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Assignment Briefs 11-16-2022

LO1 Evaluate business and economic data/information obtained from published sources

Unit 31: Statistics for Management



HND Business and Management

Academic Year

2022-2023: Jan21 & May21 cohorts

Unit Number & Unit Title

Unit 31: Statistics for Management

Assignment Author




Assignment Title

Statistics for Management

Date issued


IV Name and Date



Formative Submission Deadline

Summative Submission Deadline





All groups


(Draft of Task 1)

All groups



Good Academic Practice 

DGHE considers an act of academic misconduct when a student attempts to benefit either for themselves or for another person by unfair or improper methods, regardless of it being intentional or unintentional. 

Examples include:

•             Purchasing work and presenting it as your own. 

•             Plagiarism is passing off someone else’s work as your own such as:

o   Using quotes without the use of quotation marks. 

o   Using images produced by another person without acknowledgement. 

o   Using data or ideas without acknowledgement. 

o   Copying another person’s work.

o   Getting someone to help you write parts of your submission as if it were your own.

• Collusion is when two or more students working together without prior authorisation from the academic member of staff concerned (e.g. programme leader, lecturer etc.) to produce the same or similar piece of work and then attempting to present this entirely as their own individual submission.

It is important that you are clear about what you need to do for each assignment and how you can do it. If you are not sure about any rules regarding academic writing and referencing, guidance is available from many DGHE sources including Moodle, our Library and Study Skills Support teams and from your module leaders/personal tutor. 


Purpose of this assessment

The aim of this unit is to provide students with an understanding of how management information and decision-making are enhanced by the application of statistical methods. Students will learn about a range of statistical techniques and how they can inform management thinking. While studying the unit they will develop their numerical abilities and increase their confidence in handling data in order to create information and knowledge.



You have been hired as a Junior Support Analyst at Deliveroo, an online food delivery company.

You have been asked to do two tasks:

Task 1 requires you to conduct analysis of two sources of data related to Deliveroo. 

Task 2 requires you to perform some calculations and make some recommendations in support of some of Deliveroo’s activities.

The details of Task 1 and Task 2 are described below. LO1 Evaluate business and economic data/information obtained from published sources

Task 1 - Unit 31: Statistics for Management

Task 1: You must produce a report, which contains an evaluation AND an interpretation of THREE sources of data relating to Deliveroo.

You will be given a document which contains data from THREE different sources.

  1. Critically evaluate and compare EACH data source:
  • This should include description and evaluation of the nature of the data, how it has been gathered, processed and presented, its validity/currency, strengths/weaknesses, reliability, and relevance for understanding the way that Deliveroo has developed over time.
  • Critically evaluate any use of descriptive, exploratory and confirmatory analysis, and measures of association.

2. Summarise the conclusions you draw from these data sources about how Deliveroo has developed over time.

In support of your written analysis, you should include graphs and statistical analysis to show:

  • In what ways Deliveroo has grown
  • How fast it has grown
  • If there is any correlation between any of the elements of growth

This provides evidence for LO1 and LO2

Word count: 1,200

Submission Format

This task requires a report structure (written in Word):

Table of Contents

• Word has functionality to help here; remember to add page numbers. USE THE STRUCTURE OF TASK 1 to help structure your paper


• This can be quite brief: introduce your content, and specify the context

Main body

• Use headings/sub-headings to create a logical structure. Again: USE THE STRUCTURE OF TASK 1 to help structure your paper


• Summary of findings based on the main body. Do not introduce new material here!


• Remember to use Harvard Referencing throughout your paper

Task 2

 Task 2: Application of statistical methods to business planning; communication of findings using appropriate charts/tables.

This task requires you to do some work in an Excel file (provided), and submit your work in a Word report, with supporting text as instructed. Use the same Word report document you used for Task One (i.e. you will submit one document, containing your answers to BOTH Task 1 AND Task 2).

You will be given an Excel spreadsheet containing raw business data related to Deliveroo, the same company mentioned in Task 1. It will contain FOUR worksheets, one for each question. You must answer ALL FOUR questions.

This Task provides evidence for LO3 and L04


Word count: c. 700 words in total, plus required tables and graphs (word count does not include tables and graphs)



Assignment word-count summary:


  • Task 1 word count: c. 1,200 words, plus required tables and graphs 
  • Task 2 word count: c. 700 words, plus required tables and graphs


Total word count: c. 1,900 words, plus required tables and graphs

Submission Format

This task requires submission of a report in Word, with headings for each task and sub-headings for each question. USE THE SAME WORD FILE AS FOR TASK 1. The tables and graphs should be copied and pasted as explained in each question, following the sequence in each case. Where the question requires a written response (e.g. critical evaluation), this should also be added in the sequence requested in the question. LO1 Evaluate business and economic data/information obtained from published sources

NOTE: It is recommended that students use the STM Workshops as an opportunity to start building up a ‘portfolio’ of answers to Task 2 in cloud-based storage. There will be opportunity in those sessions to start working on Task 2, and to save your work to the cloud, so that you can consolidate it with the rest of your paper prior to submission.

