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Assignment Briefs
1.1 Examine the impact of legal status on the governance of an organisation
UNIT CMI 501 Principles of Management and Leadership in an Organisational Context
CMI Candidate Number:
Centre: Premier Partnership
key information for LEARNERs
Each task in this assessment brief has been developed to enable you to evidence achievement of the learning outcomes and assessment criteria for CMI 501: Principles of Management and Leadership in an Organisational Context . Each of the assessment criteria must gain a pass outcome for you to successfully achieve the unit.
Preparation for the assessment
Before you begin the assessment brief please read the CMI 501 unit specifications thoroughly as only the content related to the achievement of the assessment criteria will be assessed.
Research the topics being assessed. Suggested reading/web resources are provided on the CMI 501 unit specification.
Completing the assessment brief
This assessment brief contains a series of tasks which are clearly referenced to the relevant assessment criteria and indicative content.
Refer to the Assessment Guidance Table at the end of this assessment brief which outlines the requirements for a Pass or Refer.
Additional work based evidence such as plans or documentation (which has been referred to within the main text) should be included at the end of the booklet marked ‘Work Based Evidence’. Appendices are not a requirement of this assessment brief. If appendices are included these will not be marked or moderated by the CMI.
Work based evidence must be accompanied by a supporting statement in the learner evidence box, to explain the link to the assessment criteria. Work based evidence (where required by the task) must not exceed SIX (6) pages. Files embedded in the booklet must not exceed 10MB.
The evidence booklet must be completed in a professional manner (e.g. applying business conventions for writing formal reports) and by using Microsoft Word, Rich Text Format or another compatible software programme and not in a PDF format.
An appropriate referencing system (such as Harvard Referencing) must be used to ensure the original source(s) of quotations or models can be verified.
Introducing assessment Brief CMI 501
Being equipped with the knowledge, skills and behaviours to manage and lead in a variety of organisational settings is essential if an individual and their organisation are to succeed.
Assessment brief CMI 501 has been designed to enable learners to evidence their ability to understand the impact of an organisations structure and governance on management and leadership. Learners will evidence how theoretical models, management and leadership approaches and styles can be applied in work settings. They will review the knowledge, skills and behaviours to be effective in the role and propose how a culture of mutual trust, respect and support can be developed in teams.
assessment tasks and WORD COUNT
Assessment brief 501 features the following assessment tasks. Further detail is provided against each assessment task within the brief.
Assessment Task
Learning outcomes covered by assessment method
Assessment criteria
Guideline word count
Write a report entitled:
The principles of management and leadership within an organisational context
LO1 Understand factors which impact on an organisation’s internal environment
1.1 Examine the impact of legal status on the governance of an organisation
Approx. 2800 words
1.2 Analyse the purpose of an organisation’s mission and vision statements
1.3 Examine the impact of organisational structures on management roles
1.4 Discuss the impact of organisational values and ethics on management decision making
LO2 Understand the application of management and leadership theories
2.1 Evaluate the relationship between management and leadership
2.2 Analyse the impact of management and leadership styles on individuals and teams
2.3 Discuss the influence of culture and values on management and leadership styles
2.4 Examine how management and leadership styles are adapted in different situations
Create a profile of a manager who has operational or departmental responsibilities
LO3 Understand the knowledge, skills and behaviours to be effective in a management and leadership role
3.1 Assess the knowledge and skills required for a management and leadership role
Approx. 750 words
3.2 Evaluate the factors that impact on the selection of communication techniques required to be effective in a management and leadership role
3.3 Analyse the behaviours required to be effective in a management and leadership role
Write a proposal for:
Building a culture of mutual trust, respect and support with teams and individuals.
LO3 Understand the knowledge, skills and behaviours to be effective in a management and leadership role
3.4 Develop an approach for building a culture of mutual trust, respect and support with teams and individuals
Approx. 450 words
The following are excluded from inclusion in word count, if used and not required by the assessment brief: an introduction to a job role, organisation or department; index or contents pages; headings and sub headings; diagrams, charts and graphs; reference list or bibliography; reflective statement drawn from undertaking the assignment and how this has impacted on the learner’s work. Please see the CMI Assessment Guidance Policy for further guidance.
