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FM4.19: Understanding Sustainability and Environmental Issues and Their Impact on Facilities Management

FM4.19: Understanding sustainability and environmental issues and their impact on facilities management

Sustainability is considered an agenda of high priority in an organisation. Sustainability refers to a distinctive process that provides the authority to a facility manager to create operational, architectural, and structural changes to decrease the negative influence of buildings on individuals over there and their environment. The changes in sustainability result in the formation of many environmental issues such as air quality, dust, and toxic materials such as insulators, flooring, and paints.

The aim of unit FM4.19: Understanding sustainability and environmental issues and their impact on facilities management are to generate the awareness of benefits of sustainability and environmental issues at the workplace. In addition, the services of facility management can improve by analysing the sustainability that later on becomes the reason for environmental issues in work settings. A facility manager plays a vital character in practising sustainability at facility management. The reason behind the significance of sustainability include,

  • It brings economic benefits to the business
  • It makes the process of retention and attraction of employees easy
  • It enhances the productivity of employees
  • It improves the health quality of employees
  • It protects the work environment from noise pollution
  • It reduces the distraction that hinders the employees to work.

Help with FM4.19: Understanding Sustainability and Environmental Issues and Their Impact on Facilities Management

The facility managers are hired in the organisation to find out the solutions and the implementations of the plans that have good initiatives in terms of environmental sustainability at the organisation. to achieve a high level of performance that means sustainability a facility manager has to save resources, and operations cost-effectively and energy by making a balance in labour, material, energy, politics, and financial capital. Furthermore, the use of technology that takes less space increase the workforce. To operate the notion of health and safety of the employees should be prioritised by a good business organisation. Sustainability impacts facility management through the following soft and hard aspects in an organisation that includes,

  • Maintenance and operation
  • To manage communication
  • Sustainability of environment
  • Property and real estate management
  • Management of projects
  • Ergonomics and human factor
  • Continuity in business and emergency management

To attain the skills that develop a good knowledge of sustainability and environmental issues at the workplace the learners have to follow the assignment criteria that comprise the topics which cater for the entire requirements of a comfortable workplace. As the learners of this unit module are future employees and employers, then they need to mingle all corners of facility management, which is the core factor of business administration. The learning outcomes that a learner would have after the completion of unit FM4.19: Understanding sustainability and environmental issues and their impact on facilities management are the following.

1. Recognise corporate responsibility and sustainability

1.1 Elaborate on the terms corporate and sustainability that include a broad relationship among stakeholders, organisation and the community.

1.2 Elaborate on the constitution that is supporting environmental issues and sustainability. Associate it with particular legislation such as a wide appropriate agreement and legislation and waste management. The legislation includes Kyoto, building regulations, and country and town planning.

1.3 Elaborate the responsibilities and roles in supporting a policy of corporate responsibility by facility manager that includes an association in explanation of relationship examples, for example, with neighbours, employees, local community and suppliers. Moreover, the association of particular responsibilities e.g. certification of carbon trust, ISO 14001, system of the environmental system.

2. Recognise the environmental influence of facility management

2.1 Elaborate on the range of influence of facility management actions on the environment. Associate the explanation with the help of examples such as pollution, Greenhouse gas emissions` possible effect, biodiversity, and resource depletion. Include these examples instead of providing an all-inclusive list.

2.2 Elaborate on the ways through which facility managers could reduce, manage or mitigate the influence of their initiatives on the environment. Support the description with the help of examples from the experience of learners or case studies.

2.3 Elaborate on the advantages and disadvantages of the environment innate from the diverse resources that are used by the facility managers. Support the justification by using the examples that are taken from the case studies and everyday experiences of the learner. In addition, add the ways that elaborate the influence of negative and positive activity.

2.4 Elaborate on the developments that are new and continuous in the management of the environment and describe their influence on facility managers. use references which are up to date from authentic sources and add examples instead of adding a huge comprehensive list.

3. Recognise the ways of waste management and disposal saving

3.1 Elaborate on the waste reduction principles and add the references of 3R such as reuse reduce, and recycle.

3.2 Elaborate on the systems and methods that are used in waste management. Add the examples that are taken from the case studies and experiences of learners.

3.3 Recognise the constitution that is relevant in terms of transporting, handling, waste disposing and treating. Include the references with the references of the examples and case studies experienced by the learners.

4. Recognise the improvement ways to spread environmental responsibility and awareness

4.1 Elaborate on the ways used by the facility managers that impact the natural resource’s uses, emissions and consumption control for advancing the environment. Associate the description with using examples that are taken from the experiences of learners or case studies. For instance,

  • to promote the better utilisation of assets and space
  • to monitor consumptions
  • to encourage video conferencing usage

Use these examples instead of creating a lengthy list of comprehension topics

4.2 elaborate the ways through which facility managers can spread awareness among the staff and involvement of suppliers, contractors, and staff in terms of environmental sustainability and policies. Support the description with the help of examples that students get from the case studies or their experience, For instance, initiatives of publicity, environmental committee, results and targets which include agenda of supplier review and senior management.

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As the assignment criteria of this unit are a bit difficult for the learners because of the ground-level issues of the employees, and the learners cannot understand those issues as they have not observed those issues by themselves and only the case studies can help them to complete this unit assignment. Moreover, to cater for the topics with their experience of own, learners need the help of seniors or any skilled one who can bring the essence of their skills ad practice to make it a masterpiece.

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