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Assignment Briefs 10-03-2024

Your work for a tour operator and your department has been commissioned to create heritage trails for new tours to your home country for incoming tourists.

QHO652 Natural and Cultural Heritage

Coursework Assessment Brief

Assessment Details

Module Title:

Natural and Cultural Heritage

Module Code:


Module Leader:




Assessment Title:

Natural and Cultural Heritage

Assessment Number:


Assessment Type:


Restrictions on Time

10 minutes

Consequence of not meeting time limit:

There is no penalty for submitting below the time limit, but you should be aware that there is a risk you may not maximise your potential mark.

Assignments should be presented appropriately in line with the restrictions stated above; if an assignment exceeds the time count this will be taken into account in the marks given using the assessment criteria shown.



If a group


Assessment Weighting:


Issue Date:

Week 1

Hand In Date:

Presentation slides to be submitted

Presentation: to take place Weeks 11/12

Planned Feedback Date:

4 weeks from submission

Mode of Submission:


Anonymous Marking


This assessment:  Is exempt from anonymous marking.


Assessment Task

You work for a tour operator and your department has been commissioned to create heritage trails for new tours to your home country for incoming tourists. Other members of the wider team have created the trails, some of which are self-guiding on foot whilst others are by coach with a tour guide providing commentary.

The feedback from the tour guides providing commentary on the coaches is that there are often stretches of motorway where there is nothing of interest to point out or to say. The guides would appreciate your help in finding interesting heritage and culture topics to fill these empty gaps on the coach tours.

You are therefore tasked to assist the tour guides by providing engaging topics and background information on the heritage and culture of your home country. You are to present your findings to your manager individually and your presentation should last for ten minutes.

Assessment criteria

Assessment Criteria


HIGH FIRST BAND A1-2 The work produced is EXCELLENT in most/all aspects, substantially exceeding expectations for this level.


Knowledge & Understanding

Cognitive Skills

Practical & Professional Skills

Transferable & Key Skills

A1    100


A2    92



Exceptional depth in breadth

Contributes new knowledge to the subject/field of practice;

Exemplary exploration and critique of information/ideas from a comprehensive range of sources

Advanced critical understanding of cutting edge practice, their implications and applications, exceeds expectations for undergraduate work.

Systematic and extensive research which exceeds expectations for undergraduate work;

Creative/original / practical solutions convincingly justified/argued/evidenced.

Consistent high-level competence in practical, creative, scholarly or work‐related skills, with mastery in many areas and developed understanding of professional contexts and expectations.

Excellent presentation and organisation of work and fluid communication in all contexts; 

Exemplary referencing/citation; 

Work demonstrates considerable initiative and autonomy in setting challenging objectives and taking accountability for outcomes; 


FIRST BAND A3-4 The work produced is EXCELLENT, exceeding expectations for this level in many aspects.


Knowledge & Understanding

Cognitive Skills

Practical & Professional Skills

Transferable & Key Skills

A3    83


A4    74

Accurate and coherent in breadth and depth and generates an element of new knowledge in some aspect(s) of the subject/field; 

Explores and critiques information from a wide range of sources ( secondary), some at the forefront of knowledge/practice;

Excellent understanding of abstract concepts, theories and/or cutting‐edge practice; their implications and applications.



Applies and refines appropriate methods to address/solve complex, unfamiliar and unpredictable issues/problems;

Sustained critical judgement in analysis, evaluation and synthesis of information and application/transformation of prior learning in different contexts;

Systematic and extensive research;

Insightful conclusions/ practical solutions closely argued/evidenced showing originality and creativity in several aspects.

Consistent competence in all the required specialised practical, technical, creative, scholarly or work‐related skills, with indications of mastery in some areas and clear understanding of professional contexts and expectations. 

Excellent presentation and organisation of work and fluent communication in most contexts; 

Referencing/citation comprehensive

Work demonstrates initiative and autonomy in setting challenging objectives and taking accountability for outcomes.