The current Assignment Brief covers the following Learning Outcomes:

Grading Criteria

Learning Outcomes




Task No.


LO1 Evaluate business and economic data/information obtained from published sources

P1 Evaluate the nature and process of business and economic data/information from a range of different published sources.

P2 Evaluate data from a variety of sources using different methods of analysis.

M1 Critically evaluate the methods of analysis used to present business and economic data/information from a range of different published sources.

LO1 & 2

D1 Critically evaluate the differences in application between methods of descriptive, exploratory and confirmatory analysis of business and economic data.


Task 1

A report written in Word, conforming to the guidelines in the Submission Format section


LO2 Analyse and evaluate raw business data using a number of statistical methods

P3 Analyse and evaluate qualitative and quantitative raw business data from a range of examples using appropriate statistical methods.

M2 Evaluate the differences in application between descriptive statistics, inferential statistics and measuring association.


Task 1

A report written in Word, with supporting tables and graphs completed according to the guidelines in the Submission Format section

LO3 Apply statistical methods in business planning

P4 Apply a range of statistical methods used in business planning for quality, inventory and capacity management.

M3 Justify the use of appropriate statistical methods supported by specific organisational examples

D2 Make valid recommendations and judgements for improving business planning through the application of statistical methods.

Task 2

Tables and graphs as required by each question (copied from Excel), plus supporting text, completed according to guidelines in the Submission Format section

LO4 Communicate findings using appropriate charts/tables

P5 Using appropriate charts/tables communicate findings for a number of given variables.

M4 Justify the rationale for choosing the method of communication.

D3 Critically evaluate the use of different types of charts and tables for communicating given variables.

Task 2

Tables and graphs as required by each question (copied from Excel), plus supporting text, completed according to guidelines in the Submission Format section

Student Achievements and Assessor Feedback

Student achievement and Assessor feedback for both formative and summative submissions will be recorded within Grademark Turnitin via Moodle and will be available for students to view as notified on Turnitin. Please use exclusively the grade classification below.  

Assessment Grading Scale

Grade Classification

Numeric Value (on Grademark)

Grade Listed As










Unclassified/ Referred



Alleged Academic Misconduct





Student submission and declaration

The following declaration will be inserted in the Turnitin link for both formative and summative submissions:

‘I certify that by submitting the work for this assessment on Moodle (and via Turnitin) it is my own work and all research sources are fully acknowledged using the Harvard system of references. I certify that there are no personal or mitigating circumstances that have affected my work.’

By submitting such document, you acknowledge that your work is your own, and abides by the DGHE code of conduct, and Pearson regulations. This should include description and evaluation of the nature of the data, how it has been gathered, processed and presented, its validity/currency, strengths/weaknesses, reliability, and relevance for understanding the way that Deliveroo has developed over time.

Please note that in case of academic malpractice DGHE reserves the right to decline to accept the work for assessment purposes, and/or conduct an investigation, which might result in an oral presentation, oral or written exam, or any other appropriate form of examination. Further information can be found in the academic integrity and misconduct policy, the assessment policy, and the student handbook. This should include description and evaluation of the nature of the data, how it has been gathered, processed and presented, its validity/currency, strengths/weaknesses, reliability, and relevance for understanding the way that Deliveroo has developed over time.


Understanding what a command verb is

Your assignment will always have a series of questions or points that you will need to address. The first step in successfully addressing your assignment questions is by understanding what your lecturer wants from you, and this means understanding the command verb of the question.

What is a command verb?

This is constituted by an imperative verb that gives you a specific instruction.

What are the common command verbs your assignment has and what they mean?

The following is not a complete list however, it can help you to understand what is expected of you.

Explain = to describe a situation in detail or present relevant facts. E.g. To say it’s a chair, it’s descriptive but not explanatory, to say it’s a wooden chair, made of mango woods, that has four legs, and an arm rest, is to explain.

Assess = to evaluate the relevance of something. E.g. To say Brexit is an important event in the UK, is factual but not evaluative. To say that the impact of Brexit on the automotive industry is yet to be determined, but a likely estimate situates a loss of manufacturing plants, and consequently jobs in the UK, is evaluative.

Compare = to measure how similar or different something is. E.g. To say that surrealism is different from cubism, is to state a fact. However, to state that while both movements are considered modern art, cubism popularised by Picasso, breaks down the subject matter and reassembles it in an abstract form, while surrealism, popularised by Salvador Dali, focuses on the subconscious mind and portrays everyday objects in a unfamiliar setting. LO1 Evaluate business and economic data/information obtained from published sources

Analyse = to examine something in detail. E.g. To say that the UK judicial system is complex is too simple however, to say that the UK judicial system is complex due to historical reasons, and that has led to separate jurisdictions with one system for England and Wales, another for Scotland, and another for Northern Ireland. In England Wales at the lower instance you have the magistrate courts and tribunals, followed by the crown court, and the county court, high court and court of appeal (detailing what are the key functions for each of these and how the interrelate with one another, and for the other judiciary systems, and finalising with the UK Supreme Court is to analyse a subject).

Don’t forget you can always refer to your lecturer for other verbs not included here or your study skills tutor.

Unit 31: Statistics for Management

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