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Unit 27: Teaching in a Specialist Area by Express Assignment

Unit 27: Teaching in a Specialist Area

The assignment brief is provided at the bottom of this page for the reviewing purposes.

This unit explains the aims and viewpoint of teaching and working out in its specialist area. Furthermore, the unit also describes the basic understanding of the purposes and structure of important qualifications and knowledge programs obtainable to learners in specialist areas. By the end of this report, the learner will have deep knowledge and expertise in the subject and the areas that are covered in this unit. However, if you are the one searching for the best answers to your unit 27 teaching in a specialist area then this is right place as we write all the answers from scratch to avoid similarities in the content.

Unit 27 Teaching in a Specialist Area - Explain key aims of education and training in your own specialist area

Education is a lifelong process. Education is not limited to just acquiring degrees, certificates, and diplomas. Education is acquired to give oneself a direction in life.

1) Vocational aim: Education is one of the basic needs of a human being as it makes a living for an individual. One becomes financially independent after acquiring an education.

2) Knowledge: Knowledge is an essential aspect of one’s life because it develops intellectual in a person. Knowledge helps to change one’s lifestyle, societal progress, and self-realization. Knowledge has to be the primary goal of education because it also helps to adapt according to the environment. In addition to this, it builds healthy relationships and healthy life.

3) Total development: Education is not just limited to intellectual growth but it also enhances the general character of the learner which includes psychological, knowledgeable, moral, communal, and psychic development.  All these growths when combined together make an individual healthy, wealthy, and wise.

4) Harmonious development: The goal of teaching is to progress a well-adjusted character of a human being. The role of education also plays a vital role in the ethical and mental growth of a person. Education teaches a person how to communicate with others, how to behave, and most importantly how to react in different situations.

5) Moral development: Education when given to children results in greater outcomes. This is because the learning ability of a child is much greater than that of an adult. When a child is taught the basic moral values and attributes such as kindness, integrity, courage, respect, and honesty, it lasts forever.

6) Character development: According to some educationalists, the ultimate goal of education is to develop a character. It helps in nurturing the mindsets and preferences of an individual.

7) Citizenship: Students are educated to become better citizens of their country. Teaching delivers them the trait that benefits society. Education creates them acknowledge their responsibilities towards society.

8) Personal and Community Goals: A small number of teachers have faith in that the most vital objective of teaching is the comprehensive development and development of the student. While, others have confidence in that the essential purpose of teaching is collective development. Individuals are social beings who need a community to endure.

Unit 27 Teaching in a Specialist Area - Analyze philosophical issues relating to education and training in your own specialist area

1) Budget cuts: Shortage of funds is one of the biggest issues in education. Moreover, it gives rise to bigger problems. In recent years, the distribution of funds in the educational sector was very low due to the pandemic. Due to a lack of funds, the educational institutes could not reach their potential. The education that is being delivered to the students is below the belt which is causing students to drop out of the institutes.

2) Shortage of teachers: This is one of the outcomes of a shortage of budgets. The cut in the budget has caused the downsizing of teaching staff. The downsizing of teaching staff has put extreme pressure on the remaining staff as they are being asked to take extra classes and increase their duty times.

3) Over-assessment: Assessment tests are taken in educational institutes to check how much a student has acquired knowledge. According to research, most parents are unaware that their kids are being assessed in college.  

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Unit 27 Teaching in a Specialist Area

Assignment Brief

Unit reference number: J/505/1096

QCF level: 4

Credit value:15

Guided learning hours: 50

Unit aim

The aim of this unit is to develop learners’ knowledge and skills in relation to teaching in a specialist area. The unit includes consideration of the aims and philosophy of education and training in a specialist area and the aims and structure of key qualifications and learning programme qualifications available. It also looks at curriculum issues, inclusive learning and teaching, and evaluating and improving own practice in a specialist area.