UPPER SECOND BAND B The work produced is VERY GOOD. It meets all of the intended learning outcomes and exceeds the threshold expectations for this level in several of them.


Knowledge & Understanding

Cognitive Skills

Practical & Professional Skills

Transferable & Key Skills

B1    68

B2    65

B3    62

Accurate and coherent in breadth, with depth in most areas;

Explores and deploys information, including some aspects of new knowledge, from a wide range of secondary sources;

Thorough understanding of abstract concepts, and cutting‐edge practice and several of their implications and applications.

Selects and applies appropriate methods to address/solve complex, unfamiliar/unpredictable issues/problems; 

Largely consistent and critical judgement in analysis, evaluation and synthesis of information and application/transfer of prior learning in different contexts; 

Effective and wide‐ranging research;

Conclusions/practical solutions logically argued/evidenced, with some aspect of insight, creativity or originality.

Competence in all the required specialised practical, technical, creative, scholarly or work‐related skills, with indications of more developed ability in some areas and awareness of professional contexts and expectations. 

Presentation and organisation of work appropriate to context and purpose, communication clear; 

Referencing/citation consistent and accurate; 

Work demonstrates some initiative and autonomy in setting objectives beyond those given and taking accountability for outcomes. 


LOWER SECOND BAND C The work produced is GOOD. It meets all of the intended learning outcomes and exceeds the threshold expectations for this level in some of them.


Knowledge & Understanding

Cognitive Skills

Practical & Professional Skills

Transferable & Key Skills

C1    58

C2    55


C3    52

Accurate, with depth in many aspects;

Locates and explores a satisfactory range of information/evidence, with some use of primary sources;

Satisfactory understanding of the relevant concepts, theories and/or practice and their main implications and applications;

Understanding of more abstract aspects sometimes less developed.

Uses appropriate (often given) methods to analyse complex/ unfamiliar and/or unpredictable issues/problems, with some evaluation and synthesis of information; 

Applies some aspects of prior learning to new contexts; 

Satisfactory research; 

Mostly relevant argument/evidence supports logical conclusions/practical solutions showing some critical insight and limited creativity or originality.


Achieves a basic level of competence in all the required specialised practical, technical, creative, scholarly or work‐related skills, with more developed capability in at least one area, and some awareness of professional contexts and expectations. 

Satisfactory organisation and presentation of work, communications mostly appropriate to the context/purpose;

Referencing/citation largely consistent/accurate; 

Work demonstrates satisfactory independence in addressing objectives (some beyond those given)and taking responsibility for outcomes. 



THIRD BAND D The work produced is SATISFACTORY. It meets all of the intended learning outcomes at, but rarely exceeding the threshold expectations for this level.


Knowledge & Understanding

Cognitive Skills

Practical & Professional Skills

Transferable & Key Skills

D1    48


D2    45


D3    42

Largely accurate across most areas, with limited depth; 

Locates and organises an acceptable range of information/evidence often from given/familiar secondary sources; 

Adequate understanding of the main concepts, theories and/or practice;

Limited ability to deal with abstract or unfamiliar ideas and their implications and applications. 

Uses appropriate methods to analyse complex issues/problems, with little evidence of evaluation or synthesis; 

Limited transfer/application of prior learning to new contexts; 

Tendency to description and reliance on familiar/given material or approaches; 

Limited range of research; 

Few conclusions/practical solutions sparsely argued/evidenced, mainly derivative and with little critical insight.


Basic competence in all the required specialised practical, technical, creative, scholarly or work‐related skills, and partial awareness of professional contexts and expectations.

Organisation and presentation of work and communications adequate in most contexts, with some mistakes/irrelevancies;

Some errors in referencing/citation;

Work demonstrates adequate independence in addressing mainly given objectives and taking responsibility for outcomes;

Some evidence of self‐evaluation and reflection but with few critical insights. 


