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Assignment Briefs 10-25-2022

LO1: Discuss the processes involved in the recruitment of staff relevant to own setting


Unit 29: Human Resource Management in Healthcare



















Pearson BTEC Level 5 Higher National Diploma in

Healthcare Practice for England (Healthcare Management)


2021 - 2022

Unit 11

Unit 29: Human Resource Management in Healthcare



Assignment Title

Recruiting and Supporting Staff in the Healthcare setting

Type of Assignment

Report and Reflection



Issue Date


Formative Submission


Formative Activities: weeks commencing: 03/10/22, 17/10/22, 24/10/22, 31/10/22


Submission Date

20/11/2022 at 23:59 using summative submission link on Moodle



Lead Internal verification



Student Declaration

This is to confirm that this submission is my own work, produced without any external help except acceptable support from my lecturer. It has not been copied from any other person’s work (published or unpublished) and has not previously been submitted for assessment either at GBS or elsewhere. I confirm that I have read and understood the ‘GBS Academic Good Practice and Academic Misconduct: Policy and Procedure’ available on Moodle.

I confirm I have read and understood the above Student Declaration.

Student Name(print)








Recruitment and retention of staff is an extremely important element of the healthcare sector. Those with responsibility for this need to have the knowledge and understanding of the processes involved in the recruitment and management of staff in the healthcare workplace., They need to recognize their responsibilities in relation to their own developmental needs as well as those they are responsible for.

This unit will allow students to practice valuable staff interviewing skills as well as giving the opportunity to demonstrate effective recruitment practice in a healthcare setting in preparation for their role in managing staff. Students will be required to investigate the recruitment of staff, including the relevant legal and policy frameworks, as well as relating the process to various advisory documents providing guidance on recruitment in a healthcare setting. They will also review their workplace supervision and appraisal practices and make recommendations for improvement. LO1: Discuss the processes involved in the recruitment of staff relevant to own setting

Students will investigate how Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is used in the workplace as well as examining their role in supporting, coaching, or mentoring staff and the purpose and process of providing feedback. Students will also explore the use of development plans to allow for identification of staff training requirements and investigate their own management training needs. The skills and understanding gained in this unit will help students to manage workplace human resources in a healthcare-related environment at their relevant level.

Learning Outcomes - Unit 29: Human Resource Management in Healthcare

LO1 Discuss the processes involved in the recruitment of staff relevant to own setting

LO2 Review how staff are monitored and supported on regular basis.

LO3 Recognize the legal and ethical responsibilities of human resource.

LO4 Plan for own learning requirements relevant to managing staff.

Submission Format

This work consists of two activities.

Activity 1- (LO1 – LO3) Scenario

While working as a trainee in the Human Resources (HR) department of a small to medium sized healthcare organisation, you are expected to take part in testing the new recruitment and selection process. Conduct a review of how the HR monitors and support staffs with the recognition of legal and ethical responsibilities involve in the process. Design mandatory training requirements plan relevant to managing staff in your healthcare organisation.

Activity 1 – LO1

LO1: Discuss the processes involved in the recruitment of staff relevant to own setting

In the first section of your report, you must demonstrate an understanding of how to recruit and retain staff. You will need to discuss and explain the factors you would consider in the planning and undertaking the recruitment process for new staff with reference to your chosen health care organisation. . Once you have recruited staff, analyze the HR strategies which could be used to retain them. You should also evaluate the impact of poor HR management and then, using your own work setting as an example, critically reflect on the recruitment and staff retention process, identifying any potential improvements. (1250 words)

LO2: Review how staff are monitored and supported on a regular basis

In the second section you need to review the potential monitoring systems available to management and analyze their use and effectiveness. Assess the potential challenges involved in the processes of effectively supporting and monitoring staff. In addition, you will need to discuss and critically assess , how the HR department has responsibilities for supporting staff through a range of difficult or complex situations. Include an evaluation of the potential impact to the setting of a lack of HR monitoring and support to staff. (1250 words)

LO3: Recognize the legal and ethical responsibilities of human resource management