Target groups

This knowledge-based unit is suitable for any teacher or trainer requiring an in-depth understanding of the underlying principles and curriculum issues in their specialist area. The unit gives those with responsibility for planning and preparing the delivery of a learning programme the understanding to help develop best practice. The unit requires the learner to explore the philosophical issues and analyse approaches relating to their specialist area. This is suitable for Continuing Professional Development (CPD) as well as an optional unit in the Certificate or Diploma in Education and Training.

Assessment requirements

While this unit does not require learners to undertake teaching practice the unit should be undertaken in close association with teaching practice as it is the specialist knowledge unit that underpins the specialist subject area. This unit requires evidence of background reading, appropriately referenced and supported by a bibliography.

Suggested unit combinations

Unit 8: Action Research (Level 5) could be combined with any optional units as it gives learners the opportunity to research issues in specialist areas in order to promote personal and professional development.

Unit 22: Internally Assure the Quality of Assessment (Level 4) links to specialist teaching through the requirements of internal quality assurance within a specialist area.

Unit 33: Working with Individual Learners (Level 4) provides an overview of education and training and can be used to focus on particular aspects of teaching and learning that can be related to a specialist area.


Learning outcomes, assessment criteria and unit amplification

To pass this unit, the learner needs to demonstrate that they can meet all the learning outcomes for the unit. The assessment criteria determine the standard required to achieve the unit.

Learning outcomes

Assessment criteria

Unit amplification


Understand the aims and philosophy of education and training in a specialist area


Explain key aims of education and training in own specialist area

      Specialist area, e.g. specific roles and responsibilities, issues associated with specific student requirements, relating to knowledge content, special learning needs, specialised skills, preparation for employment.

      Specialist subject, e.g. awarding organisation requirements, up-to-date information from employers or workplace, current professional or vocational standards and legislation.


Analyse philosophical issues relating to education and training in own specialist area

      Philosophical issues, e.g. qualification framework, specialist professional values and visions, specific approaches to specialist knowledge, specialist work ethics.

      Specialised education, e.g. behaviorism, humanism, constructivism and cognitivism, experiential learning, student developmental issues, contribution of language to specialised learning, creative approaches.

Learning outcomes

Assessment criteria

Unit amplification


Understand the aims and structure of key qualifications and learning programmes available to learners in a specialist area


Describe the aims and structure of key qualifications in own specialist area

      Aims, e.g. awarding body specifications, curriculum or syllabus requirements, academic content, vocational standards, skills acquisition, employability, functional skills, wider personal skills, developing student confidence and competence.

      Structures, e.g. units of learning, mandatory or optional, credit accumulation, modular, linear, holistic, sandwich including work placement, work experience or placement.


Describe the aims and structure of learning programmes in own specialist area

      Aims, e.g. targeting curriculum or syllabus requirements, establishing learners’ needs, specific specialist objectives, specific approaches and activities, effective use of specialist resources including staffing, assessment activities to suit both the subject specialism and the needs of learner

      Structures, e.g. appropriate timeframe, full, or part-time, day or evening, intensive, distance or flexible learning, relating to assessment outcomes, assessment criteria or performance criteria, linked to unit or modular assessment, summative outcomes.


Explain how own approach to planning and preparation for the delivery of a learning programme in own specialist area enables its aims to be met

      Planning, e.g. initial assessment of students establishing needs, setting specific achievement goals and timescales for achievement, use of specialist staff, teacher and student-centred approaches.

      Preparing, e.g. specialist resources, approaches appropriate to knowledge and skills requirements, developing evidence to facilitate achievement, specific assessment activities.


Learning outcomes

Assessment criteria

Unit amplification


Understand principles of inclusive teaching and learning and key curriculum issues in a specialist area


Analyse the inclusiveness of own approach to the planning and preparation of a learning programme in own specialist area

      Inclusive approaches, e.g. integrating equality and diversity requirements, accessing learning at appropriate level, variety of approaches, specialist staff input, use of work-based and workshop-based learning for skills, learner centred approaches, flexible online learning, supporting independent study, use of collaborative working or peer teaching, additional support for special needs.


