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Assignment Briefs 02-03-2024

LO1 Define what constitutes a tender and the information required for this process

Higher Nationals – Summative  Assignment Feedback Form

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Unit Title

Unit 13 Tendering & Procurement

Assignment Number

1 of 1



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Date Received 1st submission


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Date Received 2nd submission


Assessor Feedback:


LO1 Define what constitutes a tender and the information required for this process – the Learning Outcome has been met.

P1 Explain the information required to be produced prior to tendering – not met. The evidence is very brief and has not identified sufficiently the information required prior to tendering taking place. The unit specification lists the following as pre tender information: Decision to tender, preliminary information received, type of client or stake holder, private or commercial clients, stage of the design drawings, provisional timescale, pre-contract Health & Safety plans, elements required for tender, tender resource allocations, electronic or hardcopy tender process, type of work, capacity to tender.

P2 Explain the documentation required to formulate a tender for a major project – some of the documentation has been identified, but not sufficiently explained (how and why?).  

P3 Discuss the potential benefits of Building Information Modelling in the tender and procurement – met. This evidence has briefly explained the potential benefits of BIM in the process. More depth and detail about 2D – 6D BIM would have made the submission more meaningful.

M1 Compare the use of specifications and bills of quantities as tendering methods used for a privately funded project – not met.

D1 Critically evaluate the use of specifications or bills of quantities in terms of providing a competitive tender – not met.

LO2 Explain the procedures and contractual arrangements for tendering process

P4 Present the results of a taking-off procedure in producing a bill of quantities – met. The evidence is a very basic Bill of Quantities, but this could be used by a contractor.

P5 Describe the relationship between the type of tender and different taking-off techniques for a

procurement strategy. – met. This is very basic and could have gone into much more depth, but does meet the criterion.

M2 Compare the types of tendering available for a design and build project – not met. The evidence does not compare the types of tendering.

D2 Evaluate the relationship between taking-off techniques and the type of contractual arrangements for a project – not met. As M2 has not been achieved, D2 cannot be awarded.

LO3 Analyse the factors that affect the selection of construction procurement methods – the Learning Outcome has not been met.

P6 Explore the factors that affect private and public procurement routes for a client  and P7 Explain the factors that determine the selection of an estimating technique – not met. The factors have not been sufficiently covered to award the criterion. The specification includes the following as factors: Time, cost, quality, client characteristics e.g. government or private sector, the project characteristics, time frame factors, level of risk associated with the project and what apportionment between client and contractor, environmental considerations, sustainability, financial planning, stage of the design (fully designed, partially), complexity of the building in terms of different services procured separately and nominated, OJEC rules and compliance with European bidders.

M3 Analyse the procurement processes for a public stakeholder – not met.

LO4 Calculate an estimate for a work activity – the Learning Outcome has not been met.

P8 Describe the common methods of estimating for individual work activities – met. The evidence has briefly described these.

P9 Produce an estimate for a given work activity in relation to a major project – not met. The estimate is not clear as to whether it includes labour, plant and overheads. The costing is therefore assumed only for the materials.  

M4 Compare the results of different estimation techniques on the cost for a given work activity in a major project – not met. No comparison has taken place.

LO3 and LO4

D3 Assess the effect of a given estimating technique on the selection of a procurement method for a major project – not met. As M4 has not been achieved, D3 cannot be awarded.

Please examine the unit content for U13 this will give you further information that you have missed. Link to the HNC Specification Unit 13 is on page 182 examine the unit content on page 184:

Grade: Refer

Assessor Signature:


Resubmission Feedback:

*Please note resubmission feedback is focussed only on the resubmitted work. Define what constitutes a tender and the information required for this process


Assessor Signature:


Internal Verifier’s Comments:

Signature & Date:

BTEC HN Summative Assignment Feedback Form

Issue Date: June 2021 Owner: HN QD

DCL1 Public (Unclassified)   Version 1.0              



 * Please note that grade decisions are provisional. They are only confirmed once internal and external moderation has taken place and grades decisions have been agreed at the assessment board.

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