspects of development that would usually be expected in children and young people from birth to 19 years
1.1. Explain the critical impact that poverty has on outcomes and life chances
1.1. Compare and contrast leadership and management.
1.1. Explain the current legislative framework that underpins the safeguarding of children and young people.
1.1 Compare theoretical models of communication relevant to residential childcare settings
1.1. Explain key points of the legislative framework for health, safety and risk management in residential childcare settings
1.1. Summarise theoretical approaches to group living for children and young people in residential childcare.
1.1. Explain roles and responsibilities within the organisation in relation to children or young people who have experienced harm or abuse
1.1. Explain positive outcomes for children and young people that residential childcare services aim to achieve
1.1. Critically analyse how socially aware behaviour and positive relationships interlink.
1.1. Explain the concepts and elements of: well-being and resilience.
1.1. Identify digital, internet and mobile technology used in society.
1.1. Explain the importance of continually improving own knowledge and practice
1.1. Summarise national and international legislation that underpins the rights of children and young people.
1.1. Analyse the role of networks and multi-agency work in delivering better outcomes for children and young people.
1.1. Analyse factors in a child’s circumstances that can lead to them entering the care system.
1.1. Analyse the political and legal context of the youth justice system.
1.1. Define the term ‘offending behaviour’.
1.1. Explain the statutory and legal frameworks that apply to young people as they leave care.
1.1. Compare the prevalence, causes and impacts of complex disabilities and conditions in children and young people.
1.1. Explain the statutory and legal frameworks that apply to young people making the transition to adult services.
1.1. Identify conditions, impairments and difficulties commonly subsumed under the term disability.
1.1. Identify the area for the research project.
Using your own work environment; analyse the team processes that occur. Your work should consider the following areas: communications, team-working and team development.
Provide a critical insight into various numerical methods for forecasting that have wide applications in project management
Critically analyse the determinants of health and the drivers of inequality across populations
P1: Describe the selection criteria and a practical application for a unitary, a modular and a rack-mounted programmable controller.
P4 Explain the program documentation that has been used for a complex engineering application
Explore and critically appraise strategies and methods used for the planning and management of change within the NHS, social care, and partner organisations
Identify appropriate techniques to implement forecasting methods employing the SPSS software package.
1.1 Explain the legislation underpinning equality, diversity, inclusion, and human rights
1.1 Explain the legislative framework for health and safety in adult social care settings
1.1 Explain the role of performance objectives and targets in effective health and safety management.
1.1 Explain the role of the board and/or senior management in the planning and organising of health and safety practices in the workplace.
1.1 Outline sources of information to identify hazards and assess risks.
1.1 Assess the importance of health and safety culture within an organisation.
1.1 Outline the role of the International Labour Organisation (ILO)
1.1 Explain the role and purpose of health and safety practitioners
Unit 4: Self-awareness by Express Assignment UK
Develop a set of SIX screening criteria to evaluate 8 countries. Criteria should be specific conditions ideally present in the chosen country
LO1 Explain the role of marketing and how it interrelates with other business units of an organisation.
Assess how political, economic, socio-cultural, legal, and historical factors influence internationalisation
Critically assess and evaluate the value of advanced techniques and processes at various stages of the project management life-cycle
Critically evaluate the complexities of a substantial business project
Explain the duties and responsibilities of own work role.
Apply relevant legal requirements and ethical frameworks within acute care
Explained theoretical approaches to health promotion and outlined key concepts for transforming health promotion in health and social care services
Identify a pertinent topic within your field of study that possesses the potential to be developed into a comprehensive dissertation.
What is confidentiality and what are its limits within the counselling setting
Distinguish explicit and implicit patterns of relating. You should give an example of what is meant by explicit and implicit patterns
Your written piece will analyse the core concepts and principles of the PersonCentred therapeutic model. For example, you will be able to describe in detail the core conditions
Sam’s family recently moved to the UK from Ghana. Both of Sam’s parents were teachers in Ghana
Making any reasonable assumptions and suggesting any additional stakeholders of your choice, design and illustrate a suitable Organisational Breakdown Structure (OBS) to represent a project organisational structure showing all communication
Using appropriate strategic models, critically diagnose and analyse the external environment facing Ørsted in the development of its Strategy.
Working in small groups, learners will conduct a VO2max tests using methods of collection which are commonly used within Sports Science.
Unit 5: Theoretical Approaches to the Use of Counselling
Among hospitalized elderly patients with Delirium (p), how do acuity-based nursing assignments (I), compared to non-structured nursing assignments (C), impact the frequency of falls (O)?
You should select a business or organisation that has clearly identifiable core capabilities and activities, and processes that are essential to driving their business strategy from different perspectives such as commercial, customer, market, societal, etc
What is the focus and purpose of this published study? Please state any research aim/s, and identify if there is any group of people who would find this study of particular interest and if so, state why.