Explain how own approach to the planning and preparation of a learning programme in own specialist area takes account of key curriculum issues, including the role of new and emerging technologies

      Key curriculum issues, e.g. current curriculum requirements, new approaches to learning and teaching, developments in specialist techniques, use of subject specialists, incorporate a specialist learning environment, use of simulations or case studies, widening curriculum, preparing for employment.

      New and emerging technologies, e.g. interactive white board, use of new specialist technologies, VLE (virtual learning environment) resources, use of flexible blended learning approaches, specialist learning packages, develop internet-based and web-based learning.

Learning outcomes

Assessment criteria

Unit amplification


Understand how to use resources for inclusive teaching and learning in a specialist area


Analyse ways in which teaching and learning resources, including new and emerging technologies, meet the individual needs of learners in own specialist area

      Learning resources, e.g. develop specialist knowledge, e.g. handouts, case studies, notes, specialist or exemplar materials, audio or visual recordings, textbooks; develop specialist skills, e.g. artefacts, models, equipment; extended learning, e.g. learning centres, handbooks, workbooks.

      Technologies, e.g. supporting and extending learning, e.g. commercial packages, use of computers, software packages, PowerPoint or Active-board, internet, VL; specialist technologies, e.g. hardware, software.


Analyse the inclusiveness of own use of teaching and learning resources in a specialist area

      Inclusiveness of resources, e.g. ease of access to learners, appropriate level, stimulating and engaging, availability of specialist learning packages, use of internet and intranet for specialist research, flexible use, avoidance of over-use of technology to avoid students tuning out and becoming bored, use of networks or forums, students input and ownership of learning.


Be able to work with others within a specialist area to develop own practice


Liaise with others within a specialist area to develop own practice

      Liaison, e.g. learning support, student’s tutor, experienced colleagues, team leader, team meetings, sharing good practice, specialist staff development, engagement with vocational and professional specialists, awarding organisation events, networking, specialist training, emailing, online specialist updating, external standards verifier or examiner.


Review the impact of liaison with other teachers and trainers within own specialist area on own practice

      Impact of liaison, e.g. specialist updating, cascading and dissemination of information, develop alternative strategies, collaboration in programme design, incorporating different skills and experiences, sharing practice in design and evaluation of resources, incorporation experiences from workplace, standardisation of assessment strategies.


Learning outcomes

Assessment criteria

Unit amplification


Be able to evaluate, improve and update own knowledge and skills in a specialist area


Review the effectiveness of own knowledge and skills in a specialist area

      Effectiveness of own knowledge and skills, e.g. evaluation of specialist skills, reflective practice in evaluating own approaches, using feedback from others in specialist area in evaluating personal skills and attributes, achievement by and feedback from specialist learners, peer feedback, formal observation feedback, performance review.


Identify own strengths and areas for improvement in relation to practice in a specialist area

      Strengths, e.g. SWOT analysis recording of positives and needs of own practice, awareness of student needs, subject knowledge, specialist skills, awareness of and responsiveness to change.

      Improvement needs, e.g. currency of qualification requirements, updating professional or vocational qualifications, identifying targets, action planning, responsiveness to students and colleagues in specialist area.


Identify opportunities to improve and update own knowledge and skills in a specialist area

      Opportunities, e.g. research into current specialist curriculum developments and updating current developments, specialist staff development opportunities, awarding organisation specialist training events and online up-dates, specialist higher-level qualification opportunities, secondment, work-shadowing or work placement.

Unit 27:                  Teaching in a Specialist Area

Unit reference number:    J/505/1096

QCF level:                         4

Credit value:                     15

Guided learning hours:     50


Unit aim

The aim of this unit is to develop learners’ knowledge and skills in relation to teaching in a specialist area. The unit includes consideration of the aims and philosophy of education and training in a specialist area and the aims and structure of key qualifications and learning programme qualifications available. It also looks at curriculum issues, inclusive learning and teaching, and evaluating and improving own practice in a specialist area.