MARGINAL FAIL BAND F1-2 The work does NOT MEET THE REQUIRED STANDARD. It fails to meet all of the intended learning outcomes and is marginally inadequate for this level.


Knowledge & Understanding

Cognitive Skills

Practical & Professional Skills

Transferable & Key Skills

F1    35

F2    20


Accuracy limited in breadth and depth;

Some inaccuracies/omissions;

Range of information/evidence limited, mostly from familiar/given secondary sources, occasionally poorly organised;

Largely but not wholly accurate understanding of the main concepts, theories and/or practice;

Engagement with abstract/unfamiliar ideas or implications and applications is slight.

Superficial analysis of complex issues/problems, lacking in evaluation or synthesis;

Little attempt to transfer and apply prior learning to new contexts;

More descriptive than analytical and tends to rely on familiar/given material or approaches; 

Limited research 

Sparse conclusions/practical solutions insufficiently argued with marginally insufficient critical insight or creativity or originality. 

Marginally fails to achieve basic competence in (some of) the required specialised practical, technical, creative, scholarly or work‐related skills, and little awareness of professional contexts and expectations. 

Elements of disorganisation/poor presentation/poor communication or expression

Errors/omissions in referencing/citation, or none

Work demonstrates insufficient independence in attempting to address given objectives and taking responsibility for outcomes;

Limited self‐evaluation and reflection lacks critical insight.


MID AND LOW FAIL BAND F3 The work produced does NOT MEET THE REQUIRED STANDARD. It fails to meet all of the intended learning outcomes and is inadequate for this level.


Knowledge & Understanding

Cognitive Skills

Practical & Professional Skills

Transferable & Key Skills

F3    15



Superficial/partial, with significant inaccuracies/omissions/irrelevancies; 

Relies on restricted range of poor quality/given information/evidence, inaccurately understood/organised; 

Conceptual and theoretical understanding inadequate with significant errors; 

Fails to deal with complex/abstract/unfamiliar ideas or their implications/applications. 

Relies on description rather than analysis with no evidence of evaluation or synthesis; 

Fails to transfer/apply prior learning to new contexts;

Lack of research; 

Conclusions/practical solutions absent/superficial/flawed, insufficiently argued/evidenced and lacks critical insight or creativity or originality.

Fails to achieve basic competence in the required specialised practical, technical, creative, scholarly or work‐related skills, and lacks awareness of professional contexts and expectations. 

Communications too brief or rambling, inappropriate to context or purpose, with many errors/omissions, inadequately expressed/presented; 

Substantial errors/omissions in referencing/citation, or none; 

Work lacks independence, does not address objectives and fails to take responsibility for outcomes; 

Self‐evaluation and reflection minimal or absent, with no critical insights.

SUBMITTED BAND S The work is submitted, but shows no attempt to address any of the criteria 

Learning Outcomes

This assessment will enable you to demonstrate in full or in part your fulfilment of the following learning outcomes identified in the Module Descriptor:

Living CV

As part of the University`s Work Ready, Future Ready strategy, you will be expected to build a professional, Living CV as you successfully engage and pass each module of your degree. 

The Living CV outputs evidenced on completion of this assessment are:

  1. An individual ability to undertake independent real world research and gather and interpret secondary data
  2. The ability  to provide a critical in-depth analysis of an issue that impacts the travel and tourism sector

Please add these to your CV via the Living CV builder platform on Solent Futures Online Solent Futures Online

Late Submissions

You are reminded that:

  1. If this assessment is submitted late i.e. within 7 calendar days of the submission deadline, the mark will be capped at 40% if a pass mark is achieved;
  2. If this assessment is submitted later than 7 calendar days after the submission deadline, the work will be regarded as a non-submission and will be awarded a zero;
  3. If this assessment is being submitted as a referred piece of work, then it must be submitted by the deadline date; any Refer assessment submitted late will be regarded as a non-submission and will be awarded a zero.

