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Work, lead and manage within an effective team environment whilst assisting the client with the creation of the business case to support the programme or project.

Assignment Brief

7CN005 Strategic Construction Project and Programme Management

Module code and title

7CN005 Strategic Construction Project and Programme Management

Module leader

Angela Nash

Assignment name


Assignment type


Learning outcomes

Learning Outcome 1

Work, lead and manage within an effective team environment whilst assisting the client with the creation of the business case to support the programme or project. (CLO3) 

Learning Outcome 2

Deal with complex issues both systematically and creatively, make sound judgements in the absence of complete data and communicate their conclusions clearly to specialist and non-specialist audiences using a variety of skills and media appropriately (CLO6)

Learning Outcome 3

Appraise, critique and evaluate the advantages of the art and science of effective and efficient programme and project management within a variety of strategic contexts (CLO1)

Assignment weighting


Assignment size

6000 words

Submission date


Submission method

Through Canvas

Assignment requirements

One report with appendices in Word

Assessment criteria

100% weighting assessing all learning outcomes

(Including individual weighting, if applicable, and an indication of the learning outcomes being assessed)

Additional instructions


Professional Body requirements


University Regulations

University’s Academic Regulations: https://www.wlv.ac.uk/about-us/governance/legal-information/policies-and-regulations/academic-regulations/

Academic Integrity  Policy: https://www.wlv.ac.uk/media/departments/office-of-the-vice-chancellor/documents/Academic-Integrity-Policy-from-2019-20.pdf

Performance descriptors are linked here: Level and Mark Descriptors


Student Support and Wellbeing: https://www.wlv.ac.uk/current-students/student-support/student-support-and-wellbeing-ssw/

Study Guides: https://www.wlv.ac.uk/lib/skills-for-learning/study-guides/

Online Student Handbook: https://www.wlv.ac.uk/current-students/student-handbook/

Assessment information: http://www.wlv.ac.uk/assessment

You should also refer to your Course and Module Guides

Date by which feedback will be provided

4 working weeks from the hand in date.

Method by which  feedback will be provided

Written feedback on Canvas

Your completed work for assignments must be uploaded to Canvas before the due date. You must keep a copy or backup of any assessed work that you submit.  Failure to do so may result in your having to repeat that piece of work.Submission of work

Electronic submission:

This is done via Canvas. Any special instructions will be available on the upload instructions or within the assessment brief.

Any item uploaded must include, clearly written on the front:

  • student number       
  • module number, title, and the module leader`s name
  • date of submission

Penalties for late submission of coursework

Standard University arrangements apply. Penalties for late upload are provided by the University

Procedure for requesting mitigating circumstances

This is done via EVision. Further information can be found at http://www.wolvesunion.org/advice/academic/ Work, lead and manage within an effective team environment whilst assisting the client with the creation of the business case to support the programme or project.

Retrieval of Failure

If you fail a module (less than 50% for postgraduate modules) you have the right to attempt the failed assessment(s) once, at the next resit opportunity. If you fail the assessment a second time you have a right to repeat the module. 7CN005 Strategic Construction Project and Programme Management

NOTE: Students who do not take their resit at the next available RESIT opportunity will be required to repeat the module.

Return of assignments

Assignments will be graded, and feedback provided within four working weeks in normal circumstances.  Feedback will be available through Canvas and marks through EVision.

If you have any questions regarding your feedback you normally have two working weeks from the date you, receive your returned assessment and/or written feedback or receive your exam results, to contact and discuss the matter with your lecturer.

This is an individual assignment that has several sections contained within one report and appended evidence – a portfolio.  (6000 words maximum).  Cover sheets, abstracts, reference lists and appended information are not considered part of the word count.  You will need to fully apply aspects known about the project and apply modern methods of strategic construction project management in order to answer this brief.  The work must demonstrate engagement with academic debate and justification for assumptions and conclusions reached. 

Case Study and Task

Project Background

A well-established sports club that has a focus on tennis and squash has a requirement to redesign one of the entrances to their club building and to make it accessible for disabled people.  They have done some work on trying to define how this will work and the modifications they require.  There are some concept drawings for the entrance however the club has not been able to decide on how to take this project forward.   The sample drawings will be made available to you in Canvas.

One of the issues is that the club is run by a committee and as with all committees everyone knows someone who could do the job and they all want different things to be addressed by the project.  They have had a donation of £1,000,000 towards the cost of the project but they are now 4 years into the 5-year time limit on the donation.  Coupled with that they have outline planning permission for the development which expires in 12 months.

To demonstrate the activities and quality of the organisation, the web site for this club can be found at Wolverhampton Lawn Tennis & Squash Club | Premier Racquets and Fitness Club. (wltsc.com) however please be aware that although this is a real club and the issue is real, the assignment is fictitious.  You are NOT permitted to contact the club, the local authority or any of the stakeholders involved with this assignment. 

The Task

You are required to create a detailed and justified report for the Chairman of the Committee of the Club on the rationale for the creation of a Feasibility Project for this issue that culminates in a tender for a building contract.  You will show, in detail, how creating a project, with its infrastructure and professional team, will be a way forward to establishing a plan for the concept and feasibility work and enable decisions to be made within a project framework.

As the Project Manager you will need to critically analyse both the role of the project manager and the wider project team in this case and to evaluate the need for a formal project so that the build can proceed successfully.  The budget for the Feasibility Study is £100,000 and the tender will be submitted by end June 2022.

General guidance

  • Always keep the topic in mind when writing, and ensure you stay within the specified word count.
  • Contents pages, references and appended articles are not included in the word count.
  • A competent command of English as a written language is expected. This includes a high standard of spelling, punctuation, and neat presentation.
  • Reports may vary enormously in the way they are written but should maintain both an academic and professional standard. The report should encompass originality, imagination, and clarity of thought and a critically argued position within the bounds of sound scholarship and well-documented research. 
  • You should carefully research and critically analyse the topic, consulting a range of good quality, academic, identifiable sources of information.   All quotes and sources should be cited in the text and listed at the end of the report using the Harvard Referencing style.
  • Do not plagiarise material. Plagiarism software and the internet can easily identify material published online. Essays containing plagiarised material will attract a 0% grade with the resulting academic misconduct proceedings.
  • 7CN005 Strategic Construction Project and Programme Management
  • Uploaded assignments must be presented in an A4 size using 1.5 line spacing and 12-point font with justified margins.  Each page must contain your student number, module number, topic area and a page number within the header and/or footer sections 
  • Upload a copy of your report to Canvas using the upload task set up within the module topic. Work, lead and manage within an effective team environment whilst assisting the client with the creation of the business case to support the programme or project.
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