LO4: Critically engage in the ethical considerations of conducting research projects and the associated difficulties associated with the ethics involved in research decision-making
Understand the role of leadership styles and traits in your own personal leadership journey
Demonstrate an understanding of operations management and factors affecting the design of products and processes within an organisation
Establish knowledge and understanding of the main strategic approaches and change management theories and relate them to the external/internal environment that shapes a business.
Examine contemporary issues to identify and compare factors that result in systematic variations to the health and wellbeing across populations, locally, nationally and globally
Audit the marketing environment in which an organisation operates, demonstrating knowledge of a range of marketing tools and techniques
Assess, analyse and conceptually apply the key concepts of international marketing, including the critical evaluation and the application of key tools, models and theories
LO1: Appreciate the distinction between Human Resource Management and Personnel Management by analysing personnel and HRM models
Research current legislation and statutory guidance to: Explain the term Special Educational Needs and Disability in relation to statutory guidance.
Descriptions of each stage in the graduated approach cycle. Examples may be used from practice in own setting
Demonstrate a critical understanding of methodologies and theoretical approaches relevant to international relations.
You will develop and describe your personal definitions of the nursing Metaparadigm: Nursing, Person, Environment and Health.
LO1 Assess individual and group skills in order to allocate roles within a collaborative team
1.1 Compare the use of different types of formal organisational structures.
1.1 Critique the types and forms of coaching used to empower individuals and teams to achieve success
What are the potential causes of increased β-globulins?
CMI Unit 701: Strategic Leadership
Explain the biochemical and physiological underpinning of hypertension.
Go out in the world and find an intriguing example of a corporate entrepreneurial project that led to an innovative product, service, or business model
With reference to homeostasis and the respiratory system, explain why Sarah is short of breath.
1.1 Analyse the main features of information management
LO1. Demonstrate a systematic and critical understanding of contemporary tools, techniques, and strategies for innovation management, entrepreneurial thinking, opportunity evaluation, and the development of new ventures.
BC6051 Systems Pathology
Discuss how and why specific theories or models were applied in order to make the decisions made by your group in the running of the business.
How you structured the assignment to meet the required layout and structural features of the chosen assignment brief.
LO1 Explain the different types, sizes and scope of organizations.
With reference to theory and real-world examples, compare the benefits and drawbacks of “tall” and “flat” organisational structures from a management perspective
Examine the client`s business issue and provide a brief context by addressing the segmentation, targeting and positioning (STP). You must include the competitor analysis of the organisation.
LO1 Analyze the impact and influence which the macro environment has on an organization and its business strategies.
Explain the stages of drug discovery, design, and development
Examine the role of an Occupational Therapist and identify areas in which they may practice
Discuss a lifestyle improvement plan for a patient, an individual or group to promote health.
MRKC7046 Applied Leadership
Provide a brief overview of the importance of conferences and exhibitions in the events industry. Highlight the role they play in disseminating knowledge, networking, and industry growth
You are required to produce an essay on “A Critical Review of the Role of DMOs in International and Regional Tourism Development” using a variety of research materials.
1.1 Describe the concepts of cyber security
Explore how a knowledge of human factors may increase a professionals’ ability to improve interprofessional collaboration and service user safety
Critically evaluate the vision and strategic objectives of your organisation or those of an organisation of your choice.
Identify and critically evaluate at least three diverse models or frameworks that can be used to address organisational change.
Critically assess the links between the performance of your team and the stated strategic objectives of the organisation. You may wish to use congruence modelling for this purpose.
Unit 2: Health and Safety Management Practice
Evaluate the effects of recent challenges in your chosen organization’s supply chain?
Write an academic essay that discusses how the determinants of health may lead to inequalities in health and healthcare
Why is the British media regularly singled out as Islamophobic?
LO1 Explain the needs and expectations of market segments for products and/ or services of a given business organization.
Unit 3: Risk and Incident Management
LO1 Demonstrate a good understanding of basic principles of contract law
LO3 Demonstrate an understanding of working practices associated with contract administration
AC 1.1 Explain the importance of innovation for own organisation
Outline relevant legislation, principles, national policies and frameworks and local systems that relate to safeguarding and protection from abuse and neglect.
You are free to choose the application domain (e.g. tourism, finance, transport) and the datasets that you wish to work with. We recommend that you choose your application domain based on your experience and interest
Evaluate the impact of several different factors (i.e., regressors) on customer satisfaction
CHEE4075 Carbon Footprint of Renewable Energy from Biomass
LO1 Examine leadership and management theories and principles, and their impact on the effectiveness of an organisation.
In recent times people management specialists have sought to distance themselves from administrative activity, re-positioning our function as one focused on strategic activity which `adds value`.
Unit 1: Advance Business Research Methods
A.C. 1.1 - Discuss different types of consultancy interventions and approaches available to a consultant
You have recently gained employment with a contracting firm. The company provides a wide range of services for projects of all sizes.
You are working for a Structural Engineering Design company as a trainee structural engineer. Your line manager ( the senior structural engineer) wants to assist your learning and has set you a number of tasks to complete