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Assignment Briefs 12-24-2022

AC 11.1: Explain the relationship between resilience and mental wellbeing.

Explain the relationship between resilience and mental wellbeing.

You also need to discuss common strategies that can be used to build resilience.


Your answer should be written in paragraphs which flow; it is therefore recommended that you plan your answer before you start to write it.

Relevant theory must be referenced where appropriate and a references list provided at the end of your answer.

Your answer should be a maximum of 500 words in length.

This word limit is the absolute maximum you are permitted. If you are over the word limit for this assignment in any way you will receive your assignment back without further comment or feedback.

Assessment Criteria

  • AC 11.1: Explain the relationship between resilience and mental wellbeing.
  • AC 11.4: Discuss common strategies that can be used to build resilience.

You need to produce a table that includes the following:
• Identify three factors that can negatively impact on an individual’s wellbeing.
• An outline of the strategies that can be used to reduce the impact of these factors and improve an individual’s wellbeing.


Relevant theory must be referenced where appropriate and a references list provided at the end of your table.

The table should be a maximum of 250 words in length.

This word limit is the absolute maximum you are permitted. If you are over the word limit for this assignment in any way you will receive your assignment back without further comment or feedback.Assessment Criteria

  • AC 11.2: Identify three factors that could negatively impact an individual’s wellbeing.
  • AC 11.3: Outline strategies that could be used to reduce the impact of these factors and improve wellbeing.

Hubert is the main carer for his wife who has Multiple Sclerosis. He works full time in a local garage and looks after their two children. The eldest child is in the final year of GCSEs and their youngest child has recently started secondary school. Hubert is a positive person but sometimes finds it difficult to cope. Recently, he has become impatient with his children and rude towards customers at work.

You need to write an essay that includes the following:
• An explanation of the difference between emotions and feelings using examples to highlight the differences.
• A discussion about the positive and negative responses Hubert may have to his situation in relation to his feelings and emotions.
• Outline two different strategies that Hubert could use to manage his emotions and feelings better.
• An analysis of the psychological and physiological impact of stress on Hubert’s mental health and wellbeing.

In order to advise Hubert about methods and strategies that he could use to manage and maintain his mental wellbeing, you need to evaluate the following:
• Mindfulness
• Exercise
• Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

You also need to analyse the following in relation to supporting mental health and how these types of support could be of benefit to him:
• Friends and family
• A local service to your location provided by the NHS


The essay should be written in paragraphs which flow; it is therefore recommended that you plan your essay before you start to write it.

Review the definitions of assessment verbs in the unit 2 study materials, in particular ‘evaluate’ and ‘analyse’.

Remember to consider areas such as cost, time available, and waiting lists when advising Hubert about methods, strategies and support that is available to him.

Relevant theory must be referenced where appropriate and a references list provided at the end of the essay.

The essay should be a maximum of 1250 words in length.

This word limit is the absolute maximum you are permitted. If you are over the word limit for this assignment in any way you will receive your assignment back without further comment or feedback.

Assessment Criteria

  • AC 21.1: Explain the difference between emotions and feelings using examples.
  • AC 21.2: For a given scenario discuss positive and negative responses.
  • AC 21.3: Outline strategies that could be used to manage emotions and feelings that could arise in the given scenario.
  • AC 21.4: Analyse the psychological and physiological impact of stress on mental health and wellbeing.
  • AC 31.1: Evaluate three strategies or methods that can be used to manage and maintain mental wellbeing.
  • AC 31.2: Analyse the types of support available from various individuals, agencies, and organisations responsible for supporting mental health.
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