The third section of your report asks you to compare and review employment legislation and to explain the legal responsibilities of the HR department when recruiting and retaining staff. Make sure to discuss ethical responsibilities that your HR department will need to adhere with regards to the recruited staff. You should also critically analyze the relationship between legal and ethical responsibilities of human resources departments and the impact on staff being managed. Try to justify in your report the need for healthcare organisations to comply with current HR guidance and legislation using current examples of breaches. (1000 words)

Activity 2

LO4: Plan for own learning requirements relevant to managing staff – A Reflective Plan

In the final section:

You are to write a plan on Continual Professional Development (CPD) within the Healthcare setting, illustrate in detail the current mandatory training that your setting requires staff to undertake at various roles. Considering the benefits of planning for CPD, discuss the benefits to individuals, the team, and the setting. You should evaluate your own role in training the staff in the setting and create a CPD plan which critically assess the training you require to support your team through the training process and benefit both yourself and the setting.


Assignment Brief and Guidance



While working as a trainee in the Human Resources (HR) department of a small to medium sized healthcare organisation, you are expected to take part in testing the new recruitment and selection process. Conduct a review of how the HR monitors and support staffs with the recognition of legal and ethical responsibilities involve in the process. Design mandatory training requirements plan relevant to managing staff in your healthcare organisation

Activity to address

LO1 Discuss the processes involved in the recruitment of staff relevant to own setting

In the first section of your report, you must demonstrate an understanding of how to recruit and retain staff. You will need to discuss and explain the factors you would consider in the planning and undertaking the recruitment process for new staff with reference to your chosen health care organisation. Once you have recruited staff, analyze the HR strategies which could be used to retain them. You may also wish to evaluate the impact of poor HR management and then, using your own work setting as an example, critically reflect on the recruitment and staff retention process, identifying any potential improvements.

Review how staff are monitored and supported on a regular basis

In the second section you need to review the potential monitoring systems available to management and analyze their use and effectiveness. You may also wish to assess the potential challenges involved in the processes of effectively supporting and monitoring staff. In addition, you will need to discuss and critically assess , how the HR department has responsibilities for supporting staff through a range of difficult or complex situations. This should include an evaluation of the potential impact to the setting of a lack of HR monitoring and support to staff.

LO3: Recognize the legal and ethical responsibilities of human resource management

The third section of your report asks you to compare and review employment legislation and to explain the legal responsibilities of the HR department when recruiting and retaining staff. Make sure to discuss ethical responsibilities that your HR department will need to adhere with regards to the recruited staff. You should also critically analyze the relationship between legal and ethical responsibilities of human resources departments and the impact on staff being managed. Try to justify in your report the need for healthcare organisations to comply with current HR guidance and legislation using current examples of breaches.


The word count for Activity 1 is 3500 Unit 29: Human Resource Management in Healthcare

Activity 2: LO4: Plan for own learning requirements relevant to managing staff – A Reflective Report

In the final section:

Write a Plan on Continual Professional Development (CPD) within the Healthcare setting, illustrate in detail the current mandatory training that your setting requires staff to undertake at various roles, and considering the benefits of planning for CPD, discuss the benefits to individuals, the team, and the setting. Complete a critically reflective CPD plan to improve own and staff training and development

The word count for Activity 2 is 1000 words.

Assignment Submission Format (Formal Report Structure):

  • Use a cover page, Title Page, Contents page for the report
  • The main body of the report should be concise, formal business report.
  • Use at least 1.5 spacing and Times New Roman/ Arial font size 12.
  • Use headings, paragraphs, and subsections as appropriate.
  • Support the work with research, in-text citations, as well as statistics when relevant
  • Provide Conclusion, evaluation, and recommendation
  • Use Appendices (if any)
  • Use the Harvard Referencing Style for intext citation and reference list.
  • Provide a reference list using the Harvard referencing system.

Please note, add the student declaration form in your assignment. Do not use borders in your assignment. The total word count is 4500 words, you will not be penalized for going over the word limit.

Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria






LO1 Discuss the processes involved in the recruitment of staff relevant to own setting

D1 Critically reflect on the recruitment and staff retention processes in own setting and identify potential improvements


P1 Discuss the factors to be considered when planning and undertaking the recruitment of staff in own healthcare setting.

