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Assignment Briefs 11-28-2022

Demonstrate an understanding of the cultural and behavioural expectations of studying for a degree in business and management.

Module code and title:

Orientation for Success in Higher Education (MGBBTOOSE)

Module leader:


Assignment type:

E-Portfolio 1500 words

Assessment weighting:


Submission due dates:

By: 02:00PM, Friday 2nd December, 2022.


Feedback Target:

3 weeks from submission


Assignment Overview

The assignment will enable students to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of reflective approach to learning, the cultural and behavioural expectations of studying for a degree in business and management, and the importance of peer-to-peer support and team working to enhance learning experience.


This assignment has been designed to provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your achievement of the following module learning outcomes:

LO 3

Demonstrate an understanding of the cultural and behavioural expectations of studying for a degree in business and management.

LO 4

Explain the importance of peer-to-peer support and team working to enhance learning experience.


Assignment Task and Requirements

“E-Portfolio evidence that demonstrate learning from the module and personal audit as a student”.


Complete an E-Portfolio of 1500 words that identifies the cultural and behavioural expectations of studying for a degree, the importance of peer-to-peer support and team working to enhance learning experience and SWOT analysis pertaining to your learning and completion of your degree as a student, using the E-Portfolio template provided.

This task will require you to complete an E-portfolio of Three sections A, B and C (E-Portfolio template provided in pages 6-8) which will demonstrate your learning from the module in relations to:

A) Reflection on the cultural and behavioural expectations of studying for a degree in business and management.

 i. A reflection that explains what you have learned from (A)

 ii. How will you use what you have learned from (A) in your future studies and work/career?

 iii. What resources and/or support do you need to implement what you have learned from (A)? Including a plan that contains timeframe and dates for the implementation of what you have learned from (A)?

B) Reflection on the importance of peer-to-peer support and team working to enhance learning experience.

 i. A reflection that explains what you have learned from (B)

 ii. How will you use what you have learned from (B) in your future studies and work/career?

 iii. What resources and/or support do you need to implement what you have learned from (B)? Including a plan that contains timeframe and dates for the implementation of what you have learned from (B)?

C) A personal audit presented as a SWOT analysis, which evaluate your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats as a student.

Your work must be based on the topic covered in class and reliable research as well as have a minimum of 5 different sources within it. Please ensure you use both direct and indirect citations.


The task requirement is an e-portfolio of documents, not an essay, report or reflective journal. As such, it can be written in the first and third person. Please ensure therefore that you use the appropriate e-portfolio template provided. See pages 6 - 8 for copy.

Where you have used any sources, please ensure that the correct Canterbury Harvard Referencing conventions* are followed. * Please refer to the Canterbury Harvard Referencing Guide Moodle.

Include your student ID number, module name, tutor name, academic year/group bubble in your cover page which should be the first page of your essay


Assignment Guide and Format

Your E-Portfolio needs to include the following:

A) Explain the cultural and behavioural expectations of studying for a degree in business and management.

 i. Reflection of Learning: What did you learned from topic A? In your own words detail what you have learnt from the topic. Ensure that you cover as much subtopics as possible. Cite and reference academic sources to support your work (300 words). For example, After attending the lecture for behavioural expectations of studying for a degree in business and management, I have come to understand what culture is and how it influences students’ behaviour in class and at work as well as the important of attendance, punctuality, time management skill, perseverance, being passionate about ones course, good academic writing skill, ability to work in group…then explain the key points further with practical examples.

 ii. Future Implications: How will you use what you have learnt from topic A in your future studies and work? (150 words). For example, ‘I will practise what I have learnt in relation to the cultural and behavioural expectations of studying for a degree in business management by ensuring I am punctual to my classes and work, timelines are met in terms of assignments and work task and always maintaining professional courtesy to my colleagues and staff in at the university and work, etc.

 iii. Implementation: What resources or support do you need to achieve this? What resources and/or support do you need to achieve this? Including plans that such as taking extras support from your tutor and academic support team, attending training sessions, individual development activities, etc. You must include target dates and timeframe for implementation (150 words). For example, ‘I will need the Academic support team help for my study and academic writing skills. I still need to work on my referencing and paraphrasing skill. Therefore, I will need to book a weekly one to one support with the team. I also need to create a home timetable for myself by Saturday 12th November 2022 to enable me review what I was taught in class as well as meet my assignments deadline, etc.

