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Assignment Briefs 10-10-2022

Complete the Care Act 2014, Section 42, safeguarding enquiry form on Sarah. Do so as fully as possible, supporting your analysis with evidence the information provided


MOD005913 Safeguarding in Practice



Assessment code:


Academic Year:




Module Title:

Safeguarding in Practice

Module Code:



Level 5

Module Leader:




Word Limit:

Coursework assignment, not exceeding 3000 words.

This excludes bibliography and other items listed in rule 6.83 of the Academic Regulations.

Assessed Learning Outcomes


Submission Deadline :

Please refer to the deadline on the VLE


  • This assignment must be completed individually.
  • You must use the Harvard referencing system.
  • Your work must indicate the number of words you have used.  Written assignments must not exceed the specified maximum number of words.  When a written assignment is marked, the excessive use of words beyond the word limit is reflected in the academic judgement of the piece of work which results in a lower mark being awarded for the piece of work (regulation 6.74).
  • Assignment submissions are to be made anonymously. Do not write your name anywhere on your work.
  • Write your student ID number at the top of every page.
  • Where the assignment comprises more than one task, all tasks must be submitted in a single document.
  • You must number all pages.


  • In order to achieve full marks, you must submit your work before the deadline. Work that is submitted late – if your work is submitted on the same day as the deadline by midnight, your mark will receive a 10% penalty. If you submit your work up to five working days after the published submission deadline – it will be accepted and marked.  However, the element of the module’s assessment to which the work contributes will be capped with a maximum mark of 40%.
  • Work cannot be submitted if the period of 5 working days after the deadline has passed (unless there is an approved extension). Failure to submit within the relevant period will mean that you have failed the assessment.
  • Requests for short-term extensions will only be considered in the case of illness or other cause considered valid by the Director of Studies Team. Please contact DoS@london.aru.ac.uk.  A request must normally be received and agreed by the Director of Studies Team in writing at least 24 hours prior to    the        deadline.                        See                     rules                             6.64-6.73: http://web.anglia.ac.uk/anet/academic/public/academic_regs.pdf
  • ExceptionalCircumstances: The deadline for submission of mitigation in relation to this assignment is no later than five working days after the submission date of this work. Please contact the Director of Studies         Team         -         DoS@london.aru.ac.uk.         See         rules         6.112         –          6.141: http://web.anglia.ac.uk/anet/academic/public/academic_regs.pdf

ASSIGNMENT QUESTION - MOD005913 Safeguarding in Practice

Please read the case study in the scenario below and complete the related tasks on the template provided. This should be submitted on Turnitin as a Microsoft word document (not PDF).


Sarah Howes, dob 12/10/63, lives alone at 87B Coldhabour Lane in Croydon. It is a first floor privately rented, one bedroom flat. She has lived there since she separated from her partner Reece, 5 years ago. He left her due to her increasing possessiveness, jealousy and aggression. They sold their house and he moved to Manchester for a new start. They have two daughters, Rhia aged 23 who also lives in Croydon and Amy, aged 19, who is in the first year of her degree in music at Manchester University. Whilst both daughters love their mother they find her behaviour erratic and difficult to manage. She will often fly off into a temper, make unreasonable demands on them, for example, phoning them in the middle of the night and demanding that they buy her some shopping. Amy has hardly seen her since going to university. Rhia calls her once a week, but doesn’t like to go around, as the house is so untidy and her mother gets annoyed if she mentions it.

Sarah’s has recently been diagnosed with Huntington’s Disease and is struggling to manage at home. Her gait has become unsteady, she has lost weight and her speech has become slurred and difficult to understand, unless you become attuned to it. She is angry at Reece and feels betrayed by him leaving her a year before she was diagnosed and believes that her daughters should be doing more to support her.

Recently she fell down the stairs and hurt her right wrist. Para-medics were called and decided her wrist was just bruised, but were concerned at how untidy it was. They thought the level of mess on the floor put her at risk of falling again and that the dirty food containers might lead to vermin. One of the paramedics asked if she would like to have a social worker see her to look at help with the shopping until her wrist healed. At first, she was reluctant, but she eventually agreed.