P2 Analyse how HR management teams could ensure staff are retained in own healthcare setting

M1 Evaluate the impact on healthcare settings of poor management of recruitment processes

LO2 Review how staff are monitored and supported on a regular basis


D2 Evaluate the potential impa on a healthcare setting of a lac of HR monitoring and support







P3 Analyse the performance monitoring systems available to management

M2 Critically assess the challenges faced in implementing systems of support and monitoring of staff

P4 Discuss how the HR department supports staff through complex or difficult processes





LO3 Recognize the legal and ethical responsibilities of human resource management







P5 Compare different legal responsibilities of the HR department when recruiting or retaining staff

P6 Discuss ethical responsibilities that HR departments have with regard to their staff

M3 Critically analyse the relationship between legal and ethical responsibilities of human resources departments and the impact on staff being managed

D3 Justify the need for healthcare organisations to comply with curre HR guidance and legislation using current examples of breaches in employment law

LO4 Plan for own learning requirements relevant to

managing staff


P7 Illustrate in detail the current mandatory training requirements of own setting for workers in different roles

P8 Discuss the benefits of Continuing Professional Development planning to individuals, teams and settings

M4 Evaluate own role in the training of staff in own settings

D4 Complete a critically reflective CPD plan to improve own and staff training and development



Academic Integrity (Note to avoid Plagiarism)

Academic integrity is a fundamental expectation for all college/university students

and while it is acknowledged that mitigating circumstances might be raised as factors in student behaviour, cheating cannot be disregarded. GBS definition of plagiarism, as contained in GBS Academic Good Practice and Academic Misconduct Policy and Procedure has been expanded to make explicit that copying from texts or web sources and copying work from other students constitutes plagiarism

“Plagiarism is the act of taking or copying someone else’s work, including another student, and presenting it as if it were your own. Plagiarism is said to occur when ideas, texts, theories, data, created artistic artefacts or other material are presented without acknowledgement so that the person considering this work is given the impression that what they have before them is the student’s own original work when it is not. Plagiarism also occurs where a student’s own work is re-presented without being properly referenced. Plagiarism is a form of cheating and is a disciplinary offence.”

Plagiarism is easy to avoid by making sure you reference all the sources of material that you use in the completion of your work. Pearson has developed Guidelines on Harvard Referencing which are available in Academic Support Area for Students on Moodle (VLE) as well as on respective unit pages. LO1: Discuss the processes involved in the recruitment of staff relevant to own setting

If you are concerned about referencing techniques, please draw the matter to your Unit Lecturer or Academic Support Team on so that you may receive extra advice.

Group coursework may be designed so that the contribution of each student is identifiable but inclusion of plagiarised material is still the responsibility of the whole group.

All members of the group should exercise vigilance to ensure that work is properly referenced; in group- work, students have a shared responsibility for the assignment




Recommended Resources Unit 29: Human Resource Management in Healthcare

Essential Reading List

ARMSTRONG, M. and TAYLOR, S. (2017) Armstrong`s Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice. London: Sterling, V.A. Kogan Page.

AYLOTT, E. (2014) Employee relations: HR Fundamentals. London: Kogan Page. ELLIS, P. and BAC

S. (2015) Leadership, Management and Team Working in Nursing (Transforming Nursing Practice Series). Exeter: Learning Matters.

McConnell, C.R. (2012) The Healthcare Manager`s Human Resources Book (2nd Edition). Massachusetts: Jones and Bartlett.

WOOLNOUGH, H.M. and FIELDEN, S.L. (2017) Mentoring in Nursing and Healthcare: Supporting Career and Personal Development. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.


Websites National Institute for Clinical Excellence Human resources (General reference) World Health Organisation Human Resources for health (HRH) tools and guidelines (General reference) Care Quality Commission Staffing (General reference) Skills for Care Recruitment and retention (Tutorials) Business balls Team building (General reference) The Chartered Institute for Personnel and Development (General reference)

Unit 29: Human Resource Management in Healthcare

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