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LO1 Discuss global priorities for health and wellbeing in relation to healthcare priorities of own country
Unit 34 Global Health and Wellbeing
Global health issues continue to remain important concerns throughout the world. For example, infectious diseases such as the Zika virus and Ebola have received vast media attention due to the morbidity and mortality rates affecting different populations around the globe. Without the effective epidemiological study of the causes and associations of these diseases, the consequences may have meant a global health crisis of escalating epidemic scale. In addition, there are a number of non-communicable diseases such as coronary heart disease, cancer, chronic respiratory diseases and diabetes which are recognised by the World Health
Organisation as being responsible for a critical number of deaths per year around the world.
The aim of this unit is for students to explore the field of global health and wellbeing, through the investigation of epidemiological approaches to improving population health. While learning the underpinning processes of epidemiology, students will link these to real-world examples within their own area of healthcare practice.
Topics in this unit include epidemiology of global, national and local health issues, including contributory factors, incidence and prevalence, data analysis, researching global health issues, communicable and non-communicable diseases and the effectiveness of interventions, including the impact of own practice. On successful completion of this unit, students will be able to assess the epidemiology of global health problems related to their own professional experience and practice. By completing this unit, students will have gained valuable analytical, research and health intervention skills that will support further study or support progression of their career within the health sector, particularly in health promotion and public health LO1 Discuss global priorities for health and wellbeing in relation to healthcare priorities of own country
The work you submit must be in your own words . If you use a quote or an illustration from somewhere you must give the source.
Include a list of references at the end of your document. You must give all your sources of information.
Make sure your work is clearly presented and that you use readily understandable English .
Learning Outcomes
LO1 Discuss global priorities for health and wellbeing in relation to healthcare priorities of own country
LO3 Examine the epidemiology of communicable and non-communicable diseases related to own health practice
LO4 Assess public health intervention programmes addressing global health priorities in relation to own practice
Submission Format
Submission for this assessment will be in 3 parts:
Part A: LO1, LO3
A plan for a public health intervention in your own workplace setting, based on a local or national intervention programme for communicable or non-communicable diseases (2000 words)
Part B: LO4
Proposal towards implementation of the intervention programme (500 words) Part C: LO2
A critically reflective report on the chosen organisation’s strategy for addressing local public health priorities with regards to communicable and non-communicable diseases, incorporating a review of the effectiveness of your proposed intervention. (1500 words)
You are expected to limit yourself to + or − 10% of this word count, though you will not be penalised for exceeding this. All written work must be double spaced. The plan, proposal and report should be word-processed documents.
You are expected to use appropriate headings, titles, and captions, and are encouraged to use images, drawings, artefacts from your intervention and other materials to support your work.
You are expected to use a variety of different resources to help you achieve the assessment criteria, including primary research and data, any material that is derived from other sources must be suitably referenced using a standard form of citation. For each written element, a corresponding reference/bibliography page must also be included.
Assignment Brief and Guidance: Unit 34 Global Health and Wellbeing
As a trainee health and social care practitioner, you must demonstrate your understanding of global priorities for health and wellbeing in relation to healthcare priorities in England. As a healthcare practitioner in a care setting, you are required to demonstrate how to analyse epidemiological data concerning health and wellbeing. You have been assigned to examine the epidemiology of one communicable and non-communicable disease relevant to your care setting. Besides, you must produce a plan for health intervention addressing global health priority in England by using a current public health intervention programme.
Lastly, you are expected to implement the planned intervention.
Activity 1 (addressing LO1 and LO3 ):
Part A: Produce a plan to implement a current national or local public health intervention programme in your own setting, relevant to your own role. Your plan should include the following
A definition and examples of global health and wellbeing
Personal and societal factors impacting on global health issues
Summarise the key priorities for health and wellbeing for England.
Discuss the challenges and issues associated with Global health across different countries by comparing it with England.
The types of programme/initiatives used to address global and local health and wellbeing priorities
Analyse the links between global and local priorities for health and wellbeing.
An introduction to the chosen diseases and rationale for your choice as it relates to the services provided by your setting, and an assessment of the challenges and issues in determining public health and wellbeing priorities globally and locally.
Describe the epidemiology of one communicable and one non-communicable disease of relevance to own area of healthcare practice
Demonstrate how own practice contributes to the control of communicable and noncommunicable diseases
Assess the impact of epidemiological evidence regarding one communicable and one non-communicable disease in controlling these diseases in own work setting. LO1 Discuss global priorities for health and wellbeing in relation to healthcare priorities of own country
Part B: Activity 2 LO4 Unit 34 Global Health and Wellbeing
Submit a proposal towards:
A plan to implement a health intervention relevant to own practice using a current public intervention programme
Implementation of a planned intervention relevant to own health care practice
An assessment of own effectiveness in planning and implementing a public heath intervention in relation to professional practice.
A critical reflection on the impact of local and global public health improvement programmes on the epidemiology of different communicable and non-communicable diseases based on your experience and observation.
Provided details of your planned intervention including anticipated outcomes, objectives, targets for implementation, resources required, how participants will be engaged and involved, and how you will measure success. You should provide evidence of consultation with service users and/or the wider community to devise your intervention. Assess the measures to control the disease to your own work setting.
Ensure that the proposal is in conjunction to the plan as specified above.
