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Assignment Briefs 08-19-2023

LO1: Apply a knowledge and understanding of the fundamental principles of pharmacology in nursing practice and the impact of polypharmacy.

NRS5006 Essay 

Assessment Brief 

You will submit a 2,000-word written assignment to which you focus on a commonly used medication administered in clinical practice. You are required to demonstrate your understanding of safe medicines management; focus is to be given to each learning outcomes listed below. 

This essay should be a standard essay format and fully referenced throughout, using the Harvard system and include a reference list. Please ensure confidentiality is maintained throughout. This assignment is marked out of 100% but all learning outcomes MUST be achieved to attain the minimum pass mark of 40% for this assignment.



Learning Outcomes




LO1: Apply a knowledge and understanding of the fundamental principles of pharmacology in nursing practice and the impact of polypharmacy.


Assessment 1

LO2: Explain how legal and ethical frameworks underpin safe and effective medicines management and administration.


Assessment 1

LO3: Demonstrate knowledge and application of the safe administration, ordering, receiving, storage, and disposal of medicines. (Including those under a Patient Group Directive (PGD)


Assessment 1

LO4: Analyse the advantages and disadvantages of working in partnership with service users/carers/families in relation to self-administration and management of medicines.


Assessment 1


Essay structure:

Introduction (100 words)


-          What will the assignment discuss?

-          Overview of learning outcomes

-          What Medication will be discussed?

Brief introduction to your medication (150 words)


-  What its used for?

-  The format of the drug (Oral/IV/SC) - choose one route to focus on for your assignment.

-  Dosage 

LO1- Apply a knowledge and understanding of the fundamental principles of pharmacology in nursing practice and the impact of polypharmacy. (500 words)

-          Define pharmacology.

-          Split in 2 branches – Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics.

-          Define pharmacodynamics.

-          Explain the pharmacodynamics of your Drug in detail.

-          Is it an agonist or an antagonist? Which receptors does it act upon?

-          Define pharmacokinetics.

-          Explain the absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion of the drug in detail.

-          Define Polypharmacy

-          Who more at risk of polypharmacy?

-          What are the risks associated with polypharmacy?

-          Explore polypharmacy in relation to your drug- e.g.- drug interactions. 

LO2 Explain how legal and ethical frameworks underpin safe and effective medicines management and administration. (400 words)


What legislation supports medication management in the UK? Choose two to discuss. What is in each and how does it relate to your drug?

-          Medicines Act

  • GSL, PO, POM – define each – how does the Drug fit?

-          Misuse of Drugs Act

  • Controlled and not controlled – how does the Drug fit?

-          Human Medicines Regulations

-          Mental Health Act/ Mental Capacity Act- If appropriate to your choice of medication. How would your drug fit in with this? What does it do for medication safety?




-          Define ethics, why is it important?

-          Discuss the 4 -Beauchamp and Childress – ethical principles.

  • Beneficence, Justice, Autonomy, Non-Maleficence.

-          Relate it to your medication and medicines management.

LO3 Demonstrate knowledge and application of the safe administration, ordering, receiving, storage, and disposal of medicines. (Including those under a Patient Group Directive (PGD). (500 words)

Discuss safe administration, ordering, receiving, storage, and disposal from working in a hospital perspective.

- Safe ordering- How is medication ordered on a ward? Why? Reference local policy

- Safe receiving- How is medication delivered to the ward? Who delivers it? Why is it done that way? References required.

- Safe Storage- How is your medication stored? Why? References required.

- Safe Administration- What needs to be taken into account when administering medication? 5 Rights, References required.

- Safe Disposal- How is your medication disposed? What other considerations are there? References required.

- Throughout try to link it to your drug and provide a range of academic references.

** you must cover each of the above areas to meet the LO

- Define what a PGD is.

- What are the advantages of using PGDs?

- Is your Drug appropriate for inclusion on a PGD?

LO4 Analyse the advantages and disadvantages of working in partnership with service users/carers/families in relation to self-administration and management of medicines. (250 words)

- What is an official SAM scheme in hospital?

- What are the proposed advantages of SAM schemes?

- What are the disadvantages of SAM schemes?

- How can MDT support the SAM scheme?

- Can families/ carers be involved in the SAM scheme? What effect can this have?

- Is your Drug appropriate for SAM?

**Supportive academic references are required for this learning outcome**

Conclusion (100 words)

Reference list -

In Harvard referencing style-

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