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Evaluate Ian’s leadership style considering the existing literature. What type of leadership style would you adopt if you were in Ian’s position? Justify your position by drawing upon recognised leadership and management theories.

ASSESSMENT: Individual Coursework

BMO0264 Leading Managing and Developing People

Module Code:


Module Title:

Leading Managing and Developing People

Assessment Type

Individual Coursework

Academic Year


Assessment Task 

This assessment task addresses the following learning outcomes from the module specification: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7.

Duration: N/A

Word Count:  2500 words

Task specific guidance:

This assessment task is an individual 2,500-word essay. Your coursework should use an essay structure and be based on ‘suitable for referencing’ (recent) academic and practitioner material. The expectation is to write critically – avoid description of the content or material referred to. The reference list does not count towards the word limit.

Taking the case study, The Information Systems Department at Fulchester University, as your starting point, you are required to undertake research to answer the following questions (The questions are weighted equally):

  1. Evaluate Ian’s leadership style considering the existing literature. What type of leadership style would you adopt if you were in Ian’s position? Justify your position by drawing upon recognised leadership and management theories.
  2. Identify practically possible and financially feasible HR interventions that Fulchester University might consider to reduce turnover and retain key staff. Evaluate the potential benefits and limitations of your recommended interventions considering existing theories.
  3. Argue specific contributions that adoption of technologies such as artificial intelligence in the workplace, robotics, digital labour, big data, augmented and virtual realities, etc. can make towards the recommended interventions.

Case Study: The Information Systems Department at Fulchester University

Fulchester University is one of the largest universities in the UK, with 30,000 students spread over five teaching sites.

There is an extensive computer network in place, which is managed and supported by the information systems department. The main functions of the department are to ensure that the network is operating smoothly, to install and run an up-to-date portfolio of software and to provide a trouble-shooting services for network users. This is the most extensive and visible of the department’s roles and involves helping students in the drop-in suites and computer laboratories and the library, and also teaching, research and administrative staff using the network from PCs in their own offices.

The department is managed by Ian Rafeeq, who is based in the University’s central administration block along with a small team of support staff. The service in the five teaching sites is provided by a team based at each location. In each case, these comprise a team leader, who reports to Ian Rafeeq and between eight and 10 information systems officers, depending on the size of site.

HR services are provided from a central HR team at Fulchester and each HR Business Partner (such as yourself) is assigned several departments to deal with. The Information Systems department has recently become your responsibility and you have just received this e-mail from Ian Rafeeq:

Hi, I’m glad we’ve got someone new in HR looking after us, between you and me the last one we had wasn’t much use. Anyway, I’ve got a problem here in Information Systems, it seems like every week that I have to turn up at the `leaving do` of one of the information systems officers. It’s all very pleasant, I make my usual speech and have a glass of wine, but with all these people leaving I’m having real difficulty running a service. I always seem to be a couple of people short at each site, though some sites are worse than others in that respect. It sometimes feels like I’m welcoming someone to the department one week and handing over their leaving present the next!

Mind you, we also lose people with a bit more experience than that. It’s all down to money of course, and who can blame them, we can’t pay competitive rates in the university sector and people are bound to go to the private sector where they can earn more. It wouldn’t be so bad if wasn’t the best ones who leave all the time.

They come to us after their degree with a couple of years` information systems work behind them, we give them some valuable experience and then they go off somewhere else. Training and qualifications are the big thing in our line of work, you’ve got to keep at the cutting edge of knowledge otherwise your skills are not marketable.

Mind you, these people probably want a new challenge after a couple of years, I suppose the work must seem pretty routine once you’ve mastered it, but as we have only one team leader at each site there is no prospect of promotion. The Information Systems Officers who have been here a long time tend very rarely to leave, in fact as they have reached the top of the pay scale they are actually paid quite well and, given their skills, it would be hard for them to earn as much elsewhere. The trouble is they are not our best people, are no longer motivated and, to be honest, drag everyone else down.

The other thing is, it is really difficult to find good new recruits, only last week I interviewed 12 people and none of them were any good, but we are so thin on the ground that we had taken on someone who hasn’t really got the skills and experience that we need. I know the university is trying to save money by advertising only in the Evening News, but it doesn’t seem to be working for us. I’m at a loss to know what to do, particularly as we can’t change the pay rates because they are agreed at national level. Can you come and see me at 9am tomorrow, I could do with some help with this?



Ian Rafeeq seems to have his own ideas as to the nature, extent and causes of his labour turnover problem. The turnover situation is becoming critical for the business, and you cannot change the nationally agreed rates. You are also aware that many view pay as a short-term intervention for turnover issues.

General study guidance:

  • Cite all information used in your work which is clearly from a source. Try to ensure that all sources in your reference list are seen as citations in your work, and all names cited in the work appear in your reference list. 
  • Reference and cite your work in accordance with the APA 7th system – the University’s chosen referencing style.  For specific advice, you can talk to your Business librarians or go to the library help desk, or you can access library guidance via the following link:
  • APA 7th referencing: https://library.hud.ac.uk/pages/apareferencing/
  • Referencing correctly will avoid plagiarism which has serious penalties, and it also demonstrates that you have read widely to support your work.
  • The University has regulations relating to academic misconduct, including plagiarism. The Learning Innovation and Development Centre can advise and help you with how to avoid ‘poor scholarship’ and potential academic misconduct. You can contact them at busstudenthub@hud.ac.uk.
  • If you have any concerns about your writing, referencing, research or presentation skills, you are welcome to consult the Learning Innovation Development Centre team busstudenthub@hud.ac.uk. It is possible to arrange 1:1 consultation with a LIDC tutor once you have planned or written a section of your work, so that they can advise you on areas to develop.
  • Pay close attention to the Assessment Criteria at the end of this document – this provides details of the general assessment criteria and specific criteria to the requirements of this assignment. These criteria will be used to inform your electronic feedback on your marked assignment. 
  • Do not exceed the word limit.

