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Assignment Briefs 10-03-2024

Understand, analyse and critically evaluate the historical and theoretical basis of organisation design and development and their context in terms of value and contribution to organisational life

CIPD Assessment Activity

7ODD Organisation Design and Organisation Development

Title of Module

Organisation Design and Organisation Development

Module No/s




Credit value


Assessment method

3,000 Word Written Report

Learning outcomes:

1. Understand, analyse and critically evaluate the historical and theoretical basis of organisation design and development and their context in terms of value and contribution to organisational life

2. Understand, analyse and critically evaluate available design options regarding structures and relationships

3. Understand, analyse and critically evaluate the processes and systems that need to be in place to maintain such structures and relationships and evaluation of the same

7. Understand, analyse and critically evaluate the importance of the HR role in advising on these design and development choices and supporting their implementation

Assessment brief / activity

Drawing on research evidence, write a report of 3000 words which:

  • Provides a justified evaluation of your organisation design to identify current strengths and weaknesses.
  • Assesses the role of current processes and systems in relation to maintaining the status quo and supporting change
  • Provides justified recommendations for improvements in design and structure and on the role of HR in effecting necessary changes

CIPD Assessment Activity

Title of Module

Organisation Design and Organisation Development

Module No/s




Credit value


Assessment method

3,000 Word Written Report

Learning outcomes:

1. Understand, analyse and critically evaluate the historical and theoretical basis of organisation design and development and their context in terms of value and contribution to organisational life

2. Understand, analyse and critically evaluate available design options regarding structures and relationships

3. Understand, analyse and critically evaluate the processes and systems that need to be in place to maintain such structures and relationships and evaluation of the same

7. Understand, analyse and critically evaluate the importance of the HR role in advising on these design and development choices and supporting their implementation

Assessment brief / activity

Drawing on research evidence, write a report of 3000 words which:

  • Provides a justified evaluation of your organisation design to identify current strengths and weaknesses.
  • Assesses the role of current processes and systems in relation to maintaining the status quo and supporting change
  • Provides justified recommendations for improvements in design and structure and on the role of HR in effecting necessary changes

Example Answer

Organisational design and development (OD&D) have evolved significantly, reflecting changes in management theory, economics, and social structures. The historical and theoretical foundations of OD&D are rooted in early industrialisation, the scientific management movement, and behavioural sciences. Understanding these foundations allows a critical evaluation of how OD&D contribute to modern organisations.

Historical Foundations of Organisation Design and Development

  • Classical Management Theories: Organisation design`s history can be traced to classical management theories in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Frederick Taylor`s Scientific Management emphasised efficiency and division of labour, arguing that breaking tasks into smaller components would increase productivity. Taylor`s approach was highly mechanistic, treating organisations like machines and employees like cogs. The focus was on optimising workflows through strict hierarchies and clearly defined roles, which shaped early organisational design.

Similarly, Henri Fayol developed principles of administration, advocating for a clear chain of command and a structured approach to management. These classical theories established hierarchical, top-down organisational structures that remain influential, particularly in large, bureaucratic organisations.

  • Human Relations Movement: The limitations of classical theories became evident in the mid-20th century when it was recognised that focusing solely on efficiency ignored human factors. The Hawthorne Studies, conducted by Elton Mayo, highlighted the importance of employee morale, social relations, and motivation in organisational performance. This led to the Human Relations Movement, which focused on the psychological and social aspects of work. The move towards more people-oriented organisational design recognised that human behaviour, communication, and leadership play crucial roles in organisational success.

The Humanistic School of Thought, championed by theorists such as Maslow and McGregor, emphasised the need for self-actualisation and the importance of job satisfaction, leading to the development of more flexible and participatory organisational structures.

From a value perspective, organisation design and development contribute to organisational life by enhancing operational efficiency, improving communication flows, and aligning organisational practices with strategic goals. For example, companies with well-structured teams and clear roles are more likely to achieve their objectives and foster innovation. However, it is important to critically evaluate the trade-offs. While a well-designed organisation can boost productivity, overly formalised structures can hinder adaptability in fast-changing industries.

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