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Assignment Briefs 02-28-2024

LO1 Demonstrate understanding of the application of theories, concepts and tools that contribute to understanding of management

Assignment Brief

Module Title and Code

Management and Organisational Behaviour

GBMT 4004

Component Number


Component Weighting


Assignment Title

Component 1 Written Assignment-

Individual Report

Assignment Deadline

Term 2- week 9


Assessment Details Component 1. 2

Assessment Description Component 1. 2

Assignment Guidelines. 3

Additional Assessment Requirements & Information. 5

Assessment Marking Descriptors. 6

Mitigating Circumstances. 8

Academic Misconduct 8

Marking and Feedback. 9

Assessment Details

Component 1: Written Assignment- (Individual Work)


Assessment Component List all separate components 



Weigh- ting (%) 


Typical Indicative Assessment Tasks Where the component comprises more than one assessment task 


Assessment Type For each component double click in the box to see options. The options equate to the assessment types in table A2 


Word Count Approx. word count where applicable 



Submission Deadline



Learning Outcomes


Component 1

Written Assignment –




Case Study


Written Assignment


1500 word (+/- 10%)


Term 2- Week 9 –


LO1, LO2, LO3








Assessment Description

Component 1- Written Assignment- Case Study (Individual written Report)

Submission Format 


Report Format – 1500 words (+ or – 10%) - Microsoft word document  


Unit Learning Outcomes 

LO1 Demonstrate understanding of the application of theories, concepts and tools that contribute to understanding of management 

LO2 Understand the difference between the theoretically explained management skills and functions, and applications in real business settings 

LO3 Identify individual and team-related employee behaviours exhibited within the workplace 

Assignment Guidelines 

The most successful business leaders are ones that continuously look for ways and strategies to drive performance, not just through improving employee productivity, but also their workplace experience and job satisfaction. This can be achieved by understanding how employees interact with each other and management, as well as what motivates them. One way to do this is to study the interrelationship between individual employees, teams, and management to identify what sets the most effective workers apart. 

Organisational behaviour describes the behavioural dynamics that occur between groups and individuals in an organisational setting. The following five elements are key to studying organisation behaviour: Organisational Culture, Power, Motivation, Teams, and Leadership. 

As a newly employed operations manager, you are required to write a paper of 1,500 words. This paper should be aimed at Managers as well as the CEO and should cover the tasks set out below. Your choice of organisation should be agreed with your tutor during tutorials  

As a recently employed Operations Manager, you have been requested by the CEO to research into the organisation behaviour and produce a report about what you have observed and how the performance of individuals, teams and the whole organisation can be improved. Choose any organisation (those in work may use their organisation of employment) to research, discuss as a case study and present. The purpose of this report will be to establish the influence that organisational culture, power, motivation, team, and leadership have upon behaviour and performances within the organisation. You are required to apply models, theories and concepts learned to produce and submit a case study.   

To complete this report, you should complete the following tasks: 

            Executive Summary 

Contents Page 

  1. Define organisation behaviour and highlight how it influences performance within organisations. Briefly introduce your organisation and signpost what will be covered in the report and in what order. Give examples and references to back up your points where necessary (approximately 150 words). 
  2. Provide an overview of your organisation’s culture, politics, and power, using models where necessary and give examples how influence tactics can be used to improve organisation behaviour within the organisation (approximately 300 words) 
  3. Evaluate how motivational theories and techniques have been applied in your organisation and justify with relevant examples and references. Reflect on how you can apply suitable motivational theories to improve staff performance in your chosen organisation (approximately 350 words) 
  4. Identify the types of team arrangements observed in observed in your organisation. Explain with references how teams in your chosen organisation can be made more effective (approximately 250) 
  5. Analyse how you could improve the organisation behaviour using path-goal and/or situational leadership approaches (approximately 350) 
  6. A conclusion with recommendations on how your organisation could improve the performance of their staff to meet goals (approximately 100 words) 
  7. Reference List - Make sure that you use the Harvard Referencing style for all visual and written referenced material. See my UCA Library, Canvas, and unit handbook for further information. 
  8. Appendices– These are additional information, that are non-essential to the text, but help the reader to understand your arguments. You may insert tables, photographs, questionnaires, charts, and raw data used in the report.


Other elements not included in the word counts are Executive Summary, Front page, Contents page.

Each student must submit a copy of the business report on Canvas. If you do not, this will be considered as non-submission.  