Assessment criteria


  • The Assessment Criteria are shown at the end of this document. Your tutor will discuss how your work will be assessed/marked and will explain how the assessment criteria apply to this piece of work. These criteria have been designed for your level of study.
  • These criteria will be used to mark your work and will be used to support the electronic feedback you receive on your marked assignment. Before submission, check that you have tried to meet the requirements of the higher-grade bands to the best of your ability. Please note that the marking process involves academic judgement and interpretation within the marking criteria.
  • The Learning Innovation Development Centre can help you to understand and use the assessment criteria.  To book an appointment, either visit them on The Street in the Charles Sikes Building or email them on busstudenthub@hud.ac.uk

Learning Outcomes

This section is for information only.

The assessment task outlined above has been designed to address specific validated learning outcomes for this module. It is useful to keep in mind that these are the things you need to show in this piece of work.

On completion of this module, students will need to demonstrate:

Knowledge and Understanding

  1. Demonstrate a conceptual and critical understanding of theories, principles and practices in Human Resource Management (HRM) and Human Resource Development (HRD)
  2. Evaluate major theories relating to motivation, commitment and engagement at work and how strategically these are put into practice by organisations
  3. Debate and critically evaluate the characteristics of effective leadership and the methods used to develop leaders in organisations
  4. Critically discuss the aims and objectives of the HRM and HRD functions in organisations and how these are met in practice
  5. Assess the contribution made by HRM and HRD specialists in different types of organisations


  1. Be able to contribute to the promotion of flexible working and effective change management in organisations
  2. Be able to promote professionalism and ethical approach to HRM and HRD practice in organisations

Please note these learning outcomes are not additional questions.

Submission information

Word Limit:

2500 words

Submission Date:

Block 3 (Nov & Dec 2021): 17/12/2021

Block 5 (Feb & Mar 2022): 11/03/2022

Feedback Date:

Block 3: 28/01/2022

Block 5: 01/04/2022

Submission Time:


Submission Method:

Electronically via module site in Brightspace.  Paper/hard copy submissions are not required.  For technical support, please contact:  busvle@hud.ac.uk 

Appendix 1 PGT Assessment Criteria

These criteria are intended to help you understand how your work will be assessed.  They describe different levels of performance of a given criteria. 

Criteria are not weighted equally, and the marking process involves academic judgement and interpretation within the marking criteria.

The grades between Pass and Merit should be considered as different levels of performance within the normal bounds of the module. The higher-level categories allow for students who, in addition to fulfilling the basic requirement, perform at a superior level beyond the normal boundaries of the module and demonstrate intellectual creativity, originality and innovation. 

PGT Generic Assessment Criteria







0 – 9









Fulfilment of relevant learning outcomes

Not met or minimal

Not met or minimal

Not met or partially met

Not met or partially met






Response to the question /task

No response

Little response

Insufficient response

Adequate response, but with limitations

Adequate response

Secure response to assessment task

Very good response to topic; elements of sophistication

Clear command of assessment task; sophisticated approach

Full command of assessment task; imaginative approach demonstrating flair and creativity

PGT Generic Assessment Criteria



A superficial answer with only peripheral knowledge of core material and very little critical ability


Some knowledge of core material but limited.


A coherent and logical answer which shows understanding of the basic principles


A coherent answer that demonstrates critical evaluation


An exceptional answer that reflects outstanding knowledge of material and critical ability












Conceptual and critical understanding of contemporary / seminal knowledge in the subject

Entirely lacking in evidence of knowledge and understanding

Typically, only able to deal with terminology, basic facts and concepts

Knowledge of concepts falls short of prescribed range Typically only able to deal with terminology, basic facts and concepts

Marginally insufficient. Adequate knowledge of concepts within prescribed range but fails to adequately solve problems posed by assessment

A systematic understanding of knowledge; critical awareness of current problems and/or new insights; can evaluate critically current research and can evaluate methodologies

Approaching excellence in some areas with evidence of the potential to undertake Research. Well-developed relevant argument, good degree of accuracy and technical competence

Excellent. Displays (for example): high levels of accuracy; evidence of the potential to undertake research; the ability to analyse primary sources critically.

Insightful. Displays (for example): excellent research potential; flexibility of thought; possibly of publishable quality.

Striking and insightful. Displays (for example): publishable quality; outstanding research potential; originality and independent thought; ability to make informed judgements.


Limited insight into the problem or topic

Limited insight into the problem or topic

Limited insight into the problem or topic

Some insight into the problem or topic

Practical understanding of how established techniques of research and enquiry are used to create and interpret knowledge in the discipline

Independent, critical evaluation of full range of theories with some evidence of originality

Authoritative, full understanding of all the issues with originality in analysis

Authoritative, full understanding of all the issues with originality in analysis

Authoritative, full understanding of all the issues with originality in analysis

Use of evidence and sources to support task

Some irrelevant and/or out of date Sources

Some irrelevant and/or out of date Sources

Some irrelevant and/or out of date Sources

Limited sources

Comprehensive understanding of techniques applicable to own research or advanced scholarship


Complex work and concepts presented, key texts used effectively

Full range of sources used selectively to support argument


Full range of sources used selectively to support argument


Full range of sources used selectively to support argument


Development of ideas

Argument not developed and may be confused and incoherent

Argument not developed and may be confused and incoherent

Argument not developed and may be confused and incoherent

Argument not fully developed and may lack structure

The argument is developed but may lack fluency


Argument concise and explicit


Coherent and compelling argument well presented


Coherent and compelling argument well presented


Coherent and compelling argument well presented


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