The principles of management and leadership within an organisational context
Understanding the principles of management and leadership within an organisational context is dependent on many factors. Managers need to have a thorough understanding of an organisation’s internal environment (such as its legal status, structure, management roles, mission and vision and values and ethics). These factors influence organisational governance and management decision making. Once this is understood managers then need to be able to apply relevant leadership and management theories to different contexts and situations.
A manager who has an in-depth understanding of the principles of management and leadership will have the knowledge to lead and manage individuals, teams and projects in a variety of organisational settings.
You are required to write a report entitled ‘The principles of management and leadership within an organisational context ’. This must be presented in TWO (2) sections.
The factors which impact on an organisation’s internal environment
To complete this section of the report you are required to:
i. Examine how the legal status of an organisation impacts on the way it is governed (AC1.1)
ii. Examine how different organisational structures impact on management roles (AC1.3)
iii. Analyse the purpose of an organisation’s mission and vision statements (AC1.2)
iv. Discuss the impact of organisational values and ethics on management decision making (AC1.4)
B. The application of management and leadership theories in an organisational context
To complete this section of the report, you are required to:
i. Evaluate the relationship between management and leadership (AC2.1)
ii. Analyse how the use of different management and leadership styles impact on individuals and teams (AC2.2)
iii. Discuss the influence of culture and values on the selection of management and leadership styles (AC2.3)
iv. Examine how management and leadership styles can be adapted in different situations (AC2.4)
Guidance for completion of Task 1
The report should include sub headings. You may choose to include tables and diagrams (as appropriate) to support your discussion.
Your discussion should be underpinned with relevant theoretical principles.
You may include good practice examples from an organisation you know well or have researched.
Please refer to the indicative content for each assessment criteria (AC) outlined in the unit specification.
Write your report in the box below – approx. 2800 words
What makes a truly effective manager? Extensive research has been undertaken to identify the knowledge, skills and behaviours required by a manager to be effective in the role. When the requirements of a leader and manager are formally stipulated (e.g. within national occupational standards/apprenticeship standards and role specifications) this enables the performance of individual managers to be appraised. It also sets the standard for those aspiring to enter the management and leadership profession.
As part of the organisation’s strategy to develop a talent management programme, you are required to create a profile of a manager who has operational or departmental responsibilities. The aim of the profile is to present the knowledge, skills and behaviours required to be effective in the management and leadership role. 1.1 Examine the impact of legal status on the governance of an organisation
To complete the profile you are required to:
i. Assess the essential knowledge and skills required for a management and leadership role (AC3.1)
ii. Evaluate factors which impact on the selection of communication techniques required to be effective in a management and leadership role (AC3.2)
iii. Analyse the core behaviours required to be effective in a management and leadership role (AC3.3)
Guidance for completion of Task 2
Consider how the profile of a manager will be presented. You may present the profile in a format of your choice (i.e. narrative, table, report, or article).
In preparation to complete this task, take time to reflect on the knowledge, skills and behaviours that are the hallmark of an effective manager. Consider your own management experience or the experience of being managed by others.
Undertake independent research on the knowledge and skills required for managers and leaders operating at this level within different occupational areas or types of organisation.
You are not required to include every knowledge, skill, and behaviour and communication technique in the profile of a manager you develop. You should focus on those you feel are essential to the role.
The profile must include sub headings. You may choose to include tables and diagrams (as appropriate) to support your discussion.
Refer to the indicative content for each assessment criteria (AC) outlined in the unit specification.
Write your profile in the box below – approx. 750 words
building a culture of mutual trust, respect and support with teams
The application of knowledge, skills and behaviours can enable a manager to build a culture of mutual trust, respect and support with others. The approach taken by the manager to achieve this goal is dependent on having an in-depth understanding of the organisation, individuals and teams that are managed.
A staff welfare survey has been undertaken in your organisation. Whilst staff were pleased by the range of staff benefits that were offered to them, the survey highlighted the following areas for concern:
Respondents felt there was a lack of trust and respect between themselves and management. Inappropriate speech and behaviour was failing to be recognised or managed effectively.
Support given by managers was inconsistent. Concerns were raised about the level of micro-management used when they felt “competently able to get on with the job”.
Respondents complained of a lack of support in their work role in relation to information sharing, problem solving, and encouragement to pursue development/career opportunities.
Not all respondents felt able to raise personal or work concerns or issues with their manager.
A quality improvement group has been formed to review these findings. You have been asked to develop an approach for building a culture of mutual trust, respect and support with teams and individuals which will be used as a basis of discussion at the next meeting.