Unit Learning Outcome
LO2: Analyse epidemiological data in relation to health and wellbeing
Part C Activity 3 (addressing LO2)
Your summative report should be a critical reflection on the proposed success of your proposal in the context of local and global public health improvement programmes aiming to address the communicable and non-communicable diseases that were your focus. It should include:
• A discussion of epidemiological principles and sources of evidence applicable to health and wellbeing in own country
A critique of the effectiveness of methods used to obtain epidemiological data to determine global and local health priorities
An analysis of epidemiological data that have defined global health priorities o do this
How epidemiological evidence impacts the approach your setting takes to address the diseases identified. Make sure you discuss and assess the challenges and issues in determining the priorities for health and wellbeing with reference to Epidemiology
Discuss how the measures taken in your setting are impacted by local and global public health improvement programmes and priorities. Ensure to support the report with sources of evidence applicable to health and wellbeing in
How effectively you took the above into account in the planning and implementation of your intervention to support your workplace in addressing these diseases and in meeting the needs of service users
The impact of your experience on developing your own public health practice and ways it can develop your professional career pathway e.g., work in global health policy development
Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria Unit 34 Global Health and Wellbeing
Pass Merit Distinction
LO1 Discuss global priorities for health and wellbeing in relation to healthcare priorities of own country
P1 Summarise the key M1 Analyse the links between LO1 and LO2 priorities for health and global and local priorities for D1 Assess the challenges a
wellbeing within own country health and wellbeing and issues in determining
P2 Discuss the challenges and priorities for health and issues associated with wellbeing using addressing global health epidemiological research
priorities in different countries within own country in comparison to global concer
LO2 Analyse epidemiological data in relation to health and wellbeing
P3 Discuss epidemiological M2 Critique the effectiveness principles and sources of of methods used to obtain evidence applicable to health epidemiological data to and wellbeing in own country determine global and local
P4 Analyse epidemiological health priorities data that have defined global health priorities
LO3 Examine the epidemiology of communicable and non communicable diseases related to own health practice
P5 Describe the epidemiology M3 Assess the impact of of one communicable and one epidemiological evidence D2 Critically reflect on the non-communicable disease of regarding one communicable impact of local and global relevance to own area of and one non-communicable public health improvement healthcare practice disease in controlling these programmes on the P6 Demonstrate how own diseases in own work setting epidemiology of different practice contributes to the communicable and noncontrol of communicable and communicable diseases non-communicable diseases
LO4 Assess public health intervention programmes addressing global health priorities in relation to own practice
D2 Critically reflect on the
P7 Produce a plan for health M4 Assess own effectiveness intervention relevant to own in planning and implementing practice using a current public a public health intervention in health intervention programme relation to professional P8 Implement a planned practice intervention relevant to own healthcare practice impact of local and global public health improvement programmes on the epidemiology of different communicable and noncommunicable disease
Academic Integrity (Note to avoid Plagiarism)
Academic integrity is a fundamental expectation for all college/university students and while it is acknowledged that mitigating circumstances might be raised as factors in student behaviour, cheating cannot be disregarded. GBS definition of plagiarism, as contained in GBS Academic Good Practice and Academic Misconduct Policy and Procedure, has been expanded to make explicit that copying from texts or web sources and copying work from other students constitutes plagiarism.
“Plagiarism is the act of taking or copying someone else’s work, including another student, and presenting it as if it were your own. Plagiarism is said to occur when ideas, texts, theories, data, created artistic artefacts or other material are presented without acknowledgement so that the person considering this work is given the impression that what they have before them is the student’s own original work when it is not. Plagiarism also occurs where a student’s own work is re-presented without being properly referenced. Plagiarism is a form of cheating and is a disciplinary offence.”
Plagiarism is easy to avoid by making sure you reference all the sources of material that you use
in the completion of your work. Pearson has developed Guidelines on Harvard Referencing which are available in Academic Support Area for Students on Moodle (VLE) as well as on respective unit pages.
If you are concerned about referencing techniques, please draw the matter to your Unit Lecturer or Academic Support Team on academicsupport@globalbanking.ac.uk so that you may receive extra advice.
Group coursework may be designed so that the contribution of each student is identifiable, but inclusion of plagiarised material is still the responsibility of the whole group. All members of the group should exercise vigilance to ensure that work is properly referenced; in group- work, students have a shared responsibility for the assignment. LO1 Discuss global priorities for health and wellbeing in relation to healthcare priorities of own country
Recommended Resources
Recommended resources
EVANS, D., COUTSAFTIKI, D. and FATHERS, C. (Great Britain) (2014) Health Promotion and Public Health for Nursing Students. (2nd Ed.) London: Sage Publications.
GREEN, J., TONES, K., CROSS, R. and WOODALL, J. (Great Britain) (2015) Health Promotion Planning and Strategies. (3rd Ed.) London: Sage Publications.
NICHOLSON, B., McKIMM, J. and ALLEN, A. (Great Britain) (2015) Global Health. London: Sage Publications.
SARACCI, R. (Great Britain) (2010) Epidemiology: A very short introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
SOMERVILLE, M., KUMARAN, K. and ANDERSON, R. (Great Britain) (2016) Public Health and Epidemiology at a Glance. (2nd Ed.) Chichester: Wiley Blackwell A plan for a public health intervention in your own workplace setting, based on a local or national intervention programme for communicable or non-communicable diseases
Websites www.euro.who.int World Health Organisation Health 2020 (Guidance and Reports) www.publichealth.ie Institute of Public Health Ireland (General reference) www.healthscotland.scot NHS Scotland (General reference) www.gov.uk Public Health England (General reference) www.publichealthwales.wales.nhs.uk Public Health Wales (General reference) www.who.int World Health Organisation Sustainable Development Goals (Guidance) Global Health Observatory Data (Statistics) LO1 Discuss global priorities for health and wellbeing in relation to healthcare priorities of own country
Unit 34 Global Health and Wellbeing
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