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Units Only 02-06-2023

Identify some of the reasons it is difficult to maintain a work-life balance at university.

Assignment Brief


BA (Hons) Business Studies with Foundation


Foundation Year 0

(Level 0)

Year 2 Level 4

Year 3 Level 5

Year 4 Level 6



Foundation Year

Module Title:

Study Skills for Higher Education

Module Leader:


Assignment title:

Study Skills for Higher Education

Assignment number:



Individual Essay (Review Articles) Reflective writing – 30% Individual Essay – 70%

Date given out:

6th December 2022

Submission date:

Individual Essay (Review Articles) – 16/01/2023 Individual Essay – 17/02/2023

For late submission, please check CCCU Taught regulation (page 28 on late submission) and Extenuating Policy:

CCCU Taught regulation

CCCU Extenuating Circumstances Policy

Method of submission:


Online only


Online and paper copy


Special instructions for submission (if any):


Date for results and feedback

(please note the final grade is subject to the main CCCU assessment Board)

Assessment 1: 6th February 2023

Assessment 2: 10th March 2023

Learning outcomes assessed:

1. Set short term and long range goals and to design an appropriate plan of study;


2. Identify techniques for building comprehension and retention;


3.Acquire knowledge of learning strategies and techniques to improve memory retention and understanding how people learn;


4. Use of library information and media services

The penalty to be applied to late course work, which will include course work where the work is graded on a pass/fail basis and it is possible to give a numerical mark, will be 5 per cent (of the eligible marks) per day, for up to seven days, after which a mark of 0 will be recorded. LO1: Set short term and long-range goals and to design an appropriate plan of study

Assessment 1 - Individual essay (1000 words maximum)

Read the article below and do further research to answer the questions that follow: Why are students at university so stressed?

Hannah Morrish, a psychotherapist and the higher education lead at The Student Room, says students are increasingly questioning whether university is worth the cost. “The pressure to be successful and get a lucrative job role after graduation is high. Students worry that it won’t work out and they won’t achieve the success or personal return on investment.” She recommends speaking to student advisers about hardship funding and getting a part-time job. “The majority of universities also offer bursaries, grants and scholarships – and many go unclaimed.”

Leaving the structures of home and family for the first time can often exacerbate mental health problems. A 2019 poll of almost 38,000 UK students found that psychological illnesses are on the rise in higher education institutes, with a third stating they suffer from loneliness. “Spending all day and night studying in the library will certainly help you feel more in control of your personal success,” says Morrish, “but book time in to do things you enjoy with people you like spending time with. Join in with student meets and societies. Identify some of the reasons it is difficult to maintain a work-life balance at university. You don’t have to commit indefinitely, just dip in and out and try new things in order to grow your social circle.”

For many students, a poor work-life balance is a huge contributing factor to mental health issues and stress. Morrish advises sticking to a schedule with space for recreational activities. “Give yourself permission to create a routine which gets the best out of you. Often when we’re feeling the burn we stop doing things that make us feel good, like working out and cooking balanced meals.”

Georgina Lawton (no date) Why are students at university so stressed? The Guardian, UK. Available at: university-so-stressed (Accessed 21 November 2022)


  1. Identify some of the reasons it is difficult to maintain a work-life balance at university.
  2. Discuss how students can design an effective study plan to overcome difficulties.

Marks will be awarded for answering the following questions and your ability to provide a well-written essay with references. You are advised to support your discussion with at least six sources published during the last ten years.

Assessment Criteria Applied - This assessment addresses the following learning outcomes:

Marks available

Identify some of the reasons it is difficult to maintain a work-life balance at university.


Discuss how students can design an effective study plan to overcome difficulties.


Essay style and academic writing




Essay Structure:

Ensure that the essay has the following structure and contains the details outlined:

  • Cover page: essay title, student ID, name of course and university
  • Introduction
  • Main body – consisting of well-written paragraphs
  • Conclusion
  • In-text citations throughout (Minimum 8)
  • Reference List (minimum 6 references)
  • Academic writing throughout

Assessment 2 - Individual essay (2000 words maximum)

  1. There has been a lot of research into different learning styles. The VARK model identifies four different learning preferences which are visual, auditory, reading and kinaesthetic. Identify and evaluate the main features of the VARK model.
  2. Identify and evaluate additional strategies that can improve learning.

You are advised to support your discussion with at least ten sources published during the last ten years.

Marks will be awarded for answering the following questions and your ability to provide a well-written essay with references.

Assessment Criteria applied - This assessment addresses the following learning outcomes:

Marks available

There has been a lot of research into different learning styles. The VARK model identifies four different learning preferences which are visual, auditory, reading and kinaesthetic. Identify and evaluate the main features of the VARK model.


Identify and evaluate additional strategies that can improve



Essay style and academic writing


Quality of referencing


Essay Structure:

Ensure that the essay has the following structure and contains the details outlined:

  • Cover page: essay title, student ID, name of course and university
  • Introduction
  • Main body – consisting of well-written paragraphs
  • Conclusion
  • In-text citations throughout (minimum 12)
  • Reference List (minimum 10 references)
  • Academic writing throughout

Please note the following when completing your written assignments:

  1. Writing: Written in academic English
  2. Focus: Focus only on the tasks set in the assignment.
  3. Document format: Essay
  4. Cover sheet: For each assignment provide a clear title, course, and name or ID number on a cover sheet
  5. Reference List: using Harvard referencing throughout.
  6. Research: Research should use reliable and relevant sources of information e.g. academic books and journals that have been peer reviewed. The research should be extensive.
  7. Text: Size 12, Times New Roman font

Assessment 1: 1000 words (+/- 10%).

Assessment 2: 2000 words (+/- 10%).

These assignments address the following Learning Outcomes:

  • LO1: Set short term and long-range goals and to design an appropriate plan of study
  • LO2: Identify techniques for building comprehension and retention
  • LO3: Acquire knowledge of learning strategies and techniques to improve memory retention and understanding how people learn
  • LO4: Use of library information and media service
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