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Recent Papers 04-05-2022

Critically evaluate theories and practices in risk management

UCBS7033 Essentials of Risk Management Assessment

General Instructions – Please read carefully


University of Cumbria, Risk Management: Assessment

  1. You are required to complete the assessment outlined below and submit your completed final document through the RKC Online Campus by the end of Unit 6. Your grade will be based 100% on this final document, to which you will also receive written feedback.
  2. In addition you must upload part of your draft of the above document by the end of Unit 3 (see Interim Paper at the end of this document for more details). This draft will not be graded, but it is an important way of monitoring your progress, and you will receive feedback with respect to the topic covered in the interim assignment.
  3. Please ask any questions about the interim assignment and final assessment in the Forum.

For the final assessment you are to write a 4,000 word case study of the organisation for which you work (or for which you have worked in the recent past, or have some other involvement). You may choose any organisation (public, private or not‐for‐profit) with which you are familiar. The case study should describe and critique the risk management process of the organisation (or, for a large organisation, part of it such as the division or subsidiary with which you are associated) and include in your analysis aspects relating to all the following elements of the risk management process:

  • identification of risks
  • analysis
  • measurement
  • control.

The analysis should also include a 1-2 page summary risk response plan exhibit, summarising major risks (or a selection of them if there are many), their impact, likelihood, and control strategy. UCBS7033 Essentials of Risk Management Assessment

I am not looking for an essay on risk management in general, nor a series of definitions, nor a summary of the material covered in the module – I am looking to see how well you can use the concepts you have learned to analyse the operation of your case study organisation. The analysis must be critical, by relating it to the theory that you have learned from published source (preferably peer reviewed articles or textbooks) or standards (or legislation).

Apply as many of the concepts covered in this module as you can; the learning outcomes of the module can serve as a guide to ensure you cover all the critical areas:

  1. Critically evaluate theories and practices in risk management
  2. Critically analyse various practices in risk management
  3. Evaluate and apply sustainable risk management and practices.

The interim paper should be about 1,000 words and give an initial overview of the case study that you will be completing for the final assessment; you may decide to focus on one part of the final paper in detail, or cover several parts at less depth. The interim will receive feedback, but will not be graded, and is designed to help the tutor be sure that your final paper meets the required scope. You may include the interim material in your final paper or, if you wish, change parts or even all of it if necessary. The interim paper is due on the last day of Unit 3 at midnight, Swiss time.

Grading Policy



80%+ (A)

70-79% (A)

60-69% (B)

50-59% (C)

40-49% (D)

30-39% €

<30% (F)

Knowledge and Clarity of Reasoning

Exceptionally comprehensive knowledge base. Ability to discriminate and justify key issues and relate them to the wider context. Lines of thought are innovative and transparent, and the arguments are confidently expressed to develop and synthesise compelling and novel conclusions.

Conclusions drawn make a new contribution to the knowledge base of the discipline and there is clear evidence of originality in the work innovative thinker.


Excellent, comprehensive knowledge base. Ability to discriminate and justify key issues and relate them to the wider context. Lines of thought are transparent, and the arguments are confidently expressed to develop and synthesise compelling conclusions.



Substantial knowledge base. Ability to discriminate key issues and establish some links to the wider context. Arguments are confidently expressed through clear, logical lines of thought. Conclusions are firmly articulated, comprehensive, relevant and arise directly from the premised arguments.




Sound knowledge base. Ability to discriminate key issues. Arguments are confidently expressed through clear, logical lines of thought. Conclusions are firmly articulated, relevant and arise directly from the premised arguments.





Some defended knowledge of current, relevant issues. Limited development of arguments where lines of thought are discernible. Limited conclusions arising from premises.



Some evidence of relevant knowledge base but little argument and lines of thought are poorly expressed and often demonstrate confused thinking. Conclusions drawn but often not related to discussion.







Student has failed to meet the majority of the LOs of the assessment.

Interface between Theory and Practice in the Professional Context UCBS7033 Essentials of Risk Management Assessment

Exceptional critical analysis of the interface between theory and practice, which evaluates and challenges theoretical adequacy and synthesises the development of professional practice. Exceptional evidence of self- understanding which leads to creative and novel use of multiple frameworks for evaluation and synthesis and challenges current practice inthe professional context.


Rigorous critical analysis of the interface between theory and practice, clearly elaborated to evaluate theoretical adequacy and synthesise the development of professional practice.

Excellent, creative use of multiple frameworks for evaluation and synthesis of own stance. Critically evaluate theories and practices in risk management


Excellent critical analysis/evaluation of the relationship between theory and practice.

Substantial use of multiple theoretical frameworks to evaluate professional practice with wide ranging synthesis to show how each is informing the other.

Clear, critical evaluation of their usefulness.

Good, critical analysis/evaluation of the relationship between theory and practice. Some use of multiple theoretical frameworks to evaluate professional practice. Demonstrable synthesis to show how each is informing the other.

Some evaluation of their usefulness.


Some articulation of the relationship between and critical analysis/evaluation of the significance of relevant theory to specific professional practice with some awareness of how each may be informed by the other.



Some use of relevant theory but lack of awareness of relationship to practice. Little integration of the articulation between theory and practice.





Student has failed to meet the majority of the LOs of the assessment.




80%+ (A)

70-79% (A)

60-69% (B)

50-59% (C)

40-49% (D)

30-39% €

<30% (F)

Use of literature

Exceptional, discerning and balanced range of key and peripheral primary and secondary sources demonstrating a very high level of critical evaluation and synthesis and the ability to challenge received wisdom in the subject. Outstanding evidence of wide reading on the subject and this is incorporated into novel



Excellent, wide range of key and peripheral primary and secondary sources, demonstrating critical evaluation and synthesis within the professional context.




Substantial selection of key primary and secondary literature sources demonstrating analysis and critical evaluation of a wide range of relevant issues for the professional context.


Good selection of key primary literature sources with critical evaluation of significant issues for the professional context.

Some limited analysis of related, secondary material.


Range and choice of evidence/literature marginally inadequate. Some recognition and critical analysis of issues of significance for the professional context.



Narrow but mainly relevant selection of evidence/ literature demonstrating some recognition of significance for the professional context.





Student has failed to meet the majority of the LOs of the assessment.

Organisation of Material




Exceptional clarity of presentation that demonstrates ability to attend to all detailed aspects of organisation and structure of discussion and all supporting evidence. The work has the qualities consistent with publishable material.




Excellent, coherent organisation and structure which enhances comprehension. Excellent presentation of all material. Referencing is accurate to a high degree.



Organisation is comprehensive and structure coherent. Well presented, with considerable attention to detail which facilitates effortless comprehension. Supporting material is well presented and ordered with accurate referencing and minimal errors of detail. UCBS7033 Essentials of Risk Management Assessment




Organisation and structure are coherent. Well presented, facilitating comprehension.

Supporting material is well presented and ordered. Accurate referencing.

Organisation and structure do not adequately support the work. Presentation includes supporting material but is somewhat disorganised in places. Most referencing is sound and appropriate but limited in scope. For professional courses any work which contains evidence of, or reference to, unsafe or dangerous practice should be deemed a fail.





Poorly organised, incoherent structure. Poor presentation and referencing. Little appropriate supporting material given.





Student has failed to meet the majority of the LOs of the assessment. Critically evaluate theories and practices in risk management

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