You are the social worker asked to see her. When you visit it takes you some time to persuade her to let you in. The flat smells and papers and empty food wrappers and cans are piled up around the house. She seems quite agitated and paces around unsteadily. She seems very wary of you.

You ask her how she is managing and she says okay, the only problem she identifies is that her sore wrist makes it hard to her to carry shopping. She seems oblivious to the mess around her. When you probe further she says that she feels sad, lonely and isolated. She misses Reece, Rhia and Amy and she is petrified about what the future holds for her and her two daughters.

End of Scenario

As a social worker complete the following tasks.

Task 1

Complete the Care Act 2014, Section 42, safeguarding enquiry form on Sarah. Do so as fully as possible, supporting your analysis with evidence the information provided (25 marks total)

Task 2

Write a briefing paper presenting your assessment of Sarah’s mental capacity (500 words max) (25 marks)

Task 3

Write a briefing paper explaining how you would plan to apply Making Safeguarding Personal, and one of the following interventions with Sarah:

  • Advocacy
  • Family group conferencing
  • Positive risk taking (1000 words max) (40 marks)

Academic Quality

Ensure your work is well presented and conforms to academic conventions. It should be referenced in the Harvard style and written in the third person. (10 marks)

ASSESSMENT CRITERIA - MOD005913 Safeguarding in Practice

Task 1

To be able to analyse a safeguarding situation and draw out the relevant information to establish if the section 42 criteria have been met (care and support needs, type of abuse and how the care and support needs could impact on their ability to protect themselves). This should include who is at risk and from whom.

Identify any actions that should be taken immediately, and which agencies should be involved/notified.

To be able to identify if a person has mental capacity and can give consent, and what support they may require to be involved in the process.

To demonstrate use of the Making Safeguarding Personal approach by establishing what the person at risk would like to happen.

To complete the form as fully and clearly as possible with references to relevant literature, legislation and policy.

Task 2

Demonstrate knowledge of the two-stage test of mental capacity and related principles from the Mental Capacity Act 2014.

Be able to analyse a situation and apply the test, guided by the relevant principles and make a judgement on whether the person has mental capacity with supporting evidence from the case study, relevant literature, legislation and policy.

Task 3

To be able to briefly describe Making Safeguarding Personal and analyse its strengths and weaknesses.

Based on the information given in task 1 and 2, to be able to be able to analyse the situation and demonstrate a plan of how MSP could be applied in this situation, drawing on the guiding principles of the Care Act 2014 and other relevant legislation, policy and literature.

To be able to describe the chosen intervention (from the three provided), and analyse its strengths and weaknesses and why it has been chosen.

Based on the information given in task 1 and 2, to be able to be able to analyse the situation and demonstrate a plan of how the intervention could be applied in this situation, in combination with MSP and drawing on the guiding principles of the Care Act 2014 and other relevant legislation, policy and literature.


Ensure your work is well presented and conforms to academic conventions and is referenced in the Harvard style with a complete reference section at the end.


Core reading

Cooper, A and White, E (Eds) (2017) Safeguarding Adults Under the Care Act 2014. London: Jessica Kingsley. This is available for free on your Kortext app.

Other academic sources

Relevant legislation and guidance and at least five other academic sources should be selected from the e-library at ARUL, based on their relevance and credibility.

A start point for your reading is provided on the Safeguarding in Practice Resources (see the resource list tile on the SIP VLE), but the Journal of Adult Protection is particularly recommended, for up-to-date relevant articles. Complete the Care Act 2014, Section 42, safeguarding enquiry form on Sarah. Do so as fully as possible, supporting your analysis with evidence the information provided

Marking Criteria








GOOD 60-69%


SOUND 50-59%




LIMITED 30-39%








Task 1(25 Marks) Completed the section 42 form. Include information about why the person(s) may be eligible for safeguarding support (section 42 criteria) Explained action that has been taken and the actions to be taken.