Assessment regulations

Extenuating Circumstances

The University’s Extenuating Circumstances (EC) procedure is in place if there are genuine short term exceptional circumstances that may prevent you submitting an assessment. If you are not `fit to study’, you can either request an extension to the submission deadline of 7 calendar days or you can request to submit the assessment at the next opportunity, i.e. the resit period (as a Defer without capping of the grade).  In both instances you must submit an EC application with relevant evidence.   If accepted under the university regulations there will be no academic penalty for late submission or non-submission dependent on what is requested.  You are reminded that EC covers only short term issues (20 working days) and that if you experience longer term matters that impact on your learning then you must contact the Student Hub for advice.

Please find a link to the EC policy below:

Extenuating Circumstances

Academic Misconduct

Any submission must be your own work and, where facts or ideas have been used from other sources, these sources must be appropriately referenced. The University’s Academic Handbook includes the definitions of all practices that will be deemed to constitute academic misconduct.  You should check this link before submitting your work.

Procedures relating to student academic misconduct are given below:

Academic Misconduct

Ethics Policy

The work being carried out must be in compliance with the university Ethics Policy. Where there is an ethical issue, as specified within the Ethics Policy, then you will need an ethics release or ethics approval prior to the start of the project.

The Ethics Policy is contained within Section 2S of the Academic Handbook:

Ethics Policy

Grade marking

The University uses an alpha numeric grade scale for the marking of assessments. Unless you have been specifically informed otherwise your marked assignment will be awarded a letter/number grade. More detailed information on grade marking and the grade scale can be found on the portal and in the Student Handbook.

Grade Marking Scale

Guidance for online submission through Solent Online Learning (SOL)

Online Submission

Presentation Outline: Engaging Topics for Coach Tours

Introduction (1 minute)

  • Brief overview of the purpose of the presentation.
  • Importance of engaging commentary during stretches of motorway.

1. Historical Landmarks (2 minutes)

  • Castles and Fortifications:
    • Discuss notable castles (e.g., Windsor Castle, Edinburgh Castle).
    • Brief history and significance in the context of the country’s heritage.
  • Heritage Sites:
    • Mention UNESCO World Heritage Sites (e.g., Stonehenge, the Tower of London).
    • Importance of these sites in understanding the country’s history.

2. Cultural Traditions and Festivals (2 minutes)

  • Traditional Festivals:

    • Highlight major cultural festivals (e.g., Notting Hill Carnival, Edinburgh Festival).
    • Discuss their origins, significance, and what tourists can expect if they visit during these times.
  • Folklore and Legends:

    • Share captivating local legends or myths (e.g., the Loch Ness Monster).
    • The role of folklore in shaping cultural identity.

3. Influential Figures in History (2 minutes)

  • Notable Personalities:
    • Talk about influential figures (e.g., William Shakespeare, Jane Austen).
    • Brief anecdotes or achievements that connect to heritage and culture.
  • Contributions to Arts and Science:
    • Discuss how these figures influenced literature, science, or arts in a global context.

4. Cuisine and Local Delicacies (2 minutes)

  • Traditional Dishes:

    • Introduce iconic dishes (e.g., fish and chips, full English breakfast).
    • Share interesting stories or historical facts behind these foods.
  • Regional Specialties:

    • Mention unique local ingredients or culinary practices in different regions.

Conclusion (1 minute)

  • Recap the importance of sharing these engaging topics with tourists.
  • Encourage tour guides to incorporate these elements into their commentary for a richer experience.

Tips for Presentation

  • Visual Aids: Consider using a PowerPoint presentation or handouts with images of landmarks, dishes, or festivals to make the presentation visually appealing.
  • Engage the Audience: Ask for input from your manager or suggest additional topics they might want to include.
  • Practice Timing: Ensure that your presentation fits within the 10-minute limit by rehearsing it a few times.
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