B) Explain the importance of peer-to-peer support and team working to enhance learning experience.

 iv. Reflection of Learning: What did you learned from topic B? In your own words detail what you have learnt from the topic. Ensure that you cover as much subtopics as possible for peer-to-peer support and team working. Cite and reference academic sources to support your work (300 words). For example, after attending the class for the importance of peer-to-peer support and team working to enhance learning experience I now understand that I would not only learn from the tutors, but I can also learn from fellow students in the same course with me as well as my work colleagues at the same level with me, etc., then explain the key points further with practical examples.

 i. Future Implications: How will you use what you have learnt from the topic in your future studies and work. (150 words) For example, ‘I will practise what I have learnt in my studies and at work by participating effectively in group activities as well as supporting my course mates when they require clarification about certain topic, I have good idea about, etc.

 ii. Implementation: What resources or support do you need to achieve this? What resources and/or support do you need to achieve this? Including plans that such as taking extras support from your tutor and academic support team, attending training sessions, individual development activities, etc. You must include target dates and timeframe for implementation. (150 words). Plan may include extras support from your tutor and academic support team to understand the topics better, attending training sessions on confidence building, individual development activities, e.g., read more about the topic, target dates and timeframe for implementation, etc.

C) SWOT analysis: A personal audit presented as a SWOT analysis of yourself as a student.

  • Strengths: Detail your personal strength as a student here. Student’s personal strengths in relation to learning and education. For example, good ICT, communication, research, referencing, paraphrasing, paragraphing skills, etc. (75 words)
  • Weaknesses: Detail your personal weaknesses as a student here. Student’s personal weaknesses in relation to learning and education. For example, lack of appropriate ICT, communication, research, writing, referencing, paraphrasing, paragraphing, presentation skills, lack of confidence, etc. (75 words)
  • Opportunities: Identify opportunities that might be available to you after gaining skills and degree. For example, employment, promotion, knowledge to establish own business, etc. (75 words)
  • Threats: Identify threats/factors envisaged that might stop you from gaining knowledge and skills from your studies as well as attaining the degree. For example, ill health, family commitment, financial issues, work pressure and commitment, distance to university, etc. (75 words).  


All of your work must be based on reliable research and have a minimum of 5 different sources within it. Please ensure you use both direct and indirect citations. You must reference all sources used in your work, using the Harvard Referencing Guide from CCCU. 


Recommended Reading

  • Cheng, W. and Warren, M. (2000). Making a difference: Using peers to assess individual student`s contributions to a group project. Teaching in higher education (5)2, 243-255.
  • Cottrell, S. (2019) The Study Skills Handbook. 5th ed. Basingstoke, Palgrave.
  • Salas, E and Cannon-Bowers, J.A. (2001) Teamwork and Team Training International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences [Online] Accessed from: https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/medicine-and-dentistry/teamwork Accessed: 09/08/2021
  • Schein, E.H. (2010). Organizational culture and leadership, 4th edition, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
  • Schultz, M. (2011). Relationships Between Culture and Institutions: New Interdependencies in a Global World?`, Journal of Management Inquiry, no. 21, December, pp. 102 - 107.
  • Tong, C., Wah Tak, W.I. and Wong, A. (2013) `The Impact of Knowledge Sharing on the Relationship between Organizational Culture and Job Satisfaction: the Perception of Information Communication and Technology (ICT) Practitioners in Hong Kong`, International Journal of Human Resource Studies, vol. 3.
  • Topping, K.P. (1998). Peer assessment between students in colleges and universities. Review of Educational Research, (68)3, 249–276.

Referencing and research requirements

Please reference your work according to the Canterbury Harvard Referencing style guidance. You can access this on Moodle. 

For each reference used, provide the full Harvard reference within your references section and the core in-text citation if you are referencing something in your text.

Include both direct and indirect citations from a wide variety of sources.


How your work will be assessed

Your work will be assessed on the extent to which it demonstrates your achievement of the stated learning outcomes for this assignment (see above) and against other key criteria, as defined in the University’s institutional grading descriptors. If it is appropriate to the format of your assignment and your subject area, a proportion of your marks will also depend upon your use of academic referencing conventions.

This assignment will be marked according to the grading descriptors for Level 0.


