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Assignment Briefs 12-15-2022

Critical understanding of health needs of a diverse population and a consideration of how wider socio-political and economic issues influence how health services are planned

Assignment Brief

Health Services Planning and Management ASS134-3

Key assignment details

Unit title & code

Health Services Planning and Management ASS134-3

Assignment number and title

Two: Poster and Presentation

Assignment type

Individual Academic Poster Presentation

Weighting of assignment


Size or length of assessment

1000 words and 10 minute presentation

Unit learning outcomes

  1. Demonstrate the following knowledge and understanding

Critical understanding of health needs of a diverse population and a consideration of how wider socio-political and economic issues influence how health services are planned, resourced and organized effectively to address those needs.

2. Demonstrate the following skills and abilities

Evidence of good project management skills in planning, leading and delivering a health service strategy that is cost effective, timely and qualitative.


What am I required to do in this assignment?

  1. Students are required to design an academic poster (not a Power-point set of slides) on a specific existing national or international health service issue.
  2. Students are required to identify a health service where there is a gap in that service’s provision that results in unmet

needs. This can be a statutory service or a non-Government service

  1. Students are encouraged to choose from any of the topics that have been explored in the unit in order to express what this unmet need is e.g. workforce challenge, leadership, funding, technological delivery etc.
  2. The task requires that students provide some justification for their choice of service and the unmet need, including research of other services that provide a similar service and how your project places you well in a competitive healthcare market.
  3. Students need to demonstrate knowledge of the use of tools and technology skills you will use to improve the service and mitigate the gap you have identified.
  4. Students must include methods or models taught in the unit and how you will use them to guide, implement and evaluate your proposed change.


You need to submit your poster electronically via BREO. The presentation should include a full list of references in accordance with the Harvard Referencing guidelines.

Students will be required to support the submission with a 10 minute presentation of the ideas underpinning their design and this will be followed by an opportunity for questions from the audience (from your peers and tutors); to which the student must respond.

A schedule for the poster presentation sessions will be announced later in the unit and these will take place as advertised on BREO in the week immediately after the electronic submission of the academic poster.

Students are encouraged to discuss their proposed choices with your tutor prior to designing the poster. The poster must incorporate the following:

  • Title of the poster
  • Introduction /Description of the existing health service issue/unmet needs.
  • Evidence of research identifying rationale for design (this may include what similar competitors may be doing)
  • Proposed plan for improvement (including methodology/models)
  • A plan for stakeholder involvement and dissemination
  • A brief evaluation strategy that will show how the new improved service is performing
  • Reference List: Not more than 10 references (of which 6 must be academic references and must include a reference to the core text).

Sessions on poster design and samples of effective posters will be explored to support your submission.

What do I need to do to pass? (Threshold Expectations from UIF)

To pass Assessment 2, the student will need to

  • Identify a gap in the current provision of a health service in relation to addressing a specific need.
  • Demonstrate the use of analytical tools and methodology when developing new or improving quality of services.
  • Demonstrate the use of technology for gathering and analysis of data.
  • Identify the competitors and their activities which may have an impact on the new or improved services.
  • Establish how the new or improved services will be evaluated to understand the degree of success or need for change.
  • Demonstrate skills in designing and presenting an academic poster.
  • Your poster needs to be realistic and evidence based.
  • Include not more than 10 references of which 6 must be academic references including the core reading.

How do I produce high quality work that merits a good grade?


This section is to be left blank and completed by the students in an in-class Assessment Dialogue.

The assessment brief is discussed during an in-class session with students, explaining the assessment, the rubric and marking criteria. recording link – getting a good grade. 



How does this assignment relate to what we are doing in scheduled sessions?


From Week Seven lectures will cover specific topics that are linked to your assignment

Each week seminars will include activities related to health services planning and management. You will be expected to undertake reading of the core text and guided text.

You will be encouraged to undertake research as part of your learning activities on aspects that relate to the assignment.


How will my assignment be marked?

Your assignment will be marked according to the threshold expectations and the criteria on the following page. You can use them to evaluate your own work and consider your grade before you submit. Critical understanding of health needs of a diverse population and a consideration of how wider socio-political and economic issues influence how health services are planned


70%+ (Ist Class)

60-69% (2:1)

50-59% (2:2)

40-49% (3rd


Threshold Standard

30-39% (Fail)

0-29% (Fail)




Originality of the health service unmet needs


The health service was well described, and unmet needs clearly identified comprehensively. The idea for the improved service is sound and novel and of wider reading.

The health service was well described, and unmet needs clearly identified explicitly.

However, the rationale for the improvement could have been clearer.

