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Assignment Briefs 10-17-2022

How to conduct a sustained piece of individual research which, encompasses a critical understanding and appreciation of the processes required to ensure social research is conducted within an ethically appropriate framework

Key assignment details

Unit title & code

SASS Change Maker Research Dissertation – ASS142-3

Assignment number and title

One – A Research Proposal for your dissertation (including ethics application)

Assignment type


Weighting of assignment


Size or length of assessment

2000 words

Unit learning outcomes


1.Demonstrate the following knowledge and understanding:

How to conduct a sustained piece of individual research which, encompasses a critical understanding and appreciation of the processes required to ensure social research is conducted within an ethically appropriate framework

2. Demonstrate the following skills and abilities:

Synthesise, evaluate and defend the findings of your research and communicate the results in a focused, logically organised, appropriately concluded format and referenced according to the format and standard of the Harvard system.













What am I required to do in this assignment?


You must write a 2000 word (+/-10%) research proposal setting out the research project you plan to undertake which you will then write up in the form of your dissertation (assignment two). Your research proposal needs to help whoever is reading it to understand why your research question is important, and how you will go about identifying/collecting evidence which, once analysed, should enable you to answer your research question. Your research proposal should include:

  • An introduction to your topic and the relevant background context (policy, data, existing research evidence and theory)
  • Your research question – it should be clear from your background context why this is an important research question. It can be helpful to develop a research question with aim(s) and objectives for the project. Your aim(s) will be where you intend to get to once you have completed the research project (this is likely to be that you have been able to answer your research question, and write up your dissertation). Your objectives will be the steps, or smaller pieces of work, along the way to this destination
  • Your research methods – setting out how you will identify/collect the evidence for your project – it is important to be specific about search terms you will use, databases you will search, and how you will select your sources in a structured and robust way. It is also important to set out how you will analyse your sources – this is about how you will process the data you have identified/collected so as to be able to present findings and answer your research question
  • A discussion of the relevant ethical considerations which relate to your research project – this will be longer for any students completing primary research (although primary research is only an option for those who have attended the summer workshops and gained ethical approval before the new academic year)
  • A conclusion where you set out your expected outcomes – this is an opportunity to make your proposal coherent, to reconnect to your research question, explaining how what you have proposed will enable you to answer your research question


What do I need to do to pass? (Threshold Expectations from UIF)

Demonstrate a critical appreciation of the parameters of a suitable research question in order to produce a focussed research proposal, identifying set aims and objectives, proposed methodology and relevant ethical considerations.

Evidence the ability to design a research study, which is robust, realistic and relevant to the course of study, in line with the principles of ethical conduct of social research and the requirements of an honours research dissertation.

For those doing primary research: Submit an ethics application identifying all relevant considerations for the safe conduct of the study together with a timeline including supervisory arrangements

For those doing secondary research: Submit an secondary research ethics application alongside a plan for the literature review/research to be undertaken together with a timeline including supervisory arrangements

How do I produce high quality work that merits a good grade?

This section is to be left blank and completed by the students in an in-class Assessment Dialogue.

The assessment brief is discussed during an in-class session with students, explaining the assessment, the rubric and marking criteria.

How does this assignment relate to what we are doing in scheduled sessions?

This unit is all about supporting you to complete your undergraduate dissertation. Your dissertation is where you provide an account of the research project you have undertaken and this assignment requires you to set out the project you intend to complete. Much of the support you will receive with completing your research project and dissertation will be from your dissertation supervisor. There will also be six weeks of content at the beginning of the unit which will be focused on providing you with the support you need to complete your research proposal. This content will also be relevant to the completion of your dissertation and will cover:

  • What makes a good research proposal and developing a research question
  • The research design options you can choose from: literature review, content analysis, discourse analysis, data analysis
  • Setting out the background context
  • Outlining your methods and ethics
  • Including theory in your proposal
  • Bringing it all together

How will my assignment be marked?

Your assignment will be marked according to the threshold expectations and the criteria on the following page.

You can use them to evaluate your own work and consider your grade before you submit.


 70%+ (1st Class)

60-69% (2:1)

50-59% (2:2)

40-49% (3rd Class)

Threshold Standard

30-39% (Fail)

0-29% (Fail)

Research question(s) and rationale (connections to background context)

Clear context is provided based on some or all of the following: existing data, policy, research evidence and theory. The research question evidences insight into methodological, theoretical or research dynamics.


Clear context and rationale is provided for the research question. This is based on some or all of the following: existing data, policy, research evidence and theory.

A research question is identified and contextual evidence is used to provide rationale.

A research question is identified and some connections are made to relevant context.

Either a research question is not identified or very few connections are made to relevant context for the topic.

A research question is not identified and very few connections are made to relevant context for the topic.

Research design (data collection and analysis)

The research design is a good fit with the research question and the approach to data collection and analysis is set out clearly. The proposed research will enable the research question to be answered.


The proposed research will enable the research question to be answered. The research design is appropriate and the approach to data collection and analysis are set out clearly.

The proposed research will enable the research question to be answered. The research design is appropriate and elements of the approach to data collection and analysis are set out.

The research proposed should enable elements of the research question to be answered

The research proposed is unlikely to enable the research question to be answered.

The research proposed is unclear and if there is a research question it is unlikely to be answered.

Ethical considerations

The ethical implications of the proposed research are analysed.

The ethical implications of the proposed research are considered.

The ethical principles are related to the proposed research.

Ethical considerations are discussed.


Ethical considerations are not discussed to any meaningful extent.

Ethical considerations are not discussed to any meaningful extent.


Structure, focus and quality of written communication

Clearly focused in an analytical manner with some evidence of creativity. Clear, logical, relevant discussion which is concise and sequential. Arguments expressed clearly and consistently.


Has focused on the task set following guidance in an analytical manner. Clear argument and well-structured throughout. Arguments expressed well with clear sentence structure.


Has focused on the task set in a mainly descriptive manner. Clearly structured with organised sections and/or paragraphs. Language is adequately structured to understand meaning throughout.


Begins to address the task but little evidence of focus. Limited demonstration of logical structure. Language is adequately structured to understand meaning.


Either very limited content which is in line with the requirements, inappropriate structure or use of language which obscures the intended meaning.

Very limited content which is in line with the requirements and inappropriate structure. Possibly also use of language which obscures the intended meaning.

Use of evidence

(appropriate sources, backing up of assertions and appropriate referencing)

Demonstrates comprehensive knowledge relevant to the unit. Excellent use of literature showing an awareness of a variety of ideas, contexts and frameworks. Assertions are backed up with evidence. Uses recommended guidelines consistently in reference list and in the text itself.


Demonstrates very good knowledge relevant to the unit. Very good use of literature and assertions are backed up with evidence. Provides references throughout the body of the text and in the reference list.


Has demonstrated satisfactory knowledge relevant to the unit. Clear that a satisfactory amount of reading has occurred and most assertions are backed up with evidence. Has provided satisfactory references throughout and has provided a reference list.


Limited knowledge relevant to the unit. Some sources have been provided but only some assertions are backed up with evidence. Has attempted to reference in the body of the text and in reference list but this is sometimes incorrect.


Either very limited unit based knowledge is shown, or very few sources or assertions are backed up with evidence. There may be incorrect / missing references in the body and reference list.

Very limited unit based knowledge is shown and very few sources or assertions are backed up with evidence. There may be incorrect / missing references in the body and reference list.

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