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Assignment Briefs 11-28-2022

UseBank of England, Yahoo! Finance and any other websites that offer historical spot foreign exchange data to extract the daily closing currency values from 1 May 2019 to 2 May 2020.

Assessment Brief

MBA7006 Finance of International Business

Assessment Details

Assessment title



BAC7006 assessment



Pass marks are 40% for undergraduate work and 50% for postgraduate work unless stated otherwise.

Task/assessment brief:


You are a fund manager of an investment bank in the UK. You are planning to construct a portfolio using the following currencies: JPY/GBP and SGD/GBP. You wish to examine and critically evaluate the performance of these currencies from 1 May 2019 to 2 May 2020. For this purpose, you are required to conduct some analyses and write a 3000-word report.

PART A (40%)

  1. UseBank of England, Yahoo! Finance and any other websites that offer historical spot foreign exchange data to extract the daily closing currency values from 1 May 2019 to 2 May 2020.
  2. Calculate the following:

(a) The daily rate of returns for each of the currencies.Visually examine the performance of the value of the currency and the daily rate of returns for each of the currencies by showing the data on graphs or charts as appropriate.

(b) The mean returns for each of the currencies.

(c) The variance and standard deviation of returns for each of the currencies.

(d) The covariance of returns between each pair of the currencies.

(e) The correlation coefficients of returns between each pair of the currencies

  1. Based on your results from (a) to (e) and any further analysis you may wish to do, compare and comment the risk and return patterns and characteristics for each of the currencies. Your comments should draw on materials and theories you have learnt in this module. Relate the performance of the currencies to relevant events (e.g. economic, financial or political events) that took place during this period and discuss how they hadinfluenced the performance for each of the currencies. You must give bibliographic references to the sources of your information.

PART B (40%)

This section requires you to construct an equally weighted portfolio of the currencies selected above.

  1. Calculate the following:

(a) The daily rate of returns ofthe portfolio. Visually examine the performance of the returnsfor the portfolio and each of the currencies by showing the data on graphs or charts as appropriate.

(b) The mean, variance and the standard deviation of the portfolio returns.

(c) The covariance and correlation coefficients of returns between each currency and the portfolio.

(d) The coefficient of variation of returns for each currency and the portfolio.

  1. Based on your results from (a) to (d),examine and compare the performance of your equally weighted portfolio returns with those of the individual currencies. Comment on your observations, relating to the portfolio theory, and discuss the benefits of diversification across these currencies. You may also apply the portfolio evaluation techniques to evaluate critically the performance of your portfolio with those of the individual currencies.

PART C (20%)

This section requires you to draw a conclusion of the portfolio construction and analysis above.

From the viewpoint of a fund manager who wishes to determine whether the currencies that you examined are worth investing in, how useful is the portfolio analysis that you carried out? What limitations do you see in your analysis and results? What further analysis would you wish to carry out?

  1. There are THREEsections on the assessment. You must attempt all sections. The total mark for all sections is 100 marks.
  2. You must show all appropriate working using EXCEL and present allspreadsheets as an Appendix in the report. There must be a clear reference made to the content of your work.
  3. The report can only be completed by you. An assignment feedback form must be attached at the front page after the cover sheet of your report. A copy of the assignment feedback form can be downloaded from:

  1. The University takes unfair practice seriously. Unfair practice can take many different forms. Plagiarism is only one example. The University defines plagiarism as using without acknowledgement another person’s words or ideas and submitting them for assessment as though it were one’s own work, for instance by copying, translating from one language to another or unacknowledged paraphrasing. Further information on plagiarism can be found in:

The other examples of unfair practice are collusion and fabrication of data. The University defines collusion as when work that has been undertaken by or with others is submitted and passed off as solely as the work of one person. This also applies where the work of one candidate is submitted in the name of another. Where this is done with the knowledge of the originator both parties can be considered to be at fault. Fabrication of data can be defined as making false claims to have carried out experiments, observations, interviews or other forms of data collection and analysis, or acting dishonestly in any other way.

Unfair Practice is regulated under the Academic Handbook that are explained in:

  1. The report must be submitted as a single Word file. It must be uploaded to the Moodle onthe date and time to be specified by the School.

All sources of references cited in the text should be acknowledged (preferably using Harvard style of referencing). Paper size is A4 with margin in all directions of 2.54cm and font size 12. Line spacing may be single or 1.5 times. Format of the report:

  1. Section Heading

 i. The numbering of headings will be in Arabic numerals.

 ii. Headings will be located at the left margin.

 iii. Headings may be in capitals or a combination of upper and lower case (i.e. Capitalise the First Letter of Main Words).

  1. Table /Figure Heading

                                  i.      Tables /Figures must be numbered (e.g. Figure 1 or Table 1).

                                ii.      Every table /figure will have a title.

                               iii.      The title will be located at the left margin.

                              iv.      The title may be in capitals or a combination of upper and lower case (i.e. Capitalise the First Letter of Main Words.

The report (including text, formulas, all tables and diagrams; excluding cover page, content page and list of references) must not exceed 3000 words.  A word count must be stated at the end of your report. Anything beyond this will be ignored in the assessment process.


The postgraduate general band descriptors for guidance on assessment marking can be found in:


Word count (or equivalent):

3000 words

This a reflection of the effort required for the assessment. Word counts will normally include any text, tables, calculations, figures, subtitles and citations. Reference lists and contents of appendices are excluded from the word count. Contents of appendices are not usually considered when determining your final assessment grade.

Academic or technical terms explained:


London Stock Exchange (LSE)


Submission Details

Submission Deadline:

Open on retrival time 2022

Estimated Feedback

Return Date

This will normally be 20 working days after initial submission.



