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AC 1.1 Define the term ‘Professional’ and explain the requirements of a People Professional
You must include both long and short references
You should make reference to the case study where possible in your answers
You should use relevant theory where possible in your answers
TASK ONE. Presentation Pack (2,250 words)
This must be submitted as a PowerPoint presentation slide deck file, with the majority of the narrative in the notes section under each slide. Slides should be used for visuals and brief bullet points. Add the AC to each slide. Please also submit the appropriate Learner Assessment Brief.
AC 1.1 Define the term ‘Professional’ and explain the requirements of a People Professional
KEY FOCUS AREA. Provide a definition of ‘Professional’ (supported by references). Write it from your own view and experience (how being a People Professional makes you feel; what you believe is important as far as behaviours , ways of working , what you do and how you do it)
AC 1.2 To help explain what is meant by ethical values, give at least three examples of your own personal values and how this affects how you work and develop working relationships
KEY FOCUS AREA. This is about you defining ethical values and identifying at least 3 personal (ethical) values with a clear explanation of how these shape what you do and how you do it as a People Professional
AC 1.3 Drawing on work or personal examples, analyse:
1) How you could have contributed to discussions to ensure people practices are applied.
2) How you can effectively communicate to engage and influence others.
KEY FOCUS AREA. Good communication is key to your success – as a person and as a People Professional. Communication is a well-defined process of sharing different information, ideas, feelings, etc. between two or more people. The more competent you are at communication the more influence, credibility, and impact you will have as a People Professional.
Use the first person ‘I’ and draw on your own experience. Use two clear sub-headings.
Sub-heading 1 - Contributing to discussions.
Provide an example of how you did this. Examples could be, being well informed, courageous in speaking up and championing better work and working lives (quoting the CIPD).
Sub-heading 2 - Effective communication to engage and influence others
Provide an example of how you did this. Models of communication, including VAK (Visual, Audio and Kinaesthetic) and Mehrabian
For both scenarios focus on things like : Adapting content and style to audience / importance of your voice - volume, tone & pace etc. / Questioning – open / Probing / Clarifying etc… / Active listening skills (Covey’s 5 levels of listening) / Appropriate and varied body language (culturally appropriate) / Skills of: summarising, presentation influencing. AC 1.1 Define the term ‘Professional’ and explain the requirements of a People Professional
AC 1.4 Reflect on how you have taken responsibility for your work / actions, including recognising and rectifying mistakes
KEY FOCUS AREA. Mistakes teach us what doesn`t work and encourages us to create new ways of thinking and doing. Creativity and innovation are a mindset where mistakes are viewed as educational challenges. This shift in mindset can provide positive energy for discovering something new and better. Mistakes also give us the experience to make ourselves stronger than before.
This assignment question is a Personal Reflective Exercise (use first person ‘I’). Write about your experiences of taking responsibility as well as making, and learning from, your mistakes. Answer the follow questions to help you with this task:
AC 1.5 Drawing upon work or personal examples, recognise when and how you might raise issues with situations such as organisational policies or the approach to leadership that conflict with legislation or ethical values
KEY FOCUS AREA. Raising Issues – speaking up and being confident, using evidenced based approach to raise issues relating to organisational policy, leadership approach, ethical values or issues surrounding compliance with legislation. The conflict may arise from organisational policies or practices, leadership style or conflict between individuals
AC 2.1 Drawing on relevant theory, provide a robust (qawiun) argument that includes both the business and human benefits of people at work feeling included, valued and that they are being treated fairly.
KEY FOCUS AREA. When employees appreciate how their individual work helps to advance goals they support and find meaningful, they will likely be more engaged, more motivated, and more likely to perform at a high level.
You must discuss a theory here, relevant theories are - Maslow’s ‘Hierarchy of Needs’, McClelland ‘3 Needs’ Daniel Pink ‘3 elements of motivation’
AC 2.2 Identify a people practice initiative that has been put in place in response to some form of internal or external feedback and set out the purpose of this initiative
KEY FOCUS AREA. This is about some changes to an existing People Practice or introduction of a new People Practice as a result of feedback – it is NOT about line managers / leaders providing feedback to their team members etc…
For this question you do not need to design the solution . If you’re struggling with this answer, think about any examples where:
Managers / Leaders have provided feedback to HR about a particular People Practice (e.g., recruitment, onboarding, performance management etc…) which has resulted in a change. Explain what the issue was.
The introduction of new HR technology, e-HR etc. because of feedback. Tell the story. What is the issue? Who provided the feedback? What was the outcome (faster, more efficient/cost effective etc…?) AC 1.1 Define the term ‘Professional’ and explain the requirements of a People Professional
AC 2.3 Explain how you would evaluate the impact of this initiative paying particular attention to levels of engagement within the organisation. This task should lead on from AC 2.2
KEY FOCUS AREA. This section leads on from the previous task AC2.2. You should include detail of how to identify areas that may be impacted by the solution (initiative) and examples of how to evaluate impact, including how the solution meets the needs of and engages those it was aimed at.
Provide examples of HOW the impact of the initiative could be evaluated: for example, at the following levels: Individual / Departmental / Organisational.
Make sure you have provided a minimum of two specific methods such as: INFORMAL – chats, opinions etc…FORMAL – specific HR metrics / SLA’s, Surveys / Discussions / Research / Metrics
Explain how employee engagement was improved and needs were met.