Word count: 1500 word (+/- 10%)

Additional Assessment Requirements & Information

  1. All assignments should be submitted through Turnitin. If you file will not upload, please ensure it is the correct size and if not, you must contact the Admin Team ( BEFORE the assignment Deadline.
  2. Turnitin will review the assignment for levels of plagiarism and Academic Staff when marking will review this. Students who have been deemed as committing an academic offense including plagiarism or collusion will be subject to the Academic Misconduct policy.
  3. Any submissions made after the deadline will be classed as a non-submission unless you have approved mitigating circumstances (see section).
  4. All assignments will be given a mark out of 100. A pass mark will be 40 or above.
  5. Students who fail their first attempt will be offered a re-sit attempt where the mark of the assignment will be capped at 40% at the Board of Examiners.
  6. Students should submit a front cover page stating their name, student ID and all the group members if it is a group work






Threshold Criteria









Knowledge of the

Little to no

Low knowledge of the



Good knowledge and

Very good knowledge

Excellent knowledge


underlying concepts,

knowledge of the

underlying concepts,

knowledge of the

knowledge of the

understanding of

and understanding of

of underlying and

knowledge of

practices and

underlying concepts,

practical methods

underlying concepts,

underlying concepts,

underlying concepts,

concepts, practical

secondary concepts

underlying and

principles associated

practical methods

and principles of the

practical methods

practical methods

practical methods

methods and

and practical

secondary concepts

with their area of

and principles of the

area of study.

and principles which

and principles, if

and principles


methods and a

and practical


area of study.


is sufficient to deal of

sometimes balanced

showing critical

significantly beyond


methods, and a




the area of study

towards the


what has been







descriptive rather



significantly beyond






than the critical or



the threshold

significantly beyond








expectation at this

the threshold








level (including

expectation at this








awareness of ethical

level and beyond








issues and

what has been taught








sustainability where

(including awareness









of ethical issues and









sustainability where










Evaluate the

Little to no ability to

Low ability to solve

Competent ability to

Satisfactory ability to

Good problem-

Very good problem-

Excellent problem-

Exceptional problem-

appropriateness of

solve problems

problems and/or

solve problems

solve complex

solving skills,

solving skills with

solving skills with

solving skills with

different approaches

and/or make

make decisions but

related to their area

problems, and

selecting and

clear evaluation and

clear evaluation and


to solving problems


with significant

of study by applying a

applying and testing a

justifying their use of

application of

application of

evaluation, selection

related to their area



range of methods.

range of appropriate

a wide-range of

appropriate methods


and application of

of study or work




methods and









evaluating their use.










Threshold Criteria









Shows an ability to evaluate and interpret underlying concepts within the context of the area of study

Little to no evidence of ability to evaluate or interpret underlying concepts to support the area of study

Low evidence of ability to evaluate or interpret underlying concepts to support the area of study

Competent ability to evaluate or interpret underlying concepts and displays the ability to extract relevant points.

Satisfactory ability to evaluate or interpret underlying concepts using established techniques accurately and can critically appraise academic sources.

Good ability to evaluate or interpret underlying concepts using established techniques accurately and can critically evaluate academic sources.

Very good ability to evaluate or interpret range of concepts using established techniques accurately and possesses a well- developed ability to critically evaluate a wide range of sources.

Excellent ability to evaluate or interpret wide range concepts using established techniques accurately and possesses a well- developed ability to critically evaluate a wide range of sources.

Exceptional ability to evaluate a range of concepts using established techniques accurately   well beyond the usual range, together with critical evaluation, to advance work or

direct arguments.

Ability to present, evaluate and interpret qualitative and quantitative information, in order to develop lines of argument.

Little to no argument and explanations are difficult to understand and are not supported by qualitative and quantitative information.

Low level argument and explanations are weak and/or poorly constructed, and do not evidence use of qualitative and quantitative information.

Competent argument, with some evaluation and interpretation of qualitative and quantitative information

Satisfactory argument with supporting evidence and has demonstrated the ability to consider and evaluate a range of qualitative and quantitative information.

Good coherent, substantiated arguments, as well as the ability to consider, evaluate and synthesise a range of qualitative and quantitative information.

Very good coherent and well substantiated arguments which systematically considers and critically synthesises qualitative and quantitative information.

Excellent argument which systematically considers and critically synthesises advanced qualitative and quantitative information.

Exceptional argument with advanced critical insight and interpretation of complex qualitative and quantitative information.