The health service was described, and unmet needs identified but the improvement identified lacks coherence. E.g it does not really match the

There is an attempt to describe the health service and present an unmet need/needs but a clear improvement idea is difficult to identify

A health service has been identified but the unmet need is not clearly out-lined and improvement idea does not have a rationale or is not realistic

A specific health service and unmet need is very vague or has not been identified.

There is no clear rationale.




70%+ (Ist Class)

60-69% (2:1)

50-59% (2:2)

40-49% (3rd


Threshold Standard

30-39% (Fail)

0-29% (Fail)




unmet need identified






















Data Analysis/Gathering and theorical framework (20%)

There is evidence that a wide range of credible sources have been used to inform the service under consideration and the analysis of sources is rigorous . An appropriate theoretical framework has been considered to underpin the design c

Referencing is of an excellent standard and 6 or more academic sources, including the core text, have been used to inform the design of the poster.

There is evidence that a good range of credible sources have been used to inform the service under consideration and the analysis is good but lacks criticality, An appropriate theoretical framework has been considered to underpin the design but its explanation could have been made more relevant to the service under consideration.


Referencing is of a good standard and at least 6 academic sources, including the core text, have been used to inform the design of the poster

There is evidence that some sources have been used to inform the service under consideration but some of the analysis is largely descriptive and lacks rigor. A theoretical framework has been considered to underpin the design but it does not seem appropriate to explain the service under consideration. Identify a gap in the current provision of a health service in relation to addressing a specific need


Referencing is of a fair standard but not at least 6 academic sources, including the core text, have not been used to inform the design of the poster. Some sources are generic online sources

There are very few sources used to underpin the data gathering process. Analysis is barely present and the theoretical framework, although present, has not been explored to any depth.

Referencing may be incorrect or poorly formatted.

Although at least 6 academic sources, including the core text, generic online sources dominate the design

There is limited evidence of sources used to underpin data gathering. There is little analysis and there is no clear presentation or demonstration of understanding of a theoretical framework.

Referencing is mainly incorrect and the required number of academic sources has not been met, although there may be mention of at least one of the core texts. There is an over-reliance on online sources

There is very limited evidence of sources used in the data gathering process. There is a lack of understanding of theoretical framework.

Referencing is very poor and there is a lack of reference to academic sources and/or core text



Presentation Skills (20%)Weighting 20%

The presenter used excellent pitch, engaged the audience, and presented to a professional

The presenter was clearly audibly. throughout the presentation and

made use of

The presenter was audible throughout the presentation but there was

evidence of lack

There was some evidence of preparation for the presentation,

but the

There is little evidence of preparation for the presentation.

The presenter

There was very little evidence of preparation for the presentation.

The presenter



70%+ (Ist Class)

60-69% (2:1)

50-59% (2:2)

40-49% (3rd


Threshold Standard

30-39% (Fail)

0-29% (Fail)


standard. The audio-visual aids were well prepared and used effectively. The presentation ran expertly to time.

audio-visual aids to increase effectiveness of the presentation.

The presentation was well paced and ran well with the allocated time.

of planning or incorporation of the poster content in the presentation.

presenter was mostly confused and or inaudible during the presentation.

Time was under used/ overly used with presentation exceeding the allocated time.

lacked coherence and relied mainly on a script. They were inaudible at times and either finished their presentation early or it was incomplete due to over-running of time

s29emed to lack knowledge of their work and lacked coherence. It was difficult to understand at times with much of the presentation being disjointed.

Presentation time was under or over used







Ability to respond to comments during presentation (20%)

Student handles question effectively and responses were very detailed, articulate and though- provoking.

Information was well communicated effectively.

There were good responses to the questions asked and the

presenter’s arguments were sound with good coherence.

However, some responses lacked the use of detailed information in responding to questions asked.

The presenter was able to respond to the questions asked but explanation was mostly unclear with poor choices of words used

The presenter was able to respond to questions but was unfocused without coherence.

The presenter was able to respond to only one or two questions, but the responses were vague

The presenter was unable to provide relative responses to questions and lacked coherence








Design and structure of poster ensuring relevance (20%)

All elements of the poster were excellently addressed. The structure, design and content were relevant and explicitly presented to a high standard.

All elements of the poster were well addressed. The poster was well structured, and relevance was evident but lacks focus. The ideas were coherently linked to the needs of the service presented.

Most elements of the poster were present but one or more tasks were not well addressed. The poster had some good structure, but some contents lacked relevance to meet the needs of the services.

Elements of the poster were present but some tasks may have been omitted. There is little evidence of appropriate structure, but content of the poster lacks relevance.

Many of the tasks required were absent and the Poster lacked logical structure and relevance

The Poster was poorly designed, lacking in coherence and flow making it difficult to follow.


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