4pm on 29.11.2022.



Any assessments submitted after the deadline will not be marked and will be recorded as a non-attempt unless you have had an extension request agreed or have approved mitigating circumstances. See the School Moodle pages for more information on extensions and mitigating circumstances.

File Format:

The assessment must be submitted as apdf document (save the document as a pdf in your software)and submit through the Turnitin submission point in Moodle.


Your assessment should be titled with your:

student ID number, module code and assessment ID,

e.g. st12345678 BHL5007 PORT1


Feedback for the assessment will be provided electronically via Moodle. Feedback will be provided with comments on your strengths and the areas which you can improve. View theguidance on how to access your feedback.


All marks are provisional and are subject to quality assurance processes and confirmation at the programme Examination Board.

Assessment Criteria

Learning outcomes assessed


On completion of this coursework, students will be able to:

  1. Apply the principles of modern portfolio theory when making a rational investment decision.
  2. Critically evaluate the effectiveness of portfolio evaluation techniques andapply the various approaches to the portfolio.
  3. Demonstrate an ability to access, analyse and interpret data.
  4. Create an investment portfolio and confidently present their work to prospective investors.
  5. Develop critical and analytical skills and the ability to work independently.


Other skills/attributes developed

This includes elements of the Cardiff Met EDGE (Ethical, Digital, Global and Entrepreneurial skills) and other attributes developed in students through the completion of the module and assessment. These will also be highlighted in the module guidance, which should be read by all students completing the module. Assessments are not just a way of auditing student knowledge. They are a process which provides additional learning and development through the preparation for and completion of the assessment.

  • Using London Stock Exchange (LSE), or Yahoo! Finance to extract the daily closing share prices from.

Further Information

Who can answer questions about my assessment?

Questions about the assessment should be directed to the staff member who has set the task/assessment brief. This will usually be the Module Leader. They will be happy to answer any queries you have.

Staff members can often provide feedback on an assignment plan but cannot review any drafts of your work prior to submission. The only exception to this rule is for Dissertation Supervisors to provide feedback on a draft of your dissertation.

Referencing and independent learning

Please ensure you reference a range of credible sources, with due attention to the academic literature in the area. The time spent on research and reading from good quality sources will be reflected in the quality of your submitted work.

Remember that what you get out of university depends on what you put in. Your teaching sessions typically represent between 10% and 30% of the time you are expected to study for your degree. A 20-credit module represents 200 hours of study time. The rest of your time should be taken up by self-directed study.

Unless stated otherwise you must use the HARVARD referencing system. Further guidance on referencing can be found in the Study Smart area on Moodle and at (use your university login details to access the site). Correct referencing is an easy way to improve your marks and essential in achieving higher grades on most assessments.

Technical submission problems

It is strongly advised that you submit your work at least 24 hours before the deadline to allow time to resolve any last minuteproblems you might have. If you are having issues with IT or Turnitin you should contact the IT Helpdesk on (+44) 2920 417000. You may require evidence of the Helpdesk call if you are trying to demonstrate that a fault with Moodle or Turnitin was the cause of a late submission.

Extensions and mitigating circumstances

Short extensions on assessment deadlines can be requested in specific circumstances. If you are encountering particular hardship which has been affecting your studies, then you may be able to apply for mitigating circumstances. This can give the teachers on your programme more scope to adapt the assessment requirements to support your needs.Extensions and mitigating circumstances policies and procedures are regularly updated. You should refer to your degree programme or school Moodle pages for information on extensions and mitigating circumstances.

Unfair academic practice

Cardiff Met takes issues of unfair practice extremely seriously. The University has procedures and penalties for dealing with unfair academic practice. These are explained in full in the University`s Unfair Practice regulations and procedures under Volume 1, Section 8 of the Academic Handbook. The Module Leader reserves the right to interview students regarding any aspect of their work submitted for assessment.

Types of Unfair Practice, include:

Plagiarism, which can be defined as using without acknowledgement another person’s words or ideas and submitting them for assessment as though it were one’s own work, for instance by copying, translating from one language to another or unacknowledged paraphrasing. Further examples include:

  • Use of any quotation(s) from the published or unpublished work of other persons, whether published in textbooks, articles, the Web, or in any other format, where quotations have not been clearly identified as such by being placed in quotation marks and acknowledged.
  • Use of another person’s words or ideas that have been slightly changed or paraphrased to make it look different from the original.
  • Summarising another person’s ideas, judgments, diagrams, figures, or computer programmes without reference to that person in the text and the source in a bibliography/reference list.
  • Use of assessment writing services, essay banks and/or any other similar agencies (NB. Students are commonly being blackmailed after using essay mills).
  • Use of unacknowledged material downloaded from the Internet.
  • Re-use of one’s own material except as authorised by your degree programme.

Collusion, which can be defined as when work that that has been undertaken with others is submitted and passed off as solely the work of one person. Modules will clearly identify where joint preparation and joint submission are permitted, in all other cases they are not.

Fabrication of data, making false claims to have carried out experiments, observations, interviews or other forms of data collection and analysis, or acting dishonestly in any other way.

How is my work graded?

Assessment grading is subject to thorough quality control processes. You can view a summary of these processes on theAssessment Explained Infographic.

Grading of work at each level of Cardiff Met degree courses is benchmarked against a set of general requirements set out in Volume 1, Section 4.3 of our Academic Handbook. A simplified version of theseGrade Band Descriptors (GBDs) with short videos explaining some of the academic terminology used can be accessed via the Facilitation of Learning resource page.

We would strongly recommend looking at the Study Smart area of Moodle to find out more about assessments and key academic skills which can have a significant impact on your grades. Always check your work thoroughly before submission.

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