Basing your response on the scenario or an organisation you know well or have researched:
Write a proposal which outlines how you would develop an approach for building a culture of mutual trust, respect and support with teams and individuals. (AC3.4)
Guidance for completion of Task 3
Choose the basis your proposal. This may be based on the scenario given above or a team from an organisation you know well or have researched.
The proposal may be presented in a format of your choice (i.e. narrative, report, table).
You are encouraged to consider the use of good practice examples from an organisation you know well or have researched.
You may include reference to relevant theoretical principles/models/frameworks as appropriate.
Please refer to the indicative content for each assessment criteria (AC) outlined in the unit specification.
Write your proposal in the box below – approx. 450 words
The submission is incomplete
Tasks are incomplete
Not all assessment criteria have been met
No examples are used or the examples given do not match the requirements of the assessment criteria
Evidence is
Technically incorrect or inaccurate
Unprofessional language
Poorly structured and presented
Ideas are under-developed
Lacks sufficient detail to show understanding of the topic
The application of different perspectives, approaches or schools of thought is unclear or inappropriate
Little or no evaluation of evidence has taken place
The ability to make judgments and solve complex problems has not been evidenced
Evidence is not directly attributable to the learner
External sources of information are not acknowledged
Work based evidence or artefacts (e.g. planning documents or presentation slides) do not meet the requirements of the assessment criteria and are not current (within 5 years)
All tasks have been completed
All assessment criteria have been met
Examples given are well chosen and match the requirements of the assessment criteria
Evidence is
Well written and presented
Contains a breadth of examples
Current (e.g. use of up to date legislation)
Technically correct
Evidence shows understanding and application of different perspectives, approaches or schools of thought and the reasoning behind them.
Evidence shows the learners ability to evaluate evidence and solve problems to achieve set outcomes.
Evidence used from external sources has been correctly referenced
Evidence is directly attributable to the learner
Work based evidence or artefacts (e.g. planning documents or presentation slides) match the requirements of the assessment criteria and are current (within 5 years)
1.1 Examine the impact of legal status on the governance of an organisation
An Example
The legal status of an organization significantly influences its governance structure and operations. The legal status refers to the legal form and structure through which an organization is recognized and operates within a particular jurisdiction. Here are some key points to examine the impact of legal status on the governance of an organization:
Structural Framework:
Different legal statuses (such as a corporation, non-profit, partnership, etc.) have distinct structural frameworks that dictate how the organization is formed, managed, and governed.
For example, a corporation typically has a board of directors, officers, and shareholders, each with specific roles and responsibilities.
Accountability and Responsibility:
Legal status often determines the level of accountability and responsibility of individuals within the organization.
Directors and officers of a corporation may have fiduciary duties to shareholders, while those in a non-profit may have a duty to advance the organization`s mission without personal gain.
Regulatory Compliance:
Legal status brings with it specific regulatory requirements and compliance obligations that impact governance.
For-profit organizations may have to adhere to financial reporting standards, while non-profits may need to comply with regulations related to tax-exempt status.
Ownership and Control:
Legal status affects the ownership and control structure of an organization.
In a partnership, ownership may be shared among partners, while a corporation may have a dispersed ownership structure with shareholders.
Decision-Making Processes:
Governance processes, such as decision-making, vary based on legal status.
Corporations often follow a hierarchical decision-making structure involving the board of directors, whereas non-profits may involve stakeholders in decision-making related to the organization`s mission.
Financial Structure:
Legal status influences the financial structure and funding options available to an organization.
For-profit entities may raise capital through equity or debt, while non-profits may rely on donations and grants.
Stakeholder Relationships:
The legal status can impact how an organization interacts with its stakeholders.
Public companies, for instance, have a duty to keep shareholders informed, while non-profits may need to engage with donors and the community to fulfill their mission.
Liability and Risk Management:
Different legal statuses offer varying levels of protection against personal liability for individuals associated with the organization.
Limited liability protection for shareholders in a corporation is an example, while partnerships may expose individual partners to more personal liability.
In summary, the legal status of an organization plays a crucial role in shaping its governance framework, defining roles and responsibilities, determining regulatory compliance, and influencing its overall operational structure. Understanding the legal status is essential for establishing effective governance practices tailored to the specific requirements of the organization.
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