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Recent Papers 04-15-2022

Discuss and evaluate the context in which Ruskin Vale plans to invest in building and redesigning its technological and digital infrastructure to promote health and well-being through digital inclusion

Exam paper

Answer all three question and relate your answers to Ruskin Vale case study information provided along with your own research.

  • There is no need for an introduction or conclusion when answering an exam question
  • Stay within the word Count 2750 words
  • Provide a reference list in alphabetical order

Case Study

The COVID 19 pandemic has exposed and amplified existing inequalities in health and technology across the UK. Ruskin Vale, a unitary authority with a population of 294,000 people, is an example of where these inequalities were amplified. For example, the life expectancy of a person living in Ruskin Vale is 78 years compared to 86 years for people living in Westminster in London. Poor housing, poor diet and engaging in more risky health behaviours, have been identified as some of the contributing factors to the health inequalities across the Borough.

Within the Ruskin Vale population, the pandemic has also highlighted that families on low income, older adults, ethnic minority communities and people with disabilities are more likely to be digitally disadvantaged or excluded, which can further negatively impact access to health information and services, leading to poorer health outcomes.  Prior to the pandemic, many adults in Ruskin Vale were lacking the basic digital skills they needed to engage with digital health resources. 28 per cent of the population were only making limited use of the internet and a further 13 per cent did not go online at all.

The council is in an area of deprivation and would qualify for the government’s “Levelling -Up Fund”. It has an aging population and the request for adult care from the over 65’s has significantly increased year on year. Moreover, hospital admissions for the elderly and those with complex health conditions remain high.

In response to addressing these inequalities, the Authority along with its Director of Public Health, aims to invest in building and redesigning its technological and digital infrastructure to promote health and well-being through digital inclusion. The Authority’s ambition is to take a radical approach to commissioning services that facilitate greater integration of technology within their delivery, therefore promoting greater access to healthcare and wellbeing resources. They want to drive a ‘digital and technological revolution’ by integrating housing, health and social care as indicated within the Technology for our Ageing Population: Panel for Innovation (TAPPI ) project report, thereby putting their constituents at the heart of policy and action. They aim to introduce some of the recommendations from the TAPPI project report.

Their aspirations are bold as they want to ensure that they are best placed to implement the Health and Care Bill, currently going through Parliament, and expected to become law by Spring 2022. This legislation aims to facilitate greater collaboration across the National Health Service (NHS), and between the NHS, local government, and its partners. It also aims to support the recovery from the pandemic.


1. Discuss and evaluate the context in which Ruskin Vale plans to invest in building and redesigning its technological and digital infrastructure to promote health and well-being through digital inclusion (900 words).

Discuss and evaluate characteristics of innovations and entrepreneurship.

Points to consider:

  • Changing demographics ageing population with complex health care needs, falling birth rate, cost of care, patient/service user expectations
  • Technological developments and other factors that are changing the way healthcare is delivered
  • Explain what is innovation and technology
  • Provide explanation of technological developments in healthcare
  • The role of innovation in service delivery by referring to the theoretical model or concepts to apply to the case study. E.g Atun’s model


2. Evaluate the impact of key legislation and policy initiative that provides Ruskin Vale with the framework for innovation and entrepreneurship. (850 words)

Discuss the impact of government policy initiative on innovation and entrepreneurship.

Points to consider:

  • Identify and evaluate impact of relevant legislation and/or policies
  • Apply a theoretical model or concept
  • The ethical dilemmas implementing digital technology in healthcare

3. Identify the two potential risk that is likely to occur when the council implements its integrated health care initiative in order to deliver the ‘digital and technological revolution’. (1000 words)

Analyse the risk associated with entrepreneurship.

Points to consider:

  • A theoretical model of innovations (type of innovation e.g disruptive/incremental/open/radical)
  • How the integrated use of technology can play a key role in health
  • Explain how the technology/innovation are adopted (Rogers model of adoption and diffusion)
  • The emergence of technology in health, housing and social care (TAPPI Report) e.g Tunstall case study (answers may be illustrated with the case study 18 and 47)
  • A framework for assessing risk (the failure mode effect analysis, Bessant and Tidd risk assessment tool)
  • Ensure you identify two risk and provide example to support your discussion
  • Discuss and evaluate the context in which Ruskin Vale plans to invest in building and redesigning its technological and digital infrastructure to promote health and well-being through digital inclusion


  • Barlow J (2017) Managing Innovation in Healthcare. World Scientific. London.
  • Bessant J and Tidd J (2011) 3rd edition Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Wiley. West Sussex.UK
  • Lorenzo O, Kawalek p, Wharton L (2018) Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Technology: A Guide to Core Models and Tools. Routledge Focus. London
  • TAPPI Report
  • Care Act 2014
  • NHS Innovation health and wealth Report 2012
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