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Assignment Briefs
Analyse an organization’s current and future external and internal environment
The price includes all three parts of the assignments. If you wish to choose any specific assignment out of these three, please contact our online support through live chat, email, call, or through our business WhatsApp.
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Certification : I certify that the whole of this work is the result of my individual effort and that all quotations from books, periodicals etc. have been acknowledged .
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Programme:BusinessProgrammes Academic Year :2019/20 Year/Level:2020Level7 Semester :Carousel
Moduletitle: Strategic Marketing
Modulecode: OLBUS707 Assignments1,2and3
PercentageWeightingofassignment3(50%) Issue date :May 2020
1. ElectroniccopyofassignmentmustbesubmittedthroughTurnitin.
2. 10%ofmarksareawardedforsatisfactoryuseoflanguageand/orgoodpresentation.
3. 5%ofmarksareawardedforsatisfactoryreferencingand/orpresentationofabibliographywhereeitheris required. Note that all referenced work should be obtained from credible sources.
4. StudentsshouldensurethattheycomplywithGlyndwrUniversity’splagiarismpolicy.
5. StudentsshouldmakecorrectuseoftheHarvardreferencingmethod.
1. Analyseanorganization’scurrentandfutureexternalandinternalenvironment
2. Analyserelevantinformationsoastoinformstrategicdecisionmakingand,developastrategic marketing plan
3. Analyserelevantinformationsoastoinformstrategicdecisionmakingandsodevelopa strategic marketing plan
4. Recognizetheproblemsofimplementationandcontrolandhowthesemaybeovercomeby being able to;
a. Manageresourcestodeliverthestrategicmarketingplan
b. Monitor, measure and adapt the plan for continuous improvement
Grading & Marking Criteria
80 +
Outstanding work of exceptional merit, which is original in content or approach allowing a novel perspective, going beyond what is available in the literature.
70 – 79
Work, which is clearly articulated and well substantiated, based on extensive reading, and demonstrates an authoritative grasp of the concepts, methodology and content appropriate to the subject and to the assessed task. There is clear
evidence of originality and insight and an ability to sustain an argument, to think analytically and/or critically and to synthesise material effectively.
60 – 69
Work which demonstrates a very good level of understanding of the concepts, methodology and content appropriate to the subject and which draws on a wide range of properly referenced sources. There is clear evidence of critical judgement in selecting, ordering and analysing content. The work demonstrates some ability to synthesise material and to construct responses, which reveal insight and may
offer some occasional originality.
50 – 59
Work derived from a solid basis of reading and which demonstrates a grasp of relevant material and key concepts and an ability to structure and organise arguments. The performance may be rather routine but the work will be accurate, clearly written and include some critical analysis and a modest degree of original
insight. There will be no serious omissions or irrelevancies.
40 - 49
Competent and suitably organised work, which demonstrates a reasonable level of understanding with minimal analysis and interpretation. It covers the basic subject matter adequately but is too descriptive and insufficiently analytical. There may be some misunderstanding of key concepts and limitations in the ability to select relevant material so that the work may be flawed by some omissions and irrelevancies. There will be some evidence of appropriate reading but it may be too
narrowly focussed.
30 - 39
Work lacks evidence of knowledge relevant to the topic and/or significantly misuses terminology. There is either no evidence of literature being consulted or irrelevant to the assignment set. Inaccurate or inappropriate choice of theory. Select an organization that you are familiar with, and produce a 750 word report providing a clear critical insight into the current strategic marketing issues facing that organization.
Unsubstantiated/invalid conclusions based on anecdote and generalisation only, or no conclusions at all. Lacks critical thought, analysis and reference to theory.
0 - 29
Insufficient level of understanding and knowledge base unacceptably weak. No evidence of logical structure and poorly presented. Referencing is unsystematic or absent.
Assessment Criteria
Relevant Learning Outcomes to be met and aligned as per assignment briefs 1,2 and 3
Evidence and depth of situational analysis conducted.
Demonstration of knowledge and understanding of relevant strategic marketing tools to conduct and analyse preliminary situational analysis.
Awareness of the range of marketing environment issues the company is facing.
Ability to critically evaluate and demonstrate evidence of wider reading.
Depth of critical appraisal of the strategic marketing activities of a range of strategic marketing tools and frameworks.
Recommendations for future growth options and sustaining a competitive advantage and strategic marketing plan.
Quality & Presentation of written work - quality of Harvard referencing throughout; Report format: (numbered subheadings, introduction, recommendations, conclusion, page numbers).Quality and presentation of written work, quality of Harvard referencing throughout.
Please note further guidance for assignments 1,2, and 3 can be found in canvas under assignments section, ‘Strategic Marketing assignment 1,2 and 3 guide’. Please ensure you access this important guidance.
Strategic Marketing Assignment 1
Select an organization that you are familiar with, and produce a 750 word report providing an introduction and background to the organisation, highlighting any clear critical insights into the current strategic marketing issues facing that organization.
Strategic Marketing – Assignment 2
Building on assignment 1
Select an organization that you are familiar with, and produce a 750 word report providing a clear critical insight into the current strategic marketing issues facing that organization.
Please see below for guidance.
Using appropriate academic strategic marketing tools and frameworks:
Conduct a situational analysis of the organisation’s current internal and external marketing environment.
Provide evidence of your analyses either as appendices or in the body of the report, remembering to reference all evidence.
From the analysis, critically analyse the internal factors and external factors, discussing how they impact on the organisation’s marketing strategy and performance.
Strategic Marketing Assignment 3
Building on assignment 1 and 2
You are required to produce a 1,500 word report which critically appraises the organisation’s current Marketing Strategy.
In order to do this, you should build upon the findings from your situational analysis from Assignment 1 and assignment 2 in order to recommend what strategic marketing options the company could consider and how these might be implemented. Please see further guidance below.
The report :
Building on the findings of your situational analysis in Assignment 1 and 2 you are asked to produce a report which critically appraises the marketing situation of the organisation and the strategic marketing options open to it.
Identify growth opportunities from these options and outline a creative and innovative marketing strategy to exploit this to gain competitive advantage for the organisation in the market place.
How can this strategy be implemented, monitored and controlled?
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