0 - 45
45 – 49 (MARGINAL)
50 - 59
60 - 69
70 - 79
80 - 100
1. Identifies the macro /micro context for the proposed research and presents a clear rationale for its pursuit.
The context and current issues are not identified leading to no clear research objectives.
The context and current issues are partially identified, leading to objectives that are inappropriate or imprecise.
The context and current issues are sufficiently identified and expressed, but lacks clarity in some
areas, leading to an adequate but somewhat loose identification of research objectives.
The context and current issues are clearly identified and scoped, leading to the identification of appropriate research objectives.
The context and current issues are unambiguously identified, scoped and prioritized, leading to well framed research objectives.
The context and current issues identified are theoretically grounded. Factual data are well used to iterate the scenario that leads to precisely framed research objectives.
2. The research objectives / hypothesis are /is clear and precisely framed.
Incomplete, lacking in
originality Not available
Poorly articulated, and not enough originality
Articulated and expressed but lacks clarity in some areas
Clearly articulated and expressed
Fully articulated and well expressed
Original, clearly articulated and well expressed
3. Critically review and synthesize the relevant literature on the subject area.
Not identified
Partially addressed, although insufficient theory considered and this was not integrated. Opinion based
Satisfactory range of literature considered, analysis has some critical focus and is integrated with the literature
A good range literature considered and comprehensively utilised
Critical application and critique of concepts with evidence of breadth and depth of literature reviewed and integrated
Outstanding Critical application and critique of concepts with evidence of breadth and depth of literature reviewed and integrated
4. Potential weaknesses wrt to the literature review are fully recognised
Not identified
Partially identified and opinion based
Identified with some critical focus
Clearly identified with critical focus and well articulated
Fully articulated and identified with a clear focus tentative solutions.
Fully articulated and identified with a clear focus and innovative solutions.
Inadequate presentation with inconsistent referencing and muddled structure inappropriate writing style
Poor presentation inconsistent referencing and citations and unclear structure and/or inappropriate writing style
Satisfactory referencing. Reasonably structured and clear, reasonably fluent writing style.
Clear, accurate and consistent referencing.
Clear, well linked structure.
Fluently written.
Excellent referencing and clear structure with strong links between sections.
Fluent and convincing.
Outstanding referencing and clear structure with strong links between sections. Fluent and extremely convincing.
What was done well
A key area(s) to improve this assignment