Order this Assignment Now: £149 VALID THRU: 01-Feb-2025
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You should write five blog commentaries, each blog being around 400 words, one for each of five of the first six weeks of the module.
Students should undertake the relevant Assessment or Assessments as indicated in their results letter.
Late submissions will only be granted in EXCEPTIONAL circumstances, and must be agreed in advance with the Module Leader
Assessment 1 Blog-based submission – 50%
You should write five blog commentaries, each blog being around 400 words, one for each of five of the first six weeks of the module. These blogs will bring together research, commentary and analysis on the issues covered in the first half of the module.
You should follow the general guidance for drafting blogs provided for the first diet blogging task. HOWEVER, in contrast to your first diet submission, there is no need to post them to a blogging site and, as a result, no need to comment on other blogs as part of your submission.
Students can write about different topics from their original submission. If they write about the same topic, it is expected that they will address different aspects of that topic. Copying any submission made for the first diet will be treated as plagiarism.
The five blogs, when completed, should be put in a single document and submitted through Turnitin. ‘Draft’ and ‘Final’ links will be provided for that purpose.
Assessment 2: Case Study – 50% (2000 words)
In reviewing the causes of the U.K. Government’s intervention (direct support) of 4 banks (Royal Bank of Scotland, Lloyds, Northern Rock, and Bradford & Bingley) in 2007–2009, there are views that the regulators through their actions and inactions significantly contributed to the situation in which they had to bailout or nationalize the above mentioned banks.
A newly appointed Director from HM Treasury has hired you with the task of writing a brief case study, using one of the above listed banks, in order to assess the current financial regulation and supervisory regime in the U.K. In particular, the Director has asked you to assess the extent to which the current regime adequately addresses the issues highlighted by the 2007-9 financial crash, as well as including any suggestions on how regulators can be made more effective in providing robust and reliable supervision and regulation of the banking sector.
Provide a case study report that fulfils these requirements.
The question
You should show evidence of a wide range of reading relevant in addressing these issues, and reference it accordingly. Being ‘critical’ means being able to assess the strengths and weaknesses of arguments or positions, and not just present arguments or positions as correct when there is literature which would contest those arguments or positions. You will also be expected to use examples, where appropriate, to support your arguments.
Attaining a Pass Grade
The assessment will be graded with reference to certain criteria, which include:
an ability to show an understanding of the question;
an ability to use the correct theoretical and applied material;
an ability to make linkages with other topics covered in the module i.e. not answering the question in isolation;
the utilisation of your research in a logical and coherent manner.
A pass at this level will show an understanding of the question but will have omissions and some errors. It will not use or apply the theories as thoroughly, but it will still show that the student can utilise the relevant material to answer the question.
A fail will show a misunderstanding of the concepts presented in the module and fail to answer the question with the relevant theories from the literature.
You are advised to work on structuring your essays before handing in any work. It is necessary to devise plans and highlight the relevant sections in the literature you read. Badly structured and poorly written answers will be penalised.
This piece of work must be:
typed on A4 white paper;
text should be double line spaced and fully justified;
footnotes, appendices and indented quotations should be single line spaced;
margins of 25mm;
page should be numbered using small roman (i, ii…) for preliminary pages and Arabic (1,2…) for the text and appendages;
Times New Roman 12 pt font should be used.
The front page should include the title of the assessment, your name, matriculation number, word count, and the following declaration, which should be signed by you:
"This piece of coursework in my own original work and has not been submitted elsewhere in fulfilment of the requirement of this or any other award."
It is necessary to provide references/citations in the text where a particular author’s arguments or opinions are being discussed. Please note that where used, these referencing should contribute to the assessment rather than being included and not linked to the question. Where quotations are used, they must be clearly marked. All material should be referenced using the Harvard system. This is detailed in the GCU Citation Guide.
The assessment must be your own work and in your own words. Avoid plagiarism and copying from a colleague. When utilising books and journal articles, failure to reference the authors correctly will be penalised. Please read the University guidelines concerning plagiarism. These rules will be strictly enforced.
In accordance with University Assessment Regulations, late submissions may not be marked unless you have agreed with the Module Leader an extension prior to the deadline. In extenuating circumstances, submissions after the deadline should be accompanied by a CSFF and the necessary supporting evidence.
NOTE: All work also has to be submitted via Turnitin to constitute a valid submission.
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