Make sound

Little to no sources

Low ability to select

Competent selection,

Satisfactory selection,

Good critical

Very good synthesis

Excellent synthesis of

Exceptional synthesis

judgements in

and judgements

and evaluate reading

evaluation and

evaluation and

selection and

of a broad range of

a broad range of

of a broad range of

accordance with basic

considered with gaps

and research to make

commentary on

commentary on

evaluation of

research, primary

research, primary

research and primary

theories and

in key understanding

judgements in line

reading, research and

reading, research and

research and primary

sources, views and

sources, views and

sources to make

concepts of their

of key theories and

with basic theories

primary sources to

primary sources,

sources, usually

information and

information and

insightful judgements

subject(s) of study.

concepts in their

and concepts of their

make judgements in

sometimes beyond

beyond the set range,

integration to make

integration to make

in line with basic and


subject of study.

subject(s) of study

line with basic

the set range, to

to make judgements

judgements in line

judgements in line

advanced theories



with over-reliance on

theories and concepts

make judgements in

in line with basic

with basic theories

with basic theories

and concepts in their



set sources.

of their subject(s) of

line with basic

theories and

and concepts of their

and concepts of their

subject of study.





theories and

concepts of their

subject(s) of study.

subject(s) of study.






concepts of their

subject(s) of study.








subject(s) of study.










Threshold Criteria










Little to no technical,

Low technical,

Competent technical,

Satisfactory technical,

Good command of

Very good technical,

Excellent technical,

Exceptional technical,

technical, creative or

creative or artistic

creative or artistic

creative or artistic

creative or artistic


creative and/or

creative and/or

creative and/or

artistic skills related

skills in most, or key,

skills related to their

skills required for

skills required for

technical, creative

artistic skills and

artistic skills

artistic skills

to their area of study


area of study.

area of study.

area of study.

and/or artistic skills

finesse in their



or work






selection and


















Threshold Criteria










Communicate the

Little to no clarity in

Low clarity in the



Good communication

Very good




results of their

the expression of

expression of ideas

communication of

communication of

of information, ideas,

communication of

communication of

communication of



ideas and/or unable

and/or unable to

information, ideas,

information, ideas,

problems and

information, ideas,

information, ideas,

information, ideas,


accurately and

to convey meaning

convey clear meaning

problems and

problems and

solutions verbally,

problems and

problems and

problems and


reliably, and with

verbally, visually

verbally, visually

solutions verbally,

solutions verbally,

visually and/or in

solutions verbally,

solutions verbally,

solutions verbally,


structured and

and/or in writing.

and/or in writing.

visually, electronically

visually and/or in


visually, electronically

visually, electronically

visually, electronically


coherent arguments



and in writing.



and in writing.

and in writing.

and in writing.








Threshold Criteria









Undertake further

Little to no

Low contribution



Good contributions

Very good

Excellent contribution


training and develop

contribution to group

to group activity

contribution to

contribution to group

to group activity

contribution to

to group activity

contribution to group

new skills within a

activity and/or

and/or project

group activity

activity and/or project

and/or project

group activity

and/or project work,

activity and/or

structured and

project work which

work which

and/or project work

work which develops

work, with an

and/or project work,

with teamwork and

project work, with


develops new skills.

develops new

which develops new

new skills.

understanding of

with exceptional

some leadership

teamwork and






team roles and the

teamwork and the

taking responsibility

leadership taking






processes for the

processes for the

for the development

responsibility for the






development of

development of new

of new skills.

development of new






new skills.




Qualities and transferable skills necessary for employment requiring the exercise of some personal responsibility.

Little to no ability to manage learning and/or work without supervision.

Low ability to manage learning and/or work without supervision.

Competent ability to manage learning and work with minimal or no supervision.

Satisfactory ability to systematically manage learning, and work without supervision.

Good ability to systematically manage learning, and work without supervision.

Very good ability to systematically manage learning, and work without supervision.

Excellent ability to manage learning on own initiative, and work without supervision.

Exceptional ability to manage learning on own initiative, and work without supervision.

Little to no accurate use of terminology, with limited vocabulary and many errors in spelling, grammar and syntax.

Low accurate use terminology, with many errors in spelling, vocabulary and syntax.

Competent expression and style with appropriate vocabulary and errors in spelling, grammar and syntax which do not affect understanding.

Satisfactory expression and style, with a range of vocabulary and some errors in spelling, grammar and syntax which do not affect understanding.

Good expression and style with appropriate vocabulary with minimal errors in spelling, grammar and syntax.

Very good expression and style with minimal errors in spelling, grammar and syntax.