The assessment should be based on adult at risk’s wishes.

Identified if they have consented and if their

Exceptional exploration of the criteria for

S.42 of the Care Act 2014. Exceptional identification of the actions taken and plan of action, keeping in mind the person at risks wishes. Identification of the person at risks mental capacity and if they have consented.

Outstanding knowledge the types of abuse indicated.

Outstanding exploration of the criteria for

S.42 of the Care Act 2014. Outstanding identification of the actions taken and plan of action, keeping in mind the person at risks wishes. Identification of the person at risks mental capacity and if they have consented

Excellent knowledge of the types of abuse indicated.

Excellent exploration of the criteria for

S.42 of the Care Act 2014. Excellent identification of the actions taken and plan of action, keeping in mind the person at risks wishes. Identification of the person at risks mental capacity and if they have consented.

Good knowledge of the types of abuse indicated.

Good exploration of the criteria for

S.42 of the Care Act 2014. Good identification of the actions taken and plan of action, keeping in mind the person at risks wishes. Identification of the person at risks mental capacity and if they have consented.

Sound knowledge of the types of abuse, may contain minor omissions.

Sound exploration of the criteria for

S.42 of the Care Act 2014. May include some omissions, minor inaccuracies. Sound identification of the actions taken and plan of action, keeping in mind the person at risks wishes. Identification of the person at risks mental capacity and if they have consented.

Adequate knowledge of the types of abuse, some indicators may have been missed.

Adequate knowledge of the criteria for

S.42 of the Care Act 2014. May omit that due to the care and support needs they are unable to keep themself safe. Adequate identification of the actions taken and plan of action. Adequate consideration of the person at risks views. Identification of the person at risks mental capacity and if they have consented.

Inadequate knowledges of the types of abuse, some forms of abuse have been missed.

Limited knowledge of the criteria for

S.42 of the Care Act 2014. May omit or incorrectly identify the requirement for care and support. Inadequate identification of the actions taken and plan of action. Inadequate consideration of the person at risks views. No dentification of the person at risks mental capacity and if they have consented

There is little evidence of knowledge of the types of abuse.

Incorrect identification of the abuse indicated.

Limited knowledge of the criteria for

S.42 of the Care Act 2014. May omit or incorrectly identify omit the type of abuse and the requirement for care and support. Confused identification of the actions taken and plan of action. Little evidence of considering the person at risk views or mental capacity.

Deficient evidence of knowledge of the types of abuse. It is deficient in its identification of the abuse indicated.

It is deficient in its knowledge of the criteria for

S.42 of the Care Act 2014. It is deficient in its identification of the type of abuse and the requirement for care and support. Confused identification of the actions taken and plan of action.

It is deficient in its considering of the person at risk views or

mental capacity.

The task has not been followed and or none of the criteria met. For example, student has not identified any abuse having occurred.

No identification of the three criteria

for section 42 of the Care Act 2014.

Inappropriate identification of the actions taken  and plan of action.

No evidence of identifying the person at risks views.








GOOD 60-69%


SOUND 50-59%




LIMITED 30-39%









Task 2 (25 Marks) Provided rationale for assessment of this person’s mental capacity.

Exceptional understanding and application of assessment of mental capacity under the Mental Capacity Act.

Outstanding understanding and application of assessment of mental capacity under the Mental Capacity Act.

Excellent understanding and application of assessment of mental capacity under the Mental Capacity Act.

Good understanding and application of assessment of mental capacity under the Mental Capacity Act.

Sound understanding and application of assessment of mental capacity under the Mental Capacity Act.

Adequate understanding and application of assessment of mental capacity under the Mental Capacity Act.

Inadequate understanding and application of assessment of mental capacity under the Mental Capacity Act.

Little understanding and application of assessment of mental capacity under the Mental Capacity Act.

