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Recent Papers 05-31-2022

Identifying suitable brownfield sites in Lisburn city that could be regenerated to provide affordable homes


You have recently gained employment, as an Assistant to the Environmental Manager for a large general contracting firm. 

While they have identified a range of different ways to address sustainability, they have tasked you with compiling a report on ‘The importance of sustainability for construction’ in relation to the following scenario.

The company has recently been successful in joining a framework of contractors to provide sustainable city centre living in Lisburn City Centre.

The concept – a development of affordable homes in Lisburn City to meet the growing needs of the Lisburn population and to encourage City Centre Living as part of the Lisburn City Centre Masterplan 2019-2023,

WST148_Lisburn_Masterplan_Update_Final_Approved_02_reduced.pdf (

As part of the company’s drive to address sustainability you have been asked to identifying suitable brownfield sites in Lisburn that could be regenerated to provide sustainable and affordable homes.


Completed report to include;

  1. a statement identifying the proposed construction project which is.

identifying suitable brownfield sites in Lisburn city that could be regenerated to provide affordable homes”

identify the best site solution for the construction project include the following.

  1. Desk top research of 5 sites – google images, explanation of site, location etc
  2. 5 site appraisals completed on walk over surveys
  3. Choose a suitable site and highlight the benefits of the proposed site with reference to its suitability for the housing development and surrounding areas
  4. Include a location map of the site with the site highlighted in red.
  5. Identify the zoning of the site from the Lisburn City Centre Masterplan

Detail the housing development

  1. The concept – a development of affordable homes in Lisburn City to meet the growing needs of the Lisburn population and to encourage City Centre Living as part of the LISBURN CITY CENTRE MASTERPLAN REVIEW
  2. Look at what the masterplan says about encouraging city centre living, page 19 and include this
  3. Pros and Cons of a housing development in the city
  4. Local existing Provision -
  5. Justification of project -
  6. Initial sketches/ concepts/ inspirations for design –

Factors that influence the design process

Client Requirements - this is a specification of the housing

  • Building Use,
  • Spatial requirements
  • Function
  • Sustainability and energy efficiency

Chosen Site Constraints/Considerations – These are all based on the site you have chosen

  • Neighbouring structures
  • Residents/Businesses
  • Traffic
  • Access
  • Ground conditions/contamination

Statutory Constraints – General points for any construction project

  • Planning constraints
  • CDM Regs 2015
  • Building Regs
  • Disability Discrimination Act

Environmental Constraints

  • Air
  • Water
  • Noise
  • Sustainable development
  • Wildlife and Countryside
  • Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)      

Social Constraints

  • wider interest in or opposition to a project.
  • Public concern and media pressure
  • Projects funded using public money are often subject to social constraints, as there tends to be greater interest in cost escalations, delays and so on, such as in the case of high speed 2 (HS2), or London’s Garden Bridge proposal which have caused much controversy.         

Economic Constraints

  • Cost planning – budget
  • Time
  • Funds private/public
  • Land prices
  • Life cycle costs 

21-22 Pearson Theme: Ethics in Construction

21-22 Topic: The Importance of Sustainability for Construction.

What is sustainability in general terms

Why does the construction industry need to be sustainable?

Drivers for sustainable construction

How can the construction industry be more sustainable? Relate to your scenario of the city centre housing

Prepare presentation – see separate guidance

Pass Criteria Bibliography


M1 Explain why the project specification is of fundamental importance to a successful project outcome.

M2 Section 2 - Project Management Plan - development of plan through project showing updates and final plan using Microsoft Project

M2/M3 Section 3 - Project Logbook - updates of logbook from students using standard form

M4 Section 4 - Presentation - copy of slides, observation record sheet, presentation notes

D1 Evaluate the relationship between project identification, feasibility and planning on the time and resources for the project.

D2 Section 5 - Performance Review (for D2)

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