Submission details

This assignment should be submitted electronically via Moodle (module tutors will discuss this process with you during class time).

  • Please ensure that your work has been saved in an appropriate file format (Microsoft Word, Excel or PowerPoint, or PDF are the most widely used; Google Docs is also accepted). Your file must also contain at least 20 words of text, consist of fewer than 400 pages and be less than 40MB in size.
  • You can submit your work as many times as you like before the submission date. If you do submit your work more than once, your earlier submission will be replaced by the most recent version.
  • Please ensure that you have submitted your work in the correct link on the assessment tab.
  • Once you have submitted your work, you will receive a digital receipt as proof of submission, which will be sent to your forwarded e-mail address (provided you have set this up). Please keep this receipt for future reference, along with the original electronic copy of your assignment
  • You are reminded of the University’s regulations on academic misconduct, which can be viewed on the University website: Academic Misconduct Policy.  In submitting your assignment, you are acknowledging that you have read and understood these regulations.







Module name:

Orientation for Success in Higher Education

Academic year:


Student ID number:


Tutor name:


Student group:


Student campus:



E-Portfolio for Reflection of Learning, SWOT Analysis and CPD Plan.

Reflection of Learning

Planned outcome: Where do I want to be after completing these areas of learning in Module 2? What do I want to be doing?

Area of Learning:

Reflection of Learning (i):

What did you learn from the topic? Detail what you have learnt from the topic.

Future Implications (ii):

How will you use what you have learnt from the topic in your future studies/education and work/career?

Implementation (iii):

What resources and/or support do you need to achieve this? Including plans that such as taking extras support from your tutor and academic support team, attending training sessions, individual development activities, etc. You must include target dates and timeframe for implementation.

A)    Section A:

B)     The cultural and behavioural expectations of studying for a degree in business and management.

300 words


Type here….

150 words


Type here….

150 words


Type here….


C)     Section B:

D)    The importance of peer-to-peer support and team working to enhance learning experience

300 words


Type here….



150 words


Type here….

150 words


Type here….


Section C: SWOT Analysis:

Identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in relation to your learning and competition of your degree as a student.


Student’s personal strengths in relation to learning. For example, good ICT, communication, research, referencing, paraphrasing, paragraphing skills, etc.


Student’s personal weaknesses in relation to learning. For example, lack of appropriate ICT, communication, research, referencing, paraphrasing, paragraphing skills, etc.


Identify opportunities that might be available to you after gaining skills and degree. For example, employment, promotion, knowledge to establish own business, knowledge to manage, etc.


Identify threats or factors envisaged that might stop you from gaining knowledge and skills from your studies or hinder you from attaining the degree.


(75 words)

Type here….



(75 words)

Type here….


(75 words)

Type here….


(75 words)

Type here….



Include minimum of five references here.

Instruction to students:

  • Prior to final submission please delete the red highlighted instructions
  • from the table.
  • Use as many additional pages as needed.
  • E-portfolio is worth 50% of overall mark.

Provision at Level 3 (often forming part of a Foundation Year course) is designed to prepare students for higher education. At the end of Level 3, students will be expected to demonstrate the acquisition of foundation level skills, knowledge and understanding necessary to embark on a higher education programme of study at Level 4. In accordance with the national Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF), this includes the ability to identify and use relevant understanding, methods and skills to complete tasks and address problems that, while well defined, have a measure of complexity. It includes taking responsibility for initiating and completing tasks and procedures as well as exercising autonomy and judgement within limited parameters. It also reflects awareness of different perspectives or approaches within an area of study or work.

A pass mark (40% or above) demonstrates achievement of all learning outcomes associated with the module assessment


Assessment category

Introductory knowledge and understanding of the basic underlying concepts and principles of the subject(s)

Cognitive and intellectual skills


Reading and referencing

Presentation, style and structure

Work that significantly exceeds the specified word limit may be penalized

Pass Mark



Excellent work showing flawless understanding of the basic underlying concepts and principles of the subject(s), resulting in students being fully prepared for study at Level 4.


Insightful and accurate interpretation and evaluation of information and ideas, based on an excellent application of the most appropriate skills, methods and procedures. Work shows full awareness of the nature of the area of study and different perspectives or approaches within it

Insightful and effective use of a carefully selected range of relevant reading. Consistently accurate application of referencing.

Exemplary presentation of work that is fluent and flawless throughout.