Target groups

This knowledge-based unit is suitable for any teacher or trainer requiring an in-depth understanding of the underlying principles and curriculum issues in their specialist area. The unit gives those with responsibility for planning and preparing the delivery of a learning programme the understanding to help develop best practice. The unit requires the learner to explore the philosophical issues and analyse approaches relating to their specialist area. This is suitable for Continuing Professional Development (CPD) as well as an optional unit in the Certificate or Diploma in Education and Training.

Assessment requirements

While this unit does not require learners to undertake teaching practice the unit should be undertaken in close association with teaching practice as it is the specialist knowledge unit that underpins the specialist subject area. This unit requires evidence of background reading, appropriately referenced and supported by a bibliography.

Suggested unit combinations

Unit 8: Action Research (Level 5) could be combined with any optional units as it gives learners the opportunity to research issues in specialist areas in order to promote personal and professional development.

Unit 22: Internally Assure the Quality of Assessment (Level 4) links to specialist teaching through the requirements of internal quality assurance within a specialist area.

Unit 33: Working with Individual Learners (Level 4) provides an overview of education and training and can be used to focus on particular aspects of teaching and learning that can be related to a specialist area.


Learning outcomes, assessment criteria and unit amplification

To pass this unit, the learner needs to demonstrate that they can meet all the learning outcomes for the unit. The assessment criteria determine the standard required to achieve the unit.


Learning outcomes

Assessment criteria

Unit amplification


Understand the aims and philosophy of education and training in a specialist area


Explain key aims of education and training in own specialist area

      Specialist area, e.g. specific roles and responsibilities, issues associated with specific student requirements, relating to knowledge content, special learning needs, specialised skills, preparation for employment.

      Specialist subject, e.g. awarding organisation requirements, up-to-date information from employers or workplace, current professional or vocational standards and legislation.


Analyse philosophical issues relating to education and training in own specialist area

      Philosophical issues, e.g. qualification framework, specialist professional values and visions, specific approaches to specialist knowledge, specialist work ethics.

      Specialised education, e.g. behaviorism, humanism, constructivism and cognitivism, experiential learning, student developmental issues, contribution of language to specialised learning, creative approaches.


Learning outcomes

Assessment criteria

Unit amplification


Understand the aims and structure of key qualifications and learning programmes available to learners in a specialist area


Describe the aims and structure of key qualifications in own specialist area

      Aims, e.g. awarding body specifications, curriculum or syllabus requirements, academic content, vocational standards, skills acquisition, employability, functional skills, wider personal skills, developing student confidence and competence.

      Structures, e.g. units of learning, mandatory or optional, credit accumulation, modular, linear, holistic, sandwich including work placement, work experience or placement.


Describe the aims and structure of learning programmes in own specialist area

      Aims, e.g. targeting curriculum or syllabus requirements, establishing learners’ needs, specific specialist objectives, specific approaches and activities, effective use of specialist resources including staffing, assessment activities to suit both the subject specialism and the needs of learner

      Structures, e.g. appropriate timeframe, full, or part-time, day or evening, intensive, distance or flexible learning, relating to assessment outcomes, assessment criteria or performance criteria, linked to unit or modular assessment, summative outcomes.


Explain how own approach to planning and preparation for the delivery of a learning programme in own specialist area enables its aims to be met

      Planning, e.g. initial assessment of students establishing needs, setting specific achievement goals and timescales for achievement, use of specialist staff, teacher and student-centred approaches.

      Preparing, e.g. specialist resources, approaches appropriate to knowledge and skills requirements, developing evidence to facilitate achievement, specific assessment activities.