You must include both long and short references
You should make reference to the case study where possible in your answers
You should use relevant theory where possible in your answers
TASK TWO. A CPD portfolio including a Personal Development plan and record of your learning (1,000 words)
ACTIVITY 1 The Context of Professional Development
AC 3.1 The Context of Professional Development
KEY FOCUS AREA. How is the role of a People Professional evolving? How is this evolution of People Professionals impacting on CPD? What are the key characteristics of a good-practice CPD?
You must type into both sections on Learner Assessment brief.
Explain the concept of Continuous Professional Development (CPD)
Explain how the role of People Professional is evolving
Identify a minimum of 1 example of an implication the role evolving has on CPD
N.B you must include narrative in both sections of AC3.1
ACTIVITY 2 We advise you complete “Task 1 – Self Assessment against Professional map standards” (pages 8,9 and 10) first and fill in your tables before attempting the rest of the narrative sections. Make sure you complete the ‘reason for judgement’ column.
AC 3.2 Self-Assessment
Undertake a self-assessment against the following three CIPD Profession Map core behaviours, at associate level: Ethical Practice, Valuing People, and Working Inclusively. Assess your strengths, weaknesses and development areas based on self-assessment and feedback from others (Tables, narrative, and Appendix 2 PLAN )
KEY FOCUS AREA. The first stage of your CPD should be to understand where you’ve come from, where you are and where you want to be.
Using the standards from the CIPD Professional Map, carry out a self-assessment of your competency as per the Task brief (fill in the tables on page 8, 9 and 10)
Add narrative to the sections on the Learner Assessment brief:
From this Self-assessment, plus other forms of feedback:
Identify your strengths – provide a minimum of 2 examples
Identify your weaknesses – provide a minimum of 2 examples
Identify a minimum of 3 examples of your personal development objectives (also add these to your Professional Development Plan - Appendix 2 page 15)
AC 2.4 Reflect on your own approach to working inclusively and building positive working relationships with others
KEY FOCUS AREA. Inclusion makes people and business sense. As human beings, we should always be looking to support each other – diversity and inclusion brings variety, new thinking, fresh ideas. People Professionals should be positive role models and champions of building inclusive and positive working relationships.
Write in the first person (‘I’)
Provide 1 example of your approach to working inclusively
Provide 1 example of your approach to building positive relationships
Your reflections need to focus on what you did, and the skills and behaviours demonstrated.
You need to combine good theory on inclusivity AND building positive relationships with others with your own direct experience of what you practically do.
How do you demonstrate that you value people? You embrace diversity? How do you Build trust? Provide support? Seek opportunities to work collaboratively? AC 1.1 Define the term ‘Professional’ and explain the requirements of a People Professional
AC 3.3. Self-Assessment – Formulate a range of formal and / or informal continuing professional development (CPD) activities to support your learning journey
(Narrative and Appendix 2 PLAN page 15)
KEY FOCUS AREA. Consider how you can meet these development objectives, to complete your PDP. Consider the range of learning opportunities available to you and for each development objective decide on the most appropriate initiative to support your learning journey.
AC 3.4. Assessing the impact of your learning and CPD. (Narrative and Appendix 2 RECORD page 16)
KEY FOCUS AREA. Think about and capture the impacts, covering positive as well as negative. What was the impact on you, your team, your colleagues, your customers, your stakeholders, the organisation, or your department? To support this assessment, you will need to complete a record of your learning for the last 12 months
Use appendix 2 to answer this task
You must provide examples of a minimum of 4 impacts (2 of each).
Positive impacts may include h igher productivity and efficiency. Ability to add value to the organisation. Increased confidence and self-esteem from enhanced competence.
Negative impacts may include Impact on work life balance. Losing motivation for old workflows in favour of newly developed skills.
Make sure you have covered some discussion of the impact your learning has had on the following: You (the learner). Colleagues. Customers. Stakeholders. Your department. Your organisation.
Final last checks before you submit your work. Tick as completed .
Any boxes you do not tick could result in a serious delay to the marking of your reports, or result in a refer grade. AC 1.1 Define the term ‘Professional’ and explain the requirements of a People Professional.
You must submit your assessments as a Word document or PowerPoint Slides (as appropriate). The Learner Assessment Brief will clearly explain the format you need to use. Is the correct format used?
When a PowerPoint presentation is included, this must be accompanied by the signed Learner Assessment Brief – full and clear instructions are provided on this in the Brief. LAB included?
The CIPD Membership Number must be completed and included in the Learner Assessment Brief together with your name and Cohort Number.
The ‘wet’ signature and date of submission must be included in every Learner Assessment Brief
If submitting a PPT, your main narrative should be in the note’s pages under each slide
All PPT slides should clearly state the AC number (Assessment Criteria) to which each respond.
You must include your name, Cohort and unit on the first slide of a PPT presentation
Assessment Criteria Evidence Checklists must be completed for every Learner Assessment Brief - just repeat the example already given (do not put long references here)
Have you included both your long and short references? Are these in the right place?
Have you checked your word count? You are allowed 10% + or 10% - the indicative word count.
Have you calculated your PPT word count using our preferred system? (NB. you are allowed +30% on PPT).
Have you recorded your wordcount in the correct place in the LAB? AC 1.1 Define the term ‘Professional’ and explain the requirements of a People Professional
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