Excellent expression and style with minimal errors in spelling, grammar and syntax.

Exceptional expression and style with no errors in spelling, grammar and syntax.

Little to no basic numeracy or digital literacy, hardware and software skills.

Low level of basic numeracy or digital literacy, hardware and software skills.

Competent numeracy and digital literacy, hardware and software skills.

Satisfactory numeracy and digital literacy, hardware and software skills.

Good numeracy and digital literacy, hardware and software skills.

Very good numeracy and digital literacy, hardware and software skills.

Excellent numeracy and digital literacy, hardware and software skills.

Exceptional numeracy or digital literacy, hardware and software skills.

Mitigating Circumstances

LCCA and UCA understand that in students’ lives, there can be situations that are unexpected and can impact on your ability to hand in your assignment. LCCA and UCA define these situations as mitigating circumstances, and these are exceptional, short-term events which are outside the student’s controland impact their ability to prepare for, submit or present themselves for an assessment by the given deadline.

If something happens close to your assessment deadline that is hindering your ability to submit, please collect a Mitigating Circumstances from the Admin Team and submit along with appropriate supporting evidence BEFORE the assessment deadline. Any forms submitted after this deadline will require additional evidence.

If approved, you will be given an extension to the assignment deadline without being penalised.

However, LCCA and UCA consider that students who submit or present themselves for assessment are, in doing so, declaring themselves fit to be assessed, and therefore mitigating circumstances will not be accepted.

Academic Misconduct

Academic Misconduct is defined as where a student gains or seeks to gain an advantage in an assessment by unfair or improper means. Academic Misconduct can include the following:

  • Plagiarism, including self-plagiarism. This is where a student present work which contained unacknowledged published work (words, thoughts, judgements, ideas, structures, images etc.) of another, or presents work that has been previously submitted for another unit or course, or at a different institution.  
  • Collusion. This is where a student work for assessment done in collaboration with another person(s) entirely as their own or collaborates with another student(s) on work which is subsequently submitted as entirely of the other students work.  
  • Examination Offenses. This is where a student takes unauthorised materials into an exam room, communicates, or attempts to communicate with another student during the exam, fails to comply with invigilators instructions, or breaches other exam regulations.  
  • Dishonest Practice. This can include using essay mills, submitting work not completed by yourself, offering bribes, seeking to obtain confidential information, making false declarations and falsifying transcripts and certification or other official documentation.  

All assignments are checked for Academic Misconduct and students who have been found to commit an offense will be subject to the Academic Misconduct Policy and or the Student Disciplinary Procedures.

Artificial Intelligence (e.g., Chat GPT)

With reference to the use of AI Technologies, the UCA’s Academic Misconduct Policy defines plagiarism as - where a student presents work for assessment which contains the unacknowledged published or unpublished words, thoughts, judgements, ideas, structures or images of another person or persons. This includes material downloaded from digital sources and material obtained from third parties including online essay mills and AI applications.

To enhance student learning, enable students to explore new ideas and concepts; undertake effective research; and help with assessment planning, the University supports the appropriate use of AI technologies, though students should give serious consideration as to how they may choose to use such technologies within assessments they submit.

If a student uses AI technologies for any part of their assessment - planning, research, or content - they must:

  • reference the AI tool used and the content obtained;
  • apply quotation conventions where the text has not been altered;
  • clearly identify paraphrased or summarised material; and outline the method and information gathered via the AI tool.
  • explain how the AI content has been reused within the assessment. In such cases, the student will have acted with integrity and academic misconduct will not have been committed.

Although, it is important to acknowledge that grades are determined of by evidence of meeting learning objectives at a particular level of competency, not on repetition of AI generated content. If the University suspects that AI technologies have been used during the assessment process and submission, then it reserves the right to invite the student to attend a viva (oral examination) to explore the student’s understanding of their submission. If evidence of academic misconduct is found, then the case will be addressed in accordance with the University’s Academic Misconduct Policy.

Marking and Feedback

You should expect to receive you marks approximately 4 weeks after the assignment deadline.

To ensure fairness, and parity of marking. All assignments are first marked, and a sample are second marked, and internally verified by a tutor from UCA to ensure the marks are correct and the feedback is appropriate.

The marks also considered by an Internal Exam Board at LCCA to ensure due process has been followed and the Board of Examiners at UCA where marks are ratified.

All marks are PROVISIONAL until ratified by the Board of Examiners.

Your provisional grade and feedback will be made available to you on Turnitin on Canvas. Unless advised otherwise by your tutor.

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