Learning outcomes

Assessment criteria

Unit amplification


Understand principles of inclusive teaching and learning and key curriculum issues in a specialist area


Analyse the inclusiveness of own approach to the planning and preparation of a learning programme in own specialist area

      Inclusive approaches, e.g. integrating equality and diversity requirements, accessing learning at appropriate level, variety of approaches, specialist staff input, use of work-based and workshop-based learning for skills, learner centred approaches, flexible online learning, supporting independent study, use of collaborative working or peer teaching, additional support for special needs.


Explain how own approach to the planning and preparation of a learning programme in own specialist area takes account of key curriculum issues, including the role of new and emerging technologies

      Key curriculum issues, e.g. current curriculum requirements, new approaches to learning and teaching, developments in specialist techniques, use of subject specialists, incorporate a specialist learning environment, use of simulations or case studies, widening curriculum, preparing for employment.

      New and emerging technologies, e.g. interactive white board, use of new specialist technologies, VLE (virtual learning environment) resources, use of flexible blended learning approaches, specialist learning packages, develop internet-based and web-based learning.


Learning outcomes

Assessment criteria

Unit amplification


Understand how to use resources for inclusive teaching and learning in a specialist area


Analyse ways in which teaching and learning resources, including new and emerging technologies, meet the individual needs of learners in own specialist area

      Learning resources, e.g. develop specialist knowledge, e.g. handouts, case studies, notes, specialist or exemplar materials, audio or visual recordings, textbooks; develop specialist skills, e.g. artefacts, models, equipment; extended learning, e.g. learning centres, handbooks, workbooks.

      Technologies, e.g. supporting and extending learning, e.g. commercial packages, use of computers, software packages, PowerPoint or Active-board, internet, VL; specialist technologies, e.g. hardware, software.


Analyse the inclusiveness of own use of teaching and learning resources in a specialist area

      Inclusiveness of resources, e.g. ease of access to learners, appropriate level, stimulating and engaging, availability of specialist learning packages, use of internet and intranet for specialist research, flexible use, avoidance of over-use of technology to avoid students tuning out and becoming bored, use of networks or forums, students input and ownership of learning.


Be able to work with others within a specialist area to develop own practice


Liaise with others within a specialist area to develop own practice

      Liaison, e.g. learning support, student’s tutor, experienced colleagues, team leader, team meetings, sharing good practice, specialist staff development, engagement with vocational and professional specialists, awarding organisation events, networking, specialist training, emailing, online specialist updating, external standards verifier or examiner.


Review the impact of liaison with other teachers and trainers within own specialist area on own practice

      Impact of liaison, e.g. specialist updating, cascading and dissemination of information, develop alternative strategies, collaboration in programme design, incorporating different skills and experiences, sharing practice in design and evaluation of resources, incorporation experiences from workplace, standardisation of assessment strategies.


Learning outcomes

Assessment criteria

Unit amplification


Be able to evaluate, improve and update own knowledge and skills in a specialist area


Review the effectiveness of own knowledge and skills in a specialist area

      Effectiveness of own knowledge and skills, e.g. evaluation of specialist skills, reflective practice in evaluating own approaches, using feedback from others in specialist area in evaluating personal skills and attributes, achievement by and feedback from specialist learners, peer feedback, formal observation feedback, performance review.


Identify own strengths and areas for improvement in relation to practice in a specialist area

      Strengths, e.g. SWOT analysis recording of positives and needs of own practice, awareness of student needs, subject knowledge, specialist skills, awareness of and responsiveness to change.

      Improvement needs, e.g. currency of qualification requirements, updating professional or vocational qualifications, identifying targets, action planning, responsiveness to students and colleagues in specialist area.


Identify opportunities to improve and update own knowledge and skills in a specialist area

      Opportunities, e.g. research into current specialist curriculum developments and updating current developments, specialist staff development opportunities, awarding organisation specialist training events and online up-dates, specialist higher-level qualification opportunities, secondment, work-shadowing or work placement.

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