Deficient understanding and application of assessment of mental capacity under the Mental Capacity Act.

No Understanding and application of assessment of mental capacity under the Mental Capacity Act.






















Task 3 (40

Marks) Taking into account the

answers to task 1 and 2, explained

how to work with this person at risk using the Making Safeguarding Personal approach and one of the following interventions. Positive risk taking, Advocacy or Family group conferences.


empathetic engagement with the adult at risks wishes. Exceptional identification of the actions taken and plan of action. It follows logically from the answers to the other tasks and considers the balance between risk and choice in this situation. Exceptional integration of the literature and legislation into your argument.

Exceptional critical analysis of the situation and the literature.


empathetic engagement with the adult at risks wishes.

Outstanding identification of the actions taken and plan of action.

It follows logically from the answers to the other tasks and considers the balance between risk and choice in this situation.

Outstanding integration of the literature and legislation into your argument.

Outstanding critical analysis of the situation and the literature.


empathetic engagement with the adult at risks wishes.

Excellent identification of the actions taken and plan of action. It follows logically from the answers to the other tasks and considers the balance between risk and choice in this situation. Excellent integration of the literature and legislation into your argument.

Excellent critical analysis of the situation and the literature.


empathetic engagement with the adult at risks wishes. Good identification of the actions taken and plan of action.

Good integration of the literature and legislation into your argument.

Good critical analysis of the situation and the literature.

Identified the

wishes of the adult at risk. Sound identification of the actions taken and plan of action. May include minor omissions. It is sound in drawing from the answers to the other tasks and considers the balance between risk and choice in this situation. Sound integration of the literature and legislation into your argument.

Sound critical analysis of the situation and the literature.


most of the wishes of the adult at risk. Adequate identification of the actions taken and plan of action. May include some omissions and inaccuracies, but primarily correct.

Adequate consideration of the previous answers or the balance between risk and choice in this situation. Adequate integration of the literature and legislation into your argument.

Adequate critical analysis of the situation and the literature.


identification of the adult at risks wishes. Limited identification of the actions that should have been taken and the plan of action. Limited consideration of the previous answers or the balance between risk and choice in this situation. Limited integration of the literature and legislation into your argument.

Limited critical analysis of the situation and the literature.


identification of the adults at risks wishes. Incorrect identification of the actions taken and to be taken. May include oppressive action.

No consideration of the previous answers or the balance between risk and choice in this situation. No integration of the literature and legislation into your argument.

No critical analysis of the situation and the literature.


identification of the adults at risks wishes. Deficient identification of the actions taken and to be taken. May include oppressive action.

Deficient consideration of the previous answers or the balance between risk and choice in this situation. Deficient integration of the literature and legislation into your argument.

Deficient critical analysis of the situation and the literature.


identification of

the adult at risks wishes. No identification of action taken or to be


No integration of the literature and legislation into your argument.

No critical analysis of the situation and the literature.























Quality of the assignment (10 marks)

Exceptional presentation and references in the Harvard system.

Outstanding presentation and references in the Harvard system.

Excellent presentation and references in the Harvard system. May contain rare errors in referencing presentation.

Good presentation and references in the Harvard system. May contain isolated errors in referencing and presentation.

Sound presentation and references. Some errors in referencing and grammar.

Adequate presentation and references. May contain frequent errors in referencing and/or grammar. Odd sentence may be hard to follow.

Limited presentation and references. Frequent errors in referencing and/or grammar.

Sections may be hard to follow.

Little evidence of clear presentation and references.

Poor referencing and grammar. Sections may not be coherent.

Deficient presentation and deficient evidence of referencing.

Incoherent Presentation and no evidence of referencing


LEVEL 5 (was level 2)

MOD005913 Safeguarding in Practice

Level 5 reflects continuing development from Level 4. At this level students are not fully autonomous but are able to take responsibility for their own learning with some direction. Students are expected to locate an increasingly detailed theoretical knowledge of the discipline within a more general intellectual context, and to demonstrate this through forms of expression which go beyond the merely descriptive or imitative. Students are expected to demonstrate analytical competence in terms both of problem identification and resolution, and to develop their skill sets as required.


