Research question(s) and rationale (connections to background context)
Clear context is provided based on some or all of the following: existing data, policy, research evidence and theory. The research question evidences insight into methodological, theoretical or research dynamics.
Clear context and rationale is provided for the research question. This is based on some or all of the following: existing data, policy, research evidence and theory.
A research question is identified and contextual evidence is used to provide rationale.
A research question is identified and some connections are made to relevant context.
Either a research question is not identified or very few connections are made to relevant context for the topic.
A research question is not identified and very few connections are made to relevant context for the topic.
Research design (data collection and analysis)
The research design is a good fit with the research question and the approach to data collection and analysis is set out clearly. The proposed research will enable the research question to be answered.
The proposed research will enable the research question to be answered. The research design is appropriate and the approach to data collection and analysis are set out clearly.
The proposed research will enable the research question to be answered. The research design is appropriate and elements of the approach to data collection and analysis are set out.
The research proposed should enable elements of the research question to be answered
The research proposed is unlikely to enable the research question to be answered.
The research proposed is unclear and if there is a research question it is unlikely to be answered.
Ethical considerations
The ethical implications of the proposed research are analysed.
The ethical implications of the proposed research are considered.
The ethical principles are related to the proposed research.
Ethical considerations are discussed.
Ethical considerations are not discussed to any meaningful extent.
Ethical considerations are not discussed to any meaningful extent.
Structure, focus and quality of written communication
Clearly focused in an analytical manner with some evidence of creativity. Clear, logical, relevant discussion which is concise and sequential. Arguments expressed clearly and consistently.
Has focused on the task set following guidance in an analytical manner. Clear argument and well-structured throughout. Arguments expressed well with clear sentence structure.
Has focused on the task set in a mainly descriptive manner. Clearly structured with organised sections and/or paragraphs. Language is adequately structured to understand meaning throughout.
Begins to address the task but little evidence of focus. Limited demonstration of logical structure. Language is adequately structured to understand meaning.
Either very limited content which is in line with the requirements, inappropriate structure or use of language which obscures the intended meaning.
Very limited content which is in line with the requirements and inappropriate structure. Possibly also use of language which obscures the intended meaning.
Use of evidence
(appropriate sources, backing up of assertions and appropriate referencing)
Demonstrates comprehensive knowledge relevant to the unit. Excellent use of literature showing an awareness of a variety of ideas, contexts and frameworks. Assertions are backed up with evidence. Uses recommended guidelines consistently in reference list and in the text itself.
Demonstrates very good knowledge relevant to the unit. Very good use of literature and assertions are backed up with evidence. Provides references throughout the body of the text and in the reference list.
Has demonstrated satisfactory knowledge relevant to the unit. Clear that a satisfactory amount of reading has occurred and most assertions are backed up with evidence. Has provided satisfactory references throughout and has provided a reference list.
Limited knowledge relevant to the unit. Some sources have been provided but only some assertions are backed up with evidence. Has attempted to reference in the body of the text and in reference list but this is sometimes incorrect.
Either very limited unit based knowledge is shown, or very few sources or assertions are backed up with evidence. There may be incorrect / missing references in the body and reference list.
Very limited unit based knowledge is shown and very few sources or assertions are backed up with evidence. There may be incorrect / missing references in the body and reference list.