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Collect, select and use of information from a range of source using different methods, appropriate to the academic discipline and context.
FY028 Inquiry Based Learning
Assessment Criteria
Module Code and Title:
FY028 Inquiry Based Learning
Module Leader:
Assignment No and type:
CW1: Inquiry Project
Assessment Weighting:
Submission time and date:
26-May-2022 before 2pm
Target feedback Time and date:
4 Weeks
In this assignment, you will undertake an inquiry- based project on a topic related to Social Science and produce a project report.
Your task is to research for and write literature- based report on topic of your choice, relevant to social science. You will need to confirm your topic and title /question with your module leader in Week 5 commencing 07/03/2022.
You will need to develop a title/question for your report, and your work must be in report format (i.e. with content page and sub-headings). More information about develop question/ title and report writing will be given in class.
Your report should 2000 words
You will be expected to devote substantial time to completing this project independently, in addition to any schedule teaching in the module. You will need to submit the project report via LSST Connect on Turntin on or before .
Formative work in preparation for your assignment is as follow:
1: submit a plan for your project to Turitin via LSST Connect.
2: For approval or formative feedback from your supervisor (Week 5 commencing 07/03/2022).
3: Provide a progress update on your project in class with your tutor (Week 9 – 04/04/2022).
This assignment has been design to provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your achievement of the following module learning outcomes:
LO 1
Collect, select and use of information from a range of source using different methods, appropriate to the academic discipline and context.
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