Mark Bands




Characteristics of Student Achievement by Marking Band for ARU’s Generic Learning Outcomes (Academic Regulations, Section 2)

Knowledge & Understanding

Intellectual (thinking), Practical, Affective and

Transferable Skills





















Achieves module outcome(s)

Exceptional information base exploring and analysing the discipline, its theory and ethical issues with extraordinary originality and autonomy. With some additional effort, work may be considered for internal publication

Exceptional management of learning resources, with a higher degree of autonomy/ exploration that clearly exceeds the brief. Exceptional structure/accurate expression. Demonstrates intellectual originality and imagination. Exceptional team/practical/professional skills. With some additional effort, work may be considered for internal publication





Outstanding information base exploring and analysing the discipline, its theory and ethical issues with clear originality and autonomy

Outstanding management of learning resources, with a degree of autonomy/exploration that clearly exceeds the brief. An exemplar of structured/accurate expression.

Demonstrates intellectual originality and imagination.

Outstanding team/practical/professional skills





Excellent knowledge base, exploring and analysing the discipline, its theory and ethical issues with considerable originality and autonomy


Excellent management of learning resources, with a degree of autonomy/exploration that may exceed the brief. Structured/accurate expression. Excellent academic/ intellectual skills and team/practical/professional skills





Good knowledge base; explores and analyses the discipline, its theory and ethical issues with some originality, detail and autonomy

Good management of learning with consistent self- direction. Structured and mainly accurate expression. Good academic/intellectual skills and team/practical/ professional skills








Sound knowledge base that begins to explore and analyse the theory and ethical issues of the discipline. Complete the Care Act 2014, Section 42, safeguarding enquiry form on Sarah. Do so as fully as possible, supporting your analysis with evidence the information provided


Sound use of learning resources. Acceptable structure/accuracy in expression. Sound level of academic/intellectual skills, going beyond description at times. Sound team/practical/professional skills.

Inconsistent self-direction






A marginal pass in module outcome(s)


Adequate knowledge base with some omissions and/or lack of theory of discipline and its ethical dimension

Adequate use of learning resources with little self- direction. Some input to teamwork. Some difficulties with academic/intellectual skills. Largely imitative and descriptive. Some difficulty with structure and accuracy in expression, but developing practical/professional skills






A marginal fail in module outcome(s).

Satisfies default qualifying mark




Limited knowledge base; limited understanding of discipline and its ethical dimension


Limited use of learning resources, working towards self- direction. General difficulty with structure and accuracy in expression. Limited academic/ intellectual skills. Still mainly imitative and descriptive. Team/practical/ professional skills that are not yet secure












Fails to achieve module outcome(s) Qualifying mark not satisfied.


Little evidence of an information base. Little evidence of understanding of discipline and its ethical dimension

Little evidence of use of learning resources. No self- direction, with little evidence of contribution to teamwork. Little evidence of academic/intellectual skills and significant difficulties with structure/expression. Very imitative and descriptive. Little evidence of practical/professional skills






Deficient information base. Deficient understanding of discipline and its ethical dimension

Deficient use of learning resources. No attempt at self- direction with inadequate contribution to teamwork.

Deficient academic/intellectual skills and major difficulty with structure/expression. Wholly imitative and descriptive. Deficient practical/professional skills





No evidence of any information base. No understanding of discipline and its ethical dimension

No evidence of use of learning resources of understanding of self-direction with no evidence of contribution to teamwork. No evidence academic/ intellectual skills and incoherent structure/ expression. No evidence of practical/professional skills




Awarded for: (i) non-submission; (ii) dangerous practice and; (iii) in situations where the student fails to address the assignment brief (eg: answers the wrong question) and/or related learning outcomes

MOD005913 Safeguarding in Practice
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