A qualifying title (1 mark) might cover one or two key characteristics of the project; they might be mis-identified; there might be a poor fit with the proposed research project.
A basic title (1-2 marks) might cover some of the characteristics of the project; they might be mis-identified; there might be a questionable fit with the proposed research project.
A satisfactory title (2-3 marks) might identify most of the key characteristics of the project, perhaps leaving some doubt or confusion about other characteristics.
A good title (3-4 marks) might identify many or all of the key characteristics of the project, using mostly correct terminology and syntax.
An excellent/outstanding/exceptional title (4-5 marks) might identify all of the key characteristics of the project, using correct terminology and syntax, and leave the reader in no doubt as to the intended topic/problem, aim, scope, and key concepts/variables of the proposed study.
Research Topic
A qualifying explanation of the chosen topic (1 mark) might be misleading, using incorrect or inconsistent terminology, covering a few of the proposed project’s key concepts adequately.
A basic explanation of the chosen topic (1-2 marks) might use somewhat correct terminology, covering some of the proposed project’s key concepts adequately.
A satisfactory explanation of the chosen topic (2-3 marks) might use mostly correct and consistent terminology, covering most of the proposed project’s key concepts adequately and some of them coherently.
A good explanation of the chosen topic (3-4 marks) might use correct and consistent terminology, covering most or all of the proposed project’s key concepts coherently.
An excellent/outstanding/exceptional explanation of the chosen topic (4-5 marks) might use correct and consistent terminology, showing particular insight or sophistication in argument, leaving the reader with confidence in the conceptual basis of the proposed project.
Research Problem
A qualifying statement of the research problem (1 mark) might fit badly with the proposed topic and neglect a majority of its dimensions; it might lack justification or be poorly justified; it might lack support or ilustration from reliable sources. A qualifying statement of the research problem is unlikely to convince the reader that the problem is worth investigating through research.
A basic statement of the research problem (1-2 marks) might fit sub-optimally with the topic and/or neglect many of its dimensions, it might be poorly justified; lack support or illustration from reliable sources or use unreliable or questionable sources in support of the existence of the problem. A basic statement of the research problem may lead the reader to acknowledge that a problem exists.
A satisfactory statement of the research problem (2-3 marks) might fit acceptably with the topic whilst neglecting some of its dimensions or placing inappropriate emphasis on others; it might be justified with reference to adequately reliable sources.
A satisfactory statement of the research problem may well convince the reader that the problem is worth investigating through research, but may raise questions or objections.