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Assignment Briefs
Demonstrate understanding of the concepts, theories, and principles underpinning modern public health practice
Student Assignment Guide -Public Health 2023
Assignment Task
Review an identified public health intervention, providing a clear description of the intervention, its objectives, and its processes. This should include exploring the tools applied to make public health decisions and the ethical implications on the people affected by the intervention.
The review should determine if the intervention has been effective or not using data and evidence and make recommendations for improvement. (2500 Words (100 Marks)
(LOs (Learning Outcomes): 1, 2, 3, 4 and GA (Graduate Attributes))
Add a Cover page at the start of your assignment, available on ilearn under the ‘My assessment’ heading of the Public Health Module and fill in the information asked. (Not included in the word count)
An executive summary is a concise summary (150 to 200 words) of the long report/document which enables the reader to grasp the essential information without reading the whole document.
An approach to write the executive summary: This report critically reviews a specific public health intervention, (Name of Intervention), then briefly describe its objectives, processes, tools applied, ethical implications and effectiveness. The intervention targeted (specify target population), aiming to state objectives. Analysis of the intervention`s impact on the target population, taking into account the ethical considerations and the evidence of its effectiveness. Based on the findings, suggest improvements to enhance its outcomes. Demonstrate understanding of the concepts, theories, and principles underpinning modern public health practice.
(Not included in the word count)
Add a table of content showing the headings and subheadings of the report with page numbers. (Not included in the word count)
1. Introduction (200-250 words)
In this section, provide an overview of the importance of public health interventions and the specific intervention chosen for the review. State the objectives of the report and briefly introduce the intervention and its target population.
2. Description of the Intervention (400-450 words)
Provide a comprehensive description of the chosen public health intervention. Include the following information:
Context and background: Explain the public health issue the intervention addresses and the factors that led to its implementation.
Target population: Identify the specific group or community the intervention aims to benefit.
Objectives: Clearly state the intended outcomes of the intervention.
Processes and approaches: Describe the steps involved in implementing the intervention and the strategies used to achieve the objectives.
3. Tools, Theories, and Resources Applied (400-500 words)
Discuss the tools, theories, and resources that were utilized to design and execute the intervention.
Analyse how these elements have guided decision-making and planning of intervention.
This is not an exhaustive list:
[Tools – Surveillance, Epidemiological data, survey, health information technology, electronic health records, telehealth platforms, cost-effective analysis, cost-benefit analysis, Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR), etcetera]
[Theories- Health Belief Model, Social cognitive theory, Transtheoretical model, Social determinants of health, etcetera]
[Resources- National and International health agencies, Policy databases and analytical tools, case studies, CBPR toolkits, research papers, academic literature etcetera]
4. Ethical Implications (400-450 words)
Explain the meaning of ethics from a public health perspective and how ethical considerations are used in public health decision-making.
Address the ethical considerations associated with the intervention, focusing on how the target population was affected by reflecting on the potential benefits and harms posed to the community and individual rights.
Discuss how those issues impact decisions about planning, implementing, and evaluating the public health intervention you have chosen.
Consider the principles of Responsible Global Citizenship and how they were upheld or impacted.
5. Evaluation of Effectiveness (400-500 words)
Present data and evidence to evaluate the effectiveness of the intervention.
Analyse whether the objectives were met and to what extent the intervention had a positive impact on the target population.
Consider limitations in the data or challenges faced during the evaluation.
6. Recommendations for Improvement (300-350 words)
Based on the evaluation, provide practical recommendations for enhancing the intervention`s effectiveness or propose additional strategies to achieve better outcomes.
Consider the needs and preferences of the target population and similar groups in different contexts.
Ensure that the proposed recommendations align with ethical standards and responsible global citizenship principles.
7. Conclusion (200-250 words)
Summarize the key findings from the review, highlighting the intervention`s strengths and weaknesses. Emphasize the importance of addressing ethical concerns in public health interventions and the significance of responsible global citizenship in shaping effective interventions.
The conclusion should summarise very briefly the main considerations and recommendations. (Introduction to Conclusion, that is point 1 to 7, included in word count.)
8. References Include a list of all sources cited in the report following the appropriate citation style. (Arden Harvard Referencing). Use appropriate citations and references throughout the report. (Not included in the word count)
9. Appendices (if needed):
Students may place any supplementary information here. This could be a table of data, copies of observation forms or notes, extracts from large documents etc. (Not included in the word count)
Marking Criteria: Ensure that the report covers all Learning Outcomes (LOs: 1, 2, 3, 4, and GA (Graduate Attributes).
Pay attention to the Arden University Categorical Marking Criteria to structure your assignment effectively.
Learning Outcomes:
Demonstrate understanding of the concepts, theories, and principles underpinning modern public health practice.
Evaluate the key elements underpinning public health interventions` quality.
Apply relevant tools and evidence for decision-making to address a public health problem.
Demonstrate the ability to evaluate the effectiveness of a public health intervention on a topic and make recommendations to address the identified problems.
Graduate attribute: Responsible Global Citizenship - Understand global issues and their place in a globalised economy, ethical decision-making, and accountability. Adopt self-awareness, openness, and sensitivity to diversity in culture
All learning outcomes must be met to pass the module .
Good luck with your assignment!
Checklist before submission:
1. Your work has been proofread and well structured.
Ensure that your work has been proofread to avoid grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors.
Ensure that you structure your work well and use an academic writing format. Do not use pronouns (I, We, You, They). You can attend academic skills workshop to better understand and enhance your academic writing skills. You can click on this link to book academic skills workshops at Arden Library
Organize the report using clear sub-headings to aid in readability and coherence.
2. Ensure that you stay within the word count limit.
3. Make use of formative feedback
It is useful to have shown your tutor your work before submission for formative feedback.
Please read the formative guide information on your assignment brief. Review an identified public health intervention, providing a clear description of the intervention, its objectives, and its processes. This should include exploring the tools applied to make public health decisions and the ethical implications on the people affected by the intervention
4. References
References should be used throughout, including in-text citations and a reference list at the end of your work.
Every reference should have a corresponding link to an in-text citation and vice versa.
Use the Arden Harvard Referencing style for citations and your reference list to provide evidence for your work.
Arden University Harvard Referencing Full Guide with revisions on use of AI (Artificial Intelligence) - moodle.bl.rdi.co.uk/mod/glossary/showentry.php?eid=12
Arden University Harvard Referencing Short Guide- AU Harvard Quick Guide 2021_1.pdf (arden.ac.uk)
5. Font Format and size
Use a formal font, such as Arial font or Times New Roman size-11-12, 1.5 line spacing, justified on both sides.
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