High quality work showing fluent understanding of the basic underlying concepts and principles of the subject(s), resulting in students being fully prepared for study at Level 4.


Excellent interpretation and evaluation of information and ideas, employing highly appropriate skills, methods and procedures. Work shows strong awareness of the nature of the area of study and different perspectives or approaches within it

Consistent and balanced engagement with a refined selection of many types of relevant reading. Consistently accurate application of referencing.

Highly effective presentation of work that is coherently structured and clearly expressed throughout.

70% – 79%

Commendable work showing detailed understanding of the basic underlying concepts and principles of the subject(s), resulting in students being highly prepared for study at Level 4.


Effective interpretation and evaluation of information and ideas, showing effective use of appropriate skills, methods and procedures. Work shows well established awareness of the nature of the area of study and different perspectives or approaches within it.

Consistent engagement with a wide range of relevant reading. Consistently accurate application of referencing.

Well-formed presentation of work that is coherently structured and clearly expressed throughout.


60% – 69%

Work of solid quality showing competent and consistent understanding of the basic underlying concepts and principles of the subject(s), resulting in students being well prepared for study at Level 4.


Good interpretation and evaluation of information and ideas, using appropriate skills, methods and procedures. Work shows sound awareness of the nature of the area of study and different perspectives or approaches within it.  

Engagement with a wide range of relevant reading. Sound application of referencing, with no inaccuracies or inconsistencies.

Competent presentation of work in terms of structure and clarity of expression.

Provision at Level 3 (often forming part of a Foundation Year course) is designed to prepare students for higher education. At the end of Level 3, students will be expected to demonstrate the acquisition of foundation level skills, knowledge and understanding necessary to embark on a higher education programme of study at Level 4. In accordance with the national Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF), this includes the ability to identify and use relevant understanding, methods and skills to complete tasks and address problems that, while well defined, have a measure of complexity. It includes taking responsibility for initiating and completing tasks and procedures as well as exercising autonomy and judgement within limited parameters. It also reflects awareness of different perspectives or approaches within an area of study or work.

A pass mark (40% or above) demonstrates achievement of all learning outcomes associated with the module assessment


Assessment category

Introductory knowledge and understanding of the basic underlying concepts and principles of the subject(s)

Cognitive and intellectual skills


Reading and referencing

Presentation, style and structure

Work that significantly exceeds the specified word limit may be penalized

Pass Mark



Excellent work showing flawless understanding of the basic underlying concepts and principles of the subject(s), resulting in students being fully prepared for study at Level 4.


Insightful and accurate interpretation and evaluation of information and ideas, based on an excellent application of the most appropriate skills, methods and procedures. Work shows full awareness of the nature of the area of study and different perspectives or approaches within it

Insightful and effective use of a carefully selected range of relevant reading. Consistently accurate application of referencing.

Exemplary presentation of work that is fluent and flawless throughout.


High quality work showing fluent understanding of the basic underlying concepts and principles of the subject(s), resulting in students being fully prepared for study at Level 4.


Excellent interpretation and evaluation of information and ideas, employing highly appropriate skills, methods and procedures. Work shows strong awareness of the nature of the area of study and different perspectives or approaches within it

Consistent and balanced engagement with a refined selection of many types of relevant reading. Consistently accurate application of referencing.

Highly effective presentation of work that is coherently structured and clearly expressed throughout.

70% – 79%

Commendable work showing detailed understanding of the basic underlying concepts and principles of the subject(s), resulting in students being highly prepared for study at Level 4.


Effective interpretation and evaluation of information and ideas, showing effective use of appropriate skills, methods and procedures. Work shows well established awareness of the nature of the area of study and different perspectives or approaches within it.

Consistent engagement with a wide range of relevant reading. Consistently accurate application of referencing.

Well-formed presentation of work that is coherently structured and clearly expressed throughout.


60% – 69%

Work of solid quality showing competent and consistent understanding of the basic underlying concepts and principles of the subject(s), resulting in students being well prepared for study at Level 4.


Good interpretation and evaluation of information and ideas, using appropriate skills, methods and procedures. Work shows sound awareness of the nature of the area of study and different perspectives or approaches within it.  

Engagement with a wide range of relevant reading. Sound application of referencing, with no inaccuracies or inconsistencies.

Competent presentation of work in terms of structure and clarity of expression.

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